Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Chapter Text Chapter 2: Chapter 2 Chapter Text Chapter 3: Chapter 3 Chapter Text Chapter 4: Chapter 4 Chapter Text Chapter 5: Chapter 5 Chapter Text Chapter 6: Chapter 6 Chapter Text Chapter 7: Chapter 7 Chapter Text Chapter 8: Chapter 8 Chapter Text Chapter 9: Chapter 9 Chapter Text Chapter 10: Chapter 10 Chapter Text Chapter 11: Chapter 11 Chapter Text Chapter 12: Chapter 12 Chapter Text Chapter 13: Chapter 13 Chapter Text Chapter 14: Chapter 14 Chapter Text Chapter 15: Chapter 15 Chapter Text Chapter 16: Chapter 16 Chapter Text Chapter 17: Chapter 17 Chapter Text Chapter 18: Chapter 18 Chapter Text Chapter 19: Chapter 19 Chapter Text Chapter 20: Chapter 20 Chapter Text Chapter 21: Chapter 21 Chapter Text Chapter 22: Chapter 22 Chapter Text Chapter 23: Chapter 23 Chapter Text Chapter 24: Chapter 24 Chapter Text Chapter 25: Chapter 25 Chapter Text Chapter 26: Chapter 26 Chapter Text Chapter 27: Chapter 27 Chapter Text Chapter 28: Chapter 28 Chapter Text Chapter 29: Chapter 29 Chapter Text Chapter 30: Chapter 30 Chapter Text Chapter 31: Chapter 31 Chapter Text Chapter 32: Chapter 32 Chapter Text Chapter 33: Chapter 33 Chapter Text Chapter 34: Chapter 34 Chapter Text Chapter 35: Chapter 35 Chapter Text Chapter 36: Chapter 36 Chapter Text Chapter 37: Chapter 37 Chapter Text Chapter 38: Chapter 38 Chapter Text Chapter 39: Chapter 39 Chapter Text Chapter 40: Chapter 40 Chapter Text Chapter 41: Omake (幼馴染): Childhood Friend Chapter Text Chapter 42: Chapter 41 Chapter Text Chapter 43: Chapter 42 Chapter Text Chapter 44: Chapter 43 Chapter Text Chapter 45: Chapter 44 Chapter Text Chapter 46: Chapter 45 Chapter Text Chapter 47: Omake (守りたい): Always Chapter Text Chapter 48: Owari (終わり): The End Chapter Text

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

You close your textbook as your college professor dismissed the class. It's a Friday afternoon; and while everyone rejoices over the long awaited weekend you—instead—head onto your next task. Tutoring; that's right. You are a math tutor for a high school boy by the name of Itadori Yuji. You inadvertently stumbled upon a listing about a year ago; one which was tacked on a bulletin board somewhere on campus. This boys grandfather noticed that he seemed to be struggling in mathematics and was desperate to find help; and you, you were desperate for money.

As you make your way out of the classroom, your hand fishes for the vibrating phone in your bag. The device had been buzzing violently for the past 30 minutes or longer. You scoff when you see the new nickname your boyfriend had given himself last week; when he seemingly got ahold of your phone without your knowledge.

Incoming Call
Gojo Satoru (五条悟)

"Yes?" Your voice is thick with annoyance.

"Is that anyway to greet yourfuture husband? And why haven't you answered any of my calls?"

"You know I was in class, Satoru! How many times do I need to remind you? Look, I don't have a lot of time to talk. I'm running late. What do you need?"

"I thought you said we were going to meet up for a dessert date?"

You click your tongue. Grumbling is the last thing you'd rather do, but your boyfriend has the memory of a goldfish and you grow tired of it; the constant reminders never seem to end.

"Did you forgetagain?! I said I would meet you afterwards!"

"Oh. Right.I think you did say something like that...............What's that kids name again?"

"Oh my god..." You pause and then you speak again "Satoru! His name is Yuji! Itadori Yuji! How do you keep forgetting?! I've been tutoring him for an entire year already!"

"Someone's grumpy.~" he coos, "Don't worry I miss you too.~"

Gojo Satoru; the man you've been dating for the past ten years. The two of you had known each other since childhood. He was a man who came from a long lineage of wealth. His family was not fond of you and also disapproved—and still probably does—the relationship. They felt he should be more suited with someone of the same status; someone from the upper class. However, Gojo Satoru was—and still is—never one to obey any of his families orders. He never once heeded their warnings. He knew he could get away with anything he desired. After all, he is the first in years to be born with a gifted mind. It is something that his family strongly values to keep their business running. The Gojo ménage were at the top of the food chain; and with Satoru's exemplary skills, he's able to keep it that way. And so, his family needs to keep him happy you see; because without him the business would likely fall apart.

Gojo Satoru was a good looking boy throughout his years and still is very handsome to most. Back in his younger days, he had any girl swooning over him at "Hello"; but he never did care for any of thoseothergirls, because he always had his eyes on you. You were his childhood sweetheart. It wasn't until the two of you graduated high school that he decided to make your relationship official. A lot of girls envied you and couldn't quite understand how he could date someone like you knowing he, very well, could likely have any girl he wanted. It wasn't about looks to him though. It's about loyalty; and whether it was his looks or his money, Satoru's incredible intuition always reminded him that all of thoseothergirls only wanted nothing more than to use him.

There were days that he would test you. Days he tried to see if you wanted him just for his money or his looks, but time and time again you proved him wrong; even when the two of you were nothing more than friends. Eventually, he began to fall for you; you were someone who saw past all the superficial aspects of his life and someone who actually cared about him skin deep. You were one-of-kind, rare. Someone like you was hard to come by these days. And so, you were someone he would and could never let go of; he knew this for a fact.

"I'll call you when I'm done." is the last thing you say before you end the call. You groan and toss your phone back into the bag before the trek begins.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (1)

"Alright, any other questions?" You ask the pink-haired boy while gathering your belongings.

"Mmmmmm..." The boy twists his lips. He places a finger and thumb to his chin while furrowing his brows. He tries to think of any thing to ask—related or unrelated. He then returns his hand to his side before grinning, "No. I think that's it. Thanks again (L/N) sensei!"

You smile and ruffle his hair "No problem, Yuji. I'll see you next week."

You sling the strap of your bag over your shoulder and Yuji walks you out—like he always did any time you came over. You had been tutoring him in math for the last year; it wasn't exactly the part-time job you wanted but many other employers, unfortunately, could not accommodate your busy schedule; and your outstanding balance from school loans left you no other choice. You honestly hate teaching, but after spending time with Yuji and seeing how great of a kid he s, it kind of grew on you—he kind of grew on you.

"Leaving already?" a familiar voice rings out.

Once half out the door you turn around to meet the eyes of an elderly man, "Itadori-San! And yes, I' am on my way out."

"How many times do I need to tell you?" He chuckles, "Please call me, Wasuke. The hours sure do pass quickly."

Itadori Wasuke, Yuji's grandfather, a gentle and kind soul. He is the boys only guardian. Wasuke practically raised Yuji himself. You didn't know much about the pink-haired boys parents but you weren't one to pry about personal topics.

"Yes sir!" You beam, "It sure does."

"Here's your payment for next month. Thank you for your hard work and helping my grandson."

You take the envelope and shove it into your bag, "Thank you, Wasuke! But Yuji's the hard worker here!"

Yuji grins and throws a hand behind his head, "It's all thanks to you, (L/N) sensei."

"Alright, don't forget to study what we went over today, okay? I'll quiz you next time. So I'll know if you didn't!" You reach out to ruffle Yuji's hair again before turning to leave.

"Wait!" the boy shouts while chasing after you, "I have a favor to ask you."

You turn around once more, "What's up, kiddo?"

He scratches the side of his head and he looks away, "I know you're really busy, but I have a friend that might need some help in math too and I was wondering... if you could tutor him... also... that would be great."

You hum a disgruntled hum. There's no chance in hell—but wait—you weigh the options. You really didn't want to add anymore onto your list, however, at the same time the extra money sounds good. You sigh, "Uhm....."

"Pleeeeasse?" the boy begs.

There's no way you could say no now. Not to those puppy-dog-eyes, "Alright! Fine! But only because it's you asking!"

"Really?? Thanks sensei! You're the best!" Yuji's eyes gape with joy. He quickly digs into the pocket of his hoodie and then he hands you a severely crumpled piece of paper, "Here's his address and phone number. He said it's okay to text him. He doesn't live too far from here."

You snatch the note from the boys hand and then you turn around to leave, "I expect an A on your upcoming math quiz."

Yuji grins, "No promises!"

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (2)

"You're going to tutor another kid?" Your boyfriend asks as he continues to spoon the sweet meringue into his mouth.

"Well, I mean, I don't know..." you sigh. How long have you been twirling the spoon in the hot matcha? Too long, "I could use the extra money."

The posh cafe in which the two of you sat is one the both of you frequented on most nights. The time is dusk; and the residual sun left the sky a deep navy with a hint of orange bleeding right at the horizon. The live-music plays softly and the string-lights across the bistro set an romantic ambiance.

"I don't think you should do it." He replies as if he gave it no consideration, "I hardly get to see you. You're just making even less time for me now."

"Oh, please! Speak for yourself. You're always on your business trips for days on end." You roll your eyes and plant your cheek onto the palm of your hand, "It's not always about you, you know? I have obligations. I have things to take care of. Bills to pay."

"I offered to help you pay for your school bills, did I not? You keep refusing my help." The white-haired male places his spoon down, "And I can't help it. Work is work."

"Exactly. Work is work." You furrow your brows, "I don't need your help. This is something I need to take care of on my own. Plus, you already know my reasons..."

Yes, having Satoru help you take care of your loans would be more than helpful. It would relieve your time constraints, your work load and also your stress. It's not that you wouldn't allow him to pay for anything. He always took care of the tab anytime you guys dined out. You've offered to pay on multiple occasions but he believed that it was a mans job and so you allowed him to thrive in the chivalry. But accepting hundreds and thousands of dollars was out of the question. It was one thing being called a gold-digger by his family but it was another if you actually played the part; even if that was far from the case.

"I don't know why you care so much about what they think about you." Satoru huffs and leans back in his seat, "You don't need to worry about them. Haven't I proven that enough?"

"That's not the point. It's about moral principle."

After ten years, you could careless about Satoru's family. But you meant what you said. There's just something about achieving your goals on your own that would be much more self satisfying. The sense of accomplishment after hard work would be much more rewarding versus having things handed down to you without having to lift a finger. This was something you wished your boyfriend understood but he came from a different upbringing. One that didn't require much work with a great pay out. Such is that of the top one percent.

Satoru twists his lips in defeat. He leans and gathers his arms at the table again, "So when do you start tutoring this new kid?"

"If I agree to it. Next week?"

"Boo." He grumbles and gets off the seat to join you on your side, "I guess we better make use of the time we have together then."

Satoru places a hand on your cheek and turns your face towards him before planting a quick kiss onto your lips, "Mmmmmm.....matcha."

"I hear it's your favorite." You say in a cheeky manner.

"You're my favorite." His voice is soft and alluring. He brushes the loose strands of hair behind your ear before bringing you in for a much more amorous kiss.

"Not in public..." you pull away slowly; just enough to still savor his lips, "It's embarrassing..."

As much as he was making you aroused; you didn't care too much for PDA, but the blue-eyed man could care less. He would gladly show you off anytime—anywhere.

"How else am I supposed to let these staring girls know I'm yours?" He begins to leave a trail of kisses across your cheek. He stops when he reaches your ear, "Now how about we go back to your place? There's a lot more of you I want to taste..."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (3)

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Chapter Text

You stand in front of a two-story house several blocks from Yuji's place. The pink-haired boy definitely was not lying when he said it wasn't too far off. You take out the crumpled piece of paper he gave you last week; the one which held his friends address and phone number. You adjust the note before looking up and down from it to make sure the numbers on the paper matched the ones on the number plate in front of you.

You blow out your cheeks and shove the paper into the pocket of your oversized jacket, "Yep. This is it."

You adjust the strap of your bag that was slung around your shoulder and then you knock on the door. Some footsteps could be heard somewhere inside the home and it became increasingly louder the closer it got to the foyer. In a few moments the door swings open and you immediately put out your hand for a proper introduction; at the same time your eyes trail upward to meet the gaze of the man standing before you.

"Hello, I'm...." but you couldn't finish your sentence.

Your eyes slowly trickle down from his face to his torso. Damn this teenager's freaking cut. He definitely did not look like a teenager at all. Saying the guy was rather fit was an understatement. Just what did his diet and routine consist of? The man with the short dark hair gives you a quick once-over and you allowed your eyes (unknowingly) to study him much longer. His tantalizing green eyes reminds you of Satoru's blue ones. You could have sworn music started to play in your head. Were you the only one who could hear this love-making jam?

You're making me so high now
You're everything I'd ever want

The guy had a rather smug look on his face. He smirks, props his arm against the side of the door frame and rests his entire weight against it. He then places his other hand on his hip when he notices you gawking, "It's rude to stare."

His sudden blunt remark wipes away your indecent musing. You hadn't even realized you were literally ogling at him. You close your eyes and retract your hand quickly whilst shaking your head.

"So sorry! I-I didn't mean to! Can we start over?" You open your eyes and again put up your hand to the man you assume is your tutee, "(L/N) (Y/N), the tutor. I believe we spoke on the phone yesterday. You must be Fushiguro Megumi?"

"Toji." He replies and then he looks down at your hand before returning his eyes to your face. His own hands remain unmoving.

"Huh?" At this point you didn't know whether to keep your hand in that position or drop it back down. No matter what you decide, either way, it would be awkward. Of course it's always the good looking men who had no proper etiquette or common courtesy. You scoff internally at his disdainful attitude.

His mind smiles at your unnerving expression. He was enjoying the fact that he made you so nervous.

"My name." The man brings himself to a straight stand and he buries his hands into his pockets, "It's Fushiguro Toji. Megumi's father."

Then it dawned on you. Of course it wasn't Megumi that answered the door. But you also didn't expect his father to look so young either. You gather your hands in front of you and bring yourself to a slight bow, "My apologies, Fushiguro-San. I didn't expect Megumi to have such a young looking father."

He hums; feeling quite delighted from how formal and well-mannered you presented yourself. How far could he push you? This seemingly ingratiating girl?

"Tell me something, miss." He eyes you up and down again as you bring yourself back to a stand, "Do you enjoy wearing such tight clothes when you're tutoring?"

"E-excuse me??" You ask incredulously; feeling completely baffled from the unnecessary question.

How could he have the nerve to even ask someone that at their first meeting? Your clothes hardly seemed tight, nor revealing. Your apprehension to answer the question stuck out like a sore thumb and the green-eyed man could tell. There honestly didn't seem to be anycorrectanswers to give the guy. No matter how you answer, he's likely still going to think your current clothes are inappropriate.

"I'm sorry. Did I stutter?" He says sarcastically. The man leans downward and inches his face closer to your own, "I have a teenage son. I'm sure you can figure out the rest."

"I..." you didn't know what to say but your hands began to move on their own and did the only thing you thought was best to do. You begin to zip up your jacket to cover your body.

Toji laughs inwardly at the sight of your subservient behavior; and all without him even asking you to do such a thing. Did you really need this job that badly? He figured anyone else would have ran for the hills by now. He likes it though. He likes ita lot.

"You're a senior in college correct?" Toji asks. He continues his uncompromisingly forthright behavior. "How old are you, miss?"

"Uhm." You avert your gaze to the side; wishing he would just let you in to do your job instead of interrogating you with such silly questions, "I don't feel comfortable answering personal things like that."

"And I don't feel comfortable letting a complete stranger into my house without knowing anything about them."

You run your tongue over the inside of your lower lip before chewing on it. At this point, why you decided to take in a new tutee is completely beyond you and you were now wishing that you had just said no.

"Yes and I'm.......28."

"28?" He arches a brow and his voice becomes belittling, "Aren't you a bit too old to be in college?"

"I...." You grit your teeth at his insulting and impertinent words, "....took a few gap years prior to starting."

Toji scoffs, he pulls away and crosses his arms over his robust chest. He finds all of this very amusing, "Are you coming in? Or are you just going to stand there and waste my sonspaidtime?"

Wow, this guy just keeps shamefully humiliating you. If it wasn't for his stupid questions you could have already been in there starting your lesson with Megumi and now he's putting all the blame on you. You had no words for the dark-haired man. He literally rendered you speechless and not in a good way either.

Toji steps aside and with a swoop of his hand, gestures for you to step inside his humble abode. You remove your shoes and reluctantly step through the doorway, but before you manage to get both of your feet into the foyer he stops you. He brings his face directly to yours causing you to freeze in place. Your breath hitches from his close proximity.

"Oh, and before I forget." He begins to say, "I expect you to make up for those lost 15 minutes."

"T-that—" you clear your throat and pull back away from him, "—uh, won't be a problem, Fushiguro-San."

"Good." He steps away and grants you permission to enter the house fully, "Give me your jacket."

"My.....jacket??" His sudden request was rather disconcerting. Did he not just accuse you of inappropriate attire?

"Yeah. Your jacket." His expression, now indifferent, "The air condition is broken. If you want to sweat that's fine by me."

He offers a hand to take your outerwear and you weren't in any right to argue with the man in his own home. So you swiftly unzip your outerwear and hand it to him. Toji's eyes explore your body carefully. His scrutinizing gaze notices how your outfit compliments your waist and hips before landing on the gap between your thighs. However, you hadn't noticed him looking at you as you were already traumatized by his strong personality earlier on; if possible, you try to avoid direct eye contact.

"Megumi's in the living room just through those doors over there." He jerks his head slightly to show you the way.

"Thank you, sir." You say while hoisting the slipping strap of your bag back onto your shoulder and then you make way through said door.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (4)

The tablet you use for teaching is placed on a tiny easel on top a low table that you and Megumi were sharing. The two of you sit cross-legged on the carpet quietly doing your work. You write a formula down on the screen with your digital pencil for the boy while he was flips through his textbook.

Fushiguro Megumi seemed to be a rather quiet boy. His personality is completely different than Itadori Yuji's. It's quite surprising to see how they could be such close friends. But then you think—if you had a father like Toji as well—you'd probably end up just as quiet.

"Alright here's another one for you." You say to the raven-haired kid.

A = 1/2 (b1 + b2)h

You prop your elbow onto the table and press the end of the pencil onto your lower lip while you wait for Megumi to solve the equation.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see someone pass by. You instinctively turn your head slightly to see Toji had walked by and into the kitchen. From where you were currently sitting the refrigerator could be seen just slightly beyond the doorway. Toji takes a bottle of water out of the fridge. He twists the cap off and begins to drink. God, was it just you? Or was there music playing again?

You're making me so high now
You're everything I'd ever want

You place your now fisted hand underneath your chin as you continue to stare at the well-built man; the pencil still within your hold. The way his tight black shirt hugged his body made you inadvertently lick and bite your lower lip. He's like a sculpted deity. You didn't even want to know what kind of ass he was packing beneath those sweatpants. And the way some of the water was dripping from the corners of his lip down to his jaw and neck was making you feel all sorts of unholy. Despite the fact he was an asshole on first impression, you couldn't deny that he was an attractive guy. You sigh inwardly and shame yourself for thinking the things you were thinking; knowing very well that you have a boyfriend.

Toji, having incredible extrasensory perception felt a lingering gaze. He moves just his eyes to look at you out of his periphery, while still gulping down his water. You remove your fist from your chin and press it onto the side of your temple to hide your face. You turn the other way back to your work and hope to God that he didn't notice you ogling at him again. And, not to mention, you were also suffering from massive embarrassment; there was a high likelihood that he noticed and you knew it.

The green-eyed man grins. He crumples the now empty plastic. Toji most definitely saw you; you and your salacious gaze; those eyes of yours that held a foreshadowing desire. And Toji himself had many plans; many plans to get to know you just a bit better. He throws the misshapen bottle into the trash and disappears up the stairs.

"Are you checking out my dad?"

Your eyes dart up to meet Megumi's. At this point, you didn't know what was worse: having Toji notice you staring or being called out for it by his own son.

"What?!" You wave a hand briefly to dismiss his presumption and scoff (unconvincingly), "No! Th-that's crazy! Of course not!"

The way your cheeks look and the way you stuttered made it extremely hard not to give away the fact that you were indeed admiring his father's physical attributes.

"It's fine. I'm use to it." He turns back to his textbook and begins scribbling a myriad of numbers, "You should see what it's like when we go to the grocery store."

"Gee, I can't imagine." You say.

Megumi stops his writing and his pencil hovers over the page, "So you admit it. Youwerechecking out my dad?"

The feeling of disbelief drowns you. You purse your lips at his sly motive and his ability to force it out of you without you intentionally doing so. Is this day going to get any worse?

You didn't know how to respond but the boy could care less he then starts to close his textbooks before standing up from his seated position.

"I think we've reached our time limit. Thank you, (L/N) sensei. I've learnt quite a lot. You know the way out right?"

Megumi then runs off and disappears up the stairs. You sit for a moment in bewilderment. You were so use to the praiseworthy hospitality at the Itadori's that your complete experience at the Fushiguro's left you more than exasperated. You shake your head while throwing your belongings into your bag before heading to the front door.

"No goodbye?"

Your jaw clenched and you grit your teeth. Your hand was already on the doorknob—you retract it. After today, you'd be able to recognize that husky voice of his anywhere. But how the hell did he manage to climb down the stairs without you noticing? It was so quiet in this house, you could literally hear a pin drop. You force a smile before spinning around.

"Fushiguro-San! I, uh, didn't want to impose."

"Give me your hand."


"Don't make me repeat myself, missy."

Not knowing what to expect, you swallow audibly out of nervousness and hold your hand out to Toji hesitantly. He chuckles to himself before taking your dainty wrist in his rough hand. His other hand places a fat wad of cash onto your palm; it was so thick it had to be rubber-banded. Your eyes gape at the amount he gave you.

"I can't accept this! It's too much!"

"I never thought I'd see the day when someone turns down free money." Although it wasn't completelyfree. You did your time as promised. He was rather smug while saying all of this to you, "Don't you have a lot of loans to pay off? But, I mean, if you don't want it then I'll take it back."

"No! That's not it at all, it's just—wait..." your eyebrows pinch together, "...how did you know I had a lot of loans?"

The corner of Toji's lip curve up. He had to ensure that you would be back no matter what. Although he didn't know every single thing, he knew a lot of things and not just about you. He was also quite the gifted man. However, all of this has yet to be unraveled by you.

"What kind of college student wouldn't have an outstanding loan?"

You hum in agreement whilst nodding your head slowly, "Mm, right."

"Being late comes with repercussions. My money, my time." Toji steps around you to open the door for you. He then bends down to your level. He stops right at your face, "Don't ever be late. Unless you want to be punished."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (5)

Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapter Text

"Don't you get tired of having to leave for extended periods?"

"Not really."

You click your tongue in disbelief, "How are you going to cancel on me last minute? You know how much I hate that. At least let me know a few days in advance!"

"You're a big girl. You'll be fine. I'll bring you back a surprise.~"


"Sorry, (Y/N). Gotta go. Don't miss me too much. Muah!~"

You groan as the line goes dead. There goes your plans for the evening. You sigh and throw your phone back into your bag. One thing you couldn't stand was Satoru's double standards but at the same time you knew the demands of his work and therefore you couldn't stay mad.

You cross your arms over your chest while standing at the crosswalk. You wait for the stoplight to give you the go. You were currently on your way to the Itadori's for your usual scheduled tutoring. But that wasn't what was on your mind. It was the fact that you had to be at the Fushiguro's shortly after. The thought of Toji made you shiver inwardly.

"Don't ever be late. Unless you want to be punished."

Punished? What did he even mean by that? And in what way? Whatever the case may be, you definitely did not want to find out.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (6)

You never thought you'd ever need to worry about being over a minute late for anything. Not to this extent at least. Toji literally made you a slave to the clock. You check the time repeatedly on your phone to ensure you would make it to the Fushiguro's on time.

Yuji sits next to you. He has a hand weaved through his hair, his other scribbles quickly as he continues his short pop-quiz that you so graciously surprised him with. In a few moments the boy beams and hands you the papers for review.

"Hey, can I ask you something Yuji?" You begin to look over his work.


"What do you know about Megumi's dad?"

Yuji puckers his lips and he hums, "Mmmm, not much to be honest. I've never met him before and Fushiguro-kun doesn't talk much about his dad or personal life. I know he works as some kind of consultant, but that's about it."

"I see..."

"Oh! And he's 38! But why do you ask?"

"No reason!" You smile sheepishly, recalling theinterestingtime you had there, "Just curious."

You continue to go through each problem and made some markings on the papers as you went along.

"Wow, Yuji, this is great." You shuffle through the papers in front of you, "A+!"

"For real?!"

"Yes." You laugh, "For real."

You begin to gather your things while Yuji sorted through his own mess. You check the time on your phone again, something the boy has definitely noticed throughout the time you had spent here; the act triggers his curiosity.

"You in a rush?"

You look up briefly at the pink-haired boy before placing some of the last things into your bag, "Uh, well, Fushiguro-San is a very austere man. He definitely made sure I understood that punctuality isveryimportant to him."

"Oh, well in that case, you better get going sensei!" Yuji jumps up and sees you out as always, "Wouldn't wanna be late, right?"

"Thanks, Yuji!" You ruffle his hair, "You truly are the sweetest boy. Promise me you'll never change."

"The only thing I'm gunna change is my underwear!"

You smile awkwardly at the boy and then you shake your head. You want to believe he was just joking but he was always more serious than you thought he was, "Yes, Yuji. Please make sure youalwayschange that."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (7)

Once you reach the front door of the Fushiguro's you were literally dry heaving. Regardless if you were sprinting at the speed of light you were still two minutes late. You curse under your breath at those damn stoplights but two minutes shouldn't be anything to be reprimanded for, right?

You raise your fist in trepidation. You've never felt this much anxiety in your life. You give the door a few knocks. Your heart literally beats out of your chest at the sound of approaching foot steps. Your grip tightens around the strap of your bag and the current conversation going on in your head wasn't making the situation any better for you. Was it even worth the extra money?

It's just two minutes. He won't mind. Just chill the f*ck out.

You blow out a sigh of relief when you see the person who opens the door.

"Oh thank God..."

"(L/N)-sensei, welcome." The boy greets. He then notices your flustered state, "Are you alright?"

"YEA!" You reply exuberantly while briskly wafting a hand through the air; trying to ignore the fact that you were just having an exponential mental crisis, "I'm great!"

Megumi leaves the door open for you while he heada into the living room. You hop in, kick your shoes off and toss your jacket onto the coat rack. The house seems extremely quiet; just like the last time. You make your way into the living room and sit down across from the aloof teen before looking around. You wonder if Toji would, some how, magically appear out of nowhere to harass you.

"Are you looking for my dad?"

"No! No... not at all...." you lie, and although you deny the truth, Megumi still answers as if he knew.

"He's not here. He's working."

The boy didn't know how ecstatic those words made you feel. It was likely the best news you received today. Now without the man around you could focus on your tutoring without any unwanted distractions. But at the same time, why did you feel the slight inclination to see him?

"Do you mind if I ask what your dads line of work is?" You say while grabbing things out of your bag.

Megumi opens up his textbook and flips to the appropriate page, "He's a consultant."


"I'm not sure." The boy turns to look at you. He's curious why you were asking so many questions about his father, "He doesn't like to talk about work with me."

You hum while looking up some formulas on your tablet, "Thats interesting. His own son doesn't know what he does for a living."

"He's a very secretive man. Even with me. I spend a lot of nights alone. Sometimes he's even gone for a few days straight."

"Oh..." you place a hand onto his shoulder, thinking that he was upset about the fact that his father wasn't around much, "I'm so sorry..."

"Don't be. I don't mind it." Megumi takes out his pencil, "Plus, he always makes sure that I'm taken care of."

You retract your hand and give him a soft smile before turning your tablet towards him, "Why don't we get started."

The mandatory two hours came and went. You were surprised that time had flown by so quickly.

"Well, that's it for the day!"

"Thanks (L/N)-sensei."

"Don't mention it!"

Megumi gets up and disappears up the stairs like he did the last time without any formal goodbyes. You exhale audibly and start making your way to the door while sticking your hand into your bag to look for your phone. You stop in your tracks once you realize you couldn't find it and then you turn back to look at the low table, but the table was empty.

You brought a hand to your head and hum wondering where the heck it could have gone.

"Looking for this?"

You turn around to see the green-eyed man waving your phone in his hand. If you thought he was easy on the eyes the first time you met he was even more appealing now. Today he wore a business suit, one without a tie. He had the jacket and a few of the buttons of his undershirt undone, exposing a bit of his muscular chest. There was noway you'd ever get over how shredded this guy is. Why does music always seem to be playing in your head anytime he came around?

Ima tell you the truth
Not like these girls on the loose

"What did I say about staring?" He makes a few steps closer to you, "Hm?"

"F-Fushiguro-San. My apologies..." you turn your face away hoping he didn't notice your now burning cheeks. And to think you almost had a day of work without having to deal with him.

Come to think of it, how did he manage to slip into the house without a sound?

"Were you late today?" He asks with the most annoying smirk on his face. He hands you your phone.

A sense of uneasiness courses through you. You take your phone and slip it into your bag while never meeting his gaze. You contemplate whether or not to tell the man you were two minutes late. There was some hesitation on your end and there really was no way of telling how he would respond. The more you guessed the outcome the more unwilling you were to say the truth.

"Tell me the truth." He inches even closer, "I'll know if you're lying."

It's true, Toji would know if you were lying. Because he was a man with extraordinary perception and inhumanly strength. You didn't know this but he was a first-rate hitman. His skills were out of this world. His level of stealth and power were immeasurable. His incredible nimbleness made him a silent killer. Which is likely why he would keep his line of work a secret from his teenage son, who Toji considered too young still. Toji knew almost anything and everything that was going on around him just from observation and hearing.

"Uhm...." your hands form into fists.

Toji glowers slightly. He brushes the back of his finger down your cheek. Once he reaches your chin he uses the same finger and a thumb to turn you back to face him, "Look at me when I'm talking to you, missy."

The stroke of his finger made the hairs on the back of your neck stand. Was it okay to even touch someone you barely knew like that? What was more surprising was the fact that you allowed him to. There was no doubt Toji made you nervous and scared to say the least, but there was also something that was extremely captivating about him and it went further than just his looks.

"I-I was two minutes late...." you stutter, "A-and I would appreciate it.... if you addressed me appropriately."

Toji scoffs and lets go of your chin. He quickly grabs your wrist and presses his fingers onto your vein while yanking you closer to him. His green eyes burn into your very own. The sudden action makes your eyes gape. Just who the hell does this guy think he is?

Toji makes a noise while checking your pulse, checking the size of your pupils and reading your expression. He lets go of you once he figured out you weren't lying.

"Appropriately?" He smiles down at you, "Would that be 'Good Girl' than? For not lying."

You chew the inside of your cheek. Was this guy serious? You huff, "I have a name you know!"

The green-eyed man ignores your statement and gives you a once-over, "Wearing tight clothes again. You sure do like to disobey me."

"E-excuse me?!"

"Or are you doing it—" He grins while bringing his hand up to the side of your face again, this time lacing his fingers into your hair by your ear, "—on purpose, perhaps?"

You slap his hand away and step backwards in disbelief to what he was insinuating, "I don't think your wife would appreciate you doing this!"

"Take a look around, miss." Toji gives a short laugh and then he gesticulates with a hand, "There's no Mrs.'s here."

You grit your teeth. He was right. Aside from your own, the coat and shoe rack only held men's jackets and men's shoes. The wall hung a few framed pictures of only Toji and Megumi.

"I'll have you know—" You throw a finger up to point at him in warning, "—I won't tolerate inappropriate behavior!"

There was nothing that could wipe the smug look off the mans face. He steps towards you again and takes your wrist into his hand, his other hand goes around to the small of your back before he presses you up against him.

"It's only inappropriate if you don't like it." He says while bringing his mouth directly to your ear.

At this point you were stunned. Your mind couldn't wrap around the idea that this was actually happening to you. Just what were his intentions?

"So, tell me, miss." Tojis warm breath caresses your ear as he speaks and his voice, almost a whisper, "Do you like it?"

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (8)

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Chapter Text

You place a hand firmly on Toji's chest in attempt to shove him away from you but the man's strong and you end up pushing yourself away from him instead. He stands unmoving in front of you and your arm still in his grasp.

"O-of course not!" You stammer. You feel the heat at your cheeks as the blood rushes to your face, "W-why w-would I like that?!"

Your eyes dart downward from his face to your hand that was still planted on his Herculean pecks. You withdraw your hand quickly and try not to think about the dips of his muscular form underneath your palm which had now become moist.

"Oh? And I thought you were being a good girl." A low chuckle emits from the mans throat, "I don't like liars. Liars deserve to be punished too."

Fushiguro Toji was no mind reader. Sensory integration. That is his winning factor. He had not only mastered the five senses but all seven in fact. Sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, vestibular and proprioception. His level of intuition is unparalleled. There's a reason why he's a top grade assassin.

Despite your negative words, Toji knew you were lying. He could sense it; all of it. Behind the timidness in your expression; your eyes held a certain wanting that only he could see. The rapid beating behind your breast; the way your pupils dilate any time his skin interacted with yours and the language your body spoke gave it all away. The pheromones secreting from your body was triggering his excitement and arousing his sexual desire.

Given his career, Toji was never a man of commitment; rather dabbling in flings every now and then. His work is dangerous and could come with unwanted consequences. He couldn't fathom the idea of falling for someone and then having his heart broken due to loss from people who wanted him dead. It was already hard enough to keep Megumi sheltered and under the radar. It had also been awhile since he encountered a woman who felt so high strung over him and the feeling of being wanted physically put him into overdrive. He didn't mind that you were about 10 years younger than him; he couldn't stand women his own age. They were too mouthy and opinionated for his liking. He preferred someone more, obedient.

"I'm-I'm not lying..."

"I was only going to punish you for two minutes, since you were late." Toji moves a hand to your cheek and his thumb grazes over the lower lip of your slightly parted mouth, "But lie to me again and I'll—"


The green-eyed man drops his hand to his side and steps back. His facial expression blanks as he turns to look up the stairs. Your gaze soon following after.


Megumi's voice continues to bellow from somewhere beyond the stairs. Toji clicks his tongue and furrows his brows in annoyance before responding to the teen.

"What do you need, son? And what did I say about yelling?"

"No yelling in the house, ya, ya, ya." Momentarily the boy appears at the top of the stairs. His eyes fall on you with much surprise, "(L/N) sensei, you're still here?"

"I was just about to leave actually." You turn to look back at Toji whose eyes were, again, already burning into your skull.

"Megumi." Toji begins. His eyes fixated—still—plastered on that pretty face of yours, "Go fetch me my cigarettes on the dresser will you?"

The boy disappears into a hallway of the upper house. Shortly after he descends the stairs and hands his father the requested item.

"Cigarettes are bad for you." Megumi states in a criticizing manner.

"Shut the hell up." Toji retorts while taking a cigarette out. He places it between his lips before speaking, "Go upstairs and do your homework."

The teen rolls his eyes and grumbles something under his breath before retreating.

You take notice of the luxurious black box that he now slips into the inside pocket of his business jacket. It didn't look like the traditional rectangular cigarette box. This one was outlined in gold and is square in shape. There was elegant cursive writing printed right at the center that read,

Luxury Black

The paper which wraps the tip and the rod weren't it's usual cork and white color. Instead the tipping paper was a vibrant gold; while the cigarette paper was almost a satin black. You'd seen these before through a colleague of Satoru's. They weren't cheap either. Only rich, snobby men smoked such lavish tobacco. What was a guy like Fushiguro Toji doing with such extravagant cigs?

"Don't those cost $50 a pack? Or more?"

He let out a short laugh as he dug around his pockets for his lighter. He continues to speak with the cigarette still between his lips, "You smoke?"


"These aren't normal cigarettes." His hands continue to rummage through his pockets. Toji was more than surprised that you had seen these before and was wondering how an average girl like yourself knew about luxury black, "How did you know they're expensive?"

"My boyfriend's coworker smokes them."

Toji finally fishes out his zippo-styled lighter which is also in a brilliant gold. It's number of embellishments and engravings made it look very intricate—and costly.

The green-eyed man arches a brow, "Boyfriend?"

"Yeah." You smile smugly while crossing your arms over your chest. Then you emphasize the word, "Boyfriend."

Hearing you say that was like you giving him the biggest blue ball of his life but at the same time he didn't care. That's never stopped any girl from f*cking him before. He knew it was only a matter of time before you came around.

"Your boyfriend must be a big shot if he's hanging around people who smokes this sh*t."

Satoru was pretty significant in your opinion but you weren't ready to divulge who he is and it's not like Toji would know who he is unless he was in that specific industry.

"So you must be a pretty big deal too then, huh?" You ask but the only response you get from the guy was a snort.

Toji takes the cigarette from his mouth and holds it in between his fingers of the hand that's holding his lighter, "Come outside with me."

"What? Why?"

"You're leaving aren't you?" He asks while reaching for the door, "I don't like to smoke in the house. It stinks."

You quickly exit the house with the man following behind. You hear aclinkof his zippo lighter opening. He lights the cigarette which is now back in his mouth before snapping the lighter close and placing it gently back into his jacket pocket.

"Well," you began to say, "I'll, uh, see Megumi next week. Have a nice weekend Fushiguro-San."

"Not so fast, missy."

"Is something wrong?" You bite down on your lower lip harshly and turn around slowly. You try to keep cool composure. You were sure that he would back off—now that he knew you had a boyfriend. But maybe you were wrong. Completely and utterly, wrong.

"You still owe me those two minutes."

"Two minutes is hardly anything to get upset over, don't you think?"

He scoffs, "Not when I'm paying you as much as I am. But if you don't like it. Feel free to give me the money back. Or better yet, you can quit tutoring my son and you'll never have to deal with me again."

You purse your lips and your body tenses. With his assertiveness, it was getting way too hard to hide how nervous you were. How did this guy always know what you were thinking? Unfortunately, you already applied most of the money he gave you towards your balance.

"If not..." Toji smirks mischievously. He sees right through you. He presses the cigarette back to his lips and inhales the tobacco slowly; the smoke soon expels from his nostrils and he releases the rest through his mouth, "...I'll see you next week, miss. And don't be late again. I'll tack on a minute for each minute that you're late. Understood?"

You swallow hard and clear your throat awkwardly before responding, "Uh, ya, understood."

"Good." He throws whatever was left of his smoke onto the floor before putting it out with his shoe.

Toji's eyes roam over your face slowly, something you immediately take notice of. He wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he was looking at you with sexual desire. He reaches up with a hand to brush the loose strands of hair behind your ear before gently brushing the back of a few of his fingers down your cheek, his voice softer than usual, "So pretty."

The action alone made you turn your head slightly downward to stare at the ground. Your face now burns with heat and your heart rate kicks up a few notches from his compliment. It felt so inappropriate but you didn't stop him. There was something about his authoritative and domineering personality that, in a way, had you wrapped around his finger. It was almost irresistibly charming—and tempting. But you would be a fool to allow his inveigle words and methods to entice you.

"Better get going." His lips thin and with his hand, he turns your face back to meet his. He hated when you looked away, "Would'nt want your boyfriend waiting now would you?"

"Uhm..." you remove his hand gently, "He's actually out of town right now."

Toji hums enthusiastically at the fact that you were so willingly ready to announce that. And maybe for a good reason, perhaps?

"Oh? So, are you trying to say that you have time for your punishment now?"

You click your tongue and then you size him up, "No! And I honestly don't know what you mean bypunishment. This is a bit ridiculous don't you think?!"

A chuckle vibrates from his throat, "Do you want to find out?"

"Th-that depends!....." you cross your arms over your chest. Your face was full of uncertainty and a hint of anticipation. But you're curious and it shows, "....What is it?"

A part of you wants to know what this 'punishment' is and the better part of you is telling yourself to get the heck out. Who the hell would want to be punished anyway? There was a chance he could possibly hurt you but he didn't seem to be giving off that kind of vibe. And then there was a chance that he wanted to do....... other things. Things that you may or may not have fantasized about anytime the green-eyed male would pass by during your lessons with the Fushiguro boy. But you quickly dismiss that thought. Thinking about Satoru made you feel extremely guilty. Plus, there's just noway something like that would happen. It was just a pipe dream.

"Come inside and I'll show you."

Toji opens the door back into his home before turning around to see your apprehensive self. He could tell you were debating with yourself.

"Relax, I don't bite. Unless—" He then smirks, "—if that's what you like."

Your face grows hot from his suggestive comment, "D-Don't be ridiculous! Let's just get this over with."

You step back into his home and he leads you to the kitchen. There were about four chairs stationed at the island. He gestures for you to take a seat.

"Wait here."

You sigh inwardly before taking a seat on the chair closest to the end of table. You cross your arms over the cold stone as you waited for him to return. You continue to contemplate in your head and you wonder if this was a good idea or not. The eagerness to know what he would come back with was eating you away and the suspense was about to render you dead.

Toji comes back with a piece of paper and a pencil. He stands across from you on the other side of the island and places the two items neatly in front of you. At this point you were more than confused.

"What's this??"

"I want you to write a hundred times, in two minutes the words: I will never be late again."

"Seriously?! What am I?! 5 years-old?!" You grumble loudly, "And a hundred lines in two minutes is not realistic!!"

Toji's lips curve upward. He could feel your strong sense of excitement disappearing; now replaced with disappointment. The look of dismay was evident on your face.

"What's the matter? You look disappointed. Were you expecting something else?" He presses his fingers onto the blank sheet. The man pulls it slowly towards him and away from you, "I'm open to...othersuggestions."

Your eyes gape slightly at the lewd thoughts currently creeping into your mind and his alluring tone definitely did not make it any better.

You quickly snatch the piece of paper from him; bringing it back to you, "Oh no! This is quite alright!"

"Two minutes." He says sternly before walking out, "I'm timing you."

Two minutes pass.

You get off the seat and you curse under your breath. You roll your wrist around in circles. A hundred lines in two minutes literally broke your hand. If anything, you honestly didn't know how the hell you even completed the task. And you also didn't know how the hell you were going to even wipe yourself after this. Your wrist was literally limp.

"Good job. I'm impressed. Makes me wonder what other impressive things that hand can do...."

You became stiff at the feeling of Toji's warm body. When did he get back in here? He presses his chest onto your back and reaches around to grab the piece of paper on the table which was now filled with graphite. He holds up the sheet to examine it. Your body becomes engulfed in his brawny arms. You feel your temperature rising when you realize his bulging pants was pressing against the small of your back.

"Very good. Now don't be late again." He leans down to your ear, "Or I'll make it evenhardernext time."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (9)

Chapter 5: Chapter 5

Chapter Text

There was no better way to start the weekend than at one of your favorite coffee shops in the Tokyo area. The cafe held a minimalistic and clean atmosphere. It was furnished with warm cherry wood planks across the floor and counter tops with impressive glass windows that looked out into the lush green forest which resided next door. The open concept left a lot of room for natural lighting to illuminate the posh coffee bar.

"Thanks for agreeing to meet me." You say with hands encircling the warm cup of latte on the table in front of you.

"Nice to know I'm yoursecondchoice."

"Third." You smile smugly and your thumb plays with the handle of the ceramic gently, "Ieiri was actually my second but you know how busy that girl is."

Your friend gasps in exaggeration. She's appalled by your discourteous comment.

"Oh shut up, Iori!" You snap, "Satoru gives me crap for not making enough time for him. I don't need it from you either."

Utahime Iori and Shoko Ieiri were two of your very good friends from high school. The only ones you kept in touch with most in fact. Unfortunately, Shoko's demanding agenda made it almost impossible for her to attend casual gatherings. She worked mostly graveyard shifts as an emergency room nurse. Her taxing shifts induces her lackluster persona; making her gloomy and drab almost always. But the girl couldn't complain. As tired as she was, she loved helping people.

"I honestly don't know why you're still with that pretentious asshole."

"Wait, hang on." You lift a finger at the girl sitting across from you. Your free hand reaches into your bag to grab your ringing cellphone.

Incoming Call
Gojo Satoru (五条悟)


"Hey, what'cha up to?"

"I'm with Iori at Connel Coffee. Wait, let me put you on speaker."

"Scarface! Long time no see."

Utahime Iori's nose crinkles in distaste at the sound of Satoru's voice. She absolutely loathed him but since you were one of her best buds from high school she had no choice but to tolerate the guy for the sake of your friendship.

"Say that ONE more time, Gayhoe Suck-toru and I will END you!" Utahime was fuming from his insensitive nickname knowing very well she was self conscious about the scar on her face.

"Always so belligerent!"Satoru teases through the phone,"This is why you'll never have a boyfriend, Utahime.~"

"Satoru!" You take him off speaker and press the phone back to your ear while restraining your friend with a hand to prevent her from bashing your device to pieces, "Can you not insult my friends!?"

"Sorry, and I think you meanfriend."He corrects. Satoru's voice hardly seemed apologetic. You could practically hear him smiling through the phone with that tone, "Why are you yelling at me? I just wanted to hear your voice. Do you miss me yet?~"

"Not if you continue like this, no! And why is it so hard for you to admit thatyoumissme!?"

"Men don't say sissy things like that."

"Grow up will you!"

"Come on, tell me you love me before I go.~"

"Satoru! Why can't you ever take me seriously?!"

The constant bickering was a habitual occurrence between the two of you. A lot of couples would likely grow weary of such a thing but you had become so accustomed to it that it was like second nature.

Utahime had voiced her concerns about you and Satoru's relationship on many occasions, but it always fell on deaf ears. She didn't like the fact that he was so prideful and egotistical. She didn't like the fact that he had issues expressing his feelings only because he was uncomfortable with it. The rationale behind not fulfilling your love language necessities were all due to his selfish reasons. Saying that 'men don't say sissy things' was hardly justifiable. Utahime felt that your relationship with the white-haired male was a one way street but you constantly defended him to the point where she gave up trying to persuade you otherwise.

At the end of the day, Satoru was all you knew. You wouldn't dare imagine throwing away the ten years you've spent with him as your significant other. He was your best friend. He was your first everything. Even if the bad outweighed the good, you gladly accepted all of him.

"The clocks ticking, (y/n)."

There were a few things you were about to say to your boyfriend but Utahime had a plan of her own. The girl quickly snatches the phone away from your hand and smashes her thumb onto the screen. It ends the call abruptly.


"What?? He deserved it. Plus, he'll get over it."

You bury your face into your hands and blow out a heavy sigh, "Why is it so hard for you two to get along?"

"Can we just move on to why you really called me here?" The dark-haired girl asks while swishing the glass straw around in her iced coffee, "Something about your new tutee's dad?"

You bring the cup of latte to your lips slowly and then you take an audible sip. Your unblinking eyes stare off into space as you went into deep thought about Fushiguro Toji. Thinking about the way he looks at you, the way he strokes your face with his fingers and how jacked his body was. Daydreaming about him was a guilty pleasure of yours that you found yourself doing more often than not. Everything about him made you burn with curiosity. The man had lit a fire in you that you couldn't douse; no matter how hard you tried.

Utahime clears her throat noisily (on purpose) and it brings you back from your reverie; prompting your eyes to finally meet back with hers. She raises her eyebrows. It signals that she's still waiting for you to give her your latest lowdown.

"Soooooo, yeah...." You purse your lips before you speak again, "I think I seriously have a crush on him."

Utahime slams her hands onto the table. There was absolutely noway you were serious, "WAIT! WHAT?!?!?!"

"Shhhh!!" You press a finger to your lips and retort, "Not so loud!"

"Wow." She leans back in her seat and crosses her arms over her chest. Her indicative curiosity shows through her now growing smile, "(Y/N) has a crush on someone while she is still withtheeGojo Satoru. Just who is this guy and what is he doing to you?"

"Don't remind me..." You sigh and plant the side of your face onto the palm of you hand, "I feel guilty enough as is..."

Utahime scoffs and shakes her head before grinning, "Who cares?! This is great! I don't know how many times I begged you to leave his ass anyway."

"I'm not going to leave Satoru." You glower at the girl.

"Pfft. Ya. Whatever you say." She wafts a hand in the air. She doesn't believe your words. The girl then returns her arm to its previous position, "So! Tell me about this guy."

"I honestly don't know much about him." You make a noise like you're thinking, "He's 38, has a 15-year old son, no wife, works as some kind of consultant, has the most amazing green eyes and don't even get me started on that body of his..."

"Interesting..." Utahime nods slowly, "Older man, huh? Do you have any pictures??"

"No. I tried searching for him on social media but nothing comes up."

"Just take a picture of him the next time you're at his house." The dark-hair girl dared.

You drop the arm that was propped up back down onto the table before snorting derisively at your friend, "HA! Ya right! There's noway I'd be able to do that without him noticing. That guys like a ninja."


"I'm serious, Iori!" You click your tongue, "You'll know what I mean if you ever meet him."

"Invite me over then." Utahime continues to probe.

"Uh. no."

"Why not? You scared he might fall for me instead?" The girl simpers, "I mean, you do have a boyfriend after all."

"L-Like I care."

Utahime arches a brow and makes a face. She noticed the instant tilt of your head, the stutter in your voice and how you immediately looked away. It didn't take someone with amazing discernment to know that you were lying.

"God, (y/n). You've always been such a bad liar."

"Bite me." You finish your drink and you don't care to defend yourself, "I better get going. Lots of essays to write."

"Hm, fine." The dark-haired girl sighs whilst getting off her seat, "I gotta lot of things to do myself."

"Like what?" the two of you push at the glass doors to exit the establishment. You wonder what she could possibly have to do since she wasn't working or going to school.

"Oh, you know, binge watch some anime." She smirks annoyingly.

You roll your eyes at your friend and breathe out an airy laugh. You don't pay attention to anyone in the immediate area and since you were so fixated on Utahime, you didn't realize you were about to stumble into someone.

"Hey watch out!" Utahime grabs your arm and yanks you back just in time for you to then see what, or better yet, whoyou were about to run into.

Your head snaps back immediately at the girl. You shoot daggers at her for yanking you so hard. And then you turn to apologize to the person. Your eyes were met with a set of familiar green ones. He always exuded such a powerful presence. It could literally knock the wind out of you without him even lifting a finger.

It took a moment for you to finally find your words, "F-Fushiguro-San!"

"Well look who it is." Toji gives you a once-over. He was too busy admiring you in whatever you decided to wear today to pay any attention to Utahime, who was standing just beside you. But that quickly changes when the girl opens her mouth not two seconds later.

"Utahime Iori." In a very confident manner, she sticks out her hand for an introduction, "(Y/N)'s friend. Pleasure to meet you."

"Fushiguro Toji." Toji smiles and takes her hand in his. He flips Utahime's hand over and leans down to plant a soft kiss onto the back of her hand before releasing her, "Pleasures all mine."

The mere act made you almost want to puke. You scoff internally and you think about how different of a person he is when the two of you were alone.

"Such a gentleman!" Utahime leans all her weight to one side and places her hands at her hips. She grins, "I've heard quitea lotabout you."

"Have you now?" The man smirks. His gaze meets yours briefly and quickly look elsewhere, "Only good things I hope."

"Well I guess that depends..." Utahime coos as she continues to flirt with the guy. She adjusts her hair tie and even went as far as throwing a wink at the end, "What do you consider,good?"

The man chuckles. He's feeling rather enthused by her audacious behavior. However Toji isn't interested in such a punchy girl like Utahime Iori. He liked that you were timid and bashful. And the fact that he could see all the jealousy radiating off of you was enrapturing.

"(Y/N)." Toji says unexpectedly.

Your eyes perk and you look at him now. Prior to this moment, you've never heard him say your name before. Even if it was rude for him to address you by your first name given the amount of time you've known each other, you didn't care. The way your name sounded in that husky voice of his would make you bend over willingly and in a multitude of ways; figuratively and physically speaking.

You hum at Toji as if to say'yes?'.

"Do me a favor and bring this to Megumi for me will you?" He holds up a plastic bag which appeared to be housing bentos, "I'm running late for a meeting and I would like to speak with your friend a bit longer."

That last part made you chew the inside of your lip aggressively. What the hell would he need to speak with her about? Whatever it is, it definitely wasn't sitting well with you. And knowing Utahime she would play along with anything. She was already looking giddy from anticipating a conversation alone with the hunk—or potentially more.

"I would love to, Fushiguro-San. But I'm very bu—"

Toji didn't let you finish, he brings his face to the side of yours; the side that concealed him from Utahime. The man then lowers his voice to a whisper, "I'll compensate you well. So, be a good girl for me and bring this to him, won't you?"

His assertive tone makes you fold instantly. The guy definitely knew what he was doing. Your body remains inert. The only thing moving is your hands and they reach forward to grab onto the plastic bag. He grins inwardly before releasing the item to you but his face remains situated next to yours.

Utahime stood nearby. She narrows her eyes at the two of you and wonders what was being said and why it had to be so secretive. However, she was in no position to question anything. After all, she just met the guy and she figured you'd tell her everything at some point like you always did.

"Head straight there. No detours." Toji tilts his head slightly; just enough for his lips to brush against your cheek gently. He speaks directly against your supple skin and he wishes he could taste it, "But, if you take a detour, I'll know. And you know what happens when you don't listen right?"

He notices your reluctance to speak; only the crinkling of the plastic bag in your hands could be heard from you tightening your grip around the handles. You could feel Toji's lips against the side of your face and how they were currently forming into a sh*t-eating grin.

"That's right, miss. Bad girls get punished."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (10)

Chapter 6: Chapter 6

Chapter Text

You sighed softly as you took in your surroundings. It was now night and the crickets were chirping their usual song. The neighborhood was peaceful and quiet; not even a rustle from the trees. Some flickering colors from a television screen could be seen through a window across the street and the soft humming of electricity could be heard from the telephone poles.

You kicked a rock on the pavement before turning into the Fushiguro residence and proceeded to walk down the stone path which was illuminated with garden lights, the plastic bag of bentos still in your hand. Once you reached the front door you raised a fist, however the door swung open before you could knock.

"(L/N) sensei!"

"Yuji??" You dropped your fist, "What are you doing here?"

The pink-haired boy wrapped his arm around his friends shoulder and drew him into view, "Fushiguro invited me over! We're studying for our exams."

Megumi clicked his tongue and with a roll of his shoulder, he removed Yuji's arm, "You invited yourself. Get it straight, Itadori."

"How'd you know I was here?"

"Dad." The somber boy replied whilst taking the bag of food from you, "Who else?"

"Oh, right."

"One of these are for you by the way." Megumi lifted the plastic bag up to almost face level.

"There's only 3 though." You responded, assuming that two were for himself and Yuji and the last one for Toji.

"Dad's not coming home for dinner. He told me you can have it."

You ran your tongue over your upper teeth at those words. Toji wasn't going to be back because he was currently with your friend, Utahime Iori. You grimaced internally at the thought of what they could be doing.

"Why don't you eat with us sensei? We could use some help studying!" Yuji grinned, "Study party!!"

"Uh..." You threw a hand behind your head and weighed the pros and cons. The last thing you wanted to do was tutor over the weekend. But at the same time it was hard to turn down free food and it's not like you had anything better to do since Satoru was still out of town, "Sure, why not?"

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (11)

The low table in the living area never looked more disorderly. Amongst the clutter was the now empty bento boxes and a few textbooks with loose papers strewn about.

(x + a)(x + b) = x2 + x(a + b) + ab

"Alright, if I solve this before you—" Yuji said while scribbling madly, his pencil was literally going a mile a minute, "—then you have to eat my boogers."

"Ew..." you said under your breath as you watched the two boys. You admired how they kept themselves motivated to learn by creating somefriendlycompetition.

"And if I solve it first—" Megumi's pencil scraped against the medium-ruled paper rapidly, "—then you have to confess to Kugisaki."

Yuji's hand froze, "WHAT? Who said anything about me liking Kugisaki?!"

"So you do like her." Megumi smirked, "I never mentioned a specific confession. Thanks for admitting though and by the way, I win."

Megumi slams the paper in front you, his confident eyes never leaving the pink-haired boy.

"NOT FAIR!" Yuji blustered, "YOU DISTRACTED ME!"

You took the paper in your hands to review the answer to the equation, "It's correct. Good job, Megumi."

"I DEMAND A REMATCH!" Yuji was pressing the side of his pencil so hard with his thumb that it snapped in half.

"No." Megumi said flatly, "I won fair and square."


"I don't mean to interrupt—" you said whilst bringing yourself to a stand, "—but where's the bathroom?"

"Upstairs to the left." Megumi replied before going back to bickering with Yuji.

The two continued their trivial quarrel, their loud shouting becoming more indistinct and muffled the further up the stairs you went. Once you reached the second floor the boys voices were nothing more than additional white noise. You stood at the top of the stairs and looked side to side briefly before turning left. The hallway was mostly empty, except for a single monstera plant stationed somewhere off to the side and a few framed art pieces along the walls. There were two rooms, each with their door closed. You hummed dubiously, wondering which one was the bathroom.

After a few minutes of deliberation, you decided to check the door closest to you. You pulled down on the door handle slowly and pushed the door open. The light from the hallway illuminated the dark space, revealing someone's bedroom. The room was rather minimal and neat. The bed was neatly made and lined with linen sheets. Aside from the bed, nothing else occupied the area except for a dresser and a nightstand. Your curiosity got the better of you and you decided to step inside the dim-lit room; your fingers tracing the edge of the dresser slowly as you explored the miscellaneous items laying atop it.

A picture caught your attention and you stopped in place. You picked up the framed photo in your hands, bringing it closer to your face and squinted to get a better look. It was a portrait of a smiling woman with dark shoulder-length hair. She had the same eyes as Megumi. It must have been his mother, but where was she now?

"You enjoying yourself?"

The vocals of a man startled you. The photo dropped from your hands back onto the dresser and you quickly reach for it again; your hands fumbling with the item before standing it back up in its rightful place. You then crossed your arms behind your back and turned towards the door to see Toji leaning against the frame with arms crossed against his chest. You were feeling ashamed that you inconsiderately invaded someone's private space and your guilt-ridden expression displayed it perfectly.

You were still mind boggled about how quiet he was. How long was he standing there and when did he even enter the house?

"I-I was looking for the bathroom..."

"You've got some nerve coming into someone else's room." Toji pushed himself off the side of the doorway and stopped in front of you, "Does it look like there's a toilet in here?"

You pursed your lips and averted your eyes away from his intense green ones all the while damning yourself; asking God why he even allowed you into this room, "No..."

Toji remained silent after, his eyes fixed on your face. You were such a pretty girl and the fact that you were standing in his room wearing a short sun dress was starting to make his pants grow. He turned his head slightly downward at the dresser to look at the photo, thinking you must have been curious.

"She passed."

You brought your gaze back to the green-eyed man, almost surprised that he didn't continue berating you, "I'm sorry?"

"My late wife." He responded with a stony expression, "She passed giving birth to Megumi."

"Oh.....Fushiguro-San..." a doleful look took over your features, "I'm so sorry..."

He seemed indifferent and didn't bother to continue the subject matter. Instead he directs you back to the intended purpose of you being upstairs, "Out the door, to the left."

It took you a moment to realize what he was talking about but once you understood, you quickly walked around the man and out of the bedroom towards the bathroom. You let out a quiet sigh of relief as you closed and locked the door behind you, thinking how lucky you were to have just dodged a bullet. After doing your business, washing up and fixing your hair, you opened the door intending to go back downstairs but you bumped into something that was blocking your way from leaving.

Toji walked forward causing you to stumble backwards before he closed and locked the door behind him. You gaped at the man, wondering what the hell was going on.

"What are you doing?!"

"I seriously hate wearing ties..." he said while hooking a finger into the space between the knot of his tie and undershirt. Toji yanked on the knot until it became loose. Once undone he discarded it onto the floor and undid a few of his buttons, revealing the skin of his muscular chest, "Much better."

You're making me so high now
You're everything I'd ever want

The man proceeded to roll up the sleeves of his dress shirt up to his elbows. Gosh, how does someone even make forearms look so sexy? You bit down on your lower lip trying not to imagine his veiny hands on you; almost forgetting that you were currently locked in the bathroom with him.

Toji noticed your tenacious gaze. He arched a brow and smirked, "Take a picture. It lasts longer."

"Very funny." You rolled your eyes at him, even though that didn't seem like a bad idea.

"Do you find me attractive?"

"H-huh??" Toji's sudden bold question took you off guard. Although you were screaming yes in your head your mouth didn't want to admit it, "Th-that's an inappropriate question that I don't feel comfortable answering..."

"That wasn't a no." He replied smugly.

Heat crept up from your neck to your face as you snapped your head away from the male. You crossed your arms over your chest and tried your best not to give yourself away, "It wasn't a yes either! Don't be so full of yourself."

The man chuckled in an impish manner. He knew you wanteditjust as badly as he did. He was paying attention, close attention. The way you took a defensive stance, your stuttering, how you couldn't remain eye contact, the sound of your heart-rate picking up and the way your leg was fidgeting. He didn't mind you denying it, for now. He was going to play your little mind game and he knew you would eventually force it out of yourself.

"Your friend, what's her name again? Iori?" He asked while burying his hands into the pockets of his slacks, "She's quite a spunky girl, huh?"

Your expression blanked before it turned into a mild scowl. You returned your gaze to meet his, "Why you—you better not have touched her! Or else!"

"Or else what?" Toji challenged you. He stepped forward making you inadvertently step backwards until the counter behind you stopped you from going any further.

"Or-or-or else!!" You threw a finger at him in warning even though you had absolutely no idea how you would reprimand the guy. There honestly was no way you could even begin to discipline him, "I don't know!!"

"You're a jealous girl aren't you, miss?" He moved forward again, closing in on you. He took his hands out of his pockets and placed them gently on your waist before he tightened his grip, "Does it make you mad? Thinking about me touching her like this?"

Your breath hitched from his sudden touch but you allowed him to continue.

"Or..." Toji slid his hands from your waist to the small of your back and leaned downward to press his nose to the side of your face before speaking again, "....like this?"

You immediately placed your hands onto his forearms to remove him from you but instead your hands snaked upwards pass his elbows and stopped at this biceps. At this point your body was doing everything against what your mind was telling you. You could feel him grin against the skin of your face before he took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, his warm breath enveloping your cheek. Toji was taking this time to remember the light, clean floral notes of your lingering perfume and the sweetness of your natural scent. It would surely be a smell that would remind him of you for the rest of his days to come.

Your hands gripped onto the top of his biceps; they were too small to actually wrap around his whole arm. The way your body was pressed against his, the way he smelled, his assertiveness. It was all making you drown in lust. Your libido, now tripling by the minute.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked while his hands trickled down your back and underneath your dress; his fingers tracing the edge of your lace panties ever so slowly, it was agonizing.

"I-I have a boyfriend..."

Toji brought his face back to your own and withdrew a hand to grip onto the back of your hair. He pulled your head back causing you to arch slightly as he dragged his lips from your nose bridge all the way down to your slightly parted lips. You felt his finger hook underneath your underwear at your cheek. He tugged on it gently as if asking for permission.

He moved his lips to the corner of your mouth, his voice stern, "That was a yes or no question."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (12)

Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Chapter Text

Your body was arched from Toji's hair pulling, your lower region pressing onto his. The green-eyed male had stopped tugging on your underwear. He was now dragging his finger in the area between your buttock and panties and in a painfully slow manner. Each up and down stroke of his digit sent jolts of electricity dancing across your skin.

"Well?" You felt his grip on your hair tighten, "Whats it going to be, miss?"

Toji moved away from the corner of your mouth, "Yes?....."

From there he brought his lips directly over your own, leaving it to hover just centimeters away, ".....or no?"

The feeling of his warm breath hitting your lips as he spoke was about to send you over the edge. You didn't know how to respond. There was no doubt you wanted to go all the way but how could you, knowing that you were taken? A part of you wished he would just push further without you needing to answer. That way you would feel less guilty from whatever was about to ensue. And a part of you was trying extremely hard to refrain from being unfaithful to Satoru.

Toji's gaze darted from your mouth to your eyes. He could see the yearning desire behind those orbs of yours but also a lot of self-restraint. Were you really that loyal to your significant other? He thought back on any of those previous girls and how they instantly submitted. He chuckled to himself internally. He loved a challenge and your slight resistance was only fueling his fire. Toji was an executer; whether it was a work related goal or a personal goal, he always managed to fulfill it.

Your hands were still holding onto the muscles of his upper arms firmly. You swallowed so hard that it was audible. You couldn't bring yourself to admit that you wanted him, you were too ashamed.

Your unwillingness to answer him was triggering his impatience. Toji made a noise before speaking, "Well if you don't want to voice it then maybe you canshowme what your answer is."

He brought his lips to your neck and brushed it gently against your smooth skin earning the man a soft whimper from you. That small sound of acceptance made him pause briefly, it was enough to make him grin from ear to ear. Toji parted his mouth slightly and you felt the tip of his tongue pressing down on your neck before his teeth grazed against it immediately after. The feeling of him sucking and kissing one of your most rousing areas was about to make you enter the point of no return.

Toji continued to eat away at your neck, leaving some parts more bruised than others. He left a wet trail as he moved up towards your jaw line. He felt your hands leave his arms, one weaving into his hair and the other to squeeze him at the nape. Your fingernails were digging into the skin of his neck, it was likely going to leave indentations for the next several hours.

The side of your lace underwear at your hip was now crumpled in his palm, giving you the impression he was just about ready to tear the damn thing off.

"Just say the word—" He planted one last kiss on the crook of your jaw before bringing himself to face level, your arms dropping back down, "—and I'll stop."

"I-I don't want you to..." you whispered.

"Hm? What was that?" He let go of your hair and underwear and placed his hands against the counter on either side of you, trapping you in, "Speak louder. I can't hear you."

The man appeared rather smug. Toji didn't have any issues hearing you. He heard you loud and clear but he was a man of mischief; he enjoyed toying around with others.

You raised your voice slightly above a whisper but still sounding completely meek, "I-I don't want you to stop...."

He chuckled arrogantly and pushed his hands off the countertop, "Turn around then."


"You sure do like to make me repeat myself, don't you, miss?" He grabbed onto your shoulders and spun you around before grabbing the back of your neck, forcing you to bend over.

Your breasts and face were now pressed against the cold stone. You felt Toji lifting up your dress to reveal your lower half before he used his fingers to delicately play with the edges of your dainty lace underwear. He noticed an area of darkening on your panties which only meant that you were soaked from your arousal.

He smirked and pressed a knuckle directly onto the dark area making you clench your thighs involuntarily, "So wet already?"

Your hands formed into fists, feeling embarrassed at the true statement, "Don't say that..... it's embarrassing..."

Toji began to stroke you with his knuckle, going from one end of your slit to the other. He felt your slightly engorged cl*t protruding through the thin fabric and stopped to rub it gently before repeating his steps. He continued teasing you like this and in an excruciatingly slow fashion. His lack of speed was tormenting and the need for more friction was unbearable. The green-eyed male chuckled at the sight of your body writhing with anticipation. He loved the fact that you were subconsciously wanting more from him.

He hooked his forefinger into the waistband of your underwear closest to your tailbone before pulling and tugging at it, "May I?"

You nodded in response and you felt your panties being dragged downward, stopping to cling around your thighs. You flinched at the sudden feeling of his fingers on your most intimate area. Satoru suddenly popped into your mind but you quickly banished the guilt-ridden feeling burning in your core because you were too hot and bothered at the moment to care about anything else.

"Damn, so f*cking wet." He murmured while looking down at his fingers that were currently swiping at you. He hadn't even put them in yet and they were already coated with your secretions seeping from your walls, "You naughty girl."

In a few moments he twisted a finger in causing you to emit some enticing noises. His digit slipped in with ease from how wet you were and he didn't hesitate to add the second one. Toji's grip tightened around the crook of your neck and shoulder as he began pulling his fingers in and out of you slowly.

"F-faster." You asked beseechingly through muffled moans.

"Impatient are we?" He hummed enthusiastically, "What do we say when we want something, hm?"

"Come on, what we do say?" Toji pulled his fingers almost all the way out and stopped, leaving just the tips sitting at the entrance of your warm gut. The feeling was torturous, "Didn't anyone ever teach you manners? Wouldn't want to be rude, right?"

"P-please..." You wiggled your hips impatiently, hating the unwanted emptiness.

"Heh, I guess that'll do for now."

The man then shoves his fingers back inside you forcefully, causing you to squeal. He quickens his pace, bringing his digits almost completely out before slamming them back in repeatedly. The sloshing sound of your puss* juice echoed loudly against the tiles and walls of the bathroom. By now you found it incredibly difficult to stifle your moans. You were already biting down on your lower lip so hard you could draw blood.

"Not so loud, miss." Toji moved his hand from your shoulder to grip onto your hair again and pulled your face off the counter slightly while bending down to speak into your ear, his fingers never halting, "You wouldn't want Megumi and his friend to hear you now, would you?"

"I-I can't h-help it....." you said in between heavy breaths as he continued to finger-f*ck you.

"Does it feel good?"

A myriad of mewls escaped you as he curled his fingers against that amazingly sweet spot of yours. Toji chuckled at your inability to answer him. He was enjoying all the cute facial expressions and the lewd noises you were making; and all because of him.

The tips of your fingers were now turning white from how hard you were pressing them against the stone; unable to handle the incredible amount of stimuli he was giving you with just his fingers alone. You didn't even want to begin to imagine what his dick would do to you.

He felt your walls tightening and you inadvertently squeezed your thighs and legs together causing his fingers to push out almost all the way. He knitted his brows in annoyance. Using his foot he stuck it in between your ankles and spread your legs back open quickly.

"Do that again and I'll shove my whole hand in you."


He didn't hesitate to start plowing you with his index and middle finger again, going deeper and harder, causing you to become a moaning mess. In a few seconds some rough knocks on the door could be heard and you quickly suppress your noise but Toji doesn't stop, you could still feel him slipping in and out of you without a care in the world.

"(L/N) sensei, you okay in there?"

There was a sudden pang in your chest at the sound of Megumi's voice. The current situation was stupefying. You were stunned, unable to move or speak.

Toji who still had his mouth pressed onto your ear wasn't the least bit concerned, "Better hurry and answer him. Or he might just come bursting through that door."

Your eyes gaped at the thought of a scenario like that. There was noway you could even begin to explain something like this, "Y-ya.... I-I'm fine. I, uh, just have some..... stomach pain....Ah~!"

You bit your tongue hoping the boy didn't hear that last bit of your erotic breath. It was hard to maintain composure and pretend that nothing was happening with Toji drilling his digits into your wet self continuously.

"Oh, okay. Well, Itadori left. He told me to tell you goodbye. I'll be in my room."

The sound of Megumi's foot steps grew further and further away and you let out a sigh of relief.

"Such a naughty girl." Toji pulls you by your hair all the way up to a standing position this time, forcing you to look at yourself in the mirror. Forcing you to watch him pleasure you.

"Look how naughty you are." He whispered softly against your ear, "Does your boyfriend know you're this naughty? Hm?"

You pursed your lips tightly and closed your eyes not wanting to see the pathetic state you were currently in. Even though him making you watch and you seeing yourself was turning you on in more ways than you could ever imagine.

The green-eyed male releases your hair and brings the hand down to your swollen cl*t. He rubs it in circles while still fingering your hole into oblivion. Toji's hand was now completely drenched down to his wrist. You threw your head back against his shoulder, unable to hold back your voice. You felt your legs begin to grow weak as you neared your climax.

"Oh, f*ck....!~" you groaned with pleasure.

"So sexy." He said whilst watching your reactions in the mirror, "Do you want me to make you cum?"

"Y-yes..." you replied, your head rolling against him slowly, unable to handle all the feelings of complete bliss in your lower region.

Just as you were about to hit home run, he pulls his fingers out of you completely and returns his other hand to grip your hair. He pulls your head back to a tilt so that he could look you in the eyes.

"Sorry, baby." He then smiles down at you, "But only good girls get to cum."

Toji presses his drenched fingers onto the center of your lips. He then parts his index and middle finger, spreading your puss* juice over your lips before shoving the two digits into your mouth, causing you to gag.

"Suck it."

You wrap your tongue around his fingers in circles, your cheeks caving inward from the pressure of you drawing his fingers in deeper towards your throat. He was becoming elated just watching you taste yourself and thought he'd much rather see you tasting yourself off ofhiminstead. But in due time. He was a patient man, when he wants to be.

"Do you taste good?" He asked, the lust in his eyes evident as his gaze lingered on that pretty mouth of yours lapping at his fingers still, "I guess I'll have to see for myself, huh?"

He emptied your mouth and brought his slightly parted one to yours, pressing his lips against your own roughly before forcing his tongue inside. He licked and grazed all the areas that he could, tasting just how sweet you were. This kiss, although aggressive and unromantic as it was, was making you clench your thighs tightly. His unwillingness to allow you to finish was insufferable.

Toji pulled away from you, hand still laced in your hair and his brilliant green eyes burning into your own (e/c) ones. He pressed his crotch against the side of your thigh, showing you just how solid his erection was. And to think he was the one trying to teach you a lesson but now it just feels like he was punishing himself instead.

"Geez." He exhaled through his nostrils while brushing his nose and lips against the side of your face slowly, "Wanna show me what that mouth of yours can do?"

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (13)

Chapter 8: Chapter 8

Chapter Text

"You have one new voice message."
"New message at 9:02 PM."


"(Y/N)-chan!~ Why are you not answering? Look, I know I said I would be back tomorrow but something came up. Call me back 'kayyy?"

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (14)

With hands and knees pressing against the cold tiled floor, your lips enveloped him completely as he continued to make himself disappear inside that lovely mouth of yours.

"(y/n)?" Utahime narrowed her eyes at your unwavering ones and moved her hand to and fro slowly in front of your face but you remained inert.

Toji had his hand clutched onto strands of your hair, he continued to thrust his hips against your mouth making you periodically choke and retch. Your cute facial expressions and the sight of your saliva coating his shaft was inducing his erotic sighs and heavy breaths.

Utahime continued to wave a hand in front of you, trying to gain your attention. She was wondering what was on your mind that caused you to go into such a deep trance, "(y/n)...."

"sh*t...." Toji said with a breathy voice, his movements slowed into a nice, deep rhythm as he tried to hold back from shooting too soon. It wasn't long until he began to pick up speed again, this time much more asymmetrical and sloppy. The susurration of his groans were letting you know that he was close. In a few seconds the male cursed under his breath and smashed himself into your jaws until his body wouldn't allow him to go any further. You felt his hot load hit the back of your throat while he brought himself to a tapering stop.

"Hello?????? Earth to (y/n)!"

The green-eyed man pulled himself out, a grin forming as he watched the trickling of his seed pooling at the corners of your lips, "Swallow it for me, will you?"

You yielded to the man, allowing his cum to pass through your throat, earning a chuckle from Toji as he watched the slow movements of your swallow from the way the center of your neck shifted. He loved every second of your gulp and he loved the way you licked your lips shortly after; never missing a drop.

Your subservient behavior was roping him in and who knew you'd be such a slu*t for someone as haughty and high-handed as he was.

"Damn, baby..." he released your hair and brought the back of his fingers to your cheek, brushing them downward ever so gently.

His husky voice and the way he was calling you 'baby' was making your erogenous zones eager for attention. You were just about ready to beg the guy.

You crossed your legs tightly as your eyes continued to stare off into nothing inside the posh cafe. It was now the morning after and you were currently having breakfast with your friend. Your palms which were placed against your cheeks now forming into fists as you continued to reminisce about last nights titillating events with Toji; his voice still playing lucidly in your mind.

"Damn, baby...."



"HEY, (Y/N)?!?!??" Utahime slams her fists onto the table and your eyes finally blink.

You brought your gaze back to the dark-haired girl, your soft fists now lifted away from your face and suspended in mid-air. You looked down at your untouched food before turning your attention back to your friend, "Oh.... sorry..."

"What the hell was that?!" She threw her arms up, "Were you even listening to anything I was saying?"

"Sorry, Iori..." you picked up your utensil and started to pick at the food in front of you, "I had a long night..."

"Your essays?" Utahime asked while spooning some of her own food into her mouth.

"I got stuck helping Yuji and Megumi study for their exams." You replied while adjusting the scarf you were currently wearing.

"Oh." The girl replied with a hint of agitation. She had also noticed you fidgeting around with your clothed neck and quickly reaches over, "And why the hell are you even wearing this?! It's literally 80 degrees out!"


Utahime yanked it off of you in one swift motion revealing a litter of hickeys plastered on one side of your neck. The girl gasped and threw a hand over her gaping mouth, while her other pointed discreetly at the evidence.

"Gojo?" She flattened her palms onto the table and narrowed her eyes at you in suspicion, "No, it can't be... 'cause he called me last night looking for you..."

You placed a hand onto your bruised neck to hide your wrongdoing but you were too ashamed to answer.

"So how were you exactlyhelpingthe boys??" She threw you a wink while lacing her fingers together, "Poor Gojo and I told him you were working so, so hard on yourschoolwork."

You slapped your hands over you ears, squeezed your eyes shut and shook your head from side to side repeatedly not wanting to hear the terrible truth, "This isn't like me! I-I don't know what I'm doing!"

"So how was he?" The girl edged closer, a crafty smirk on her face. She was eager to know all the dirty details of your undisclosed engagement, "Theolderman? And I gotta say, you weren't wrong about his body..."

You brought your arms back down to the table and arched a brow at your friend; a hint of jealousy tickling you whilst remembering that they had likely been alone for some time before Toji returned home. Did they go all the way? Cause you certainly didn't, "Then shouldn't you already know?"

"What? How could I possibly know? And if you must know! After you left, all he did was ask me a million questions about you before he went on his merry way!!" Utahime scoffed and rolled her eyes, "What a waste of my damn time."

You made a noise depicting your curiosity, "Huh? Like what?"

"I don't know! He asked a lot of things." The girl wafted a hand before continuing to eat her food, "Things like where do you go to school and what are you studying, blah, blah, blah."

Your gaze dropped downward once more, your face portraying some type of deep thought. Thinking about that damn dilf was already bringing back that wrenching guilt in your chest.

"Look, as much as I hate Gojo. I don't want to condone this behavior." Utahime watched your static expression and sighed once she got no response, "If you're going to keep this up, at least break up with the guy. Either that or you need to stop seeing Fushiguro-San."

You wrapped the scarf around your neck neatly and grunted at the girl without meeting her gaze. Utahime was right and you knew it. It's not that you couldn't see Toji again, it's that you shouldn't. Not under these circ*mstances at least. The fact that the son-of-a-bitch didn't allow you to release left you aching down below and the mere thought alone was giving you a blue bean all over again. Regardless, he felt like an insatiable craving. But at the same time you couldn't find a worthy enough reason to justify breaking things off with Satoru.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (15)

"Hey, Dad."

Toji hummed at the boy sitting across from him at the table while cutting into his morning steak and eggs.

"Have you ever considered getting married again?"

The man looked up at Megumi while sticking a piece of steak into his mouth. Pulling the fork out of his chops he began to gnaw at the tender meat. His expression remained indifferent as he watched his son picking at the omelette on the plate in front of him.


"Why not?"

Toji swallowed his food, eyes still on his son, wondering why the hell he was asking such absurd questions all of a sudden. He ran his tongue over his upper teeth before taking a swig of his black coffee.

"I'm too busy."

Megumi nodded while taking a bite of his food, "But don't you get lonely sometimes?"

Toji snorted at another one of the boys daft questions, "I have you."

The raven-haired kid continued to chew his food while speaking, "I'm not gunna be here forever. One day I'll grow up and move out and get married and have my own family."

"What did I say about talking with your mouth full?" Toji snapped as he started cutting into his steak once more.

Given his career, he never really did consider jumping into a serious relationship. But Megumi did bring up a good point, a point that he hadn't really put much thought into. Toji liked to live in the present and didn't often think about his future much, not those types of things at least. He was too busy using his keen intuitive power for his line of work to worry about the standard traditions of normal-day-life. But eventually, he would return to an empty nest at some point down the road if he didn't pursue a significant other. Whether that idea bothered him or not, Toji didn't give two sh*ts. He had much more important matters to deal with at the moment.

Megumi, who was currently going through his mild teenage rebellion phase, decided to chew his food loudly to provoke his father. He continued to shove bits of his omelette into his mouth whilst smacking his lips to prove a point.

Toji quickly whipped the nearest silverware at the boy, his impeccable aim made the spoon hit the raven-haired kid smack dab in the middle of his forehead before it ricocheted towards the ground.

"Smart ass."

Megumi winced from the sudden trauma and threw a hand to rub the now reddened area, "Ow! OK, sorry! Sheesh!"

"Pick that up off the floor." Toji demanded. Megumi reached down to pick up the utensil while continuing to listen to his father, "I'll be gone for a bit on a business trip. I'll leave money on the table for you."

The two continued their breakfast in silence since Megumi chose not to respond. He was use to his father being away periodically. At the end of the day though, he was just a teen and a teen living without much supervision from his only guardian. Even without proper adult guidance, he was still quite the well-rounded individual. Toji eventually finishes his food, he pushes back in his seat and brings himself to a stand; a hand holding onto the now empty plate and the other his cup of coffee.

"Hey, Dad."

The man walks over to place the plate carelessly into the kitchen-sink. His voice sounding a bit annoyed, hoping for no more dumb questions, "What?"

"Do you like (L/N)-sensei?"

Toji's head jerked upward slightly in astonishment. Why was Megumi asking him something like that? The man brings his gaze to his periphery, looking back at the kid.

"Whats that supposed to mean?"

"Meaning, would you ever date her?"

"Now why would I do something like that?" Toji asked while bringing his coffee mug to his lips and in moments he choked on the liquid from Megumi's next set of words.

"Then h'come you were in the bathroom with her last night?"

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (16)

Chapter 9: Chapter 9

Chapter Text

Your fingers tightened around the device currently speaking into your ear as you stood at the corner of the crosswalk. Hearing your boyfriends voice after your sin was about to condemn you to death; mentally.

"How's your tutoring with the new kid going? Is his dad still making you feel the heebie jeebies?"

"It's fine!" Your high-strung tone and how quickly you answered made the guy hum with slight skepticism but he decided to brush it off.

There was a time, after the first day of meeting Toji where you had verbalized all your concerns to Satoru. Although you left out most of the nitty gritty details; fearing the guy would go knocking down the green-eyed males door to stir up some trouble (because you knew he would if it came down to it) and it was a boat you definitely did not want to rock.

"Well if he tries anything, just know, I'll be there in a heartbeat."

"So, when will you be back?" You were quick to change the subject, not wanting to keep your mind lingering on your self-induced woes.

Satoru released a heavy sigh on the other side of the line,"I'm not sure."

"It's been about a week already."

"Is that your way of telling me you miss me?~"his smile evident in his voice,"I'll see what I can do. In the mean time, don't think about me too much.~"

The 'WALK' signal comes onto the pedestrian traffic light and you cross to the other side of the street whilst throwing the phone into your bag and hoisting the strap further into your shoulder. The weight of your things feeling much heavier than usual.

Completely submersed in your thoughts, you allowed your feet to take you to your destination; not exactly paying attention to anything around you. But you didn't need to. The route to the Fushiguro's was one that had become too familiar, it was practically muscle memory.

After a long night of insomnia and contemplation you came to a conclusion. That you would end things with Toji. A part of you didn't want to but the other side of you was fighting for what you thought was the right thing to do. Of course it was the right thing to do. Nothing good ever came from cheating. If you kept this up, it would eventually be too hard to hide and not to mention, karma's a bitch.

Once you reached the doorstep, you found yourself tidying your clothes and hair. Your fingers stopped moving clumsily across your body when you realized you were trying to impress the man. You sighed inwardly while shaking your head at the silly attempt. There honestly was no point fixing yourself up knowing that this would likely be the last day you'd ever see the him again.

Megumi opens the door after you made your presence known and you stepped through the doorway, pass the foyer and into the living room to situate yourself at the low table as usual.

"How's your stomach doing?" The teen asks as he takes his place across from you.

"Huh?" It took you a minute to realize what he was talking about, "OH, it's-it's fine..."

"I have some anti-diarrheal's if you need any."

Your eyes widened and you threw your hands in front of you, "I'm okay, really!"

"You sure??" The boy asks whilst bringing a bottle of Imodium to your face. He then shook it in front of you causing the tablets toclackloudly against the walls of the small container.

"Yes! Im sure! Thank you!" You responded, trying to hide your embarrassment.

Megumi's lips curved downward and the boy shrugs as he throws the medication to the side. He very well knew what had went down between you and his father since you weren't exactly shy about your noise at one point or another. Although, he did find it quite amusing to toy with you a bit even if you were still in the dark about him knowing.

The teenage boy also had pretty impeccable perception for someone his age. He was his fathers son after all. You didn't know this but he was a straight 'A' student. Megumi excelled in all his subjects. He only played dumb and decided to seek out a tutor to find a suitable partner for his father. When he heard that a female in her late 20's was tutoring his very good friend he couldn't help but inquire.

"Hey, Megumi. I'm going to need to talk to your dad after this. It's important."

The raven-haired boy threw you a look and wondered what kind of things you had planned. He was also hoping the two of you wouldn't trap yourselves in the bathroom again in the future.

"He just left not long before you arrived. Unfortunately, he's going to be away on a business trip."

You groaned internally at his disappointing words which are now delaying your objective. However, that wasn't the most disappointing thing. As eager as you were to see the man, now you couldn't and you also didn't know when you would either. But at least this gives you a reason to stick around a bit longer and also dither about your decision.

"Is something wrong?" Megumi noticed your aggravated expression.

Your gaze met his momentarily before it returned to the notebook pulled out in front of you. You began flipping through the pages, "Nothing you need to worry about."

The boy remained unresponsive so you turned your attention back to him only to find him staring and it made you wonder if he knew something he wasn't supposed to know. To your surprise, all Megumi did after was nod, "Okay."

The room grew quiet, the only sounds occupying the place were the miscellaneous items being placed on the table.

Megumi continued to fish things out from his backpack, one being a paper that looked like a report card. You tilted your head to get a better look. Amongst all the AP classes he was taking, you noticed all the letter 'A's going down in a straight line. That wasn't the most mind boggling thing. The thing that stood out the most was the last subject: AP Calculus with a big boldA+right next to it.

Your eyebrows knitted together in confusion and you quickly divert your eyes elsewhere before he could notice. Why did Megumi need a tutor if he was doing more than well in AP Calculus? The mathematics the two of you studied wasn't anywhere near that level. Despite that factor, you remained quiet and ignorant for the time being.

Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed the boys sudden flinch as he quickly shoved the report back into his backpack. By now you knew he was hiding something, but you weren't exactly sure what.

"Can we focus on formulas for geometric shapes today?"

You looked up at him briefly with your fabricated smile, "Uh, ya, sure."

The hour seemed to have dragged on longer than anticipated but eventually all things come to an end. You packed your things while listening to Megumi put in a phone order for delivery. He was going to have a 12" pizza all to himself. Out of common courtesy the boy offered if you'd like to stay for dinner in which you freely declined and then you made your leave. This time with an actual goodbye from the aloof teen.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (17)

The sun was below the horizon as you left for home. The light from the sky diffused into warm hues above you. You often took this time to phone Satoru but nothing occupied your mind except for the unwanted forethoughts. You were drafting the plan like a blueprint in your mind. Whether it was envisioning how you would bring it up to the green-eyed male or reciting what you were going to say word-for-word, you thought it all. You were even prepared for some resistance on his end.

As you got closer to the heart of the city, the petrichor permeated the air, indicating imminent rainfall. The sky, now wreathed with nothing but clouds of gray. Still, the neon-lights of Tokyo glowed vibrantly throughout the dark atmosphere. You cursed under your breath as the first few drops graced your skin. You quicken your pace through the concrete jungle, making way back to your apartment, hoping that the rain wouldn't come bucketing down before then.

The pitter-patter sounds could be heard now from the way the beads of water hit the pavements. Puddles began to pool beneath the running feet of people ducking for cover or opening their umbrellas. You found yourself stuck at a stoplight and you curse again under your breath. This time reaching behind to grab the back of your slightly dampened jacket and proceeded to pull it over your head but the tightening around your arms restricted you from doing so. You quickly gave up, a little bit of rain never hurt anyone. Instead you fixed your hands into a make-shift visor above your brows.

Across the street two men stood underneath a canopy of an extortionate hotel exchanging light conversation. One of them currently smoking. The man draws in his tobacco; smoke filling his lungs before it expels into the environment and all the while his eyes were on you. He flicks his cigarette at the filter, the ash soon disintegrating onto the wet cement.


"What can I do for you, Fushiguro-Sama?" The man standing next to Toji speaks up at his request.

"Do we have an umbrella in the car?"

The long-awaited 'WALK' sign finally appears and you dash across the the street. Only a few more blocks and you'll be home. You take a left turn once your feet left the crosswalk and you suddenly feel the absence of the raindrops. You looked up to see a man in a business suit without a tie, his hand seemed to be holding onto a handle of an umbrella. Your hands were still covering your vision partially so you couldn't see his face. You dropped your hands down to your sides to thank the gentleman only to have your words caught in your throat.

"We oughta stop running into each other like this. Don't we, miss?"

Your gaze hung onto his much longer than you wanted before you broke eye contact. Running into Toji was not something you were expecting. Also, wearing dark colored undergarments were probably a bad idea today; as the rain had infiltrated your white top, leaving it more than translucent. But Toji didn't mind the sight of your wet shirt clinging and conforming to the shape of your breasts and dainty bralette. Maybe even a shadow of your nipples protruding slightly from the lack of padding.

"Fushiguro-San! I thought you were out of town..."

"Heading to the airport." He replies almost instantly, "You headed home?"

You nodded without another word. His presence always made you withdrawn and meek. All confidence leaving you. But the rapid beating of your heart, the flutter in your stomach and the burning sensation coursing through your body was undeniable.

"I'll get you a ride home." He reached up to brush away the strand of wet hair that was currently adhering to your face. His touch made your insides tingle with nervous excitement, "Wouldn't want to get wet from the rain, right?"

"Why not? It's only rain..." you took a defensive stance and brought your arms up to hug yourself, your eyes still somewhere off to the side and not wanting to accept his generosity, "I live close by anyway..."

You weren't sure what it was at the moment. Maybe it was the fact that he was being a gentleman and protecting you from the rain with an umbrella. Or the way he smelled and looked. Or his domineering personality with his arbitrary demands. But whatever it was, it was making you forget what you prepared yourself for. Everything you organized and formulated in your head went out the window the second his viridescent eyes met yours.

Toji took your chin in his hand gently and turned you back to face him. He was still telling himself how much he hated it when you looked away. But he would fix that soon enough.

"Because, making you wet—" he brought his thumb to caress your lower lip, "—thatsmyjob."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (18)

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

Chapter Text

Toji's amorous caress left you in a lustful stupor. Your mouth slightly parted by the touch of his thumb and your body cradling the state of inertia. But you soon bring yourself out of his hypnotizing trance. Your hand snatches his wrist and at the same time he shoves his thumb slightly through the entrance of your mouth, making it appear as if you were the one responsible for such an indecent act.

"Don't get too excited, miss." He smirked while making a rather ribald remark, "We're in public."

His displeasing jest stirs your neurotransmitter chemicals, making you regain some of that lost confidence and you slap his hand away, "Don't do that!"

"You didn't stop me when I had my fingers in your...." the man starts, but he stops upon seeing your widening eyes.

He then grins and you almost croak.

Toji checks the time on his watch and turns around to whistle at the doorman beneath the canopy that adorned the entrance of the extravagant hotel. The doorman makes some quick hand gestures to someone behind the revolving glass doors and shortly after, a black sedan limousine pulls up to the curb.

A slender man with a scrawny face gets out of the drivers seat and walks around the car, stepping onto the pavement. He wore a black suit with a tie. His short black hair was parted neatly down the middle. He pushed his slipping glasses further up his nose bridge before greeting you.

"Good evening, Madam." The man with the sunken cheeks addressed respectively. He placed an arm across his stomach and the other behind his back before lowering himself at the torso for a formal bow, "Kiyotaka Ijichi, at your service."

"Ijichi, take this young lady to her home."

"Right away, Fushiguro-Sama." Kiyotaka straightens up to a stand, he strolls by the passenger side and opens the car door at the rear before gesturing you to go inside, "Allow me."

At this point you were dumbstruck, you were expecting something along the lines of a taxi cab. The fact that this well-dressed man was addressing Toji with such an honorific title only meant that he was someone who was superior and highly respected. But not only that, calling for a limo just to chauffeur you home seemed a bit over-the-top.

You respond, unsure of how to accept the generosity and more than flabbergasted, "This is a bit much. I can walk, honestly!"

"No." Toji left no room for argument, his tone and his eyes were currently daring you to try and deny him again.

"Fine." You narrowed your eyes at the green-eyed male and whispered under your breath so that only he could hear you, "If this car takes me anywhere but home...you're gunna get it..."

Toji's expression remained blank as he looked at you, a ghost of a smile on his face. Although you didn't mean for that to sound risqué (and he knew this), he couldn't help but think that way. Your words were tempting him and he couldn't wait to teach you your nextlesson. Eventually, he was gunna get it alright.


You step into the car now while Toji holds the umbrella over you.

"Thank you, I guess." You say but he doesn't respond, he only closes the door.

You peered through the dark tinted windows at the green-eyed male retreating into the building before turning to look through the partition which separated you and Kiyotaka.

"Please, help yourself to anything."

In front of you was a small bar which held a bucket of ice, bottles of champagne, bottles of hard liquor, and some lowball and wine glasses. But you didn't feel like drinking anything that would make you incoherent.

"Do you work for Fushiguro-San?"

The man's eyes move to the rear view mirror to look at you, "I'm his assistant, yes."

"What does he do?"

"I'm sorry, ma'am. But I'm not allowed to discuss his work or private matters. I surely hope you understand."

You scoffed and rolled your eyes, "Of course."

You give the man your address. The buildings along with the foliage now whizzing by as the car had gained enough velocity. You became immersed in your thoughts. Who was Fushiguro Toji? He was such a mysterious man. He didn't particularly live a lavish life style other than smoking his ridiculously expensive cigarettes. His house was an average looking one which sat nicely in the middle of a relatively normal neighborhood. But he also had a lot of money and this assistant to wait on him hand and foot. And the fact that Toji was being addressed as 'Sama' made you think of the possibility that he could be living a double life.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (19)

You were about to meet sleep but a sound at the door roused you. You roll off the edge of the bed in one fluid motion and saunter towards the knocking. Eyes barely open. Not even concerned about the time of day. It was likely past midnight but you never bothered to check. Your mind, indolent and on auto-response.

You open the door of your apartment unit and Satoru's standing there. He had a hand running through his white locks whilst looking downward, the other held a small bouquet of flowers and in your favorite color. It takes you a minute to process what you were seeing and when you do your eyes gleam jubilantly.


At the sound of your voice, he looks up at you but doesn't say a word. Instead, he moves close and hoists you up with an arm. Your legs instinctively wrap around his waist. He steps into your home with you straddling him. His other hand closes the door behind the two of you and the flowers now falling somewhere on the ground as he begins to kiss you fervently.

Both of his arms now around your bottom. Your hands on his face. He walks the two of you until the bed knocks him off his feet and you fall back onto the mattress with his body dipping onto yours, his chest hovering just above you and lips never losing contact with each other. Shoes also kicked off somewhere in the process.

Satoru breaks away and you inhale, filling your lungs with air before he decides to take your breath away again. He takes a moment to look into those eyes that he longed to see, his thumb brushing against the soft skin of your cheek. There was no doubt he missed you but his egocentric self would not allow him to admit it. He was a man of action. He'd rather show you than voice his feelings. But sex could bejustsex for all we know.

He slowly slides off one side of the dangling strap of your satin cami. He brushes his fingers softly across your chest, sending a chill down your spine. He reaches and slides off the other end before bringing the tip of his forefinger back to your chest to pull the satin top downwards to your waist, leaving you mostly bare. He took into account that you were in nothing but panties and a top. It was his lucky night. Too blinded by lust he didn't even stop to wonder why you never got dressed appropriately before answering the door.

He brings himself down again, the tips of your tongues interacting before the kiss was sealed. He begins to knead your breast, squeezing it lightly. You sigh with arousal against his lips in response to his touch, a hand weaving into his hair as he presses himself against you. You reach downward blindly, hooking onto the waist of his pants which was belted. Satoru feels you yanking and moves his mouth to plant a kiss on your cheek before lifting himself off of you. On his knees, he unbuckles and throws his belt carelessly behind him and you watch him pull his slacks and underwear down just enough for his length to show.

The man doesn't bother to remove your underwear. Instead he yanks it to the side and brings just the tip to tease your now wet folds.

"No foreplay?"

"I can't wait." His voice thick with wanting and all too eager to feel himself inside you, "Do you mind?"

You shake your head and he pushes the head in, your slick helping him along the way and you whimper with pleasure. Satoru continued to stuff himself into you, slowly and gently until you swallowed him whole. Now in your gut he moves at a nice pace and you sigh heavily with arousal once more. His desire to hear your voice made him pick up momentum all the while his lips attentive to that sweet spot on your neck. He knew all of them. It has been 10 years after all.

With hands gripping onto the back of his neck and shirt, legs pulling him flush against you, the blue-eyed man continues to thrust his swollen self harder and deeper inside those tight, wet walls of yours. You begin to roll your hips into him. Your senses heighten, bringing you closer to your climax.

Now a moaning mess, your voice grows louder. You wanted to say his name. You wanted to let the man know how good he was making you feel.

And so you do.


Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (20)

Chapter 11: Chapter 11

Chapter Text

The room was dark and quiet. You continued to lay on pins and needles. The unrelenting nagging in your stomach continued to torment you; you ride the wave of nausea. Sleep now out of reach because your mind, currently a slave to your thoughts. You continued to brood over your incredulous words that came out of that treacherous mouth of yours.


"Toji? Is that one of those characters that you simp over?" Satoru's movements slow down a bit, "You need to stop watching so much anime with Utahime. But if you wanna role-play, I guess I'm not against it.~"

Satoru lays on top of you now, his head just underneath your sternum and his arm pressed against the side of your body. You run a hand through his white hair as you watched him in his peaceful slumber.

You close your eyes again, hoping to doze off but sleep doesn't come. So you open your eyes to find that this nightmare was reality. The outlandish thoughts continue to play in your head: Does he know? How could he not know? Didn't you just give yourself away? Will he wake up to confront you? Or maybe he's waiting till tomorrow. Maybe he doesn't know. Maybe he wasn't kidding about what he said. Maybe he really thinks Toji is just an anime character.

You sigh inwardly. The guilt-ridden feeling clawing at your chest. Satoru, so trusting that even after you say someone else's name in bed, doing one of the most intimate activities a couple can do, and the guy seems to find an excuse for you. And what's worse is that you corroborate it.

Your gaze flows down to your boyfriend again and he begins to stir a bit. Your heart-rate now accelerating as the unwanted thoughts fester in your mind for the umpteenth time. Satoru lifts his head up and your eyes want to gape with dread.

"Why are you still up?" The male yawns, his eyes heavy.

"I can't sleep..."

He then sits up and scoots his shirtless self next to you, his back pressing against the headboard. He pats his clothed thigh, gesturing for you to lay on him and you do as he says. You plant your head gently on his lap, facing him. Satoru brings a hand to the nape of your hair, he drags his nails softly against your skin. Running his fingers up towards your scalp and back down; he repeats this motion. You sigh with satisfaction and your lids begin to droop. Sleep now knocking at your door. You bring a finger to play along the crevices of his abdominal muscles and he lets you, even if it tickles him. It was way past the wee hours of the morning and he wanted to help you sleep.

You feel a sense of relief and nestle closer against him. Soon enough your eyes close and your breathing deepens.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (21)

A couple days have past since Satoru came back. The sun was out and a myriad of white cotton drifted slowly across the azure sky; the perfect weather for a picnic. You had your legs spread across the soft gingham blanket that laid atop the sod of a nearby park. The male currently laying in between your legs as you continued to play with his hair.

"That feels nice." He smiles with eyes closed.

"I bet." You say in return, fingers still running through strands of his white locks.

Your hands move to the sides of his face. They trail downwards slowly. You lace your hands together, bringing them beneath his chin and you pull at it. His head now tilts back towards you. He opens his eyes to look at you and wonders what you're doing. You lower yourself down and your upper lip brushes softly against his lower one before you steal a kiss. You begin to pull away but his hand finds the back of your head and he keeps you there. He holds himself up with a propped elbow and brings his lips to meet yours again. The two of you now relishing the taste of fondness and keen on curbing each other's appetite for one another. This upside down kiss, surely bringing Peter Parker and Mary Jane to shame.

With Satoru home and Toji away you almost forget about the green-eyed male.Just almost. You continued your scheduled tutoring sessions with the two teenagers but otherwise spent all your time with your boyfriend. You weren't sure when Satoru would be called away again and for how long, so you didn't take his company and time for granted.

"Oh, god. Get a room you two."

You and Satoru break away and he sits up. He then smiles at the two girls approaching, "Don't be a buzzkill, Scarface."

"WHY YOU—" Utahime was ready to swing at the guy but Shoko's arms dive underneath the girls underarms and her hands now restraining the girl at the shoulders.

"Be nice." You frown with a hand rubbing Satoru's back.

"Ya. Be nice, Utahime. Maybe then I'll get you some Mederma for your birthday." The guy beams at the dark-haired girl after insulting her.

"I'm talking about you, Satoru." You deadpanned.

He quickly lays a chaste kiss onto your cheek hoping you'd forgive him, but you don't.

Utahime huffs a bunch of curses under her breath as Shoko releases her. The two of them now settling down on the picnic blanket.

"So good to see you, Shoko."

"Likewise." She replied in her usual downbeat voice.

"So... Shoko—" Satoru begins to speak.

"If you're still trying to play matchmaker. I'm not interested." Shoko didn't allow a second for the blue-eyed male to continue speaking but knowing how the guy is he doesn't care and continues anyway.

"—My colleague, Geto Suguru. He's still interested."

"You heard the girl." A scowl replacing Utahime's already annoyed expression, "She's not interested."

"Don't think I was talking to you, blemish."


"You're excused." Satoru smirked.

In that moment, a muffled ringing sounded from inside Satoru's pocket. Utahime opened her mouth to retort at the same time Satoru pulls his phone out. He then shoves his hand onto Utahime's face to shut her up as he brings himself to a stand.

"Sorry, Scarface. Business calls."

The white-haired male steps out of hearing range, leaving you alone with the girls.

"(Y/N)! I swear you better handle your man—" Utahime snaps, "—remind me again why you're choosing him over Fushiguro??"

"Fushiguro? Am I missing something here?..." Shoko raises a brow. She hadn't been able to play catch-up much due to her absence.

You threw your hands in front of you and waved them frantically, fearing your boyfriend may just about hear everything, "C-can we not talk about this right now?!"

The dark-haired girl clicks her tongue and crosses her arms over her chest. She was currently thinking how lucky you were to be considered a good friend or she'd likely ruin everything for you right here and now.

Satoru returns shortly after and plops himself down next to you, "Last minute meeting. Won't be home for dinner."

"When are you ever home for anything anyway?" Utahime said, slagging him off.

"At least I was invited."

"Will you two shut up!?" You groaned.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (22)

The spontaneous gathering eventually comes to an end. Shoko and Utahime make their way home. Satoru attends his unforeseen meeting and you find yourself at a local supermarket.

"Clean up requested in aisle 5"

The overhead PA spoke as you made your way through the aisles of the grocery store, not looking for anything in particular. You had a lot of time to kill and you weren't exactly sure what you wanted to cook up either.

A loud thud from somewhere down the aisle prompted you to look in that direction. There was a boy with erratic hair currently picking up the shopping basket that he had dropped and you couldn't help but wonder why the kid looked so familiar.


"Megumi?? What are you doing here?"

"I got tired of eating pizza."

Megumi's shopping basket was full. It consisted of instant noodles, frozen food and TV dinners. You looked at his sad arrangement of dinner choices and even picked one up to examine it before you threw it back into his basket.

"You're eating these? When's the last time you had a home cooked meal?"

The boy scratches his head, "Almost never."

You sigh, "I can't let you eat this. Come on."

You and Megumi slowly placed the items back accordingly.

"What do you like to eat? I'll make you something."

Megumi eyed you peripherally, hand reaching downward to grab the next item, "Whats the catch?"

You chuckle with amusem*nt while holding the door of the freezer open for him, "There's no catch. I have a lot of free time right now, so take advantage of it. Or forever hold your peace."

The raven-haired boy really didn't want to inconvenience you but the thought of eating a real meal was too tempting to pass up, "I like things that pair well with ginger."

You hum for a moment, "Oh! I know! What about shogayaki?"

At your words, he freezes in place briefly before turning his head to look at you and you could almost see his eyes glint with excitement.

"You know how to make that?"

"Mhm, sure do!"

It wasn't long until you found yourself in the kitchen at the Fushiguro's. After you played a bit of iron chef, the plate reaches the table. You sweep your hand through the air enthusiastically in front of the teen to present your craft.


The boys mouth almost waters at the sight of the pork dish in front of him. He was so hungry he forgot to thank you, let alone even speak.

You continued to watch Megumi eat and your smile soon disappears. A flat expression, now taking over your features. It was unusual for you to be in this house outside of the assigned hour(s) and it reminded you of a certain night. A certain night that you had almost forgotten about.

"Such a naughty girl."

"Look how naughty you are."

"Does your boyfriend know you're this naughty? Hm?"

"So sexy."

"Do you want me to make you cum?"

"Damn, baby..."



"Hey." Megumi's voice broke you out of your daze, your unwavering eyes now blinking and taking you back to the present time, "You alright?"

"H-huh? Yeah, sorry. I was just.... thinking about something."

The boy stares at you curiously while sticking the last piece of pork into his mouth, "Thank you for dinner. I could get use to this."

"Maybe you'll get lucky again." You laugh.

He watches you place the dirty dishes into the sink and the water runs from the faucet shortly after. Megumi gets off his chair, he brings the plate to the sink and stands next to you.

"Let me." He intended to do the clean up. It was only fair.

You smile at the boy, thinking he likely never washed a dish in his lifetime, "Do you even know how?"

He shrugs, "Soap and water. Can't be that hard."

"Nothing'sthathard, right?" You ask, your mind going back to his report card but he has no idea what you're talking about.

"What do you mean?"

There was a moment of silence and you weren't sure whether or not to question the kid but as always your curiosity got the better of you. Plus, you didn't care if you were about to burn bridges since you were planning to cut ties with the Fushiguro's anyway. Now that you knew Megumi didn't actually need you, it made it all that much easier.

"You're an A+ student are you not?"

The raven-haired boy stops his scrubbing. He doesn't know what to say. He looked rather guilty.

"Why do you need a math tutor? If you're already passing AP Calculus with flying colors?" Your hand was pressed onto the edge of the kitchen sink. Your gaze trained on the teenage boy as you stood next to him but he doesn't make eye contact.

"Are you mad?" Megumi's question made you furrow your brows in bewilderment.


"Are you mad?" He says it much slower and more stern this time.

"No." You eased up, still feeling completely perplexed on his approach, "No, I'm not—"

The boy cuts you off. He turns off the water and leaves his soapy hands dangling into the sink. Megumi's voice full of fervor and desperation, "Date my dad."

"What?! No! Why-why would I do that? I can't. I have a boyfriend."

"Last week...." Megumi started, "...when you were in the bathroom...you know? With my dad."

The amount of'Oh sh*t's'playing in your mind was about to make that phrase the only vocabulary word you knew.

"You didn'tsoundlike you had a boyfriend."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (23)

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

Chapter Text

Toji descends the stairs quickly. He stops in his steps to the sound of loud clattering emitting from the kitchen. His head tilts towards the noise before he straightens his gaze. He then continues downward, almost galloping to the first floor.

Once in the kitchen, the man sees Megumi digging in the refrigerator. The boy brings out a Tupperware, he removes the lid and throws it onto the island before popping the glass container into the microwave.

Toji looks at the boy, then the fridge, then the microwave, then back to the boy, "What are you doing?"

"What does it look like I'm doing?" Megumi doesn't even look at his father, he continues to move around the kitchen, his stomach already complaining loudly, "I'm about to eat."

"Fix that tone or I'll fix it for you."

The green-eyed male had returned home from his work travel in the early hours of the morning. After being away for some days, his son doesn't even acknowledge him with an ounce of respect.

Megumi recalls all the discipline he's received from Toji as a child and remains quiet, not wanting to test the man. He knew all too well the truth behind his fathers words.

Toji noticed the front door panel of the dishwasher ajar. His brows knit together as he makes way to the cleaning machine which has never once been used since they moved in years ago. He pulls the panel down to see a number of clean dishes sitting on the upper rack before turning his attention to his son, who was now wolfing down the leftovers.

"Whats this?"

Megumi looks up from his cellphone to his father. His gaze shoots to the dishwasher and then back to the screen of his phone, completely unconcerned, as if this had been a standard customary occurrence.

The boy continues to chew the shogayaki while he answers, "Dishes."

Toji tilts his head up towards the ceiling, he closes his eyes and his lips pucker slightly as he ran his tongue over his teeth. If Megumi was going to continue being a smart-ass, he was going to make him regret it. The man strolls over to the island now where Megumi was sitting. He lowers himself and plants his arms down on the cold stone table before bringing his hands to a steeple. He then gives the teenage boythe look.

Megumi places his phone down and swallows his food, he knew that look all too well, "(L/N) sensei made me dinner last night. I helped her wash the dishes. Didn't know where to put them so I just threw them in there."

"She—" he pauses slightly, his voice etched with a bit of skepticism, "—madeyoudinner?"

Megumi nods and with his fork he puts another piece of the pork into his mouth. His mind goes back to the previous night. The conversation the two of you had now playing in his head.

"Look, Megumi. You're a good kid. But I think we both know that this is probably not a good idea. And also, I think our lessons should end."

Toji straightens up to a stand, he eyes the food carefully before reaching down to take a piece into his mouth.

"DAD!" The boys inattentive mind springs back and his hand falls slightly, it makes his fork hit the plate with aclink, "Your hands better be clean!"

Toji ignores him, he makes a face and nods with approval, "Not bad. How did you manage to make her cook for you?"

"I didn't." Megumi gets up from his seat and strolls over to the sink, "She offered."

"Oh ya?"

The teen turns the water on and begins to sponge the dirty plate, "Yep."

Toji's brow arches as he hums in curiosity. This idea that you cooked for his son. His mind couldn't wrap around the aim or the purpose. And even now, as he watches Megumi doing the dishes too. All of it was confounding.

The raven-haired kid eventually concludes the cleansing, he dries his hands on a nearby hand-towel and turns around to see his father staring.


Toji's shoulders and arms pull upward in a placating gesture, "Nothing."

Megumi digs into the pocket of his pants and pulls out a neatly folded paper before handing it over to his father, "By the way, I thought I should let you know. (L/N) won't be coming back."

Toji looks down at the piece of paper and unfolds it. It was Megumi's report card. He snorts at the boys prodigious grades, "Show off. Clever, wonder where you got the brains from?"

The man was obviously boasting about himself but Megumi thinks otherwise. He rolls his eyes in response, "Not from you, that's for sure."

Toji narrows his eyes at the kid, "I'll tell you what you didn't get from me is that irritating mouth of yours."

"No. That's definitely from you alright." Megumi smirks and he earns a click of a tongue from the man.

Toji speaks up again. He almost forgets what his son had told him just a minute ago, "Why isn't she coming back?"

"According to her, she's notneededanymore." The boy then gestures to the report card.

Toji goes into deep thought, his green eyes, now unwavering. In a few seconds he comes to and swiftly snatches his keys off the counter before walking briskly towards the front door.

"Where are you going?"

Toji doesn't look back, he opens the door, "On an errand."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (24)

"This concludes our lesson for today. Please hand me your reports by the end of the week."

The lecture ends and you tidy your things before heading out of the classroom. You quickly blend in with the crowd of students in the hallways of the school. Your mind busy with something you'd rather not be thinking about.

It was the right thing to do, that's what you kept telling yourself. Megumi didn't need you, you both knew that well enough. But, what about Toji? A gnawing sensation erupted in your chest as you thought of the man. His alluring voice, his tantalizing eyes, the way he teases you with his enticing personality. The venereal act the two of you performed on a night not long ago still plays in your mind vividly. You shake the unwanted salacious thoughts away as you neared the cashiers office and you stand in line just like everyone else.

"Damn, baby..."

You begin to bite and suck your lower lip. You wanted to hear his voice, just once more. Maybe you should go back to the Fushiguro's to bid a proper farewell to the guy. You shake your head.No. You already knew the reason why you would want to return and it was far more than just a friendly goodbye. You'd be too tempted and blinded by lust to deny that beddable man.

"Next." The lady at the window gestures for you to come forward, it was now your turn, "How can I help you today?"

"Uh, just wanted to pay a balance."

"Account number or name please."

You give the lady your information and you watch her fingers mash the buttons on the keyboard quickly. She then narrows her eyes at the screen of her computer and makes a noise. You begin to fidget a little in your wait. It's never taken this long for the cashier to acknowledge your bill before.

"You're paid in full."

Your eyebrows almost disappeared off your face from how high they elevated, "Wait.... what?! There's noway!"

"Your balance is zero."

"B-but how?!"

The lady shrugs, "Says it's completely paid off. Just a few hours ago actually."

"Does it say who paid???"

The woman's fingers hit a few buttons on the keyboard again before she responds, "Looks like the person didn't want to leave a name. But they must really like you if they're willing to payallof that."

"Do you remember what the person looked like at least??"

"Sorry, ma'am. I just started my shift 15 minutes ago."

You sigh heavily, "Alright, well, thanks."

You turn to leave whilst pulling out your cellphone to check the time. You and Satoru had agreed to meet at your usual cafe once you were done with your classes. A smile crept onto your face as you damned the white-haired male. How could he pay off your balance without warning you? And after many months of refusing his financial help. Was this some kind of a surprise? You even thought you'd get some kind of ridiculously expensive engagement ring before then. Regardless, you were grateful.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (25)

"I'll have the kikuf*cku—" Satoru tells the waiter, his finger pointing at the special flavor of the day, "—Zunda and Cream."

The waiter nods his head, "Great choice, sir. And for you ma'am?"

You point to something appealing on the menu, "Just this for me."

The waiter nods once more, he takes the menus and leaves the table to tend to the orders.

"How was your day?"

Satoru brings his clenched hands to rest on the table, "Boring. Meetings, meetings and more meetings. What about you?"

"S'fine. Same old, same old. Oh! By the way—" your hand reaches out to the guy and he unravels his clench, "Thank you so much!"

Your boyfriend furrows his brows as he takes your hand in his, the two of you now holding hands across the table like something you'd see in a corny ass movie.

"For what?"

"Come on, Satoru. Don't play dumb. I know it was you."

He runs his thumb across the back of your fingers, "No. I'm serious. I don't know what you're talking about."

You give a short laugh, "You paid off my entire loan!"

Satoru takes his hand away from you and he continues to listen.

"Even after all this time. I mean, I know I kept sayingno,but ya... thank—"

You didn't get to finish.

"It wasn't me."


"It wasn't me."

Your head pulls back instantly, "I-I heard you the first time, but.... you're joking right?"

"Im not, cross my heart and hope to die."

The silence began to stew. The waiter comes back with the requested items and the two of you thank the guy without eyes leaving each other.

"Okay, so who was it then?" You ask.

He shrugs and takes a bite of the delicate mochi, "You tell me."

"If I knew who it was, you think I'd be asking? Let alone thanking you?!" You groan while throwing a hand into the air to gesticulate your frustration.

"Maybe it was a mistake." Satoru shrugs again. He was clearly more concerned about the sweet glutinous rice flour in front of him.

You throw a fist under your chin, your gaze lingers to the side, feeling completely baffled.

"Who cares?" the white-haired male speaks with his mouth full, "You just got your loan paid off and for free. Why are you even complaining?"

Satoru's words don't register, they went in one ear and out the other. You were too engrossed in your thoughts to pay attention. You retrace your steps. Who could it be? Maybe it was simply a mistake. Maybe it might even get retracted come tomorrow. But then, you hear Utahime's voice in your head...

"And if you must know! After you left, all he did was ask me a million questions about you before he went on his merry way!!"

...and something begins to precipitate in your mind...

"He asked a lot of things. Things like where do you go to school and what are you studying, blah, blah, blah."

...you begin to draw assumptions, maybe even conclusions...

"...like where do you go toschool..."

Satoru continues to talk about his day but you don't hear him. You didn't want to think about the possibilities of someone other than your boyfriend actually paying off your balance and on purpose. But there was only one other person who had the means to take care of something like that and the name ringing in your head was, Fushiguro Toji.


Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (26)

Artist: amkgkd on Twitter.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (27)

Chapter 13: Chapter 13

Chapter Text

You were absolutely fine with leaving things the way they were. No goodbye, no closure. You accepted that you wouldn't see him again and you were OK with that. But the eagerness to find out who had taken over your financial responsibility was about to drive you mad. Your pride hindered your ability to dismiss it without any explanations and the fact that you had boasted about self-independence on numerous occasions was about to render you into hypocrisy (not by choice).

You pound on the door rapidly now, and you finally hear some foot steps scampering down the stairs inside the home. The door swings open and a boy greets you with much bemusem*nt.

He tilts his head and his eyebrows knit together, "(L/N)?"

"Megumi. Is your dad home? I need to talk to him." Your voice was firm.

The boy blinks at you, your stern tone threw him off guard and it made him wonder what was so urgent, "He's not here. He said he had an important meeting to attend."

Your hand finds your forehead and you groan loudly. He was never around when you needed to address certain things. Things you deemed important. Although, in all honesty, it was only significant to you.

"Is something wrong?"

"It's fine." You return your gaze to the raven-haired boy, "Can you let him know that I'm looking for him?"

"Yeah." His face becomes his usual flat one in moments, "I'll have him call."

"Perfect." You say before turning to leave but the boys voice stops you momentarily.

"Unless—" Megumi stuffs his hands into his pockets as you shift back to look at him, "—you'd like to wait for him here."

You turn away again, "Thanks, but, I'd rather not."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (28)

"Do you have to go?" You lay side by side with Satoru on your bed tugging him at the chest by his shirt, "Feels like you just got back."

The two of you propped up on elbows as you exchanged ardent looks. He brushed his fingers through your hair whilst planting a soft kiss onto your lips. He'd much rather stay here relishing your taste and touch.

"I'm—" he kisses again, "—sorry."

You wrap your hands at his nape and draw him close for an Eskimo kiss, "Don't go."

"It'll only be for a day."

"That's too long..." you say, your voice as soft and enticing as you could make it.

You bring a hand to his own, your fingers take it and place it against your breasts and he doesn't allow a second to pass before he's fondling you. Satoru presses his mouth back on yours and the two of you now sharing an intimate moment.

"I have to go, I'll be late." He pulls away briefly to speak but you don't allow it, you only bring him back in for more.

"5 more minutes."

"If you keep this up..." he sighs against your lips, "...I'm gunna need more than just 5 minutes."

In moments he ends up on top of you, your legs spread and it allows him room to nestle between your thighs. His lips move against the skin of your jaw down to your neck all the while his hand laced with yours above your head. His other hand grips tightly on your waist, kneading you slowly. He grinds himself lightly against you, his mouth paying careful attention to the noises you were making and responding to them appropriately.

Satoru stops abruptly. He brings himself back up to exchange a few open mouthed kisses with you before getting up.

"I have to go."

"H-hey!" You sit up, almost grumbling like a child. He was going to leave you hot and bothered, "Finish what you started!"

"No can do, (y/n). I'm already late." He slides off the bed and boops you on the nose with a finger, "Think about me.~"

You groan quietly as he kisses you once more on the cheek before he makes his way. The click of the door sounds, signaling his exit.

You throw yourself back onto the pillow and stare straight up at nothing. It was too quiet for your liking but a low rumbling sound breaks the silence. Your stomach lets you know just how hungry you were from the gurgling. A sigh escapes your chest and you roll off the bed to saunter towards the fridge. Once open, it was rather empty. You check the time on your wall clock.

07:42 PM (午後742)

It felt too late to cook, so you throw on a light jacket and headed out the door whilst you contemplated on the different take-outs around the Tokyo area in which you resided.

You merge with the large flux of people crossing the sidewalks. The streets of this neon city were still quite busy during this time of the night. No one paid particular attention to anyone else as they continued to move about; tending to their own business.

You now find yourself in front of a conbini (large convenience store). You shrug, cause it's not a place you'd normally visit when considering dinner options but it was quick and easy. And, you were lazy tonight.

"Irasshaimase! いらっしゃいませ!" the man at the counter greets you with a bright smile upon entering.

The store was bright and energetic. The shelves were full of snacks ranging from savory to sweet. There was a medium stand-alone freezer in the center of the store dedicated to ice cream. Along the walls and near the register held a myriad of foods from cold to hot. You stopped at a section to examine the many onigiris, katsu sandos, donburi's and chirashi bowls available for purchase. After careful and considerate deliberation you snagged a few things, strolled to the cashier, paid and made your leave.

You walked down the street with a hand in the pocket of your jacket. Your other hand held an already opened onigiri that you were currently indulging on and the plastic bag of eatables dangling by the pit of your arm. Everyone around you, including yourself stop at the crosswalk with the exception of a few which disregarded the law. Your jaw continues to move up and down as you chew the soft rice, it was short grain and filled with konbu. Able to cross now, you move along with the crowd until you stepped on the pavement parallel to where you just were. You continue your route home, minding your own business and you pull out your phone this time for some entertainment. Eyes trained on the screen of the device and still biting into the onigiri, you don't pay attention to anything.

In a split second you crash into someone and your onigiri falls to the ground. You stare at it now, the rice and seaweed completely splattered at your feet.

"I'm starting to think you're following me."

Your eyes gape at the husky voice and your head snaps up immediately to meet those viridescent eyes that you may have missed (a bit).


"Don't talk with your mouth full."

You swallow hard and your mind regains cognitive function, "Oh, shut up! You just wasted my dinner!"

"You're the one who ran intome." He flicked the back of your phone which was still in your grip, "Perhaps you should try paying attention, miss."

Your hands drop and you shove your phone back into a pocket. He snorts at your lack of a come-back. He knew he was right and he damn well reveled in the moment.

"What's this?" He snatches the bag off your arm.

"HEY! That's my dinner!"

"Dinner?" The man snorts again at the sight of another onigiri and a bag of candy, "Is this even considered food?"

"The candy is for Satoru."

He narrows his eyes, "Satoru?"

"Yeah, my boyfriend. Gojo Satoru."

Since you were flustered, you didn't pay enough attention (but Toji did) to notice that you had given away your boyfriends family name by accident. The green-eyed male became sullen at the sound of how familiar that name sounded. His internal frown soon turned into a vindictive smile once he realized why that name sounded so familiar.

Toji rolls his eyes, "Im taking you to a proper dinner."

"W-what?! No! That won't be necessary."

"I'm not taking no for an answer."

The man quickly disposes of the bag into the nearest trash bin making you question him angrily and you scoff at his forthright behavior, you weren't sure if you'd ever get use to it.

"Of course you're not taking no for an answer." You cross your arms over your chest, "When do you ever?"

"Watch the way you speak to me, miss." He brings a thumb to your lower lip, his fingers taking its place on your cheek, "Or I might just need to teach that pretty mouth of yours another lesson."

You slap his hand away and your heart literally drops to the pit of your stomach at the idea. He chuckles lightly at your expression, knowing all too well of the erotic thoughts likely playing through your mind.

As always, Toji leaves no room for argument. Although you were hesitant, you still needed answers from him and so you let him lead you to an eatery. It was an Italian-fusion restaurant and a fancy one.

"Good evening, Fushiguro-Sama." The hostess bows, "Are we here for business tonight?"

Here they go with the respective, honorific title once again.


The hostess nods and leads the two of you up a short spiral staircase to the second floor. Once at the top the impressive glass windows overlooked most of Tokyo. The neon and marquee lights played brilliantly in the night. The second story was a private area, there was a table lined with expensive cloth, it was decorated with a vase of roses and a candle. At the edge of the table laid an engraved gold rectangular box.

The lady holds the chair for you as you take your seat before she neatly places the cloth over your lap. She does the same for Toji after.

A waiter appears, he holds out a bottle of Dalmore 62 Single Highland Malt Scotch for the green-eyed male "Your usual sir? We also have The Macallan M, rare, vintage and aged in Spanish oak."

Toji hums briefly, "The usual is fine."

The man nods whilst bringing out a lowball glass with ice, he pours the proper amount of whiskey for Toji before turning his attention to you.

"Would you like to start off with something to drink, madam?"

You shake your head, "Water is fine with me. Thank you..."

The waiter nods and allows the two of you to look through the menu before he returns but your tormenting nerves wouldn't allow you to concentrate. The letters now appearing as if they were running into each other on the page. And was it you, or was it getting hot? How did you end up finding yourself in an unwanted situation again. You curse at another one of your self-induced woes.

Toji notices all the weird energy radiating off of you and he smirks, "Nervous?"

You stop jiggling your leg, "No..."

You bring the menu to hide your now silent screaming face all the while trying to tell yourself to calm down. Who knew you'd ever be sitting in front of Toji at an expensive restaurant that was way out of your budget. You couldn't even recall the last time Satoru brought you out on a nice dinner.

The waiter returns quicker than you expected, "Have we decided?"

Toji puts in his order and you randomly point to anything on the menu. You just wanted to get this night over with.

The waiter makes a noise, "You want a side of bread?"

You laugh sheepishly at your your mistake and mustered all your strength to maintain composure whilst pointing to an entree on the menu, "I meant this."

He nods and leaves the two of you alone again and you wish he didn't because it was way too hard to maintain eye contact with the green-eyed male and anything willing to come out of that mouth of yours would likely be gibberish at this point.

Toji pushes his lowball glass towards you, "For the nerves."

You felt a tad embarrassed that he could sense how edgy and tense you were. There honestly was no reason for you to feel this way. It was only Toji after all. But the infatuation you had for this man was immeasurable. And the restaurant ambiance with the incredible view made this night more romantic than you intended it to be. You just wanted to get food from 7-11 for crying out loud.

You take a sip and cough, "Ew! How do you drink this?!"

He laughs while opening the gold box which revealed a number of cigars and his expensive ass cigarettes. He takes a cigar and someone shows up to give him a light. With the thick smoke between his lips he inhaled deeply. He keeps the cloud in his mouth to linger before expelling it out but away from you, to be respectful.

Eventually the food arrives and the two of you dine quietly. The alcohol, surprisingly, makes you much more controlled and level-headed.

"Fushiguro-San." You place your fork down, you didn't want this opportunity to go to waste.

The man hums at you.

"You paid my loan. Didn't you?"

He looks up at you now. Toji puts the pasta in his mouth and he chews, his eyes still on you and then he shrugs, "What if I did?"

"Why did you do it though??"

Toji looks down at his food again, "You cooked for my son. Didn't you?"

You stutter some noises before speaking, "So? What if I did?"

"Why did you do it?" He was literally asking the same questions.

You shrug.


You huff loudly, "Paying something like that and making someone dinner. Two COMPLETEY different things."

"Money is money."

"I can't accept all of that. It-it's too much...." you look down at your hands playing against each other now. It would feel like an eternal debt.

"I'll tell you what." The man takes his lowball glass back and swishes it around in his hand, "Take care of Megumi, if I'm ever away and we'll call it even."

"That's it?"

"I guess there's one more thing." Toji takes a swig of the malt scotch and brings it back onto the table, he then sighs with satisfaction, "You horny?"

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (29)

Chapter 14: Chapter 14

Chapter Text

There was a park across the street of the restaurant. The usual vibrant greenery and miscellaneous colors from the foliage were now muted from the darkness of the night; nothing but the soft glow of the moon and scattered lampposts across the large area to illuminate the monotones of gray.

You and Toji stand somewhere in this recreational area, underneath a tall light. The guy wanted to smoke—again. It was quiet. No one occupied the park except the two of you. He stands in front of you, a couple feet away, with a hand in his pocket. His other held a cigarette in between his index and middle finger. The male brings the tobacco to his lips. His cheeks cave inward slightly when he inhales and you hear his breath as he exhales. The smoke blows out of his mouth in a sharp straight line before it curls into thick clouds of pale white. Due to a windless night, the translucent mists hang around a bit before they dissipate into the air. He brings his hand back down to his side. The tip of his cigarette burns a bright orange. He flicks the filter with his thumb and the ash falls. Toji continues to stare at you like he had been this entire time.

"Take a picture." You say, "It'll last longer."

He chuckles, because he remembers saying something quite similar the night he had his hand drenched with your slick.

"So—" the man indulges in his smoke again, "—are you horny?"

You scoff as you look in another direction, away from his eyes, "I said no, didn't I?"

You shake your head and wonder how he could possibly be asking you something so indecent. Actually, how could he ask anyone something like that? But then your rebellious mind imagines what it would be like to have something other than his fingers inside you. And your unwavering eyes with your blank expression sell you out.

Toji sees this and he smirks. He was a master of perception after all, "You sure about that?"

You blink and bring your gaze back to the green-eyed male. You try not to burn with heat, "One hundred percent."

The man sucks on his teeth lightly, "You know how much I hate liars, right?"

"It doesn't matter if im lying or not. I can't....." you don't say the words, ".....with you."

"You can't." He smokes again, "Doesn't mean you don't want to."

"Doesn't matter what I want." You blow out your cheeks and shake your head, "Do you have any sense of morality? Integrity?"

The guy snorts he throws his cigarette butt onto the floor and puts it out with his shoe, "I think you've already crossed that line.Remember?"

A sense of uneasiness courses through you. You bite your lip.

"If there's anything I learned in this life. Is that if you want something, go and get it." Toji continues to speak, "If I want it, I'll work for it. If I'm working for it, I'll work until I get it. So, yes, I'll get what I want."

You hear him playing with the keys sitting in the pocket of his pants and you grow timid, "And... what is it that you want?"

"I'm sure I don't need to spell it out for you." Toji steps closer.

You step back, "I can't..."

"Why? Because you have a boyfriend?"

You nod.

The man shrugs as if to say 'whatever'.

You cross your arms over your chest and shift your weight from one leg to the other, "I-I think I should get going soon."

"I'll walk you home."

"No. That's fine."

"It's late." His tone grows firm, "It can be dangerous for a girl."

"I think the only person I'd have to worry about right now is you." Your voice comes out sounding more teasing than you intended.

"You should be afraid of your own thoughts more than anything else."

"What do you mean?" You ask because you don't understand.

"You might just will it into existence." He smirks like he knows what you're thinking and the guy probably does. He makes his way to the exit.

Your brows furrow and you're confused but decided not to press the subject matter. The two of you leave the park now. The streets were much more quiet compared to an hour ago. A few cars drive by. A few people walk by. Some lights flicker. The sound of live music from a pub grows increasingly louder as the two of you near and then it slowly fades the further you grow. Toji stays a few steps behind as you lead the way. You take a deep breath and then exhale loudly through your nostrils as the trek continues in awkward silence. As much as you wanted to drum up conversation, you didn't know what to say. So you keep quiet.

It wasn't long until you both reach the apartment building. You and Toji share a mild dispute about him escorting you upstairs. You tell him that there's no need but he continues to play gentlemen and disregards your modesty. And as always you lose the argument. The elevator ride up was just as silent as the walk here. You've never felt so uncomfortable in your life. The doors open with adingand the two of you stroll across the carpet of the 9th floor. You fish your keys out of your jacket pocket before reaching your unit. You stick the key into the designated hole and you fumble a bit—out of nervousness. Before you open the door you turn around to speak with the man.

"Thanks for walking me home."

"Don't mention it."

You look around and then you wonder if he's going to leave. But he doesn't.

"So, I guess this is bye. Let me know when you're out of town. You know? For Megumi."

He makes a noise in agreement and then his hand reaches up to his collar. Toji grumbles under his breath as he yanks at the knot. The guy hated ties and he had worn one long enough for the day. He struggles and you roll your eyes.

"Here. Let me." You swat his hand away.

You begin to undo his tie and he watches you. You didn't expect him to be staring so when your eyes met his, they quickly dart back down. You purse your lips as you pull the neckwear off of him.


The both of you exchange some looks and you don't know what to make of it. In that moment you smell his cologne. You notice his fit form underneath his business suit. You remember the night in his bathroom. And then something unusual begins to stir inside of you.

"Anyway..." you try not to think about things you shouldn't be thinking about and you turn to open the door.

"Not going to let me in?" One of his seven senses kicks in. He feels something emanating from you.

Your eyes close in disbelief before you turn around to deal with his autocratic self, "I'm pretty sure that the host normally gives the invitation and not vice versa."

The words of your mind say one thing but your body desires the complete opposite. But you tell yourself to behave.

"You're going to let me in." He says confidently.

"Why would I do that?" You size him up.

Toji twists his lips and shrugs, "Gut feeling."

His exceptional intuition has never failed him. Surely it wouldn't tonight either.

"Do you know why my favorite letters in the alphabet are N and O? Cause they're next to each other." You don't allow yourself time to succumb to the forbidden fruit, "Goodnight, Fushiguro-San!"

You step into your home and slam the door close. You let out a heavy sigh and take a couple steps but your body freezes upon seeing his tie still in the palm of your hand. You curse under your breath. Just your luck. Maybe the universe hates you. Or maybe this was the universe telling you something. Only time will tell.

"Told you so." The green-eyed male says smugly upon seeing you again.

Toji was still standing in the same spot when you opened the door. This surprises you.

"Don't get ahead of yourself." You gesture for him to take his accessory, "I'm just giving this back to you."

He takes it from you—slowly. You feel the skin of his hand against your own and a gnawing sensation erupts in your chest. You swore your heart stopped beating when he leaned in. You feel his lips against your forehead, he plants a light kiss before he thanks you. He then turns to leave but you stop him.


Somewhere between Toji leaving and you stopping him. The door to your apartment closes again. The hallway of the 9th floor now completely empty and quiet. But no one took the elevator down either.

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Two cups of tea sit at the table in the kitchen. Both untouched and no longer hot in temperature.

Toji's calloused hands run over your supple skin. He was so different from Satoru. Neither bad, just different. However, Toji was much more assertive. He pays much more attention and his responses were quick and full of passionate heat. The man definitely had an incredible amount of stamina; it was hard for you to keep up. It was everything you imagined it would be. But better.

"Tell me, miss." He grunts softly, "Whose better?"

It was hard to speak, you try to answer the man through your moans, "P-please don't.... mmmnn.... make me....ah~.....answer that question....."

"Be a good girl and I'll make you cum this time."

You lay on all fours on your bed; legs spread, hole insanely wet and completely stuffed. He brings himself almost all the way out and slams back into you—repeatedly. He was so girthy, so strong.

"Oh, f*ck~.......that feels.....soo good...."

You're not exactly sure how you got into this position. Everything had escalated so quickly from the time Toji entered your home. Tea was made but the two of you ended up in the bedroom instead.

You hear him chuckle, "So, whose better?"


Toji continues to thrust himself inside of you, "Louder."

"Y-you're..... betterrrr!~" you shout.

He grabs your hair and pulls you up slightly, at the same time he leans down and your lips meet. He kisses you aggressively—still unromantic, like the first time. The man continues to buck his hips, his scrotum slaps against your lady part. He goes harder and the sounds of the clapping intensify.

Your phone sits nearby. It rings and you ignore it. It goes to voicemail.

Toji flips you onto your back. You wrap your legs around his waist and he continues to f*ck you. Your phone rings again and the green-eyed male sees the caller ID.

"You might want to answer that." He grins.

Your hand runs through his hair, your moaning doesn't get any softer and your face scrunched with arousal, "I-I can't...."

He grabs your phone, his thumb accepts the call and he presses the device against your ear. Your eyes gape with dread and then you add: Strangle Toji to your mental to-do list.


"Hey."It was Satoru,"I have good news!"

"O-ohh, ya?" You sigh, but much longer than you anticipated. It was hard to stifle your moans with Toji still moving against you, "W-what is it??"

"Is everything okay? Why do you sound like you're out of breath?"

Your breath hitches and you die a little inside, "I-I, uhm, I'm ....... exercising right now!"

You see Toji's annoying smirk, he was clearly enjoying how distraught you were. He brings his lips to play along the crook of your neck and jaw. His length still slips in and out of you as you converse with your boyfriend.

"Exercising? Since when do you exercise?"

"N-new Year's....r-resolution....mm....."

"It's July. Anyway, the agency doesn't need me anymore. I'm heading back now."


"Sheesh, don't sound too excited. I'll be there soon. And I'll make sure to finish what I started.~"

The line goes dead. You were ready to throw Toji a nasty scowl but once your attention falls back to the man your mind becomes hazy with lust. He was doing something completely different now and whatever it was, it had you completely under his spell.

"Damn, baby." He speaks against that moaning mouth of yours, "You're so f*cking naughty. What's it like? Getting f*cked while on the phone with your boyfriend? Hm?"

"I-I hate you...."

"Guess I need to hurry. Wouldn't want him walking in on us, would you miss?"

You shake your head, "We should stop....oh sh*t~...."

"You don't sound like you want to stop."

"Toji....." you say with a breathy tone.

".....f*ck." The sound of you moaning his name makes him pick up momentum. He goes even deeper. He goes even harder.

"Y-yesss! Just like that! F-f*ckkkkk!~" you beg the man now, to keep going.

You say his name again and again and again. He begins to slow but his thrusting is still deep and symmetrical. He curses and smashes himself against you until he couldn't go any further. You reach your peak and his name is the only word you know. He gives himself a moment to finish emptying inside of you before pulling out, a trail of his liquid seed following.

Toji spreads your legs, "Push a little for me."

You lay almost lifeless on the bed, you try to catch your breath but you do as he says and the guy watches his cream trickling out of your sex slowly. He becomes elated at the mere sight of his territorial marking.

"Geez...." he says under his breath and now he's thinking, he couldn't wait until the next time. And he knew, for a fact, that there would definitely be a next time.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (31)

Satoru enters the building, he makes his way through the lobby of your apartment. His shoulder runs into someone. He quickly apologizes to the person but he doesn't pay attention; he barely even looks at the guy.

"Excuse me."

"Don't worry about it." The man acknowledges the white-haired male. It was Toji.

Toji didn't need to know what your boyfriend looked like to know it was him. He could tell just by the guys scent. It was the same scent that was lingering around your home. The green-eyed male continues towards the doors that lead outside. He grins in satisfaction.

Satoru stands in front of your door now. After a few knocks the door swings open. He leans down to kiss you but he pulls away instantly. His eyebrows knit and he narrows his eyes at you.

"Is something wrong?" You ask.

He takes a while to respond but all he says is, "No."

The two of you step inside and the door closes. He doesn't question the earthy, woody taste of cedar and mesquite or the staleness of ash lingering on your lips and tongue. He knows that you don't smoke and he knows all too well the taste of a cigar and maybe even a cigarette. He runs his tongue over his teeth and stares off somewhere beyond your shoulder. He becomes lost in his thoughts. He doesn't want to think the worst but he does. But at the same time he thinks, there's just no way. So, he gives you the benefit of the doubt.

"Hey." You grab the guys attention, "Are you sure you're okay?"

His eyes come back to the present time and they land on you, "Yea. I'm fine."

Downstairs, Kiyotaka Ijichi finally arrives. He gets the car door for Toji, "How was your night Fushiguro-Sama?"

Toji gets into the backseat of the sedan limo. Ijichi closes the door and returns to his drivers seat. The green-eyed male fixes his collar. He pulls at the flaps of his business jacket neatly. He then smiles at his assistant's reflection in the rear view mirror.


Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (32)

Chapter 15: Chapter 15

Chapter Text

"Not here, Toji....."

"You like it though." He was right.

Your mouth, it always voices one thing but your body always expresses the complete opposite. The man doesn't listen he wants you anywhere—everywhere. His hands tighten around your waist and you feel his well built frame press up against you. It was so easy for him to silence all your moral thoughts. The thoughts that tell you to stop. All the thoughts that tell you that this is wrong. Yet you surrender to his touch, because the forbidden was always the most tempting and most irresistible. The feeling of his breath is too inviting to resist. The taste of his lips and everything he does to you, invades your senses; he was addictive.

Toji's kiss was a sloppy and hungry one. It felt demanding; you were his craving and he's asking you to curb his appetite. Who would have ever known that the man would, some how, manage to sway you into a number of undisclosed engagements. His fervent behavior makes you forget the fact that you're even standing in a bathroom stall having sex with the guy.

Your mind inhibits nothing and your hands move on their own free will. They slip underneath his shirt, your fingers crawl against the warmth of his skin and you feel the strength of his back muscles. Everything about this man turns you on.

Your lips part slightly and so does his. The two of you continue to exchange saliva as he brings himself in and out of that wet hole of yours. It makes the poorly structured walls of this toilet stall shake violently behind you. You raise a knee and he presses your leg flush against the wall; the man, he's able to go even deeper now. It makes you moan—loudly.

Too engrossed in each other, the both of you pay no mind to the person who happens to inconveniently walk into the public restroom but this stranger—they leave immediately.

Toji rolls his hips and grinds himself slowly against you. The man slows down, he doesn't want to shoot too soon. He groans and moans in satisfaction. Your seductive noises and facial reactions were about to send him into ecstasy.

"Can I cum inside you?"

"You never bothered to ask the first time..." You sigh salaciously, "Why bother asking now?"

"You're right." He smirks, "I was going to anyway. Just thought I'd be nice about it."

You speak with a breathy tone, "What if I'm not on birth control?"

"Then I guess Megumi's getting a brother." He chuckles then he picks up momentum again, "Or a sister."

"Shut up." You know he's joking and he knows you're on contraceptives.

"Does that feel good?"

You nod. His speed and deep rhythm is about to make you peak. You could barely hold back.

"So f*cking wet and tight...." he kisses you aggressively and then he speaks against your moaning mouth, "....cum for me."

You say his name as you release.

And then he spills inside you—again.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (33)

Toji lights a cigarette outside of the restaurant the two of you just exited from. His lighterclinkssoftly in the still night and he drops it back into the pocket of his business jacket. The man had called you to his home earlier in the day in preparation for his departure; he was planning on leaving for work again and he wasn't sure for how long. So he had a quick discussion with you and Megumi together, just to get the teen on the same page. And then he took you to dinner—cause he wanted to, but we all know he also wanted much more than that.

The night was quiet. Only a few people occupied the space outside of the food establishment. The only lights that illuminated the sidewalk were the ones outside of the eatery. You and Toji continue to exchange light conversation.

"So you don't know when you'll be back?"

The man shakes his head.

"What do you do anyway?" You ask.

But Toji gives you a vague answer and one you've heard many times, "I'm a consultant."

It was dim, so you don't see the two men approaching. You wanted to question the guy more but you get interrupted.


You look to the person who called out to you. You try not to freak out, "Satoru?"

Your boyfriend approaches with his colleague, Geto. Toji licks his teeth, he's unconcerned but at the same time he gets just a tad excited. He takes a puff of his smoke as his eyes linger on the two men—mostly on the white-haired male.

Satoru knew you were meeting with Megumi's father. You had mentioned to him about having to take care of the boy while Toji was away. And surprisingly, he was okay with it. You weren't expecting to run into your boyfriend tonight. The sight of him standing next to the man who was just railing you made your heart stop. You swore all the blood left your face and you were now extremely pale.

"Geto-San." You greet the man and try to keep cool composure. Then you speak to Satoru, "Done with your meeting?"

Geto acknowledges you with a quick wave of a hand. Satoru hums, "Yup."

"O-Oh, by the way this is, Fushiguro-San. Megumi's dad. You know? The one I told you about." You feel rude that you haven't done introductions yet, but you also feel incredibly awkward and nervous, "And this is Gojo Satoru, my boyfriend and his co-worker, Geto Suguru."

Toji pretends to be interested. He had a hand in his pocket the other held his tobacco. The green-eyed man flicks his cigarette and quickly places the stog between his lips before bringing his hand out to Geto then Satoru. It was proper handshake etiquette.

"Fushiguro." Satoru greets the guy formally as he takes his hand.

The two shake hands and Toji tries extremely hard not to grin at the thought of the Satoru touching his hand that was just fondling you moments ago.

"Please—" the green-eyed male smiles, "—call me Toji."

"Toji." The white-haired male affirms before he let's go. He then turns his attention to you, "Are you guys done for the night? I'll take you home."

"Uh." You look to Toji and he gives you a reassuring look, "Yeah, we're done."

Satoru wraps his arm around you—almost too tightly. And then he kisses your temple. It almost seemed like a public announcement; to display what was his and also to heed his warning to never touch you inappropriately—or else.

It makes Toji scoff and then laugh internally.

"Let's go." The white-haired male says.

For a brief moment, before the three of you leave the green-eyed male, Toji and Satoru exchange gazes. And your boyfriend, he feels something unsettling.

"Okay." You then turn to bid Toji a farewell, "See you later, Fushiguro-San."

Toji nods. He finishes his smoke as he watches the three of you walk off. Your bodies become silhouettes the further you went. And the man, he couldn't help but f*cking smile.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (34)

"So he's the one who paid your loan?" Satoru, he's not happy.


"When were you planning on telling me?"

You shrug slightly "I-I don't know... I didn't think you'd care."

The two of you were back at your apartment now. The male sits at the counter in the kitchen and you stand across from him on the other side. The subject of Toji came up right away. You're not too sure how it ended up like this but it did.

"Do you know how long I've been asking you?" His voice rises, "And you let some guy you just met a few months ago, take care of it for you?"

"I didn't ask him to!" You retort, "You make like I even knew it was him!"

Satoru was offended. It was a huge blow to his ego and pride; as not just a man but as your significant other—of 10 freaking years. He was more than upset, he was almost livid.

"Did you even ask?" His voice now thick with anger.

"Of course I did."

He then makes a face at you and not a nice one either, "Well?"

"I don't know why he did it! He just did!" You cross your arms over your chest, "I don't know why you keep asking. I said I don't know!"

The man rolls his eyes and his clasped hands find his forehead. He's not exactly sure why or how, but something didn't sit right with him. For a second he thinks he's crazy, he thinks he's overreacting. Nope.

You hear him sigh heavily, "Someone wouldn't just pay all of that for no reason."

You don't respond. You didn't know what to say and the thought of everything you've been doing behind his back was currently killing you—mentally. You don't deserve him. You continue to think this. You should tell him. But yet you don't. Cause you're afraid of the repercussions of your own actions. Afraid that he'll leave you. And Satoru, he was all you knew. You weren't sure what you and Toji were, likely nothing. You also didn't really think about a future with the man either. You can't have your cake and eat it too. You knew this. You'll need to make a decision sooner or later. Even though you should technically make that decision now.

You walk over to the white-haired male. Your hands find his shoulders and you massage them lightly before snaking your hands down to his chest. Your touch, your affection, it makes Satoru forget all his worries almost instantly. You embrace him and he can't help but melt into you. His hand finds your arm.

"I know." You say, "I'm not a hundred percent sure why he did it.Really."

He nods but not really out of agreement, more the fact that he was coming to terms with it. He tries not to let the idea bother him. At some point a legitimate reason will surface. Until then he lets it sit on the back burner.

You bring his chin up with a finger and the two of you kiss. His brows knit and he pulls away slightly. The tobacco ash; he smells it again, he tastes it again. Satoru feels a sudden ache in his chest but his mind refuses to let him believe that you were being unfaithful. He begins to think of excuses for you—not the first time either. After all, Toji smokes around you. That could be reason enough. He shakes away the unwanted thoughts.

"Second-hand smoke is bad." Is all the guy says.

"Huh?" Then you pull your shirt up to your nose. You take a whiff. It smells like cigarettes, "Oh, ew. I'll shower."

Satoru watches you disappear into the bathroom. He continues to sit and stew in his thoughts. Sure the smell of the smoke bothered him. But there was something else that he took notice of. Hesmelledsomething else. And it smelt awfully familiar. A man's cologne that's what it was. And it was adhering to you like glue.

But what made his stomach churn was the fact that it definitely was not his.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (35)

Chapter 16: Chapter 16

Chapter Text

Satoru swirls his utensil inside the shiratama zenzai that sits in front of him on the table. The two of you sit at your most frequented cafe in the city. It was the next morning. The streets were busy and a flock of people could be seen crossing through the tinted glass windows of the bistro.

"So..." the guy spoons the sweet red bean into his mouth. He swallows before he continues, "...have I met Fushiguro before?"

Great, he's bringing up Tojiagain. You couldn't blame him though. If the roles were reversed, you'd be just as suspicious.

All the blood leaves your face, "Uh, I-I don't think so."

Satoru hums and his eyebrows knit together. Why did he feel like he's seen the guy somewhere before? And also, his name sounded awfully familiar but he couldn't quite put his finger on it.

"I feel like I've seen him somewhere before." He says as he continues to eat the mochi and azuki. He chews slowly and continues to run his spoon in circles inside the bowl.

You feel a guilt-wrenchingpangin your chest. Your heart could literally drop pass your stomach. You try not to hark back to that night you literally screamed Toji's name in bed and then you thank the universe (kinda) that it was late and the mind(s) were likely indolent around that time. You also hope he doesn't remember—ever.

"Really?" You fork your food but it's mostly untouched.

Satoru looks down at your plate and then at you, "Why aren't you eating?"

You don't look at him. You take a small bite, "I'm just, not that hungry."

It remains quiet for awhile and then the guy, he brings up Toji—again.

"What were you and Fushiguro doing over there last night? Thought you said you had to go to his place to meet with that -gumi kid."

Every question makes your stomach churn. You could literally break out into a cold sweat. You didn't like the sound of his voice either. It was too serious for your liking and Satoru, he was rarely ever serious.

"Uh, yeah I did. He took me to dinner after..."

"Interesting." The white-haired male finishes his zenzai. He doesn't sound pleased, "Does he take you to dinner often?"

"No." You take another small bite, "I mean he did one other time but that's it."

You instantly regret saying that last part.

"When was this?"

"Uh, a few nights ago." You poke at your food again, "Why are you asking so many questions?"

Satoru doesn't answer your question, he only continues to ask his own.

"What night was that?"

"Uh, I don't know..." you sigh loudly and then you waft a hand in the air. You couldn't think properly, "You know that night you had to leave last minute or something? I think it was that night."

"And he justrandomlyasked you to dinner?" He narrows his eyes at you. His voice was harsh.

"No, of course not." Your eyes meet the males briefly before they go back down to your plate of food, "I ran into him on the way back from 7-11. Picked up some onigiris for dinner and he said that it wasn't considered dinner and that I should eat a proper one."

You give the guy a big shrug.

Satoru's hand tightens around his spoon, "What happened after that?"

You try to hold back your swallow. You lick the inside of your cheek. You purse your lips. You knew what happened afterwards. You had sex with the guy in your own home. But of course, you weren't going to say that.

"He smoked a cigarette and walked me home."

"Hewalkedyou home?"

You nod.

"How nice of him." Satoru seems angry, "I'msureI don't have anything to worry about,right?"

You shake your head. You look at the man and then you lie, "Nothing to worry about."

The two of you continue to look at each other with unwavering eyes. No one speaks. His eyebrows were furrowed slightly and his forehead wrinkled. His face holds a surly expression and he couldn't hide it. You could tell something was bothering him and in the back of your mind you believe he knows. He's not an idiot. Satoru had always had good intuition. He'd always been a cheeky man; audacious, brazen, always gloating and always humorous. There weren't many days that he didn't smile. You've never once given him a reason to doubt you previously, so you've never seen this side of him. It made you uncomfortable.

"Good." He places his utensil down on the table and checks the time on his phone, "Weren't you supposed to meet that kid at one?"

"Oh ya, that's right." You get up and sling the strap of your bag onto your shoulder, "I'll see you later?"

He nods and it doesn't seem reassuring. You lean down to kiss him, it was just a peck. He's not satisfied so he makes a noise to let you know he wants another. But your kiss, it didn't feel as fervent and meaningful as it use to. It adds additional worry. The male grows sullen. You turn to leave again but he stops you.

"Hey, (Y/N)."

You turn around but Satoru doesn't, so you look at the back of his head, "Hm?"

"What's his name again?"


"Fushiguro." You see him pulling something out of his pocket but you don't pay attention to what it is, "That kids dad."

"It's...." You hesitate, "....Toji."

"Toji." He repeats.

"Yeah..." your hand grips onto the strap of your bag. You prepare yourself for backlash. Not that you could really reason your way out of any of this, "....Why?"

"No reason." The male shakes his head. He still doesn't look back and he takes a moment to speak again, "Just forgot."

You feel a sense of relief but at the same time you don't.

"Oh, okay. I'll see you later?" You ask again for reassurance.

"Yeah." Is all the guy says.

You frown as you make your leave and Satoru remains in his seat. He packs the cigarettes on the palm of his hand; the ones he took out of his pocket. He takes one out of the box. The guy wasn't one to smoke, but this was stress smoking. He places the tobacco between his lips and lights it. He takes a deep breath and exhales. He shakes his head and then he scoffs.

"Toji." He says under his breath. He smiles in disbelief and shakes his head some more.

"Sorry sir." A waiter appears at Satoru's table, "There's no smoking allowed in here."

The white-haired male puts it out on the table. It leaves a burn mark on the cloth. He then flicks the thing and it flies somewhere on the ground.


"Sorry." Satoru gets out of his chair and then he digs out some cash. He throws the extra tip onto the table and turns to leave, "I'm having a bad day."

He pushes the doors and steps out into the noisy streets of Tokyo. The male pulls out his cellphone and dials your number. You answer immediately.

"Satoru? What's the matter?"

"I know I said I'd see you later but something came up."

"Is everything okay?"

"It's work. I'll let you know when I'm back in town."

Then he hangs up abruptly. His unusual short-tempered manner makes you uneasy. It was harrowing.

The white-haired male wasn't dumb. He knew exactly what this was. He just didn't want to admit it. He wants to refuse to believe any of it. He didn't want to throw away 10 years with a woman he actually loved. One that kept him in check. One that remained non-superficial and non-materialistic since the beginning. One thathadbeen loyal. He then thinks, where did he go wrong? What had he done to make you go astray? Maybe he should have spent more time with you. Maybe he should have told you he loved you more (he rarely did). Maybe he should have done things to show you just how much he appreciated you. Maybe he should have voiced how much you meant to him more often than not; but he wasn't really a man of affectionate words. Maybe he shouldn't have taken you for granted all those times in the past. He blames himself and then he doesn't. He goes back and forth in his mind. What will happen if he chooses to confront you? A part of him wanted to and a part of him was afraid. He couldn't imagine the idea of losing you to someone else. If anything, he was willing to make it work but what if you didn't want to? That idea pained him.

Satoru continues to walk down the street. He was torn. He didn't know what to do. But the white-haired male himself hadn't been completely honest with you either—about his job that is. You always thought his family owned a huge shipping company and that he left periodically to check on each of the distribution centers that they owned. But it was a lie. Gojo Satoru, he was a hitman too. An early, up-and-coming one; it ran in his family. After the last competent and qualified Gojo retired, Satoru took his place; he was next in line and the only one who was proficient enough. Satoru was a very smart and capable young man with incredible intuition as well. His ability to excel quickly made his name known amongst this underground society that he was apart of. Which is why Toji himself recognized the guys name when you brought him up the night he first took you out to dinner.

Satoru felt bad for lying to you but he wanted to keep you safe. The less you knew the better. He runs a hand through his hair and he sighs heavily. Fushiguro Toji, the white-haired male keeps saying that name in his head. It sounds familiar and not because you ungraciously shouted it whilst he made love to you (unfortunately he remembers that too). But it was because he's seen it at work before also. The green-eyed assassin, he had an alias and everyone in the hitman community knew him as 'Chinmoku no Satsujin' 沈黙の殺人 (Silent Killer). Toji was infamous and many were afraid of him and Satoru's never met the guy before until last night. He then thinks, what a small f*cking world this was and also how unfortunate it was to be him. Because he can't imagine going up against a top-grade executioner but at the same time, even at the cost of his life, for you, he definitely will.

The white-haired male takes out his phone once more. He makes a phone call to someone. The phone rings and an unknown man answers on the other side of the line.

"Good Afternoon, Gojo-Sama. I didn't expect to hear from you so soon and especially on your day off. How may I be of service to you?"

"I need some information."

"And what is it that you're inquiring about?"

"I need to know the time and location of a work order."

"Name of hire, sir?"

"Chinmoku no Satsujin." Satoru says, "Fushiguro Toji."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (36)

Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Chapter Text

The sun made its presence known. It's invisible rays beamed down on the earth and it's people. You sit on a bench with Megumi while fanning yourself with a brochure of Ueno Zoo. But the glossed paper does nothing against the heat of the afternoon star. Distant laughter could be heard as children with their families walk pass. Some here for leisure, some a field trip and some for research. In your case, you accompany the teenage boy to this menagerie for his research; more specifically on the topic of endangered pandas.

The two of you continue to sit in front of a large hutch; it was tall with no roof. There were a few bears housed in the cage. They were either sleeping, eating bamboo or lazing around. Megumi continues to scribble inside the small notebook that he had brought with him.

"What exactly is your paper on?" You ask the boy as you try to keep your mind off the hot weather.

"Pandas." He continues to write, "And why they're going extinct."

"Why are they going extinct?"

"It's notoriously hard to get pandas to mate and female pandas are only fertile for about 3 days or less annually."

You continue to fan yourself, "Oh, I never knew that. Very interesting..."

"According to research." The boy continues and his hand moves quickly over the page, "They're more likely to copulate and produce if they have the opportunity to choose their own mates."


"Have......" he pauses, ".......sex."

"OH." You nod and then you try not to burn with embarrassment, "Right."

"I guess they're more human-like than we think."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, can you imagine having an arranged partner?" Megumi continues to take notes from observation, "Or an arranged marriage?"

"No, of course not." You reply. Although in some society's that was still a norm, even till this day, "Just didn't think that really applied to animals. You know? Love and choosing your own partner."

Megumi hums in agreement, "That's true. Most male animals are philanderer's. Even in the panda species."

"Copulate. Philanderer." You snort, "Are you really 15?"

Megumi's vocabulary seemed higher than that of a normal teenage boy. He also appeared to be academically driven; now his school grades don't seem that surprising. What average 15-year old would want to spend their weekend writing a research paper at a zoo? And just so that they could exhaust all resources past all the photos and literature held in the common library or the articles found on the World Wide Web.

"And are you really in love?"

His question put you off guard. You stop fanning, "What does that have to do with you being 15 and talking like you're 45?"

"Knowledge is not limited to age. It's limited to how hard you're willing to work for it." Megumi closes his notebook, "The brain can hold an infinite amount of information. It's like having unlimited storage on a hard drive. Why shouldn't we take advantage of that?"

How hard you're willing to work for it.You snort internally at his words. The boy really is his father's son.

"You should teach your friend, Yuji a few things." You laugh, "But that still doesn't explain why that's relevant to me being in love."

"Same concept." The teen looks at you now, "You're surprised that I'm well-rounded for someone my age. So you ask if I'm really 15. Well, I'm surprised that you're taken but fooling around with my dad. So, I'm asking if you're really in love with your boyfriend. Just because you're with someone, doesn't mean you're in love. Just because I'm 15, doesn't mean I can't be smart. Does it make sense now?"

You were dumbstruck. The guide now lays next to you on the seat. Where do you even begin to respond? If anything, Megumi could teach not just Yuji a few things, he could also teach you a few things.

"Of course I love, Satoru. We've been together for 10 years. Why wouldn't I love him?"

"Do you love him or are youinlove with him?" He continues to press the matter. It makes you uncomfortable, "There's a difference. But even if you love him, then why do you hurt him?"

"I-I don't know."

"Let me ask you this." He puts his notebook away, "Are you interested in my dad?"

You avert your gaze to the floor and you think about it, "I don't know..."

"You do know. There's always an answer." Then he tilts his head, cause there actually might not always be an answer for everything, "For most things at least."

You lean over and prop your elbows onto your knees before you bury your face into your hands. You sigh, "Oh, Megumi.....I don't know what I'm doing. I feel terrible. This isn't me. I don't do these things. But, your dad. I don't know. Anytime I'm around him....he just makes me...."

The boy waits but you don't finish your thoughts. So he speaks, "Quantum physics. Quantum Entanglement. Do you believe in soulmates?"

"Soulmates?" You take your face out of your palms and straighten in your seat, "No? I don't know. It all seems silly don't you think? I've never really understood quantum physics either."

"Hm, yeah. It's not easy to understand. Neither is it easy to understand love. They're both quite,mysterious."

"What are you getting at anyway?" You're starting to wonder why he even brought any of this up in the first place. Was he trying to make you feel guilty on purpose? But then again, some peopleneedto hear it. Some peopleneedto learn it. Youneededto hear it and youneededto learn it.

"Do you ever find it odd when you keep running into the same person?"

You think about how you ran into Toji, unexpectedly, on many occasions, "I'd like to believe it's just coincidence?"

"Perhaps." The boy says and then he tries to encourage you to think deeper, to think outside of the box, "Or maybe the universe is trying to tell you something."

You stay quiet for a moment as you try to get on the same wavelength. But you can't, "Thats's all bullsh*t."

"Maybe it is." Megumi shrugs, "Maybe it isn't."

"Do you believe that garbage?"

"I like to keep my mind open, reasonably." The boy takes out his notebook again, "Soulmates. No matter the distance. They always seem to come together at some point in their lives."

"Satoru, he has to be my soulmate." You say that but without confidence and the teen, he could hear it in your voice.

"If he is then why do you feel so drawn to someone else?" He asks and you wonder if he's talking about his father, Toji—of course he was. There wasn't anyone else besides the two and you were literally just speaking about the man in an enigmatic manner.

Megumi wasn't wrong. There was something very alluring about Toji and it went further than just his looks. You've known this since you first met the man. But you didn't know what it was. It almost seemed like there was no real reason for it either. It just felt that way and that was that.

"How do you know that I'm drawn to someone else?"

"Because you just told me without reallytellingme." Megumi was looking at the pandas again. He flips to an empty page in his notebook, "Also, I see the way you look at him."

"Didn't you say everyone looked at him like that?" You think back to the time he called you out on checking out his father, "Remember? The grocery store?"

"That's an entirely different look that I'm not talking about." The boy starts to scribble again, "I see the way he looks at you too. He's different now. I didn't know what it was until I realized it was you."

"What are you even talking about?" You didn't want to think about Toji as anything more than just a meaningless sex partner.

"Quantum Entanglement."

You roll your eyes. This boy was just as annoying as his father was; with their make-you-think statements. You sigh in response.

"You say you don't know." Megumi speaks again but his eyes were fixed on his notebook, he would occasionally glance up at the bears. This boy sure knew how to multitask, "But I think you do know. You're just afraid. I don't blame you though. It's hard to say bye to someone after so long and a decadeisa long time. You talk to each other everyday. You see each other almost everyday. Whether the two of you know it or not; you both rely and depend on each other on an emotional level and much more. He's your best friend, significant other, yourperson. I get it. No one likes change—big change. Not even me."

"Megumi?" You stop him from continuing.

He looks up at you.

"Have you ever had a girlfriend?"

"No." He says.

"A boyfriend?"

Megumi makes a face, one that says he's about to slap you.

"What?!" You throw your hands up in a placating gesture, "It's 2021! It's normal!"

He clicks his tongue.

"Okay. How do you know so much about this stuff?"

He blinks at you, "Movies."

You scoff and then you actually laugh. There's noway someone can be that knowledgeable about a subject like this through movies alone, "You're joking right?"

He blinks at you some more and he's serious, "No."

You shake your head in disbelief and in amusem*nt.

He then says, "Well, my dads been in a lot of relationships. I learned mostly from observation. But a lot of his relationships don't last longer than a month. So, I guess I shouldn't exactly call that a relationship. It's barely considered a relationship. I don't think he's been with anyone long after mom. But how would I know, right? I've never officially met her. He tells me he doesn't want to settle but I don't believe him."

"Thanks." You smile at the boy.


"I'd like to think you were giving me advice this whole time." You shrug then you laugh a little, "Look at me. Getting low-key scoldings from a kid."

"I'm 15. I'm not a kid anymore."

"Sure." You say whilst giving him a look that depicts the complete opposite of what you were thinking.

He makes a face of disapproval.

You smile at the boy, "This is the most I've ever heard you talk."

Since you met the teen, the boy had always sat more on the quiet side. He wasn't one to drum up random, light conversation and only spoke when he needed to. Or, more like,wantedto. He wasn't well versed with greeting etiquette either (from what you could remember) but that boy you met doesn't seem to be the one sitting next to you now. It was nice.

"I figured if I wanted more decent meals out of you then I had totry."

"Oh, is that right?" You arch a brow at his incredulous remark that held an ulterior motive.

"Yup." He responds in jest, "Fake it till you make it."

You shove him playfully then you laugh and Megumi, he laughs too. It was the first time you saw the boy in such good humor. It definitely made you feel some type of way—a very good type of way.

"Keep at it." You warn, "And I'll really burn the food tonight—on purpose."

The two of you get up from the bench.

"All I have to say is—" he stuffs his small notebook into a pocket and his hands follow suit, "—Dad needs to go on his business trips more."

"I'll take that as a compliment." You beam.

"That was a compliment."

After many of Toji's 'women', the boy grew tired of trying to become aquatinted with people he knew wouldn't be around for the long-run. Which is why he became accustomed to his withdrawn behavior. He knew his father had commitment issues and he wasn't exactly sure what the root cause was but as a young kid he didn't care; he didn't know any better. Now, he just wanted the best for his father. He wanted him to be happy and with a companion. Megumi wasn't sure where you stood in Toji's life. A lot of Toji's life was still very secretive and mysterious to the boy himself. But he noticed that you were the only girl whose stuck around this long (by choice he hopes) and the only girl he's actually grown to somewhat like.

There were a few hours left before the zoo would close its doors. So the two of you explore the rest of this enclosed wildlife park.

"What would you like tonight anyway?" You ask, "To eat that is."

You and Megumi stop to observe some apes through a thick glass window.

"Nishime sounds really good."

"Ah, Nishime it is." Then you see something disturbing and you use your new found word (cause why not?), "Don't look but apescopulatingtwelve o' clock."

"If you don't want me to look then why do you tell me the exact location?" His brows knit together. And then he looks, "Guess they won't be going extinct anytime soon."

"Oh look another one." You jerk your head at another pair off to the side.

"They don't make it look very appealing."

You purse your lips, "Are we really having this conversation right now?"

"Not in your life time." His face reddens.

"You mean to say your dad's never given you thetalk." You giggle waggishly at his uncomfortable expression.

"Shut up..."

"What do they show in Sex Ed. these days anyway?"

"I'm not having this discussion with you." He retorts.

"I'm afraid you're stuck with me until your dad comes back." You tease, "I'm sure thediscussionwould be less awkward with me than him."

Megumi then thinks that may actually be somewhat true, "What the hell do you know?"

"I know your dad is very, verygood."

The boy was wrong. It's awkward.

He then makes a mental reminder to kick you down the stairs the next time the two of you use one.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (37)

Chapter 18: Chapter 18

Chapter Text

The smooth sound of a French woman surrounds the restaurant quietly. She serenades the customers in her native tongue and her musical notes and vocals set the perfect mood for a romantic evening. The restaurant was dimly lit with soft lights across the walls; it left the place rather dark and imbued with hues of mahogany and chocolate. Many voices could be heard murmuring as the people dined and wined amongst their group(s). However, in a private room the tunes and chatter were less audible.

"Thank you for meeting us on such short notice."

A few men dressed in business attire gather around a round booth table. They invite the man to take a seat.

"What an honor it is to be in the face ofChinmoku no Satsujin."

Toji scoffs as he takes a seat, "Enough with the flattery. Just tell me what I need to know."

"My apologies." A man with a thin mustache replies, "I know you must be a very busy man. My name is Kong Shiu, I'm a handler for the Time Vessel Association."

A waiter comes to place a bottle of the requested hard liquor onto the expensive clothed table. This distilled malted grain spirit was one of Toji's favorites. Whiskey; the man loved a dark drink on the rocks. This association, they intend to please the hitman in hopes to earn his trusted business.

Toji takes the low-ball glass into his hand. He swirls the drink before he takes a swig and continues to listen to this handler.

"The Amanai family, have you heard of them?" Kong takes out a cigarette from his jacket pocket and places it in between his lips, "They're business is growing exceptionally well."

"I would appreciate it—" Toji puts his glass down. It almost seems like he wasn't even paying attention to the guy, "—if you didn't smoke in here."

Kong narrows his eyes at the audacious green-eyed male; he wears a look of exasperation now. His brows arch and he shrugs in defeat before placing the tobacco back in its former place, "Of course."

They continue their discussion and proposition. Some time passes and Kiyotaka steps into the private room, he apologizes to the men for the interruption. The scrawny man makes his way to Toji quickly. He then leans down to the green-eyed man's ear. He makes sure he's out of earshot before he whispers something. Toji's eyes look to the door and then he returns his attention to the handler, Kong Shiu and his colleagues.

"Do you mind giving us a moment?" Toji asks politely, but his voice sounds incredibly firm.

The men exchange looks of suspicion and curiosity then they briefly glance at Toji and his assistant.

"Not at all." Kong says.

The men nod to each other and then they make their exit, leaving the two alone. Shortly after, someone else steps into the room.

"Well, well. Look what we have here." Toji smiles, "What a nice surprise. What brings you here tonight?"

The person doesn't say anything. The person also doesn't move.

"Please—" the green-eyed man gestures for the person to sit, "—take a seat."

The person sits, but they remain a mute.

"Ijichi." Toji says, his eyes don't leave his unexpected guest.

"Yes, Fushiguro-Sama?" As always, Kiyotaka answers his boss respectively when requested.

"Leave us."

"As you wish, sir." And then his assistant leaves.

"What can I do for you?" Toji smiled yet again. He leans back in his seat and brings an arm to lay on the backrest of the booth. He props a leg onto his knee and takes a sip of his scotch, "It's Gojo, isn't it?"

Satoru plants his arms onto the table and brings his hands to a clasp, "I'm sure you already know why I'm here."

Toji makes a face; one that's not convincing and then he shrugs, "Do I?"

Of course the man knows, but does he care? Absolutely not. Toji, as mentioned previously, is a man of mischief. He takes great pleasure in someone else's misfortune; especially if it's intended on his behalf. Also the guy wants what he wants and so he gets what life will allow him to have. Everything was at his leisure if he could make it possible. Although it wasn'texactlyhis life goal to be a home-wrecker per se; it just turned out that way.

"Don't play dumb." Satoru's voice seems a bit more stern now; he grows impatient.

"I don'tplay." Toji states, "That's for children."

"Right, I forgot, you'reold." Satoru says scornfully. He tries to understand the man, "Why don't you date someone your own age?"

"Old?" Toji snorts, he didn't think 38 wasthatold. He then gives the white-haired male a once-over, "Have you seen yourself? Does the color of your pubic hair match the hair on your head?"

"f*ck you." The white-haired male clicks his tongue. He brings his arms back down to his sides. He grows short with the man's need to joke at a time like this. Then he instantly regrets calling the guy old. In all honesty, Toji looked much younger than his actual birth age.

"And who said anything about dating? If she wants me to f*ck her." Toji brings himself back to a regular sitting position and leans in towards the table. He then throws the guy a sh*t-eating grin, "Then I'll f*ck her alright—real good."

It was a warning. There was a steak knife on the table. Everything happened quickly. The blade now half missing because it partially disappeared through the wall. Satoru had whipped the weapon across the table. It only took Toji less than a second to move his head slightly to the right. The knife had pierced the wall behind the man and it now sits centimeters away from the green-eyed males face. Only someone with versed eyes could have seen that play in slow motion.

"I guess they're not wrong about you making a name for yourself." Toji smirks as he compliments Satoru.

The green-eyed male brings his hand to reach behind him, he removes the cutting tool from the wall. The man then places it back onto the table neatly. It looks as though it had never left its spot. Aside from the gaping evidence behind him.

"What's mine is mine. I'm going to need you to leave her alone."

Toji is unfazed. The guy was use to sudden death threats. They both were. He takes another sip of his whiskey and leans back into his seat once more, "You speak of her like she's some kind of a possession. I wasn't aware that you could ever own a person. Last I recall, she's an adult with her own mind. I'm sure she should be allowed to do whatever she pleases."

Satoru scoffs, he looks away briefly then he turns back to the man, "With that kind of logic. I'm not surprised that you're unmarried."

Toji throws the guy a look, "I don't see a ring onherfinger."


"How long did she say you guys were together again?" Toji continues to provoke him, "10 years? No ring? Such a shame. I would have startedshoppingaround myself too."

The words of Toji, they get underneath Satoru's skin. He tries hard to ignore the intentional mockery but it was difficult. Cause the man made him see things from a third perspective. Some things he shamefully never considered or even thought about.

"Marriage is just a document." The white-haired male tries to reason and defend, "Just a piece of paper. It doesn't define what love truly is."

"To you." Toji swirls his cup of liquor which was almost gone now, "But to a girl? Not likely. Just how inexperienced are you? And you wonder why she's coming to daddy."

The steak knife finds its way back to the wall. This time on the opposite side of Toji's head.

"Too slow." Toji smirks and then he continues to try and evoke more angry excitement out of the guy, "Is that why she's bored of you also?"

"Shut the hell up." Satoru spits his hate.

Toji chuckles.

"I know (y/n). She's not like this. This is all your fault."

"It takes two to tango, kid." Toji looks down at his drink. He circles his finger along the rim of the glass. His finger stops and his green eyes trail upwards to meet a set of blue ones, "Have you ever thought that maybe it'syourfault."

The white-haired male furrows his brows and Toji continues to look at the guy. The low-ball glass meets the man's lips and he takes a drink with an unwavering gaze. He could see the look in Satoru's eyes. They were thinking the same thing. The cup goes back to the table.

"If she was happy. If you gave her everything she ever needed." Toji, he couldn't stop smiling throughout their conversation, "Then why does she give in to me?"

The green-eyed man allows enough time for the guy to answer. He would love to hear his reason, but Satoru doesn't speak.

The white-haired male, he thinks back to how he may have been an ass on more than one occasion, but you stayed by his side through and through. You accepted him; all the good and the bad. He thought all these things already and there may have been some truth behind it all. But doesn't love always prevail? Then he thinks, maybe you don't actually love him (not the way he wants you to at least).

Relationships, they're never perfect. Relationships, they're all about compromise. The honeymoon phase, it doesn't last forever. Couples, they try not to grow complacent but sometimes it's difficult not to and sometimes it's inevitable. People make mistakes. We're only human. It's not to say that those people who make mistakes can't be forgiven. And it's not to say that these relationships can't be saved either. And that's exactly what Satoru was thinking. If you recognize your wrongdoing. If you apologize and move forward with him then he would accept it. Because he loves you. Love was always worth the fight.

"My relationship is none of your concern. So I'm going to ask you again and I'm being nice about it." Satoru props his elbows onto the clothed table, he brings his hands to a raised steeple, "Leave my girlfriend alone."

"Sorry, I like to be a gentleman. If she wants to see me, I won't deny her." Toji grins annoyingly, "If she wants to be underneath me, I can't deny that either."

The white-haired male tries not to lose his cool.

"I'm only going to say this one last time." Satoru, his voice and expression depicts his words astronomically, "Leave (y/n) alone."

"No can do buddy." Toji finishes his drink, he sighs in satisfaction, "I love the way she moans my name too f*cking much."

And then, they fight.


Author Note

Don't think I've ever had an actual AN throughout this entire fic yet. But that's besides the point. Let's get straight to it, because I wanna know. So let me know down below.

Are you,

Team Toji


Team Satoru


Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (38)

Chapter 19: Chapter 19

Chapter Text

A few days later.

Satoru is still out of town. He also hadn't been calling or answering his phone like he normally would. You leave voicemails and text messages that he may have only returned once or twice this past week. You assume he's very busy so you disregard it. Although the thought of him knowing your unfaithful deeds still lurk in the back of your mind. You made a decision to talk to him once he returns home; some things were better left to discuss in person rather than over a device.

You walk out of the restroom at the Fushiguro's and past Toji's room intending to go back downstairs, but something catches your eye. You take a few steps back and peer through the door which was left ajar. There was a huge pile of clothes spilling out of a hamper inside the man's room. You shake your head but you're not surprised.

Downstairs, Toji steps through the door of his home. He throws his jacket onto the coat rack. The man sees your shoes on the floor. Some loudclangingfrom the kitchen grabs his attention. It wasn't the first time he's heard noise erupting from that room but the guy, he's still not use to it. He makes his way into the kitchen and he sees Megumi doing 'unusual' things.

The raven-haired boy moves around the room swiftly. He pays no mind to his father during this time—actually most of the time. He's opening the cabinets. He's opening the drawers. He's opening the fridge. He's putting things away.

"What are you doing?"

The teen looks up at his father briefly before he goes back to doing whatever he's doing, "What does it look like I'm doing?"

Toji clicks his tongue. It was always this way between the two of them. He didn't like the kids sharp tongue or his wiseacre remarks. He wanted respect and proper manners from the boy. Doesn't the kid know whose in charge around here?

"I'm cleaning, Dad. Geez."

Megumi wanted to contribute to household chores. He took it upon himself to do his part since his father had been away. He felt it was appropriate for him to do the cleaning if you did all the cooking.

"Cleaning?" Toji then thinks something is wrong with his son.

"Pretty sure I just said that, Dad."

"Watch that tone boy. The least you could do is welcome me home, ass." The man narrows his eyes but then he shakes it off. It's been a long week and he had no energy left for petty argument.

"You opened our conversation by asking me what I'm doing. So I replied accordingly." Says the boy, his voice was thick with irritation. Shouldn't Toji be glad he even responded in the first place?

Toji makes his way to the refrigerator. He opens the door and he pauses for a moment. He becomes astonished at the fact that it was so full. There had never been much inside this fridge other than a bottle of Kewpie Mayo, daikon, ume or other pickled vegetables that tend to last forever and (of course) his alcohol. Not only that, everything appeared very neatly organized. He continues to stand in bemusem*nt and Megumi, he's not sure what the hell his father was doing or thinking about. All the boy knew was that the man was in his way.

"Are you going to get something in there or are you just going to stand there all day?"

Toji looks up at his son and then he brings his gaze back to the inside of the fridge, "Whats all this?"

The boy knits his brows together, "You make like you've never seen food before."

The man clicks his tongue, "I know it's f*cking food you twat but what's it doing in here?"

"Where else is it suppose to be?" The teen doesn't understand his fathers thinking. Did the man intend for everything to spoil outside instead?

Toji closes his eyes in aggravation. They continue to misunderstand each other. The man curses out of frustration.

"We went grocery shopping." Megumi walks around his father, "At leastsomeonefeeds me around here."

"Whose we?"

"Who else?" Megumi makes a face but since he doesn't look at his father, Toji doesn't see it. The boy continues to do his small part, "Are you having memory loss too?"

"Shut the hell up." Toji retorts, "What'd you guys do while I was away?"

"Rejoice in your absence."

The man slaps the boy on the back of his head.

"Ow..." Megumi brings a hand to comfort the assaulted area and then he proceeds to tell his father about his trip to Ueno Zoo and all the different types of foods he's been eating; some of them were his absolute favorites.

"Where is she anyway?" Toji asks.


Toji ascends the stairs. He assumes you're in the bathroom so he takes a left once he reaches the second floor, but he stops in his tracks and he tilts his head back slightly. The man hears some noises behind him and he spins around. He walks in the opposite direction now and down the hallway until he finds himself standing in front of the laundry room.

Your knees sit against the cool tiled floor. The man sees you sorting through his clothes and he begins to think about how this day continues to grow more and more strange; it stupefies him. Given the guys exceptional nimbleness, you don't know he's there. You separate the whites from the colors and as you can imagine, it didn't take long. Because the guy's clothes lacked a range of hues and mostly consisted of shades of black.

You stand up to throw his shirts into the washer. A pair of hands take your waist and it startles you. The heat of someone's body presses against your back; their nose digs into your hair.

"What are you doing?" The man asks, you feel his warm breath. You recognize that it's Toji and his voice was softer than usual.

You grab his wrists and remove his hands then you turn around quickly, "Toji...you scared me..."

He drops his arms back down to his sides. He doesn't say anything. His finger goes to the collar of his shirt and he yanks at his tie.

"If you hate wearing these so much." You say while slapping his hand away. You begin to undo the restraining item for him, "Why do you wear them?"

"Depends on the job." The man then thinks back to how they've come in handy a few times (but lets not go into the details here).

Toji continues to watch you unravel his tie. He forgets all about why you were in here in the first place; doing his laundry. You don't rush and he remembers how it was the first time; it made him feel some type of way.

"Didn't realize you came back." Your fingers continue to do their thing.

"Just now, actually." He says.

You pull the neck accessory off of him and set it to the side. Then you undo the first few buttons of his dress shirt before you smooth your hands over his chest to rid of the creases that formed. You took note of how he liked to wear it like this and he took note of how you remembered.

"There you have it." You pat him on the shoulder.


Your smile disappears, you notice something on his face. You bring your fingers to brush against his lips and they stop at the corner.

"When did you get this?" You ask the guy. There was a vertical cut at the edge of his mouth. It was something new and it appeared to be healing.

"Work." Toji thinks back to how he got this laceration and it almost makes him scowl but he holds composure.

"Just what exactly do you consult with?" Your eyes leave his and they go back to the wound, "Are you okay?"

"This is nothing. Trust me." The guy shrugs, "I've been through worse."

You don't push the subject.

He continues to stare at you and it makes you a bit uncomfortable, so you look away and you remove your hand. But Toji, he takes your wrist and he kisses it—slowly. It makes you shift in surprise. The guy then kisses the heel of your hand and your chest tightens; you grow timid. You feel the wetness of his lips and tongue against your skin. He drags them up and the kiss seals onto the palm of your hand. He wanted you to imagine what that would feel like elsewhere and you did, in fact, imagine it elsewhere.

"I don't think we should..." your mind says no. But every fiber in your bodywantsto say yes.

Toji doesn't respond, his eyes don't leave your own. He lets go of your wrist. His hands go to your face and he leans in. You see the question in the man's eyes and you feel his breath; his lips now wait for your answer. His passive behavior confuses you, it didn't seem like him at all. You don't move. You close your eyes and you give him the power to guide you both.

Toji's lips meet yours and he takes control. This man, he always makes you forget everything your mind sets out to do. His touch and his presence alone overtakes your senses in a heartbeat. Nothing else exists but the two of you.

You feel his tongue press lightly against your parted lips and you allow him to taste you. You've never felt Toji so fervent and passionate. It makes you burn with nervous excitement. Everything becomes more assertive; your bodies press against each other heatedly as you back into the washing machine. This kiss, it was different than all the rest. This kiss is soft and incredibly sensual. It was romantic and extremely gratifying.

Toji feels you unbuttoning his shirt, "I thought you said we shouldn't."

"I'm doing whites right now." That was your lame excuse to undress the guy.

The kissing continues and the two of you share heavy breaths. Somewhere in between all the lip locking, the man's shirt comes off and into the washer or maybe even the floor; you weren't sure and neither was he. The two of you were too engrossed in each other's sexual desires to care. Your hands run across his bare chest, his shoulders, up his neck and finds their home at his nape. Toji's hands now occupy your hips, he tightens his grip. He felt there was nothing that could restrain him from fulfilling his hungering need to please you—and him. Except one thing.

"Can you guys not do that when I'm around?"

The two of you stop and look towards the door where Megumi now stands. Your face burns with embarrassment. You mouth the word 'sorry' to the boy.

"Anyway..." the teen averts his gaze elsewhere and brings a hand to scratch his head, his face turns a bright red, "...when you're ready (L/N), I'll be downstairs."

The boy leaves.

Toji returns his attention to you, "Ready for what?"

"We're making sukiyaki!"


"Together." You confirm and then you smile, "That means you too."

The man shakes his head, "No."

But you drag him downstairs anyway—shirtless.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (39)

The sukiyaki was surprisingly much more piquant than the man presumed. Aside from ramen and udon, he wasn't one to enjoy soupy foods too much. But the rich broth and sapid juices of the beef were sure to bring him back to your kitchen (more like his) sooner than later. You had definitely gained a loyal eater.

Toji leans over the sink in the bathroom now. It must have been past midnight and you had long left back to your own place. He turns the water and fills his cupped hands with the cold liquid. He then splashes himself in the face—more than once. The guy turns the water off and then he sighs. He drops his arms down onto the stone counter and buries his face into his hands. There had been a constant nagging in the man's chest since you left and he absolutely hated it. He doesn't want to accept these feelings stirring inside of him. These feelings that torment him. These feelings that he is no longer accustomed to.

The guy was tired, he wanted to sleep and it's not that he couldn't. It's that he didn't want to. He didn't want to climb back into his bed which was still drenched with your scent, your perfume and imbued with sex. He continues to think about his calloused hands running over the small of your back just some hours ago. He remembers how smooth your skin was against his rough one. He thinks about how you were grinding and rolling your hips against him as you rode him. He thinks about how sexy you looked on top of him while your breasts bounced up and down. He thinks about his hands gripping onto your hips tightly as he bucks himself into you as deep as he could; to the point you could literally feel his length probing at your stomach. The man was f*cking you so hard at one point his bed could have folded in half.

"I'm going to cum inside of you."

"Again?" You say between your moans.

"You know how much I love seeing it come out of that tight puss* of yours."

He thinks about your voice and how it sounded while you continued to moan his name.


"Oh my god, Toji...."

"f*ck me, Toji...."

The man ruffles his hair. He turns on the water again and wets his face once more. He grumbles under his breath and tries to dismiss the ludicrous ideas currently brewing in his mind—maybe even his heart.

"You okay?"

Toji looks up and sees Megumi's reflection in the mirror. The raven-haired kid pulls his headset off and it hangs around his neck. He's not sure why his father was so frazzled (not that he cared too much anyway), it was unusual to see the man like this, so the boy was curious.

"I'm fine."

The teen shrugs and turns to leave, his voice grows softer the further away he went, "Oh by the way. I would really appreciate it, if the two of you were more mindful of your volume the next time. I could literally hear you both through my headset and a closed door."

Toji doesn't say anything. He scoffs internally before he grabs a towel. He dries his face quickly and leaves the rag on the counter. Then the guy retreats to his bedroom. He lays with his arms crossed behind his head while he stares up at the ceiling.

The man, he was never one to commit. He was never one to even want a decent relationship. With his current occupation, it was too risky. But in all honesty, that was just a poor excuse. Toji didn't want to be held down. He wanted to do as he pleases without any restrictions. He also didn't want to learn how to love someone again. Even if it may not happen, he didn't want to bear another heartache as well. But his mind and body keeps going back to you. The sex was good, he won't deny it. Although, sex was always good regardless the partner. But it felt different with you and he didn't want to recognize the reasons behind why that was at first. Because it would put him in a vulnerable position; a position he very well didn't want to be in.

Yes, he found you more than just physically attractive; it went further than that. It was skin deep. He liked—no, loved it. All the nurturing abilities you carry. The way you took care of Megumi and even him. Toji loves how you got along with his son (cause most women didn't). He loves the way you talk to each other and the way you talk to him.

All of this wasn't even the worst part. It was the limiting factor. Gojo Satoru, your long time boyfriend. At the end of the day, if it ever came down to it, Toji had a premonition and that is that you'd stay with the white-haired male. And that he was second to nothing. He was just a sex partner without strings attached. He knew this going in and yet he's quite surprised at the outcome of his own feelings. He laughs at himself in disbelief. The man runs his hands down his face and he curses under his breath. Why did he have to fall for someone like you? Someone whose taken. But someone who was also, damn f*cking perfect in his eyes.

Toji pulls the duvet over his head, he indulges in your scent and he hates himself for it. He felt ridiculous. But certain emotions, it could make you do the most silliest things. It can even make you do unimaginable things. He sighs.



Author Note

Longer chapter.

Yes. I know Toji's scar on his lip is pre-existing in the manga. But this is how I wanted to introduce it in this fan-fiction. Thanks for understanding.

(੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭̸*✧⁺˚

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (40)

Chapter 20: Chapter 20

Chapter Text

You walk one of the longest shopping streets in the city with Megumi; Togoshi Ginza Shotengai.

The entire area filled with aromatic smells of savory foods and layered with a hint of sweet. This district held more than 400 stores but is mostly known for its many different croquette shops.

The street was currently littered with myriads of different people passing. Some in business suits, some were elderly, some walking their dogs (in strollers), some bicycling through and many young mothers stroll by with their mamachari.

"Mmm!" You bite into the azuki filled taiyaki that sits nicely in your hands, "So good!"

Megumi chews his vegetable croquette as the two of you continue down the road; both trying to avoid running your arms into someone else's—it was crowded.

"Thanks for coming with me!" You smile at the boy.

You'd been wanting to walk the busy streets of Tokyo but Utahime and Shoko seem to be much busier around this season (but Shoko's always busy). Satoru, also has not been back from his business trip. The two of you had spoke briefly about a day ago or so, but the man didn't say much. He only reassured you that he'd be back soon.

"Sorry Dad couldn't accompany you." The teen takes another bite of his fried food, "He always has unexpected meetings."

"This is fine." You say, "I'd much rather be here with you anyway."

"I could say the same."

You both laugh.

After gadding around some food stalls and miscellaneous shops, the two of you run into a couple of Megumi's schoolmates; which were girls. You then learn a few things about the boy that not only surprises you, but things that you'd least expect.

"Who knew a nerd like you is actually a big bully." You tease.

The raven-haired kid clicks his tongue, "I'm not a bully."

"Beating people up to the point the majority of the school is actually afraid of you?" You laugh, "Bully."

"They deserved it." The boy shrugs, he appears indifferent.

"Well, I gotta say, I'm glad you stuck up for the people who aren't able to stick up for themselves." You pat him on the shoulder, "Very commendable of you. You're like the school hero."

Megumi clicks his tongue again, "Please don't call me that."

"Why not?"

"Life canbe unfair. Good people deserve a chance. I help because it's my own selfish and irrational desire and for this reason I'll never consider myself ahero."

You smile, "You truly are beyond your years, Megumi.Butthat's debatable. Let me remind you that a good deed is never truly selfless. Think about it. When people do good things for others, in a sense it makes the person feel good. And sometimes these people do good things in order to make themselves not only feel good butlookgood. That in itself is somewhat selfish. Because their intentions were solely about themselves from the beginning. At the same time it's a win-win situation. So, does it mean that we shouldn't do good things? Just because it's somewhat selfish?"

Megumi's lips curve downward and he nods in approval, "And here I thought that I'd be the one teaching you something again today."

"Who knows?" You shrug and then you smile, "Maybe you will."

The walk continues in some silence.

Until Megumi speaks again, "Did you have adequate time to mull things over?"

You look at the boy and hum in a questioning manner. You don't know what the heck he's talking about.

"You know, everything we talked about a few days ago." He see's that you're confused, "At the zoo."

"Oh." You finish your taiyaki and you dust your hands, "Right, about that...."

"I'll take that as a no."

"Why do you say that?" You ask.

"Because..." he takes a moment to ponder if he actually wants to finish his sentence. And he does, "...Judging from the sounds last night, I'm assuming you're still fooling around with my dad."

You choke—on your spit.

And then the boy continues talking, "How's everything with your boyfriend?"

You sigh, "I don't deserve him honestly. He's been an asshole a lot of our relationship. But he doesn't deserve this. No one does."

"Agreed." The boy concurs, "What are you planning to do?"

"I'm not sure. I mean, I know I'll need to talk to him but I'm not sure how things will go..."

"Do you want to stay with him?"

You take a moment to respond, "A part of me does and a part of me isn't sure."

"If you need to think about it and if you need to question it. The answer is likely no."

His thoughts make you frown because the boys right. He continues his thoughts.

"If you know you want to be with someone. You should never need to think about it. You'll know—definitively."

"He might not even want me after all this."

Megumi nods, "That's also a possibility."

"Hey." You grab the boys attention, "Have you ever been in love?"

"No." He says and with a straight face.

"So, how do you know all of this?"


Oh dear lord, not this again. You scoff, "Seriously?"


You shake your head—mostly out of amusem*nt. And then you sigh but the boy, he doesn't let down easy. He keeps going.

"Let's say things don't work out between you and your boyfriend. Would you date my dad?"

You're quiet but your mind is currently the noisiest it's ever been, "I don't know. Honestly, if things between me and Satoru don't work out. I think it'd be best for me to have some time to myself. You know? It's never good jumping into things right away."

"Mm, that's very true. Opinions and the advice of others can influence you greatly when you're not in the right state of mind."

"That's funny. Granted you were the one desperately begging me to date him months ago." You sigh, "Who said I wasn't in the right state of mind?"

He makes a face at you. One that says 'are you seriously going to ask that?' and 'be prepared to get rocked by my words'.

Megumi then says, "Is anyone who cheats in their right state of mind? And, what I mean is, if the two of you break up. I don't doubt that you'll get very emotional for awhile. Who wouldn't after 10 years? And when you're in an emotional state, you're not exactly in the right state of mind and therefore can be easily influenced by whomever."

You laugh because hesomehowknows all about this too. Unreal. Then you start thinking about Toji and how hard that man is to resist. You grow silent.

"Well..." Megumi wraps up his lecture, "...in any case, I wish you the best of luck."

"Thanks, what would I do without you?" You say that with more sarcasm than intended, it makes the boy roll his eyes.

Megumi finally finishes his croquette and the two of you continue down the busy street; the end almost in reach.

"Oi! Fushiguro! (L/N) sensei!"

You turn around with Megumi to see a certain pink-haired boy. He waves an arm frantically in the air in hopes to grab your attention.



The three of you exchange some light conversation before you excuse yourself to grab a drink. The two boys then go off somewhere nearby to take a look at something that caught Megumi's eye.

You wander around until you set foot in front of an Ito En stall. Your eyes scan over the numerous amounts of bottled teas available for your choosing: roasted oolong, jasmine, hojicha, barley, green tea, matcha; the options were endless.

"Irasshaimase! Please let me know if you need help with anything."

You thank the stall owner and proceed to tell him what you want. You point to the desired drink.

"That'll be ¥200."

You dig around your bag for your wallet and a hand reaches out next to you. You look up to a stranger, a man, holding up some cash for the storekeeper.

"Let me take care of that for you."

Your hand pushes his away, "Oh no. That's not necessary. Thank you though."

"I insist." The man smiles at you, "Whats a pretty girl like you doing around here by yourself?"

Your face burns with heat. Did you hear him correctly?, "H-huh?"

"I believe she said no." Someone's voice arises behind you.

"Who the hell are you?" The man speaks to the person who had just appeared out of nowhere. Then he turns his attention back to you, "This your boyfriend or somethin'?"

You already knew who the person was behind you, but you remain quiet.

"Man, get the hell outta here!" The stranger spat.

Toji steps beside you and his hand grabs the man by his neck.

"The answer—" the green-eyed male tightens his grip, just enough to make the guy uncomfortable, "—is still no."

Then he shoves the stranger forcefully away from you.

"Man you're weird! Screw this!" And the stranger runs off.

You let out an airy laugh. You weren't sure how to feel about this situation but neither did the stall owner; whose eyes were currently gaping with fear.

"Toji..." you look at him, "Was that really necessary?"

"No." He says.

"Then why'd you do it?"

The man shrugs, "Cause I felt like it."

Toji wasn't sure why that triggered him but it did. The guy honestly didn't want anymore competition (not that anyone could really compete against him). And then he thinks how extremely pleasing it felt to ward the man away from you. If only he could have finished the guy off; would it have actually been satisfactory. But he couldn't do that, not in front of you at least (hopefully that man won't ever run into him alone).

You shake your head in disbelief at his deranged action. And Toji, he hands the frazzled storekeeper ¥2000 (for his troubles), "Keep the change."

And then he throws an arm around your waist and with a light shove, he signals for you to walk with him. You comply and then you thank him for your tea, but you take his arm off.

"How'd you know we were here?" You ask.

"Megumi." Toji doesn't care, he puts his arm around you again, "Are you busy tomorrow?"

You take his arm off—again, "Satoru might be coming back tomorrow."

As much as you'd like to embrace the guy, you try your best to be a good girl.Try.

"That was a yes or no question." Toji sounds annoyed. He then thinks of why it was always so hard for you to answer a simple yes or no question, "I didn't ask what your boyfriend was doing."

You groan under your breath, "I don't know. Why?"

He stops walking and it makes you stop too. He brings his gaze to meet yours, "I have a surprise for you."

"A surprise?" You grow curious.


"For me?" You wonder what it could be and then you wonder why he would even want to surprise you with anything to begin with.

"You really do enjoy making me repeat myself don't you, miss?"

"Maybe I do." You try to provoke the guy.

"Watch that mouth—"

You cut him off and then you taunt the man, "Or else what?? Hm?? You gunna punish me?? Again?? Well just so you know, MISTER, I might just like that."

Then you wink at the guy and walk off. Toji trails after you with a ghost of a smile on his face. He couldn't believe you were out here tempting him on the streets. The man makes a mental reminder to teach you a lesson later—in bed.

The two of you meet up with Megumi and Yuji who were standing at a nearby stall. There was a large cardboard box laying atop a thick blanket. The elderly woman greets you all upon arrival. You peek into the box to find two pups sound asleep. One with a beautiful black coat and the other a beautiful white. They curled against each other like yin and yang.

"How cute." You say.

Megumi stands there, he continues to stare into the box at the pair. He couldn't help but feel drawn to them. The boy then thinks that in another life he may have owned these dogs.

"Divine dogs." The raven-haired kid says.

"What?" You ask.

"I don't know." Megumi brings a hand out to the pup, "Just came to me."

"Are they for sale?" Toji asks the lady.

The elderly woman smiles, "They are not for sale."

"Then why are they here at a shopping district?" You question.

"They are not for sale, because they already belong to someone." She grins and you wish she didn't, cause she was missing some teeth.

"They belong to me." Megumi's words astound everyone.

You look at the raven-haired boy then back to the lady, "Do they?"

She nods, "The dogs choose their owner."

"How do you know they chose him?"

"Divine dogs." She repeats, as if Megumi had said the secret code word that only the two of them knew.

The boy brings the dogs home and Toji clarifies that he will take no part in helping the boy take care of them. At all.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (41)

It was a long day. You finally return to your apartment. You quickly drop your belongings onto the table upon entering. You freeze, cause something felt unusual. You then turn around to look at your couch.



Author Note

Let's have some fun!

I love interactive AN's. So let's do another one!
(Thank you to everyone who voted for their teams two chapters ago)

Where or what kind of surprise do you think Toji has for Y/N? Let me know here!

I will choose an idea from one of the readers that I find interesting and I'll incorporate that idea into a future omake (bonus chapter) or maybe in an actual chapter that will be part of the story (depending).

When I publish the omake/chapter, I will also tag the reader to let them know that I have chosen their suggestion/idea! Thanks everyone for participating!

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (42)

Chapter 21: Chapter 21

Chapter Text

He sat on your couch. His arms rest nicely on his knees and his hands were together in a lowered steeple. The two of you share gazes briefly before the man looks away and down at his fingers. He looked exhausted. You didn't often see him in a business suit, but he wore one today and without a tie (who would've thought, ha). He was never one to come over straight from work either. Now that you're thinking about it, you've never actually seen the guy in his work attire before.

"Satoru?" You stay by the table where you had left your things, "When did you get back?"

"A couple hours ago." He responds sluggishly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You wonder if he actually sat here waiting for those 'couple' of hours and it's likely that he did.

The guy shrugs. He doesn't say anything. His eyes, still fixed on his fingers which were now rubbing against each other; it gives away his anxious mood.

You saunter and settle down next to him and he finally looks at you but he looks away again just as quick. His unusual behavior, it makes you tense.

"Where were you?" He finally speaks.

You answer, "Togoshi Ginza Shotengai."


"Megumi." You say.

"And?" Satoru asks like he knows that there had to have been someone else.


He nods and he doesn't ask any further questions. You sigh in relief—inwardly. At the same time, you knew it wasn't over. You chew the inside of your cheek aggressively.

The guy wasn't dumb. It didn't take him long to put two-and-two together. It all began the night he called and you didn't answer. When you screamed someone else's name in bed. The night he called and you did answer—but you were out of breath. All those nights you smelled of cigarettes and more. How your kisses seemed different. How the affection didn't seem as prominent as it use to be. He knew and felt it all; that things were different. Unfortunately, for some, you don't know the significance of what you have until it's gone. And by then, sometimes it's too late (just sometimes).

Satoru, he could have came back the day after his grapple with Toji, but he didn't. He was avoiding confrontation. He was avoiding you. Avoiding the fear of losing you. He was avoiding the probability of losing everything; cause you were (and still are) his everything. He wasn't ready for this talk but neither were you.

Relationships, great ones, they don't come easy. They take a lot of hard work, a lot of commitment and sometimes a lot of forgiveness. It will never be perfect, because all things weren't made to beperfect. And one of the best things to understand in life is that the greatest enemy of good, isbetter. If you're always seeking for something better, you'll never be satisfied. All relationships go through hell at some point. Real relationships get through it, no matter what the cost.

The white-haired male pulls out a pocket knife and unsheathes the blade using the thumb stud method.

"Did you notice anything new on Toji recently?" Satoru asks. He runs a thumb over the blade of his knife.

"Toji?" Your heart drops to your stomach. The guy speaks like he knows you've seen him recently; like he himself has seen him recently. And both were quite true.

His switchblade makes you nervous. Had he always carried that thing around? With a roll and flick of his wrist, the white-haired male tosses the knife. The blade pierces the wood and the weapon now stands on the low table.

"Yeah." He asks again, "Did you notice anything new? On Toji."

You try to think but nothing comes to mind immediately. You look at the guy then to the knife, "No? I'm not....sure."

"So youdidsee him." He's not surprised though.

You bite your lower lip and curse internally. Then you damn reverse psychology tactics, "I-I don't want to lie to you."

"Anymore." He corrects you.

"Satoru...." you can't seem to meet his gaze, "I....we, we need to talk."

"Yeah, we do." The guy leans against his knees again and brings his gaze downward, "Toji, he's not who he says he is."

"What do you mean?"

"Do you know what he does for a living?" He turns to look at you.

You shake your head a bit and you shrug slightly, "He says he's a consultant?"

Satoru scoffs, then he laughs, "And what exactly does he consult?"

You shrug again, "I don't know."

"And...." the guy pulls the knife off the table, "....do you know what I do for a living?"

"You do business." You say, but your voice lacks confidence and you're not sure why, "With your family. A shipping company?"

He's surprised he was able to keep this secret from you for so long. But the guy, he doesn't want any more secrets between the two of you. The blade moves swiftly across his fingers without puncturing his skin. He twirls the pocketknife in his hand effortlessly, like he had done this a million times before. It was a bit unsettling; you rarely ever saw the guy hold even just a kitchen knife, let alone a butter one.

He could hear the uncertainty in your voice. He doesn't confirm your questionable thoughts, "The Valor. High Order. Have you heard of them?"

"No, never." Now you're confused. You didn't know what the heck he was talking about. Didn't he intend to talk about why you were cheating? You wait.

"The most powerful criminal organizations of the underworld. The only two actually—in Japan."

"Satoru...what's this about?" You make a face and your brows knit. You don't follow. What does this have to do with anything? Unless...

"Toji." the knife stops dancing in his hand, "Me. We're the only two whose ever been allowed to be affiliated with both."

You almost laugh, "What are you talking about?"

"So—" he doesn't explain, instead he asks you for the third time, "—you said you didn't notice anything new on Toji?"

And then it dawned on you. The vertical wound on the corner of the man's lip. You remember brushing your fingers over it just the other day. It was new. You look into Satoru's unwavering eyes. You don't speak. He didn't need to say anything, you knew it was him who gave Toji that cut. Your eyes dart to the knife in his hand before it averts elsewhere. The Valor. High Order. Criminal organizations that are never spoken of. Only things you hear from movies and fictional novels. It's all a joke. Isn't it?

You actually laugh now, but then you stop because you see the look in the man's eyes. You see his impassive and inscrutable expression. It was so unlike him; it was almost daunting.

"Did you give him that cut?"

"He deserved it." Satoru becomes aggravated thinking about how hard it was to even lay a finger on the green-eyed man. He wanted to do much more but the wound, even if insignificant, will suffice—for now.

"Are you a—" you don't want to say it, cause you don't want to believe that your boyfriend was capable of these things, "—do you....."

He sees that you're having a hard time and he now knows that you must have an idea about the truth of his occupation. But yet, he doesn't answer for you. Satoru, for as long as he can, wants to remain innocent in your eyes. Although it'll likely only last for the next 10 minutes—or seconds.

"Hire to kill. A hitman."

"Toji?" You're not convinced.

"Yes, him too."

You hesitate and then you draw a quick breath before you speak, "I-I don't believe you..."

Satoru smiles. He flicks his wrist and the blade hides away inside the liner of the handle. He places the knife back into his pocket, "Its okay if you don't. I'd rather have it that way anyway."

Although you were skeptical, something in the back of your mind tells you that he was likely telling the truth. You think back to all the times he'd ever come back from one of his work trips with bruises or scabs, sometimes even stitches in unusual places; like his abdomen. He blamed it on handling heavy equipment or falling and you believed him—each and every time.

"How?" You pause for a moment, "How could you do those kinds of things? To people?"

The guy sees your concern and his smile falters, "Family business. We cultivate a hitman every generation. It's....normal."

At least he didn't lie about one thing.

"I don't know how I feel about that." You clench.

"I didn't expect you to feel good about it." He says, "Which is why I kept it from you for so long."

"Then why are you telling me this now??"

"I don't want anymore secrets, (Y/N)." His voice is stern. His words, it makes you think about your wrongdoing. You knew he was waiting for you to admit to it but he continues to do his part first.

He begins to enlighten you, "Not exactly sworn enemies but we don't like each other. The Valor, founded by the Gojo house, my bloodline. High Order, the Zenin house.....Toji's bloodline."

"But Toji's last name is Fushiguro."

Satoru shakes his head, "He took his wife's last name when he married. To keep his only son safe. He didn't want the kid raised by House Zenin. Raised as an assassin. He wanted a better life for him."

You don't respond. This was all too much for you to comprehend or even accept.

"I'm going to need you to stop seeing him." He means Toji and even if you were (somewhat) fine with that, you couldn't fathom the idea of saying goodbye to Megumi.


"(Y/N)—" Satoru cuts you off and his voice begins to rise, "—don't make me repeat myself. If you think for one second that I don't know what you've been doing behind my back, then you're wrong."

"Satoru, I...." your chest tightens. Your apology, it will never amount to the tremendous guilt you felt at this very moment, "If you knew....then why do you want me to stay?"

The guy hates it. He hates it, cause he already knew there was a chance that things would end here.

"Because!" He snaps. He doesn't elaborate. His mood changes immediately and it throws you off, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" You're confused. Why was he sorry? Isn't this your fault? "I should be the one apologizing."

The guy wears a dejected look, he takes awhile to respond. He takes awhile because words of affirmation has never been his thing. That was out of his comfort zone but he tells you because if there's any chance that this could work, he knew he had to say it, "I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like you were less than you are. I'm sorry for taking you for granted. I'm sorry if I never showed you how much I appreciate you. And I'm sorry if I never told you that I...."

You look at him and he looks at you. Saying those three words had always been a challenge for the man and it didn't help that he always had to say it in jest previously to make it less awkward for himself. You hated it but then you got use to it. That's when you settled. Thats when complacency killed.

Satoru's mind continues to run at a million miles per hour. He thinks about how he makes so much money but he's never really taken you out formally. He thinks about how he's rude to your friend(s). He thinks about how it's been 10 years and he never once thought about proposing. He thinks about not taking initiative in a lot of ways.

It grows silent.

He brings a hand to your cheek, his thumb moves gently across your skin. And then he says, "You know I love you right?"

You look into those blue eyes that tell you that they're longing for something. You nod and it doesn't seem reassuring to the guy.

He wants to kiss you but you turn your head slightly the other way, so he drops his hand and pulls back. He grows somber. It didn't feel right for you to kiss him. You felt undeserving.

"Don't do this..." you could hear the hurt in his voice.

"Don't do what?" You ask.

"Don't throw this away." He takes your hand.

"I can't stay with you, Satoru. I don't deserve you." You pull your hand away.

"Neither did I at one point." He tries to convince you, "We can make this work."

"I cheated though. It's unacceptable."

It didn't matter to him. He didn't want these past 10 years with you to leave him. He couldn't imagine starting over with someone new. And with someone who could potentially be superficial and materialistic like most people in this world. He had everything he ever wanted, right in front of him. And the guy, he was going to work for it.

"Listen." He brings a hand to your chin and forces you to meet his gaze again, "You can either focus on what's tearing us apart or what's keeping us together. Stop thinking about all the reasons why this won't work and believe the one reason why it will."

Your glassy eyes dart away. How could he still be trying to fight for this? Fight for you? Even after everything. The heart wrenching guilt consumes you. You want to cry. Yeah, he can be an asshole (most times) but he was too good. A good asshole.

"I'm so sorry...." your eyes well, "....I never meant to hurt you I swear."

"It's okay." His hand finds the back of your head and he brings you into his embrace. He closes his eyes and buries his face into your hair, "I forgive you. Just promise me one thing."


"I want you to cut all ties with Toji."

A sense of uneasiness finds its way to the pit of your stomach. You feel it crawl slowly up to your chest, "Even Megumi?"

"Yeah." Satoru opens his eyes. He now wears a merciless expression but you don't see it, "Even Megumi."


Author Note

Thank you everyone for your ideas/suggestions for Toji's surprise last chapter. Can't wait to surprise you all now (nervous laugh).

It took me awhile to come up with names for the hit-man society. They were inspired by a series called John Wick.

If you're a fan of the John Wick series like I am. Then you know that The High Table is thee criminal council from that series.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (43)

Chapter 22: Chapter 22

Chapter Text

All this arguing. All this back and forth. It was starting to make you second-guess everything.

"You're asking me to drop everything! And I'm willing to! So why can't you just let me say bye to him?!"

You run a hand through your hair while you pace around the kitchen of your home. The last hour was spent bickering with your boyfriend. Doesn't the bandy worded feud usually occur at the beginning of a dispute? Some how, in this case, it seemed to have gone in reverse.

Satoru, he doesn't want you to have anything to do with the Fushiguro's. It wasn't something you could argue, you knew this. After all, this was all your fault and now you reap what you sow. It was going to be a long journey of regaining trust for the white-haired male. But the two of you had agreed to try your best and reconcile this wretched dishonesty that you bestowed upon him.

He tells you no. He tells you that cheating never happens by chance and that it is a choice. He tells you that it's your fault that you can no longer see or speak to the boy. He tells you that you should have thought about your actions before hand. He tells you that it'll be okay and that you shouldn't feel obligated to explain why you need to part ways with them. He tells you that your relationship with him is more important and that you need to start worrying about that instead. Satoru, he also tells you that you owe it to him and to the sake of the relationship that you deliberately ruined.

As a last request, you implore him to change his mind, "Please, Satoru. Just let me say bye at the very least. If you don't trust me, then come with me. After that, I swear to you that I'll never see or speak to them again."

He wears a look of reluctance.

The man wishes you could just let it go. His mind couldn't wrap around the reasons why you needed to do this, and so badly. It made him feel insecure and inferior to have you feel so strongly about two people who had barely been in your life compared to himself, who had been there since you were children. In the end, the white-haired male agrees. He grants you your last request, because he loves you and he wants this relationship to succeed. And also, he was getting tired of arguing.

"I promise." And it pains you to say this.

Your chest twinged at just the mere thought of it. But this is your punishment. You allowed yourself the attachment, the unfaithfulness and now the regret. The tension in the air dissipates as the discord comes to its conclusion. You finally relax a bit and so does he.

"Don't make promises you can't keep, (Y/N)." The guy felt a bit skeptical but who could blame him?

"I know." You cross your arms and press your back against the island of your kitchen.

"You're really sure about this?" He wants reassurance.

You take a moment but you affirm it, "....Yeah, of course."

Satoru closes the space between the two of you. He pulls your arms out of its crossed-form. The guy didn't like your defensive stance, it seemed too distant and cold. His hands find your face, your hands gently grab onto his forearms and the two of you kiss.

The man pulls away, just for a second. He sighs loudly, "God....I missed you."

And then he kisses you again. The man's rough sensual kissing and the way his hands were moving along your exposed skin, it lets you know exactly what he wants.

Satoru lifts you up onto the stone counter. His lips make their way to your jaw and neck. You feel his hands slip underneath your shirt and they caress you in an agonizingly slow manner. Your thighs tighten around his sides when he presses himself against you and his tenting self meets your most intimate area.

Everything happened quickly. The removal of clothing, the heated mouthy exchange at the same and the f*cking. He gave it to you right then and there on the counter in the kitchen, before it moved to the floor and then a wall somewhere.

The guy never knew make-up sex could feel this good, "We should argue more often."

"Shut up." You say.

The two of you lay together in bed, still naked and sticky. And too tired to care. He runs his hand through your hair as you lay on his chest.

"We should shower." You get up.

The white-haired male follows suit. He picks up all the soiled clothing from the floor and saunters over to the hamper, he intended to throw it in the basket but something catches his eye. The man sets the pile of clothes onto the floor and then he reaches down to pick up the neck accessory. It was a tie.

"What's this?" He turns around to show you the item. The guy knew it wasn't his.

It was Toji's. One that he had left a long time ago. One that you'd forgot to give back and one that you'd absolutely forgotten about.

You and Satoru argue again and it lasts just as long as the first round. If anything, longer.

"I told you! That was from a long time ago!"

He makes you tell him everything. Every single nitty gritty detail. How it started. When it started. He made you explain what you guys did the first night and in thorough detail. He made you explain everything else there after. He didn't want a single note to be left out.

The two of you exchange heated words around your bedroom and then it moves to the bathroom, because you both intended to clean yourselves. The shouting continues as you enter the shower and it keeps going even as the soaping begins.

"I can't believe you."

"Satoru, I said I was sorry. I don't know how many times you want me to apologize to you!"

The guy eventually calms down and the discussion is done. The two of you stand underneath the water in silence. He washes your back and his hands run down your waist to your hips before it goes back up and around. You feel his hands encompass your breasts and he's kissing around your nape. You're not sure what happened but the sex then ensues, again.

The two of you sit in the living room now. He suggests a movie and you agree. But his phone rings and he excuses himself (likely work). He comes back momentarily into the room whilst cursing. He tells you he needs to go.

"Work meeting. I'll be back tonight."

"Oh, okay. You gunna kill some people?"

"Don't say those kinds of things." He snaps.

"You don't want me to say them but you're willing to perform them. K..."

He sighs, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm not sure. Might meet up with Iori."

Satoru then goes into his spiel about not crossing him again or there will be repercussions and much worse ones. You tell him not to worry but he still does. And he hesitates to leave but you kept reassuring the guy that everything will be okay.

"You have to trust me, Satoru. This isn't going to work if you don't trust me."

The man eventually finds the determination to leave and you head out at the same time. He gives you one last kiss before the two of you part ways. You sigh and you wish tomorrow would never come. Thinking about saying bye to the boy already feels unbearable. Actually saying bye will likely be one of the most difficult things you'll ever have to endure and experience.

Your phone has been vibrating since you left your apartment and you finally check it. There were a few text notifications. You read each message and it makes you smile cause this kid, he not only speaks proper but he also types proper. However the last message was the one that broke your heart.

Hey, (L/N)! I was just thinking
about the research I was doing.

And I forgot to thank you
for willing to accompany me
to the National Museum
of Nature and Science in
Taito City.

Anyway, just wanted to say
thanks. I'm excited!
See you tomorrow! :)

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (44)

Chapter 23: Chapter 23

Chapter Text

"I don't see you for a few months and all this sh*t happens." The girl has her hand on her forehead. You had just given her your latest low-down. She sits across from you at Connel Coffee, in complete disbelief.

You take a sip of your drink and sigh. Your thumbs tap against the screen of your phone repeatedly. Satoru hasn't stopped messaging you since you left your home to meet Utahime. The man would have liked to spend the day with you but his work has always been unpredictable and he gets called away again (just for the day).

This girl day-date was much needed and not just for you, she needed it too. Utahime sees your exasperated expression as you continue to press against the glass-ceramic of your device. Needless to say, your mind had been distracted the entire time you were with her but it was anticipated; she's not upset like she normally would be.

"Is that Gojo?" She asks but she already knew.

"Yeah." You respond with divided attention.

"What's he saying?"

"He doesn't believe me." You say, "That I'm with you."

"Well, you can't really blame him for feeling that way."

You sigh, "I know. But he doesn't need to be a wise-ass about it."

"It's Gojo Satoru." She makes a face, "When is he not?"

You hum with agreement but you don't say anything else. Your mind sits with congestion. All the emotional turmoil was mentally draining. You didn't want to think anymore.

Utahime sees your dejected look, "So, what's going to happen?"

"Isn't the answer obvious?" You put your phone down and you sigh some more, "I'm never seeing the Fushiguro's again after this."

"Are you okay with that?"

"It doesn't matter if I'm okay with it or not. I have to do it."

"You don'thaveto do it."

Your eyes meet with her's and she sees that you think she's crazy for even saying such a thing.

"Look. I know what I said before. That I don't condone that kind of behavior. And I don't.But, you should never do anything you don't want to do." Utahime blows out her cheeks, "Are you happy?"

"What do you mean?"

"Are you happy with Gojo?" She gesticulates with her hands, "Are you going to be okay with the idea or the fact that you're never going to see Megumi again or Fushiguro-San?"

"I-I don't know..."

"Geez, (y/n)!" The girl groans, "Do you ever know anything?!"

You lick and bite your lips, "I deserve to feel this way. I owe Satoru. Whether I like it or not, I'm going to go say bye to them tomorrow."

"I mean, if that's what you want." She then says, "Do you deserve to feel this way? Yes. But do you owe him anything? No."

You nod and she runs her hands down her face because her words fall on deaf ears.

"I'm not going to tell you what to do with your life. All I'm going to say is, make sure this is what you really want or it's going to come back and bite you in the ass sooner or later—again."

This whole situation makes you think about Megumi and the advice he gave you.

"If you need to think about it and if you need to question it. The answer is likely no."

"If you know you want to be with someone. You should never need to think about it. You'll know—definitively."

The raven-haired boy, he was right. Regardless, you standby what you said, that you'll take responsibility for your actions and respect your boyfriends stipulating conditions.

Say bye to the Fushiguro's and start anew with Satoru. Wasn't this the right thing to do? Don't you owe it to your boyfriend to do better? Tobebetter? It didn't matter what you wanted, this is your thinking. Satoru doesn't want you to leave him. He wants to work things out. So you do, because you've hurt the man enough and you couldn't bear to hurt him any longer. But if it's the right thing to do, then why does it seem so ambivalent?

"Hey, as much as I wanna keep chatting, I gotta go." Utahime grabs her belongings and brings herself to a stand, "Gotta go to work."

"You have a job now?"

She rolls her eyes. The girl had told you about her new job about half an hour ago but your mind was too damn occupied. She doesn't remind you, "Yeah, I do."

"Good for you."

You stand with her and the two of you leave the cafe. Once outside, she waves goodbye and you part ways.

It was noon, the streets of Tokyo were full of hustle and bustle. You continue your walk home, not knowing that Toji was some feet away from you. He sees you but you don't see him.

There was a garden wagon, crafted of wood and the wheels welded from iron. An abundance of floral arrangements sat in the wooden crate. This flower stand, it catches Toji's viridescent eyes. He mosey's over to it and asks the wagon owner to purchase a single stemmed rose. Then he walks quickly through the crowd of people, he doesn't even care if he runs into their shoulders.

The familiar sound of a man's unexpected greeting startles you. You flinch, "Toji!"

"Fancy meeting you here, miss—" he smirks and he brings his hand out from behind his back, "—once again."

It wasn't the first time you ran into the guy outside of Connel Coffee.

"Are you sure you're not following me?" You look down at his hand, "What's this?"

The man almost groans. Was it not obvious enough? A man holding a flower out to a girl, how was that difficult to understand?

"What does it look like?" He tries not to sound annoyed.

"A flower?"

"Just take it, will you?"

"Oh!" You take it, "Thank you. What's the occasion?"

He curses under his breath and then he regrets getting the damn piece-of-sh*t flower. There was no occasion. Can't a guy just do something nice for you?

"Don't make me answer that."

And then you frown slightly, "Uhm, okay."

"So—" he starts to say while reaching into the pocket of his pants for his usual stog, "—you're free tomorrow right?"

Your eyes gape. How could you even possibly forget? Forget the fact that you're supposed to bid them farewell once and for all tomorrow. Forget that you're not supposed to see or speak to them. Forget the fact that you shouldn't even be conversing with Toji right now. You start to panic.

What if someone sees you with him? What if Satoru sees you? But it's not your fault. You didn't intend to meet the man. You ran into him unexpectedly (like you had every other time). Why does this keep happening to you? Why does the universe hate you so much?

The green-eyed man sees your troubled look and he arches a brow. He puts the cigarette in between his lips. You don't answer and he waits while he pulls out his lighter.

"I have to go." Is all you say back to the guy and then you're on your heels.

This untypical behavior of yours baffles him. Toji follows you and it doesn't take him long to catch up. He slips his lighter back into a pocket and he throws his tobacco away (he figures he'll smoke later, he just wants to know what's going on).

"What's the rush?" He asks once he's beside you.

"Toji, I can't talk right now. You need to leave me alone."

You didn't need to explain, he already knows it's because of Satoru. But as usual, he doesn't give two sh*ts.

"Why?" He matches your quick pace, "Cause your boyfriend said so?"

Your voice pauses but your legs don't.

Toji chuckles and he shakes his head, "Didn't realize how whipped you were."

"Toji!" You keep your gaze fixed in front of you. Your brows furrow in aggravation, "I cheated on him! Can't you empathize at all? How would you feel if you were in his position?"

The man shrugs, "Move on—tobigger,betterthings."

You couldn't help but think the guy was talking about you and himself. Cause Toji, he wasbiggeralright (in a lot of ways) and, sad to say,better.

"That's easier said than done."

"Is it?" He doesn't understand. He's always been a go-getter.

"Not everyone's the same."

"You're right—" He smirks, "—most people have weak minds I guess."

You click your tongue at his insensitivity, "Listen, I'm coming by tomorrow—with Satoru. I'm going to give Megumi a proper goodbye. He deserves one and then that'll be the last time you'll ever see me."

Toji grabs your wrists. He pulls you to a stop and you stumble a bit.

"What the hell, Toji?!" You break away from his hold.

"This isn't what you want." He says.

"How do you know that?! And who are you to tell me what I want and don't want?!" You look him in the eyes and then your gaze darts elsewhere. It was always hard to maintain eye contact with him. You cross your arms over your chest, the rose still in your grip.

"I just know." The guy does have praiseworthy intuition.

"You—JUST—know?" You scoff, "You mean, this is what YOU don't want."

"Who ever said I didn't want this?"

"Who ever said you did?" You challenge him because he's never voiced it before either, so whose he to even talk? You use the flower to point to him and then to yourself repeatedly, "I don't know what this is but whatever it is, I don't want it anymore."

Toji doesn't believe you. He could tell. Your wavering gaze, your breathing, the way you were fidgeting and the way you were now touching certain parts of your body.

He takes your chin in his hands and forces your eyes to converge, "Look at me when we're talking."

Yup, the guy still hates it when you look away. And you, you find it unnerving.

"Tell me again." He says slowly and his eyes trickle down to your lips, "That you don't want this."

"I-I-I....." you slap his hand away, "I don't want this!"

You squeeze your eyes shut and you turn around once again. You're sprinting now and hopefully he won't follow.

The city was noisy with people and technology. Pedestrians pass by and cars drive by. Everyone, all continuing their daily activities and none knowing a single thing about the way the green-eyed male felt at this very moment. Life continues as Toji stands on the sidewalk. He continues to watch your retreating figure and he doesn't follow you this time. Eventually, he turns the other way and begins his walk home. He remembers something that Megumi had once told him not long ago.

"Dad, why don't you make her fall in love with you?"

It's been way too long for the man, he doesn't even know where to begin, "Aren't my looks good enough to do just that?"

The boy rolls his eyes, "No. Girl's admire a man with a sense of humor. You should make her laugh—a lot."

Toji shoves his hands into his pockets. He continues his trek with a ghost of a smile. He thinks about how his son told him to make you fall in love with him with laughter. But he wasn't good at making you laugh. And as it turns out, every single time that you did laugh, it was him who was falling in love with you.


Author Note

No, the rose is not Toji's surprise. (・∀・)

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (45)

Chapter 24: Chapter 24

Chapter Text

Toji steps onto the porch of his home.

"I don't know what this is but whatever it is, I don't want it anymore."

Your words struck him in an almost unbearable way and your voice plagued his mind like a broken record. It was all he could think about. He thought he'd never feel these types of emotions again. Distress and anguish that is. It's definitely something he hasn't felt for the past 15 years since his wife had passed. The man even promised to never put himself into a situation that would lead him to feel these unpleasant things again. But yet he had somehow, subconsciously, allowed it. This gnawing sensation in his chest, it was almost inconsolable.

Toji thinks back to his previous decent and untroubled life before you came along. He was fine with his short-lived relationships with random women. It wasn't exactly a great life but he could have died that way without any complaints. But then the guy starts to ponder. Lately, you seem to come to mind more often than not. He thinks about how compelling your features are. He thinks about your smell, your touch and how mesmerizing it is. Even the irresistible taste of your lips was something he could not easily rid of.

The man pulls out a cigarette, he was in dire need of a smoke—anything to rid him of the unnerving sensation building in his chest.

They say a mind that has been stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions. Toji, he doesn't want to go back to his monthly flings, only to deal with women he didn't give a damn about. None of those women before were able to hold his attention for long and the man would leave in a heartbeat if they ever showed him any signs of wanting to commit. How could he ever go back to that, knowing his experience with you was one of his most memorable. The man doesn't care if he's already experienced every inch of you (and not just physically). He wanted it again—over and over again.

Toji leans his arms against the balustrade, his hand and cigarette dangles as he stares out into the night. His gaze fixes on the translucent mists burning from the tip of his tobacco as the gears turn in his head. He doesn't understand your decision. You want him don't you? The look was evident in your eyes. He could tell. There was noway his intuition and perception was failing him now. He scratches the back of his head with his free hand and curses under his breath.

The man pushes himself off the rail of the porch. He takes a seat on the outdoor furniture and continues to take long breaths of his smoke. He exhales just as long.

He keeps telling himself that you'll eventually find your way back to him but similarly, he feels a slight sense of doubt. The guy, he feels like he's overthinking. He hates it, all of it. Hates the fact that someone or anyone could make him feel this way. He tries to shake away the infatuation.

The man finishes his smoke. He throws it to the ground and puts it out with his shoe. For a second, he contemplates picking up his cigarette butt off the porch, so that he doesn't need to hear Megumi's criticizing words come tomorrow. But it's Toji that we're talking about. So, he leaves it there.

Toji runs his hands down his face as he leans back onto the backrest, he continues to stew in his thoughts. The front door swings open abruptly and Megumi's head appears.

"Dad." The boy's actually concerned for once, "Aren't you coming inside?"

"In a bit."

"What are you doing out here?" The boy asks and then he bends over to pick up the trash, "And what did I say about this?"

"What does it look like?" Toji gives the kid a taste of his own medicine. He also ignores the fact that Megumi had already seen the litter.

But Megumi doesn't annoy easy, "Sitting."

"No sh*t." The man clicks his tongue. He rolls his eyes and grumbles under his breath.

"What's wrong?" Megumi continues to pester.


"Is this about (L/N)?" The boy doesn't believe his father. He could tell something was wrong and he had a hunch.


The teen still doesn't believe him, "Did something happen between the two of you?"

Toji considers telling him about your anticipated visit tomorrow but he changes his mind. It wasn't his responsibility and something potentially life changing should come directly from you.


Megumi isn't convinced. He takes a seat next to his father and continues to pry, "Would you like to talk about it?"

The man clicks his tongue, he wanted to be left alone, "Don't you have something better to do?"

"Dad, if I ever have anythingbetterto do when you need consoling....disown me." Megumi, he's a good son whose genuinely concerned for his father.

"Who the hell said I need to be comforted?"

The guy was literally sulking outside alone in the dark. It was unheard of. Of course the boy knew something was wrong.

"People try so hard to hide how they truly feel from those who need to know the most. People try to bottle their emotions, as if it's somehow wrong to have natural reactions to life." The boy tries to persuade the man to talk, "Worrying is like sitting in a rocking chair. It gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere."

"Maybe I'm not trying to get anywhere." Toji grows short with the kid. His hands were tied, there was absolutely nothing he could do. You were taken and you wanted nothing to do with him. So what is he to do, other than sit and let it come to pass.

"You should talk about it at least. Unexpressed emotions never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways."

Uglier ways? The man kills people and f*cked bitches (previously) for a living. Couldn't get uglier than that. Toji snorts but he doesn't respond because Megumi doesn't know of his occupation.

"Would you ever allow a thief into your home?" The raven-haired teen questions.

"Who the hell would do something stupid like that?" Toji crosses his arms behind his head. He closes his eyes.

"Exactly." Megumi's lips shrug, "So why would you allow the thoughts thatstealyour joy to make themselves at home in your mind?"

Toji opens his eyes and he narrows them at the boy. The roles were reversed. He couldn't believe Megumi was giving him a heart-to-heart. As a father, isn't he supposed to be the one to give advice to his teenage son? To educate him? To teach him to work hard? To teach him the struggles of life and relationships? But yet the man continues to sit as he forces himself to listen to the boys words of encouragement and enlightenment.

Megumi speaks again, "Are you upset because you tried those drydadjokes on her and it didn't work? You know the ones I told you not to use."

The raven-haired kid thinks back to a conversation he had with his dad some time ago.

"You know what's on the menu? Me-n-u. Get it? Me and you."

"Dad, if you ever want to get laid again then please never say that to (L/N)."

Toji scoffs, "What do you know about getting laid? Shut your virgin ass up."

"Who said I was a virgin?" Megumi holds a poker face.

The man laughs. He sees right through his son (perks of unparalleled perception), "The only thing that ain't virgin are your ears."

Megumi grimaces at the thought of hearing the two of you on multiple occasions.

"The joke's funny. It'll make her laugh." Toji goes back to the point.

"Yeah. She'll be laughing at you. Not with you."

"A laugh is a laugh. Isn't that the point?"


"Who the hell cares anyway?" Toji grumbles, "She won't be laughing when her mouth is full of my—"


"You always were a smart-ass." Toji's gaze averts elsewhere. He then thinks how the boy outgrew his lap but the boy, he could never outgrow his heart.

The teen ignores his fathers rude remark, "So are you going to tell me what's on your mind?"

Toji takes a moment to respond. All he says is, "No."

Megumi sighs quietly, "Well, stubbornness can be a bad thing or it can be a good thing. It all depends on how you use it."

The boy comes to a stand. He tells his father goodnight and not to worry too much before he disappears back into the house.

If you never try, you'll never know. If you don't go after what you want, you'll never get it. And if you never ask, the answer will always be no. Toji lived by this his entire life. So whats stopping him now? Did he finally gain respect for someone other than himself?

The man brings his arms back down to his sides. He pulls his cellphone out of the pocket of his pants. The guy scrolls and presses onto the glass. His thumb hovers over the screen briefly. He hesitates.

He makes the call.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (46)

You're finally home. You were in such a hurry you didn't realize you still held onto the flower Toji had given you. You bring it closer to your face and your fingers trace along the edge of the petals. You continue to stare at it. And then you throw it away. You managed a few steps before you groan loudly. You stomp your way back to the trash bin to take the flower out. You've gone too far with the man. He now holds a place in your heart. You had a soft spot for the guy.

You stare at this single rose some more and you contemplate what to do with it. How would you even explain to Satoru? Cause you know he's going to ask and Utahime wasn't one to give you flowers. You'll think about it later. For now you find a vase, you trim the stem and it goes into the glass container along with some water. You set it onto the low table.

Your phone rings.

Incoming Call
No Caller ID

You put the device down. You didn't particularly enjoy answering phone calls from unknown numbers or blocked numbers. But what if it's Satoru? What if he's in trouble? Or what if he's testing you?

You cross your arms over your chest. Your foot taps the floor repeatedly. Your lips twist. It was still ringing. After careful consideration, you tell yourself to pick it up.

You answer the call, "Hello?"

There was nothing but silence.

"Hello?" You say, "Anyone there?"

The guy finally speaks.

"Let me spend one last night with you."You knew that voice all to well,"Miss."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (47)

Chapter 25: Chapter 25

Chapter Text

His voice was one you'd never forget. So authoritative and alluring. Yet behind that husky tone was a subtle plead and you could almost hear it.

Your phone stays pressed against your ear. You close your eyes and the man hears your audible exhale through the other side of the line.


The way your voice sounded as you said his name could make the guy bend his knees in submission. But that thought didn't last long.

"....what part of,you need to leave me alone, don't you understand?!"

Toji doesn't know how many times he needed to remind you that he hated liars,"When are you going to start thinking about yourself?"

"What?!" You're bewildered, "You're joking right? I'veonlybeen thinking about myself. This WHOLE time! Running around with you secretly. Doing.... THOSE THINGS! I've been selfish! I need to start doing my part. I need to make things right."

The man clicks his tongue,"I'm only asking for one last night. Come on, your boyfriend isn't even home with you."

Oh, it's tempting alright. You muster all your strength to dismiss those feelings and thoughts festering in your heart and mind. How could you even meet the guy knowing that any moment Satoru could come back unannounced? But wait a minute...

"How did you know Satoru isn't here?"

"You think you'd actually answer the phone if he was?"

Well, the guys not wrong. He was one hundred percent right. There would have been absolutely no reason for you to answer the call if your boyfriend had been home. Little did you know, Toji knew Satoru would be gone and he also purposely blocked his number (in the event that the white-haired male was still there) to save you an argument. If this was him just some months ago, he wouldn't even give a damn.

You groan quietly, "Even if he's not home, it doesn't mean there isn't a possibility that he could come walking through those doors any minute."

"He's not going to."

"Oh ya?" You sound sarcastic, "And how do you know that? Oh let me guess—you just know."

For a moment he thought about getting under your skin (cause it's fun) by replying with a 'yes' but the man figures he should actually explain himself this time.

"I'm assuming he's told you about us already."He says,"The Valor. High Order."

You hum in affirmation.

The man continues,"Let's just say, I know he's away and for how long."

You scoff, "Okay. So how long will he be away?"

"Just the night. He'll be back tomorrow morning."

"But he told me he'll be back tonight." You don't sound convinced, "Prove it."

Toji chuckles,"He's going to call you in the next minute or so to tell you that there's been a change."

You laugh. You think he's crazy. How could he possibly know that?, "Yeah. Sure. Whatever you say."

There was abeepingnoise, the one that lets you know that you have a call on another line waiting. You stop laughing. You pull your phone away from your ear and look at the screen.

Incoming Call
Gojo Satoru (五条悟)

You put the phone back onto your ear, "Okay. How did you know that?"

"Better answer it, miss."His voice is smug.

"Don't hang up." You say quickly and sternly before you put the guy on hold. You answer the other line, "Satoru?"

"Hey."Satoru sounds bothered,"I'm sorry but I won't be back till morning. I'll make it up to you."

"What happen?"

"Business."Is all the guy says.

"Mm. Right." You didn't need to know the details but it's not like he would have shared them either.

"I gotta go. Be a good girl for me, okay?"


Before the guy hangs up he grabs your attention,"(Y/N)."


"I-I love you."

You could hear the apprehension, it makes you smile cause you know he's trying, "I love you too. Stay safe."

Satoru hangs up.

"Told ya."The annoying smirk was evident in Toji's voice.

You roll your eyes, "So you got inside info from a friend of a friend of a friend or whatever. Big whoop."

The man makes a noise,"Something like that."

Tricks of the trade. It was Toji who assigned the mission. Toji who called all the shots. Toji who made those phone calls to summon the white-haired male to work unexpectedly. It was all unbeknownst to anyone other than his assistant, Kiyotaka Ijichi. And all for this sole reason, to spend one last night with you.

"So—" Toji asks again, "—what's it going to be?"

You hesitate. You want to but you know you shouldn't. Caving in isn't going to do any good. It isn't going to be one and done. These types of things never work out that way. One taste to rope you in. One taste to keep you coming back for more. This is how addiction works and you know all too well how addictive the guy can be. You'll always tell yourself that this is going to be the last time and then you'll say it again the next time. It'll be a vicious cycle. You had to cut everything cold turkey, there was no other way.

"I can't..."

"Why not?"He hears the sadness in your voice.

"Don't be stupid, Toji...." you sigh and take a seat on the couch, "....you already know why."

"He won't know."He says,"Your secrets safe with me."

"I won't be able to live with the guilt..." you sink deeper into your seat.

"If you're worried, then I'll make it real easy for you. I won't give you a choice. Now you can't be upset at yourself for saying yes to me. Cause you didn't."The man, he's trying to find any reason to see you.

But you continue to find any kind of excuse not to, "It's getting late."

"I got all night."

"It could be dangerous out there for a girl." Your mind goes back to the night he walked you home after saying those exact words. So how could he argue this?

"I'll come to you."

"I can't have you do that." You shake your head, "Not just for me. Not at this hour."

"I'm already outside your door."

"Stop messing around, Toji." You're getting frustrated now. Why couldn't he just let it go?

The man doesn't reply.

You look at the door, "Are you really outside?"

He doesn't respond again. The call ends. You click your tongue and throw your phone onto the low table. You get off the couch and you saunter into the hallway of your apartment. There's noway the guy could have gotten here this quickly even with a car ride from his assistant. You stop walking. You turn around and head back to your front door. You look through the peephole (cause maybe he really is there). No ones there.

"Outside my ass."

You turn around to head back down the hallway again but you stop. There's a knock at your door.


Your hand goes to the knob and you're too nervous to check who it is now, so you don't. You're taking too long, there's a knock again. You open the door. It's Toji and he stands in front of you. He had actually been on his way to your home since he called you. He had a good feeling about tonight (he always does).

The man doesn't give you time to speak. His hands go to your face and he leans in. But you shove and slap him away.

"Toji! This is not okay!"

"Which part?" He asks.

Is this guy serious? You couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth, "All of it!"

He runs his tongue over his teeth, "Oh, right. Forgot we agreed that I wasn't giving you a choice."

"We did not agree on that!"

The man grabs your shoulders and pushes you further into your apartment. He steps inside before he closes and locks the door behind him.

"Hey! Are you listening to the words that are coming out of my mouth?"

"No, but do you want something else to be coming out of your mouth?"

You click your tongue, "TOJI!"

"Do you know what's on the menu?"

"What?!" You're confused.

"Me-n-u. Me and you. Get it?" The guy has no idea how badly he's making himself look right now, "Me-n-u, menu."

You give him an incredulous look. You're annoyed, how could you possibly laugh at any jokes right now?

Toji makes a face. He's not sure why it wasn't working. Did he say the joke correctly? He scratches the back of his head with a hand. Then he curses inwardly. Why the hell did he need to listen to his damn son for? Who cares about laughing. Whatever he was doing prior seemed to work just fine. Although, Megumi did say not to use that line specifically.

And then you actually chuckle. Unfortunately not at the joke but rather him. Because you didn't expect these kinds of things from him. It was kind of cute, "Are you seriously using a pick up line on me?"

"Is it working?"

You grow quiet. The two of you exchange looks and your gaze can't seem to leave his masculine features or his mesmerizing viridescent eyes. You start to notice the smell of his cologne. You start to notice how close he was to you and you start to notice the way he was looking at you. You look away.

"O-of course it's not working....idiot." Your eyes are glued to the floor. You dare not meet his knowing all too well the things that could possibly ensue.

His knuckle finds your chin and he brings your face back to his. His voice grows deep, "Don't make me remind you again."

Yeah, you know already. He hates when you look away. You purse and lick your lips. His other hand goes to the side of your face, his thumb strokes the skin of your cheek gently, it makes your lips part slightly. You bring a hand to his wrist hoping to remove it but instead you keep it there.

"What's it like?" You ask the man.

"What's, what like?"

"Killing people."

He makes a face. He's not sure why you would even ask something like that at a time like this.

"Trust me." His thumb continues to caress you, "You don't want to know."

He grabs you at the waist and hoists you up. The unexpected action makes you shriek softly. Your legs inadvertently wrap around him and your arms go around his shoulders. The man presses you against the nearest wall.

"Are you afraid?" He asks, "Now that you know?"

You look at him. Your hand trails up the back of his neck and your fingers play along the ends of his hair, "Should I be?"

He brings his face closer to yours and you feel his tenting self against your crotch, "Yeah. You should be."


"Because...." he says and he leans even closer, just enough for you to feel his breath, "....I'm gunna kill your puss* tonight."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (48)

Chapter 26: Chapter 26

Chapter Text

You're back on your feet now. Still against the wall, Toji has you trapped in between his arms. His lips continue to ghost over yours and the warmth of his breath on your face makes your breathing uneven.

The man doesn't kiss you. His lips continue to hover, it was so close you could almost feel it. You were hoping he would kiss you because you couldn't bring yourself to do it. It was the worst anticipation you've ever felt. Toji's lips continue to ghost across your cheek slowly and you feel his nose press onto the side of your face.

His breath tickles your ear as he whispers, "Don't leave...."

Your only response was a deep exhale. Your mind clouds with wanting. You couldn't think straight. You purse and lick your lips as your eyes focus on his own. Your sense of touch and smell heightens dramatically. The way he smelt, looked, felt—it was all you could think about.

The man brings his hands to your hips and they're pushing your shirt up as they run up your waist. Your nervous system lights up with each touch of his palms against your skin. It grows harder and harder to fight the obsessive urge for this man. His hands go back down slowly and his fingers skim across the edge of your bottoms. He undoes the single button. You hold your breath. He unzips you.

Toji continues to whisper against your ear, "Stay with me...."

You let go of your breath. He brings himself back to face you and the guy finally kisses you. You kiss him back. No words could describe how euphoric this soft, slow and sensual kiss is. Your hands are at his nape and you're gripping his neck.

His thumbs hook onto the insides of your pants and he tugs in a downward motion, "May I?"

"Toji...." you say under your breath, "....don't do this."

"Don't do what?"

"Don't make me the bad guy...."

"If you don't want this...." his green eyes don't leave your own, "....then don't kiss me back."

With the way he was touching you and his seductive tone, how could he expect you not to? Your lips meet again and they're much more fervent. You want it. All of it. And at this very moment, more than anything. The man, whether he knew it or not, had you wrapped around his finger but he could say the same. Everything about you was drugging to him. He was equally addicted.

You feel the man pull your bottoms down a bit lower but slow enough to still give you time to refuse any of it.

"Toji...." You grab the man's attention and he stops pulling, "....I want you to make love to me."

He grins inwardly. He speaks against your mouth, "Not until I f*ck you first."

He pulls your pants down and leaves it to hug you mid-thigh. He has a hand on the back of your neck and two fingers find their way to your dampened panties, they begin to rub and knead you. The guy continues to kiss you, even if you're starting to moan.

You move along with his fingers. You yearn for more. His digits against the thin fabric isn't enough. You want to feel his skin on yours. You want to feel his calloused hands on your most intimate area. You want to feel the rawness of his touch; the feel of the man's love.

Toji notices your eagerness. With his forefinger, he yanks your underwear down to meet your clinging pants and his hand goes to feel just how wet you were.

"Damn, baby...." he says under his breath.

Your eyes were thick with lust, it makes his hardened length drip and twitch beneath his clothed self.

"Don't make me wait, Toji...." You clamp your thighs shut, it crushes his fingers between your legs. You're rubbing them together, it lets the man know how badly you were in need of some friction.

"I love it when you're f*cking horny." He spreads your legs and the guy now has two fingers inside of you. He plunges deep until his knuckles restrict him from going any further. He pulls in and out quickly. He repeats and keeps going until your voice rings out. He stifles your moans with his aggressive kissing. His hand tightens around the back of your neck. Your voice continues to rise and it further motivates him. Toji drops to his knees, his fingers don't stop moving, he adds his tongue and lips to the performance. Your cl*t was budding with arousal, he had to get a taste.

Your hips lift off the wall a bit as you run your hands through his hair. His mouth and fingers continue to pleasure you. You tighten your grip on his black locks and you're pulling at them. The man's eyes go up to your face to study your reactions—he loves it. He goes faster and your hips writhe aggressively.

"Toji! Wait!" Your face scrunches. You couldn't take it anymore, "If you keep going like this....I'm gunna....I'm gunna......!!"

A long and loud moan emits from the core of your lungs. You reach bliss and his hand and chin become drenched with your slick.

The man brings himself back to a stand. He grabs you at the nape again, "Taste this for me will you?"

He shoves his wet fingers into your mouth and you're sucking them. He feels your tongue curl against his digits and the guy's now imagining that feeling elsewhere, "f*ck...."

Toji empties your mouth and kisses you again. He relishes the taste of your puss*. The man's pants was tenting. He was ready to relieve this painful ache of an erection.

You hear theclinkingnoises of him removing his belt and he pulls his pants and underwear down just enough for his length to elongate.

"Be a good girl and get on your knees. Won't you?"

You oblige. You drop to your knees. The two of you were still mostly clothed, nothing but your southern regions showing slightly . Although raunchy, there was something enticing about these lewd acts whilst clothed.

His hand guides his erect member and he rubs his head across your lips. You part them slightly and the tip of your tongue appears. He slapshimselfagainst your mouth. It turns him on.

You lick and taste the saltiness of his seeping seed. You take control. Your hands grab him at the thighs and your mouth takes inallof him. You let your mouth do most of the work before you add a hand to your deed. The man begins to groan salaciously, it lets you know that he enjoys it. He goes as far as he could, until you're deep throating him. Toji picks up the pace, it becomes asymmetric. He grabs your hair with a hand as he continues to pound himself into your jaw.

"sh*t...." He gets sloppy. He slows down. The man, he doesn't want to release yet.

Toji couldn't wait to get into your guts. The guy's planning to ream out every single wrinkle of your c*nt. He's going to turn you inside out and make you feel like mush. He's going to leave you with an ache in your belly and your insides stained with his cream. His love will be unmatchable. No one will be able to rival him after he's done with you. He's going to make this night—he's going to make himself,unforgettable.

The man pulls himself out of your chops. He had to muster all his strength to keep it in, "Geez...."

Toji makes you undress yourself in front of him, "Can you at least look like you're enjoying it?"

"Then can you not look at me like that?" You click your tongue as you throw your shirt onto the floor, "It's embarrassing...."

How else was he supposed to look at you? He hardly thought it was embarrassing. You took off your clothes slowly and Toji, he doesn't think he'll ever get over the sight of you naked.

"Shut up." He says.

"Excuse me?"

"I said—" He closes any gaps between the two of you. His hands grab your face, "—shut up."

Toji kisses you. He hoists you into his arms again and he begins to carry you to your room. He thought about f*cking you on the floor or even the couch but he wanted you to be comfortable. The man throws you onto your bed and you make a noise—you're startled.

"Why are you so damn sexy?" He undresses his lower half and he climbs on top of you.

"Why am I the only one completely naked?"

The man rolls his eyes. He brings himself to his knees. His hands go to the hem of his black shirt and he pulls it over his head, it hits the floor.

He lowers himself again and he's kissing you for the umpteenth time. The man was going to do it a million times tonight if he had to. He wasn't going to allow this last night to go to waste. His lips move to your jaw, your neck, down to that lovely area between your breasts. His mouth takes care of your chest and his hands caress any other part of you that he could reach. Everything the man was doing makes you whimper.

Your hands run along the strength of his arms. Your lady part was frothing. You could no longer hold back. You ask the man to f*ck you. So he does.

"Turn around."

You roll onto your stomach. He lifts your lower half up and his tip is playing against the folds of your sex. You make some noises of satisfaction and Toji chuckles. He was barely touching you and he couldn't believe how horny you were.

It wasn't long before he was deep inside of you. His hands grip onto your ass cheeks and he spreads them to get a better look. He watches his soaked length disappear inside of you repeatedly. You molded perfectly to his size and he takes great pleasure in it.

"Damn...." He grunts, "....so f*cking tight!"

You moan and curse loudly. You don't even care if your neighbors could hear.

"You like that?"

You nod.

"I wanna hear you say it." He f*cks you harder.

"I-I LIKE IT!" You continue moaning. You continue cursing, "f*ck, Toji!"

You tell the man how good it feels. You want to reach the pinnacle of pleasure. You ask him to make you cum. He grins.

"Uh-uh." He says, "Not until I say so..."

Toji wants to make love to you. So he rolls you onto your back once more. He wants to look at you while he's doing it. He wants to watch your facial expressions while he's giving it to you.

Your legs wrap around his waist. He goes at a nice deep rhythm. The light sweat on the skin of your bodies solder together. Your figure presses and forms to the shape of his own, it was as if the two of you were one being. He's sucking at your neck and ear whilst still moving in and out of you. Your breaths were heavy and uneven. You're loud. You're writhing. You don't care, cause you're almost there.

Toji dips his tongue into the well of your ear and then he nibbles on the lobe.

"Stay with me." He says this for the second time.

"You know I can't...." you're trying to speak properly but your voice cracks in between your lewd noises.

"You can." He brings his face to hover just above yours, "You always had a choice."

"What if it's not the choice I want?"

Toji isn't sure how to persuade you or if he even could. He just knew he had a burning desire for you and it could literally light everything on fire. He loved the way you made him feel even when you weren't around. There's something that you do to him that couldn't be explained. If there was one thing he could give you in life, it would be the ability to see yourself through his eyes. Maybe then you'd realize just how special you were to him.

"That's too bad...." he says and his thrusting grows more powerful.

The two of you moan and groan with pleasure as you reach your peak together. He lets himself sit inside you a bit longer until your c*nt swallows every last drop spewing from his swollen tip. The man rolls off of you, he places his arms behind his head and sighs with satisfaction.

You try to catch your breath, "Why is it that too bad?"

His closed eyes open, he stares off into the ceiling. His eyes then move to his periphery to look at you. The man grabs you and places you atop his chest, it makes you yelp softly. His hands run through your hair as your face hugs his chest. Toji's hands then go down and up your back slowly. He continues to caress you. You're confused.

One day, he hopes you'll realize whatishis presence and whatishis absence. He would have given you everything. He thinks about telling you how he feels but he doesn't. What's the point? He didn't want to exhaust his feelings and emotions onto someone who had their mind set. He didn't want to bethatguy. He didn't want to look or seem ridiculous.

"You'll miss me." Is all the guy says.

And somewhere in the back of your mind, you believe him.


Author Note

I know you're waiting for Toji's surprise. Be patient. ;)

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (49)

Chapter 27: Chapter 27

Chapter Text

It's five in the morning. Toji steps into his home. He saunters through the living room in the dark. He doesn't turn the light on, he didn't need to. Because in seconds, the lamp on the side table goes on.

"Where have you been?" It's Megumi. He sits in an armchair and he gives his father a look of scolding.

Toji places his hands on his hips. He clicks his tongue. Does the boy really think he has the nerve to question his whereabouts?

"Go to bed. It's late." He doesn't answer the boys question.

"It's actually early, really early. It's 5 AM."

Toji's jaw clenches. He didn't have any patience right now for any wiseacre remarks. Although, itistoo early—for jokes.

"Where'd you go?" Megumi brings himself to a stand.

"Why does it matter?"

The teen continues his rant, "When someone says they'll be in, in a minute, they usually mean they'll be in, in a minute. They don't disappear for hours."

Toji doesn't say anything. He's too f*cking tired and completelyspent. His arms drop back down before a hand goes up again to scratch the back of his head. He wasn't about to tell the boy that he had gone to your place to f*ck your brains out.

"Well I guess I won't be inheriting your funds tonight." Megumi says this in jest of course. He's never really had much concern for his fathers safety and the boys not one to necessarily worry. After all, this was a habitual thing and he knows his father is more than capable of handling himself, "Thought you were dead or something."

Toji almost laughs (just almost). He almost laughs cause he's a hitman for a living. If anything, people should be afraid of him. But he doesn't reveal that. He probably never will. Not to Megumi at least.

"Shut the hell up and go to bed."

Megumi lifts his shoulders into a small shrug and throws his hands into the air, it's his placating gesture, "Going."

The teen ascends the stairs but he stops halfway. He turns to look through the door of the living room at his father.


Toji turns his attention to the boy, "What?"

"Were you at (L/N)'s?"

Toji hated his sons impeccable intuition, "Who said I was there?"

"So you were there." The boy didn't need to toy around, he already knew. He could smell your perfume lingering on the man's shirt. But he's Megumi, so he'll continue to be Megumi.

The man rolls his eyes. Probably not the best way to answer. He pretty much (kind of) gave himself away but the guy didn't give a sh*t.

"So what if I was?"

"You don't have to hide the fact that you went to (L/N)'s place." Megumi continues up the stairs again, his voice trails behind him, "I'm almost 16. I know how adult slumber parties work."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (50)

It was quiet, as it should be during the dead of the night. Nothing but silhouettes and shapes in monochrome occupy the room and they only become discernible when the moonlight happened to seep through the flowing curtains of your bedroom window.

Toji had long left back to his own place and you lay alone in a deep slumber. It had taken you awhile to greet sleep as anxiety refused to leave you alone, for the thoughts of tomorrow were all you could think of.

It was now early morning. The sun was barely above the horizon. The earth still sits in darkness. The wooden floorboards creak quietly as a pair of shoes tiptoe throughout the apartment.

Satoru makes his way into your room. The man's finally back from his unexpected leave. He removes most of his clothing and kicks off his shoes before he climbs into the bed. He watches the slow rise and fall of your sleeping form with each deep breath you took. He admires you. His fingers slowly remove the loose strands of hair adhering to your face, he places them behind your ear and his hand finds your shoulder. He caresses this area with his thumb before his hand is moving again. It traces and conforms to the shape of your curves as he lowers to your waist and hips. He tries not to wake you.

The man rolls onto his back and he crosses his arms behind his head. His eyes close and just when he thinks he's about to meet sleep....


The guy opens his eyes, they're heavy but that didn't matter to him. He wants to see you.

Satoru rolls onto his side once again to face you, "Hey..."

You prop yourself up with an arm, "When did you get back?"

"Not long ago." He grabs your head and pulls you onto his chest. He runs his hand through your hair, "Go to sleep. Big day."

Big day. How could you go back to sleep now? You didn't want to say bye to Megumi. You didn't want to say bye to Toji. But, you didn't want to say bye to Satoru either. You're conflicted. Your mind continues to swim—more like drown.

Satoru's eyes closes again and his hands continue to run through your hair. On a normal night, his touch could put you to sleep instantly. You continue to lay on his chest—wide awake—and you feel his breaths begin to deepen. His hands stop moving. He falls asleep first.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (51)

"This is new." Satoru points at the singular rose in the vase atop the low table.

The two of you get ready to depart to the Fushiguro's and both dreading it (for different reasons of course).

You look at the flower and then you lie, "Thought it could use some color around there."

The guy nods and then he hums, "Looks nice, I guess."

You sigh inwardly, "Thanks."

You do some last minute things and gather your belongings and Satoru, he's just waiting for you. You try to hurry but you try to take your time. You're nervous. You try not to appear distressed but things are always easier said than done.

"Ready?" You ask.

The guy brings himself to his feet, "Yeah. Let's get this over with."

And then the two of you leave. It didn't take long to reach the Fushiguro residence either.

Satoru stands right outside of the property. He waits on the pavement by the street. Your fist goes to the door and you hesitate. But you eventually knock. The door swings open.

"(L/N)!" The boy greets you.

Megumi pulls something out of his pocket. It looked like a brochure of some sort. And it was. One from the National Museum of Nature and Science in Taito City. He opens up the glossed paper to show you the days schedule and exhibits.

"I thought we could start here—" the boy begins to speak again but he stops abruptly when his eyes go up and beyond your shoulder. He sees a white-haired male. One he hasn't seen before but it didn't take long for him to put two and two together.

You've never seen Megumi so elated to see you. But his glee fled as quickly as it came. The teen closes up his brochure. He folds it neatly and places it back into the pocket of his pants and then he shoves his fisted hands into his pockets.

This was heart wrenching—all of it. The boys facial expression nearly broke your heart in half. He wore a stoic look. In an instant he became his old self again. He appears cold and distant. He appears indifferent. His eyes were void of emotion. But in this moment he felt everything. The boys disappointed and not necessarily at you. But at life itself in general. Because he knew exactly what this is. It's bad news. If it wasn't then Satoru would not be here.

"Megumi....I—" you're sad, he could tell.

The boy cuts you off, "I understand."

It's quiet. Your mind grows hazy. There's a million things you want to say but you couldn't figure out where to begin.

"I-I came to say bye...." your gaze glues to the floor. They dare not meet the boys. You were already having difficultly maintaining composure. You'd likely cry if your eyes meet.

Megumi nods his head, "I see that."

"I'm sorry...." your voice cracks.

"Don't be." He looks at you and he doesn't like that you're on the verge of tears, "You need to do what's best for you."

There's no doubt the boy felt dejected but his face doesn't show it. He was starting to grow fond of you and he thought you were perfect for his father. It was too good to be true. Now he knows why Toji's been acting strange the past couple of nights.

You nod and your eyes well.

Megumi wasn't one to show physical affection. He's never once done anything like that not even for his own father (but Toji could say the same), so this surprises the boy himself too. The raven-haired kid pulls you into his embrace. Your eyes gape briefly before you come to your senses. It's just a hug. But actually, it's notjusta hug. Because the boy doesn't hug—ever. This hug meant everything to him.

His arms wrap around your neck and shoulders, he speaks softly, "Thank you for everything."

Your arms wrap around him and you bury your face into his shoulder. You weep silently.

You don't see this but Megumi's dark eyes trail up to meet Satoru's and they're full of spite. He wanted the man to see this. To see just how close the two of you had become over the course of this year. He wanted his eyes to tell the man that it didn't matter if he couldn't see or speak with you. You'd always have a special place in his heart.

A strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation or being together. As long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends never part. And Megumi, he needed you to know this.

"Don't cry (L/N)." His eyes are still fixed on the white-haired male, "Your friendship's ingrained in my heart, it'll never be diminished by time and distance. We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere. I'll never forget you."

How could he expect you not to cry after saying all of that? If anything you're crying even harder. You felt extremely lucky. Lucky to have met such a great kid. Lucky enough to have had something that makes saying goodbye this f*cking hard. These types of relationships, they were always hard to come by. And it pained you to have to let it go.

Satoru's jaw clenches. He's uncomfortable and he hates it, but he doesn't want to stir trouble. He diverts his gaze elsewhere. He reminds himself that after today, he won't need to worry anymore (hopefully).

"You better get going." The boy says as he releases you from his hold.

You swipe at the tears with the heel of your hand. You could barely speak. You mumble some incomprehensible words before you turn to leave.

"Wait." Someone grabs you by the arm and yanks you back. You spin around. It's not Megumi, "One more thing."

It's Toji and he made it to the front door just in time. Everything happens quickly. His hands find your face and he kisses you—real slow and deep.

And right in front of Gojo Satoru.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (52)

Chapter 28: Chapter 28

Chapter Text

Your lips separate from Toji's. You look at the man and then to his hand which sat next to your face. Blood trickles from the man's palm down to his wrist. You're not sure what happened but all you knew is the fact that he had removed a hand from your face moments ago.

Toji's grip remains firm, he holds onto the blade of a knife tightly. You recognize it—it's Satoru's. Toji steps to the side of you and with a flick of his wrist he holds the handle now. He points the tip of this small weapon to the white-haired male.

"You have no concern for your girlfriends safety, do you?" Toji says this to instigate. He knew Satoru aimed for him and he knew Satoru would never miss.

You're completely floored. Your mind couldn't comprehend anything. You turn around to look at Satoru. He stands inside the Fushiguro property now and the man, he wears an incandescent look; being extremely angry was an understatement.

Satoru's voice is harsh. "I knew I should have finished you off while I had the chance."

"You wanna dance?" Toji smirks.

"I'll even out that lip of yours—" Satoru some how pulls out another knife, "—and you'll never kiss again."

Toji scoffs, "You talk big for a newbie."

"You know what they say...." Satoru runs his fingers over the blade slowly, "....out with theold,in with thenew."

"Yeah." The green-eyed male grins, "That's what your girlfriend said about you too."

And then Toji catches the second knife. Both hands bleed. If it was any other average hitman, the man would have been able to catch it at the handle. He's impressed—just a bit.

"DAD!" Megumi's worried.

"Get inside." Toji tilts his head back and narrows his eyes.



Megumi's gaping eyes hesitate.

Toji turns his attention back to Satoru, "And take miss with you."

Before the door of the house could close it breaks. You're not sure how, but you knew it was Satoru and he had done something to it from where he stood.

"(Y/N)'s not going in there. She's not going anywhere with you." And then Satoru looks at you, "Get over here."

You tell Megumi to get into the house and then you reassure him that you'll be fine. But you couldn't make your way to Satoru. Toji's arm stops you.

The green-eyed male doesn't speak to you, nor does he look at you. His eyes don't leave his opponent and the man continues to provoke your boyfriend, "Hey, white pubes. What's your name again?"

You had no time to think. No time to act. It happens in a blink of an eye. Satoru and Toji come face to face against each other.

"Don't worry—" the white-haired male says and he says this with a crazed-look, "—I'm not one to remember names either!"

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (53)

What's only some minutes feel like an eternity.

You tell them to stop. You tell them it's not worth it. All the shouting you were doing falls on deaf ears. Neither of them listen to you. They continue their clash.

"What's the matter?!" Toji laughs, "Haven't you learned the first time?? You'retooslow!!"

Maybe Toji spoke to soon. He gets caught in a fist. He hits the floor and tumbles a bit. But he's back on his feet in seconds.

"What's the matter, Chinmoku no Satsujin?!" Satoru mocks derisively, "Can't keep up now?!"

Toji's grinning from ear to ear. Maybe he's gotten a bit rusty since he first started his career. The man's not concerned. He hasn't felt this excited in a long while. It'd be wrong to say that he's having fun, but he is. He's having the time of his life. He cant seem to remember the last time he had such a thrilling fight. And this fight, will be one for the books. He'll never forget this fight—ever.

Satoru speaks again and he smiles, "Or should I say...Geezer?"

"What do you mean?" Toji arches a brow in amusem*nt. He wipes away the blood around his mouth with the back of his hand, "It's only getting started."

"Yeah. Maybe you're right!" Satoru throws his head back. He laughs like a maniac, "YOU'RE SO RIGHT!!!"

And they're at it again.

You're standing there and time seems to slow down. The blood. The carnage. All of it, plays in slow motion. How did it come to this? Maybe Satoru was right. Maybe you shouldn't have come. But it's too late for that now. You think back to a time where all of this could have been prevented and now you only have yourself to blame.

They say to never regret. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad it's an experience. But right now, you're full of regret and not the good kind either. This is an experience and one you aren't looking forward to. In a sense, regret is a form of punishment in itself. Yet, it seems like the universe is punishing Toji and Satoru more so than you. Sometimes you wish life was written in pencil so that you could erase every wrongdoing and go back to write it all over again, correctly.

You thought Megumi had gone inside the house, but the boy had been standing by the front door this entire time. You were too lost in thought to notice. He had been watching the two men fight and he wonders how they're able to move so effortlessly. It wasn't until the teen said something that you realized he was standing next to you.

"Are you okay?"

You flinch, "Megumi! I....no. I'm not. This—this isn't okay...."

You feel ashamed. You feel guilty. And the boy knows. It's written all over your face.

No amount of guilt can change the past, and no amount of worry can change the future. There's a difference between shame and guilt. Megumi continues to teach you even in dire situations such as this.

"Guilt can either hold you back from growing or it can show you what you need to shift in your life."

There are two types of guilt: the one that drowns you until you're useless or the one that fires your soul to purpose. And it's your own responsibility to choose which route to take.

"I can't tell you what's best for you." Megumi continues to speak, "Only you know the answer to that. Maybe it's your boyfriend. Maybe it's my dad. Maybe it's neither."

Your lip quivers. You don't deserve either of them. At the same time you find it hard to let go, "I'm going to miss you Megumi. More than you know...."

You don't want to hurt anyone anymore. But it's inevitable. It doesn't matter how this chapter ends. Someone will get hurt regardless the outcome. Toji, Satoru, you. Maybe even all three. Despite that, a decision needs to be made.

"Time heals everything. One day you might look back at this moment and think about how silly it is. One day you might even forget what this feels like."

"I'm scared." Your eyes well, "Not knowing how things will turn out. How life will be..."

"The beauty of life is not knowing. That's what makes life interesting."

You remain quiet. You try to bite back your tears.

"I'm a firm believer that whoever is meant to be in your life will always gravitate back towards you." Megumi continues, "If were meant to be in each other's lives. We'll meet again one day."

"You're the worst, Megumi...."

His brows knit and he looks at you. He's not sure what he's done wrong.

"I should be the one thanking you for everything." And you truly are grateful. For every single word of wisdom he's ever instilled in you. And then you kind of laugh, "You always know how to make a girl cry....."

You're crying now—real hard.

A ghost of a smile appears on the boys face. He'll miss you too. But he understands life well enough and he knows that both of you and everyone else will be just fine.

"I'll kill you!"

"Me? A target of Chinmoku no Satsujin? I couldn't be more honored!"

The front yard of the Fushiguro's is now half destroyed as they continue their brawl. You almost forgot about this hectic scene.

"This grading system is sh*t!" Satoru swings at the man, "Maybe I'll just kill all the higher-ups! I'm going to reset.....this crappy hitman society!!!"

"You talk to much kid!" Toji deflects the guys hits, "Don't make it seem like youre anything special."

"Who you calling—" Satoru catches Toji again, "—nothing special?!"

Toji hits the floor again. He takes a bit longer to get to his feet, "The youth these days.....don't even know how to speak with respect."

"I don't intend to." Satoru continues berating the man, "It pisses me off how high-and-mighty old folks think they are these days!"

"Men have become tools of their tools." Toji beckons the guy to come to him, "Become the change if you ever want to rise to the top."

"Spare me your bullsh*t!"

Satoru rushes the man, however, this time he's the one that gets kicked to the ground.

"Listen." Toji rarely ever says your name and the man's rather serious now, "I'm in love with (y/n) and if my gut feeling is right. I know she feels the same. I'm going to do what I know is right. Even if everyone else is against it."

"Being righteous? I...." Satoru gets back onto his feet. He dusts himself off and then he wears a merciless look, "....hate that stuff!"

They charge at each other again. It was too hard for unversed eyes to keep up.

"Goodnight, Gojo Satoru!"

"So you do know my name." The white-haired male grins, "Maybe it is goodnight for me. But it's time for you to wake up!"

Satoru's knife gets knocked out of his hand. But Toji's blade doesn't meet his throat. It meets yours instead.

You had managed to make your way between the two men before the unspeakable happens. The tip of the knife grazes your neck.

"(Y/N), ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Satoru's livid.


"Move out of my way." Toji's voice is stern and he holds a blank expression.

"No." You say and you're still crying, "No more....please...."

Your back is pressed against your boyfriend and your hands reach behind to grab onto his, "If anyone deserves to die....it's me."

Toji clicks his tongue. He drops his arm down and grows impatient, "It's now or never. Whose it gunna be?"

You let go of Satoru. Everyone's quiet. Satoru's too tired to speak. He's also curious to see how you'll respond. He remains idle behind you.

Depending on how you respond to the man's question will determine everything. For everyone.

"I'm willing to bet everything on us. So tell me...." Toji's thumb runs against your cheek softly, "....do you love me?"


Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (54)

Unknown artist.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (55)

Chapter 29: Chapter 29

Chapter Text

If you don't go after what you want, you'll never have it. Toji's still trying. The man remains hopeful. His thumb continues to caress you. He wants your shoes to remain by the door of his home. He wants your jacket to stay on the coatrack and your clothes to stay on the floor of his room. He wants your body against his every night when the two of you go to sleep and every morning when the two of you wake. He wants you to stay—for the rest of his life.

You take Toji's wrist into your hand and your eyes close. You're only focusing on the feeling of his thumb against your lower lip. It makes your mind go back to every single moment you'd spent with the man up until this point. Every annoying discussion, every intimate moment the two of you shared and even the shared kisses between the two of you seemed to have evolved over the year. You remember how it felt the first time you met the guy and how your feelings flourished as the seasons changed. You remember it all.

And then you open your eyes and you turn back (just slightly). It makes the green-eyed males thumb move to the side of your face. You look at Satoru and you think about him too. You think about all the adventures the two of you embarked on as children. You think about all the times he stood up for you when you couldn't do it yourself; all the times he protected you. You think about growing up together and graduating high school together. You think about how and when he asked you to be his girlfriend. You think about all the laughing and all the crying. You think about all the useless conversations, but you remember all the meaningful ones too. You think about all the good things and all the bad things. You remember everything about him. He's your partner, best friend, your person. Your first love.

Satoru looks at you and his gaze doesn't waver. His eyes let you know how he's feeling. He's distressed and the anticipation eats him away inside-out. He doesn't know what you'll say or do. But he hopes for the best and even if it's not what he wants in the end, he'll learn to accept it. He has to, because what other choice does he have?

You turn back around and you slowly start to take Toji's hand away from your face. You pause. And your eyes go beyond Toji's shoulder to Megumi. The boy stands by the front door still with his hands rooted into the pockets of his pants. He nods his head once. This small gesture, it reminds you that you're in control of what you want. And the boys expression lets you know that everything will be okay.

You take Toji's hand away and it falls back down to his side. Your eyes go to the floor. It's quiet and no one speaks. Everyone waits patiently for your answer.

How do you choose? You wish you didn't need to but life (for the most part) doesn't work that way. Decisions are the hardest thing to make, especially when it's a choice between where you want to be and where you should be. You want to make the right decision. But what if it's not about making therightdecision? What if it's about taking a decision and making it the right one?

Toji's impatience begins to show, "Flip a coin."

Satoru scoffs at the absurd idea, "Stupid."

"Why would I do that?" You ask, "I can't just flip a coin over something like this."

Toji's more clever than anyone thinks. Well, except for Megumi because he is the man's son after all.

The man explains the reasoning behind the idea of a coin flip, "Yes, you'll still need to choose whose head and whose tails. But you're not making a decision based off the results of what side the coin will land on."

"Then why bother?" You're confused.

"Because, when the coin is in the air...." he pauses for a moment, "....you'll suddenly know what you're hoping for."

This is partially true. When under pressure, people—indecisive people, or even people in general—normally never know what they want until it's down to the last second or until it's too late.

Toji digs into his pocket. He brings out a quarter. He brings it to you in the palm of his hand, "You have the honor."

You look at the man, then down to the silver coin and then back at him. You shake your head and then you curl his fingers inward to close his hand into a fist. You know your answer. You didn't need to play this silly game.

"No, I don't need to flip. I already know my answer...." you say this softly and you let go of his hand, "....of course I love you, Toji."

Although it's the answer the green-eyed male was hoping for, something didn't feel right.

You hear Satoru sigh heavily behind you. He's distraught.

"I think I'll always love you. But, I'm sorry...." you say and then you step back until Satoru's body stops you from going any further.

Toji puts the coin back into his pocket as he watches your retreating figure. He knows what you're about to say and the man, he's not sure if he's ready to hear it.

"....it's him. It's always been him."

Satoru's arms wrap around you. He buries his face into your hair and you hear him sigh again, but this time out of utter relief. He says under his breath, "Let's go home."

Toji runs his tongue over his teeth. He smiles in disbelief. No matter how long or how short he was in your life or what his role is, the man always leaves his mark. He knows you won't ever forget him.

"I'm something you'll regret losing. I can promise you that much."

And those were Toji's last words to you before you turned to walk out of not only the Fushiguro's property but also, out of their lives.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (56)

A couple hours have past since you left the Fushiguro's.

Toji sits in an armchair in the living room of his home. He's been in this seat since he stepped into his house and he hasn't moved a muscle. His head lays on the backrest of this cushioned chair and he blinks his eyes open slowly. The man stares into the ceiling. It f*cking sucks and it f*cking hurts.

He's reminded of a certain day almost 16 years ago when his late wife had given birth to Megumi. He remembers the joy but he also remembers how it was accompanied with extreme mental suffering and grief. She had passed due to severe internal bleeding. Toji's mind recalls what it felt like when he saw the physicians and he recalls their heartbreaking words.

Toji never thought he'd ever experience such sadness and anguish again. However, this time, it's much worse. It's much worse because it's different. And it's different because his wife never left him by choice.

But you did.

Megumi comes out of the kitchen. He places a plate of food and a glass of water onto the table in front of the man. The boy takes a seat on an adjacent couch. Unfortunately, they're back to eating frozen food.

"Dad, you should eat something."

The man doesn't speak, his gaze is still trained above him. He pulls out a cigarette.

Megumi knows how much his father hates smoking in the house, so this concerns him, "One of the happiest moments in life is when you find the strength to let go of things that are out of your control."

"I don't get mad anymore." He lights his tobacco, "I just accept it for what it is and move on. I'll be fine."

"Starting today, we need to accept whats gone, appreciate what remains and look forward to what's coming." Megumi says, "You'll always have me dad—"

Toji inhales and exhales his smoke as he listens to his son finish his sentence.

"—even if I get a girlfriend."

The man arches a brow and his eyes go to the boy, "No chance in hell you're bringing any bitches over."

"You won't know." The boy continues to flout, "You're always gone on your business trips anyway."

Toji clicks his tongue but he says nothing; he's too exhausted.

"Speaking of business trips...." the teen asks, "....what exactly do you consult? What did (L/N)'s boyfriend mean when he said he was going to reset the hitman society? Seemed like the two of you knew each other."

The man groans and he rubs his face with a hand. He didn't think it'd ever come to this. He was hoping Megumi would never find out. Then he damns the white-pubic-prick for, not only taking you out of his life permanently but also for divulging his secret to his son (unintentionally). Toji explains everything to Megumi. He tells him what he does for a living and why and he also tells the boy that he's actually a Zenin and not just a Fushiguro.

Megumi seemed rather unimpressed, at least that's what his facial expression portrayed. But his face—for the most part—was and is always void of emotion.

"Why'd you keep this from me?"

"I wanted to keep you safe." Toji continues to smoke, "I wanted a better life for you. A better career."

The last thing Toji wanted is for Megumi to follow in his footsteps.

The teen looks down at his clasped hands, "(L/N), she helped me apply for colleges and she was supposed to attend a career fair with me next month."

"Career fair?" Toji's never been to one and he isn't involved much in Megumi's academic life (maybe even his entire life ), so he doesn't know what these types of things were.

"It's an expo." The boy explains, "A bunch of employers, schools and recruiters come together and they educate people on their duties within their jobs. Like what electrical engineers do in a day or fire fighters or policemen."

The man makes a noise, "You saying you want me to go with you?"

"Not if you don't want to. I can manage on my own." And the boy can, as he's always done.

Toji blows the smoke out of his mouth, "I guess I could go with you. What field are you interested in getting into anyway?"

"I wanna be...." Megumi leans back in his seat and crosses his arms behind his head. He then smirks and says, "....a hitman."


Author Note

I know a lot of you are still wondering, where's Toji's surprise? Don't worry, you'll know when it happens.

Also, again, thank you for reading, commenting and voting! Everyone's continued support means a lot!

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (57)

Chapter 30: Chapter 30

Chapter Text

A year later.

It's been awhile since you heard from Itadori Yuji. Awhile ago he had reached out to you, saying that the tutoring services were no longer needed. At the time you thought maybe he didn't need your help anymore cause his academics were improving. But that wasn't the case at all. The boy had called you the night before asking if you were able to come see him at his home and you make the assumption that maybe he's falling behind in school again.

You walk across the city of Tokyo and you stop in front of a high-rise building, the one that holds the career exposition that you were supposed to attend with Megumi a year ago. You watch a myriad of people enter and exit, it makes your lip twitch and you feel a suddenpangin your chest. But all you do is look forward and you continue on your way to Yuji's.

It's been an unusually hard year. Although not seeing or speaking with the Fushiguro's has become a habitual thing, you still miss them from time to time. You and Satoru had been arguing much more lately. It also didn't help that it's been ridiculously hard to rebuild your trust with the guy. He always seems to question where you're going and why and he always questions your whereabouts and who you're with. But you can't blame him. You'd likely act the same way if the roles had been reversed. But each day gets a little better.

You're standing outside the Itadori's now. You make a few knocks and then you hear some approaching footsteps. The door swings open.

"(L/N) sensei!" Yuji greets you with a bright smile like he always does.

You become slightly startled when the pink-haired boy hugs you unexpectedly, "Yuji!"

He lets go of you and then the two of you exchange lighthearted laughs.

"I feel like I haven't seen you for a month!"

"Well, Yuji—" you try not to laugh as you step into his home, "—it's been about a month."

He closes the door behind you and he says something but you don't hear it, your mind is too occupied. The boys home, it's completely empty. There was nothing left but a few boxes that were gathered near the foyer.

"What's going on?" Your eyes scan the area before you turn around to look at Yuji.

"I'm moving." He says.


"Im transferring to another school and I'll be living there, in their dorms."

Your brows knit together and you wonder why his grandfather would put the boy in a type of boarding school, "Where's Wasuke?"

"Well...." The boys eyes go to the side and his hand scratches the back of his head. He wears a somber look, "....grandpa, he—uh, he passed."

"Yuji....." your heart is heavy, ".....I'm so sorry."

The boy turns to look at you and he gives you a hollow smile, "Don't be. That old man, he wouldn't want me sulking anyway."

It goes quiet. Your mind still tries to process this sudden heart-wrenching news.

Yuji speaks again, "Anyway, I wanted to see you and thank you before I officially move. Thank you for all your help."

"No need to thank me!" You smile and wave your hands in front of you before it goes back down to your sides, "So which school are you going to? If you don't mind me asking that is."

"It's called Tokyo Metropolitan Technical School."

"Tokyo Metropolitan Technical School?" You make a face, "Never heard of it."

Yuji grows nervous, "Ah, yeah. It's, uh, a small private school."

"I see." You nod, "Interesting. How did you hear about it?"

Yuji wasn't expecting any further questions. He chews the inside of his cheek. He tries to come up with an answer. He remembers going to the hospital to visit his grandpa, only to have that be the last time he would ever see that geezer again. The boy cried, he was heartbroken. Itadori Wasuke was his only known guardian, hisparentand the only person who raised him. Yuji honestly didn't know what to do or where to go. He didn't have anyone else. He remembers walking about in the city afterwards with glassy eyes and a mournful expression. And then the boy runs into a man and that man offered to help him. That man offered a place for him to stay as long as he's willing to attend a certain school.

"Grandpa, he, uhm, had a lot of things set up for me. Just in case he ever.....you know...."

You quickly nod, "Right. Of course. Who wouldn't if they had dependents?"


"Aw, well, I'll really miss seeing you around." You say, "I hope you're happy and you've made some new friends."

"Yeah! I'm doing great! I made a lot of friends!" The boy beams, "And my mentor is so cool! And I hear Fushiguro-Kun goes to a similar school in a different district."

Your heart skips a beat from the name, "Fushiguro?"

"Yeah, you know, Megumi?"

Of course you knew him but that wasn't what you were asking. You're confused. Why did he need to transfer schools too? "Why did Megumi transfer schools?"

Yuji makes a startled face, he wasn't thinking when he said that last sentence. He blurts the first thing he can think of, "Uh, he's too smart! They needed to send him to an advanced school!"

"Oh wow! That must mean you've really excelled Yuji!" You're proud that you were able to contribute to this in some way (at least that's what you thought).

Great! Just his luck. Yuji laughs sheepishly. He didn't like to lie, "And it's all thanks to you."

"So, tell me more!" You're intrigued, "I wanna know what your new friends are like."

"Sure!" He responds enthusiastically, not thinking his words would have any kind of impact on you, "Gojo sensei is hilarious! He always tells everyone that their weak! And that he's the strongest!"

The smile you wore left your face, "What did you say?"

"He always tells people that their weak?" Yuji becomes uneasy, he doesn't know why you look so concerned.

"No, not that."

"He always says he's the strongest?"

"No, no, no. The first part."

The boy makes a face, one that shows that he's thinking—super hard. He hums and then he snaps his fingers before he points his index finger upward, "Oh, Gojo sensei?"

This feeling erupting in your chest was unsettling. Did you hear the boy correctly?

"Whats his first name?" You ask.

Yuji brings his finger and thumb to his chin, he makes a noise, "I don't know."

"What does he look like??" Your eagerness to know is too hard to hide now, it shows in your voice and expression.

The boy arches a brow but he doesn't think anything of it. He answers, "He's really, really tall and he wears these extremely dark sun glasses."

Anyone can be tall though and anyone can wear sunglasses. You needed the boy to be more specific.

"What color is his hair???" Your worrisome look intensifies.

You don't want to assume and you're hoping your assumption is wrong but the family name, Gojo isn't a common one. But if it is who you think it is then you don't like this idea—more like fact—at all.

"It's—" the boy says, "—white."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (58)

This is bad—real bad. How could Yuji get wrapped into the criminal underground association? He's too young and innocent for something like this.

You pretended not to know the guy after Yuji unknowingly divulged who his mentor is. And then you bid the pink-haired boy a proper farewell. You're sprinting home now and all you can think about is strangling Satoru once you see him. How could he do something like this? How could he bring someone as precious as Yuji into the hitman society? And that wasn't the worst of it. Yuji had said that Megumi now attends a similar school in a different district. Everything seems to be coming together slowly. The Valor, High Order. Megumi must be attending a school derived from the Zenin household and Yuji the Gojo household. And then you think, what the hell is Toji thinking? The raven-haired boy, he's incredibly smart and has an enormous amount of potential. How could Toji allow the teen to throw his life away so willingly? None of it makes sense to you.

You're slamming your fists onto the door of your apartment now. You were too frazzled and distressed to fish your keys out and you know Satoru is home—right where you left him.

"Satoru! Open the door!" You continue to beat the door.

It swings open abruptly the same time you're swinging your fist. It makes you trip but Satoru catches you in his arms.

"What's the matter with you?" He's wondering why you look so troubled.

You stand up straight and you point a finger at him, "Why didn't you tell me?!"

"Tell you what?" He arches a brow and then he says, "How good looking I am?~"

The man runs a hand through his hair and he smirks. It's annoying. Can't he see how distraught you are? And he has the nerve to joke. But what's new? It's always been this way since you met the guy as children. The guy must be getting comfortable again, it has been a year after all. It was only a matter of time until he reverted back to his self-centered ways.

"Satoru!" You snap, "Can't you take me seriously for just one second?!"

"One." He counts and then he laughs.

You slap him.

"That's not how you win a man over.~" He says in jest.

"I'm not trying to win you over!!!"

"Okay, okay, fine." He grabs you and brings you into his chest then he wraps his arms around you, "What's the matter with you again?"

You groan and then you shove him away, "What's the matter with me?! I think you mean, what's the matter with you!?"

"No..." he shakes his head and he's joking—again, "...that's actually not what I'm thinking."

"Why didn't you tell me about Itadori?!" You don't say his given name because most people address others by their family name unless they're close friends or family members.

"Uh, wha?" He has no idea what you're talking about.

"Oh don't act, Satoru!" You huff.

He still has no idea what you're talking about and his face shows it.

"Itadori Yuji!"

"Oh, Yuji! Of course. He's an exceptional kid." Satoru smiles. He knows who you're talking about now since you mentioned his first name. After all, the man isn't one to be respectful or formal, "How do you know him?"

You run your hands down your face. Of course he doesn't remember. It didn't matter how many times Satoru's asked you what the boys name was in the past and it didn't matter how many times you told the guy what the boys name was. He still didn't f*cking remember it. You're not surprised.

"I've only been tutoring him for—god knows—how long!!!"

"What a small world." He says and he doesn't seem concerned one bit.

"How could you drag him into that kind of life?" You ask the man and he hears the sadness in your voice.

Satoru wears a blank expression now, "I did him a favor."

"A favor?! He practically sold his soul to the devil!" You turn around. Your hand goes to your forehead and you shake your head slowly. You can't comprehend any of it.

The man remains apathetic, "He had nowhere to go."

You turn back around and you're shouting again, "Satoru! He'll die out there!"

He sighs, "You have such little faith in him."

"He's a kid!"

"So was I."

"He's not you!" You challenge him.

"Yuji." Satoru says, "He was never really good at school was he?"

How does Satoru remember something like that if he couldn't even remember the kids damn name? Unreal.

"Oh, so youfinallyremember him."

"No." He says, "But if you're tutoring anyone, it obviously means they're not smart."

"That's rude." You retort.

Satoru, he seems serious now and you're still not use to this side of him despite everything that happened last year, "What's rude is the fact that you just assume he'll die. I've been working with Yuji for awhile now and I can tell you, although he lacks the brains, the kid is definitely athletically talented. He's strong and quick. He'll do well as a hitman."

"If anything happens to him...." your head falls downward and your gaze is fixated on the wood floors of your home.

Satoru sees that you're on the verge of tears. He brings you into his embrace once more.

"I'll make sure nothing happens to him. I'll protect him." He promises.

"You better." You say under your breath and you bury your face into his chest.

And then the guy says something...

"Let's just hope—"

...and that something is similar to driving a dagger through your heart.

"—Yuji never runs into Fushiguro Megumi."

Because they're enemies now.


Author Note

Kudos to anyone who remembers the fact that Satoru couldn't remember Yuji's name from Chapter 1 of this story! It's been a long time coming!

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (59)

Chapter 31: Chapter 31

Chapter Text

The window rattles as the wind passes and there's a tapping on the glass now. Beads of water form on the transparent material and the dark clouds continue to gather in the sky above the Fushiguro's home. Then the pitter-patter of the rain could be heard.

There's some voices conversing in the house but Megumi pays them no mind. He sits on the window nook and his unwavering eyes continue to stare out into the street.

"Alright, I'm heading out." The voice of a woman could be heard in a room nearby.

Megumi doesn't budge and he also doesn't acknowledge her. He hears his father bidding a farewell to this person as the front door opens and then the sound of it closing could be heard as this woman leaves. She sprints out into the rain and disappears through the thick mist.

"Ever heard of manners?" Toji's voice appears next to his son. He's not fond of the boys attitude lately—or ever.

"What's the point?" Megumi asks and he's still staring out of the window like he was stuck in some kind of a trance.

Toji clicks his tongue.

"I'm not going to waste my time with names I'll only forget in the next coming weeks." Megumi continues to talk to the glass, "But I guess she's lasted longer than the rest so far."

As said before, the boy was never interested in getting to know any of the woman who came and went previously, other than you (but even then it took him awhile to warm up to you). He felt it was pointless to invest his time in people who he would meet one day and then be gone the next.

This past year, Toji's had at least a dozen flings and none lasting longer than a week. But this most recent one? Surprisingly, a month so far.

"What is she to you?" Megumi asks.

"Why does it matter?" The man looks away and his hands go to his hips. His jaw shifts from him grinding his teeth lightly. He appears uncomfortable.

"Do you enjoy sacrificing quality for the experience of novelty?" The boy asks and he turns around to look at his father.

The raven-haired kid, he believes in quality over quantity and he didn't think he'd ever meet someone like you ever again. To him, it isn't the idea that he couldn't, it's the fact that he doesn't want to.

"I don't need your f*cking two cents." Toji's voice is thick with irritation. He returns his eyes to the teen.

"I wasn't giving you two." Megumi wears his signature blank expression and his voice is as bland as ever, "I was giving you three."

"f*cking smart ass." Toji rolls up his sleeves, "Come here so I can slap the sh*t out of you."

The boy's attention goes back to the window. He watches the rain, "Why do you busy your mind with other people?"

"Shut up." The man doesn't want to hear it.

"I know you still think about her." The boy continues to voice his thoughts and he doesn't care if its provoking either.

"I said—" Toji, he really doesn't want to hear it anymore, "—shut the hell up!"

"Keep convincing your mind all you want. Your heart knows it's a lie. And you can keep lying to me all you want. I don't care. But you can't lie to yourself. I know they're all just a distraction."

Toji's had enough. He goes and grabs the boy by his shirt at the chest and then he lifts him up slightly, "I told you to, shut—the—f*ck—up!"

They stare at each other briefly. Toji holds a scowl and Megumi is void of emotion.

"At least I can admit it. At least I can be honest with myself." Megumi says this and he doesn't take his eyes off his father.

The boy finds it a bit funny, that he couldn't even take his own advice. He remembers telling you that things will be okay and what's meant to be will be. He remembers telling you not to worry. But then it turns out that he's the one having trouble coping. But it wasn't just him.

The man clicks his tongue and then he shoves and releases the boy roughly. Megumi falls back into his seat.

"I'm done having this discussion with you." Toji turns away. The man's tired. He's tired of his son always bringing you up. How is he supposed to move on if he's constantly being reminded of you?

No matter how much women he met. No matter how good the sex was. Megumi's right. It's all a distraction. It was always your face and your smile that he saw anytime he closed his eyes—even if he was inside someone else.

"Don't you miss her?" The boy asks and he's quite somber, "At all?"

Toji rubs his face with a hand and then he groans, "We're done talking."


"I SAID WE'RE DONE TALKING!" The man doesn't let him finish. He turns back around and he means it this time, "It doesn't matter how I feel! It doesn't matter howyoufeel! It doesn't f*cking matter! She made her choice."

"It's okay, Dad." Megumi gets up from his seat, "I'll be leaving to Kyoto tomorrow anyway. You won't need to deal with me anymore and then you can invite as much (and he quotes)bitchesas you want over."

Toji's heart sank to his stomach. His son is leaving to Kyoto Metropolitan Technical School tomorrow. The boy will be living and studying there. The man didn't think the kid would be leaving the nest this soon. Then he damns the white-pubic prick again for exposing them for who they really are. It didn't matter if he told the boy 'no'. Megumi had made up his mind. He was going to show up to the Zenin house regardless if Toji allowed him to or not. And you know what they say? If you can't beat them, join them. It's better to give his experienced guidance than not. He'll take the boy under his wing and he'll help him grow and prosper into someone who'd eventually rival the man's own skill sets; a protege. Someone Toji will deem worthy as a replacement.

"Whatever." Toji doesn't want to argue anymore, "I'm hungry. Let's eat."

They make their way to the kitchen and before Toji could get to the freezer, Megumi's already digging in the fridge.

"What's going on?" The man's asks as he continues to watch the boy rummage.

"What does it look like?" Megumi says and he brings a bunch of ingredients out onto the counter.

Toji licks his teeth and then he purses his lips. It never gets old.

"I'm cooking, Dad. I'm tired of frozen food, fast food, take out."

"Since when did you learn to cook?"

"I've cooked a lot with (L/N). I've watched her a lot and I—" Megumi closes the door of the fridge, "—Pinterest this recipe."


"Pinterest, Dad. Sheesh, how old are you?"

Toji slaps the boy on the head.

"Ow!" His hand goes to the assaulted area, "Okay, all you're eating is your own spit tonight."

Toji slaps the boy again.


"Wise ass." He grumbles, "What are you making?"

"Shogayaki." The teen says. It is one of his favorites after all. The boy loves anything that pairs well with ginger.

"Hurry the hell up." Toji continues to grumble, his stomach complains loudly.

"I would if you would get out of my way."

Toji clicks his tongue and he removes himself from the kitchen.

Half an hour rolls by and then 45 minutes. Toji steps into the kitchen again. The aroma seemed to seep into other rooms of their home and the man can no longer take it—he's starving.

"How much longer?" The man asks.

But Megumi didn't need to answer. The boys already setting the table and the meal had already been placed neatly at their usual spots. They both sit and then they both eat.

Megumi takes the first bite and his pensive mood deepens as he continues to brood. It tasted close to yours but the thing is, it's not yours.

"I think (L/N) would be proud of this." The boy forks another piece of the pork dish into his mouth and his gaze remains glued to the plate in front of him.

Toji's eyes go up to his son. He takes a bite. It does taste good and it does taste similar to the shogayaki you had made on a night many moons ago. He feels his chest tighten at the mere thought of it.

Toji gets a phone call. The man reaches into his pocket, he takes out the ringing cellphone and he looks at the screen. His eyes go up to Megumi. The kid looks at his father then to the device then back to his father. Toji doesn't answer. He puts the phone back into his pocket. He was sure that it's work related or woman related but he doesn't care. He didn't want anyone to take this last night away from him. Even though he'd still be seeing Megumi frequently, there's just something heartbreaking about not having the boy around the house for good.

"Who was that?" The boy asks.

"No one."

"That's not possible.Someonehas to make a call. No one, doesn't exist."

The man rolls his eyes. He couldn't stand the boy some times—more like—most times, "It's nothing you need to worry about. Now eat."

They continue to eat and they share some words here and there but they mostly eat in silence.

"What did you wanna do after?" Toji asks as he finishes his food, "Wanna watch a movie or somethin'?"

Megumi's brows knit. Why is his father being weird all of a sudden, "Since when do you watch movies?"

"Since now." And the man doesn't explain.

"Why?" The boy asks because his father has never once spent actual quality time with him. This is very unusual and unheard of.

Toji sighs, "Will you just let me be a f*cking dad for once? A normal one?"

"Sure." Is all the boy says and his voice is unenthused. He gets up from his seat and he throws the dirty dish into the sink along with every other dirty pot and utensil he used, "By the way, me and (L/N) always had a you cook, I clean agreement. So, wash those dishes when you're done."

Toji looks at the filled sink and he curses under his breath. Whose the boss around here?

"Damn twat."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (60)

Toji and Megumi sit on the couch now. They're both watching something on the television. Something the man allowed his son to choose. But he didn't think his son would choose something like this. Something so dry and boring. He was hoping the boy would reach for an action or even a thriller movie. Instead the boy chooses a science documentary; Journey to the Edge of the Universe.

Toji grumbles under his breath and he tries his best to stay awake. The man's head dangles and just as he's about to meet sleep, his phone rings again. It startles him. He flinches and then he quickly reaches into his pocket again. He pulls out the device and looks at the screen. It's the same number. He puts the phone back into his pocket.

The raven-haired boy was looking out of his periphery this entire time, "If it's urgent you should answer it."

"It's fine." The man says and he rests his face onto the palm of his hand as he continues to listen to this lackluster film.

"It's comforting to remember as we enter through this abyss further and further, faster and faster. The andromeda galaxy two and a half million light years away, it's racing through space, everything blown apart like shrapnel."

Toji yawns.

"You don't have to watch it, if you don't want to." Megumi's eyes don't leave the screen but he sees his father dozing off from the corner of his eye.

"Don't tell me what to do."

The boy shrugs.

"It's an explosion we're seeing in this galaxy as it was when our ape-like ancestors walked on the African plains."

The man checks the time. It's been over an hour and there's at least 20 minutes left. He mumbles some colorful words under his breath. But eventually the documentary ends and Toji couldn't be more f*cking thankful.

"Are you excited for tomorrow?" Toji asks as he takes out a cigarette (but he intends to smoke it outside).

"Ecstatic." The boy replies and his choice of word doesn't match the tone of his voice. He brings himself to a stand.

"You know about your friend right? The pink sponge head?"

Megumi shoves his hands into his pockets. He's still standing and faced away from his sitting father, "Yeah."

"And—" Toji gets up, "—you know what to do if you ever see him?"

Megumi remains unmoving. The kid takes awhile to respond and when he does respond, all he says is, "I do."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (61)

Chapter 32: Chapter 32

Chapter Text

It's past midnight and Toji stands on his porch. It's dark outside and the air is crisp. He leans against the balustrade and his arms dangle off the top rail. The man brings his hand up to his mouth and he inhales his tobacco slowly. His smoke could normally take away all the troubles on his mind, but tonight they seem to linger.

He thinks about his son and how he doesn't want him to leave. He thinks about you, even if he doesn't want to. He wonders what you're doing, how you're doing. He wonders if you ever think about him. But then he tells his mind to shut the f*ck up and that he doesn't give two sh*ts—anymore—or so he tries to persuade himself.

Megumi had long gone to bed and Toji finally has the time to check his missed calls. He sticks the cigarette back into his mouth and he leaves it to sit between his lips. The man pulls out his phone from his pocket: two missed calls, only one voicemail. He hits the play button and brings the device to his ear. After he reaches the end of the message he puts his phone away. The man takes the cigarette out of his mouth, he doesn't smoke it, instead he flicks it at the filter and the ash falls to the ground. Toji scoffs quietly and then he lets out a hollow laugh. He shakes his head. And then he shakes it again as he brings himself to a straight stand. The man's unwavering eyes watch the smoke drifting off the tip of his cigarette slowly. He doesn't know what to make of that unfortunate and unforeseen message.

The green-eyed male rubs his face with a hand and then he sighs heavily, "sh*t...."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (62)

"So—" Utahime indulges in her drink, "—how are you?"

You sit across from her and (surprisingly) Shoko Ieiri. The girl finally has a day off. She still appears grim and tired as she normally does.

You rest the side of your face onto a fist and you're staring somewhere beyond the window, "I'm fine."

Your voice doesn't sound convincing and Utahime can tell, "Bullsh*t."

Shoko hums in agreement, "I know I don't see you often but Iori is right. You don't seem like yourself."

Your eyes go from the window to Utahime and then Shoko before it goes back to the glass that separates the establishment from the streets. It's true, you've seen better days and that seems to be the case almost everyday these days.

"I made the right choice...." you begin to say but then you question it, "....didn't I?"

The girls exchange some looks then they turn their attention back to you.

Shoko speaks first and her mind still couldn't believe that you had gone through all of that, "Only you would know the answer to that."

Utahime sighs and then she runs her hands down her face, "Jesus (y/n)! Why didn't you just listen to me the first time!"

You make a face.

"Remember?!" Utahime grumbles, "When I asked you if you were happy or not? Now look! A year later, same sh*t."

"That's not it...." you say.

"Then what is it?!"

"I don't know..."

Utahime mumbles some colorful words under her breath whilst rolling her eyes, "And shestilldoesn't know a damn thing."

Your propped arm falls back down to the table. You didn't want to admit that you may have regretted your decision. Things just didn't feel the same after that day you left the Fushiguro's. And you were also ashamed to even have Toji on your mind more often than not. But it's been about a year, the man likely moved on (that's what you thought at least).

"Don't get me wrong. I love Satoru. I always will. But it just doesn't feel the same." You twist your lips and you drum your fingers along the table top.

"Yeah, but are youinlove with him?" Utahime's question reminds you of Megumi. It makes your chest tighten.

"I don't know...."

"How do you not know?!" Utahime, shes getting fed up, "You do know! Youhaveto know! Look, I really wanna help you. I do. But I can't if you're not willing to help yourself."

Shoko nods and then she speaks like she knows you're hiding how you really feel and well, you are, "She's right. We're not here to judge you. It's okay."

"I just...I don't want to hurt him." You say.

Satoru means a lot to you, you'd hate to revisit all the pain you've allowed him to suffer through again. Yet, you couldn't truly say you were happy with the man. It didn't help that he had reverted back to his old ways and the fact that he's been away on his work trips much more this time around. There was also a part of you that's afraid to be alone. You had a companion for so long, you couldn't fathom the idea of coming back to an empty home with no one to share your day with.

Utahime interferes your thoughts, "You think you're not hurting him by staying silent. But you're hurting yourself and you'll hurt him too whether you want to or not. These harbored feelings will manifest eventually, it's only a matter of time."

You stay silent. You don't want to acknowledge this fact.

"Is this about Toji?" Utahime asks, it makes you look at her.

"No..." you're not lying per se.

"Good." She says, "Cause I think you need to spend some time alone. You can't make someone else happy if you're not happy. Learn to be happy by yourself and for yourself. The last thing I'd want is for you to jump into a relationship so soon again and for all the wrong reasons."

"Yeah, I know." You mumble.

Utahime scoffs loudly, "Oh really? Youactuallyknow something? How convenient."

You click your tongue and then you wish you hadn't said that. You did in fact 'know' this whole time. Saying you didn't know was just a way to avoid conversation and—sad to say—confrontation. But let's be honest here, Utahime will confront you till the ends of the earth.

"What are you planning to do?" Shoko asks.

"I'm going to make it work." Your voice is bland,
"I have to make it work."

Utahime groans, "If making others happy is your thing, despite how you feel, than so be it. But just be ready to stay unhappy for the rest of your life. You do it to yourself."

And that's all the girl has to say about that, she's done for the day.

"Where is Gojo anyway?" Shoko hasn't seen him in a long time but she doesn't see much of any mutuals.

"Work meeting or something." You reply.

"Well, I gotta jet. Work." Utahime brings herself to a stand.

"And I gotta get some sleep." Shoko yawns as she stretches; graveyard shifts never get easier on the body.

The three of you leave Connel Coffee. You all part ways and you're walking alone now. It's a rather busy day on the streets of Tokyo. You cross the street to head back to your apartment.

Along the way you pass by the cafe that you and Satoru frequent. Something unusual prompted you to stop walking. Several feet away, in the outdoor seating area of this bistro sat Satoru but he wasn't alone. He sits next to a woman. You don't think anything of it at first. He did say he had a work meeting. Maybe this is a colleague of his. But the more you observed the more doubtful you became. This setting, it seemed too intimate for a work meeting. There were a couple of floral arrangements on the table. And it only grows more strange. The girl moves her chair closer to his and she even places a hand onto his shoulder. The woman leans too close for comfort (for you at least) and you see them smile and laugh. She begins to point at something on the table that they both seemed to be immersed in but you can't see it from where you're standing. You bite and chew on your lower lip. You try to come up with excuses for this scenario. You try not to jump to conclusions. But it's hard not to assume the worst. Maybe this is karma. You shake your head and you try to blend in with the crowd to stay hidden. Maybe if you get close enough without being seen, you'll be able to hear what they're discussing.

You edge as close as you can and only until their voices become distinguishable. And you honestly wished you didn't.

"Does she know yet?" You hear the girl ask and you couldn't stand how annoyingly upbeat she sounded.

It's a vague question but it's enough to be heart wrenching and it only seems to get worse.

"No." Satoru says, "She doesn't know yet."

"I hope you're planning on telling her soon." And she sounds much more serious now.

"Yeah, of course."

You purse your lips and they quiver. Why were you even still standing here? A part of you didn't want to believe it and a part of you couldn't believe it. You blame yourself but yet you don't. Two wrongs don't, and will never, make a right. How could he do this? Yet you wouldn't put it past him either. He could be a spiteful person if you thought about it. You swipe at the tears rolling down your face with the heels of your hands. Nothing could rid of all the hurt festering in your chest. There's noway this is how it ends. It was supposed to be the right decision. Satoru, he's supposed to be your forever. He's supposed to be the one. Who knew your expectations would lead to your own heartbreak.

Your mind grows hazy as you continue to speed walk down the street. Maybe it was actually the wrong decision. Maybe you should have chosen Toji. But you shouldn't go crawling back to him just because things didn't work out between you and Satoru. That would be completely and utterly selfish. And also, it's too late for that now. Who knows what that guy is up to these days? Who knows if he still thinks about you or not? Who knows if he even remembers you? Your vision becomes obscured from your welling eyes but you don't stop walking.

Life sure is full of surprises and nothing hurts more than being disappointed by the one person you thought would never hurt you. Although, Satoru, he likely thought the same about you last year.

One thing remains true and that is nothing remains the same. Change is inevitable in life and it's something everyone will need to learn to accept. Including you.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (63)

Chapter 33: Chapter 33

Chapter Text

The scenery is less vibrant as clouds of gray consume the sky. It's dark, gloomy and it's been raining much more lately. The sound of rain thrums against the gravel and the sounds of splashing could be heard at a distance as the booted-children play.

Toji continues down an exterior walkway of a small apartment complex. He stops in front of one of many doors along this outside hall. The man pulls out his phone to check something. He looks at the doorplate before he slips the device back into the pocket of his pants. The man then looks around. It's quiet and no ones around. The plinking sound of a pail catching the rain water from the leaking floor above is the only thing that occupies the area.

Toji raises a fist, he pauses and his mind goes back to the voicemail briefly. Then he knocks. The door swings open to a brown-haired girl. She looks about Megumi's age, maybe a year or so older. The girls hand remains on the knob but her gaze goes to the floor and her blank expression becomes a somber one.

"Do you know why I'm here?" Toji asks the girl.

The girls eyes stay glued to the floor. She doesn't look at the man and she doesn't speak, she only nods.

"You have ten minutes." He says, "Pack your things. We're leaving."

The girls hand drops down to her side and she trudges back into her home. She reaches her room and she finally cries.

"Sweetheart, someday there might be a man that'll come to our door. He'll have a scar on the corner of his lip. If he ever does show up....I just want to say, I'm sorry. And, I love you."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (64)

It's at this hour that the sun sits at its highest peak. It normally would be the hottest time of the day, however, the afternoon star is buried behind the thick dark clouds that hover above all of Japan.

The white walls of the Fushiguro's home now appears gray from the lack of light coming through the partially drawn windows of this residence. Toji walks down the hallway of the second floor with the brown-haired girl trailing slowly behind him. There's a room directly across from Megumi's and the door to this room sits ajar. The man pushes the door open; the hinges creak.

"Make yourself at home, Tsubaki."

"It's Tsumiki." The girl steps into the guest room.

"Whatever." The man replies and then he disappears to the first floor.

Tsumiki sighs. The girl drops her things to the floor before she plops herself down onto the bed of this nearly empty room. She looks around and her lip quivers again but she doesn't cry. Her hand reaches into her shirt at the collar and she pulls out a locket thats attached to the necklace that she'd been wearing and one that she never takes off.

She opens the locket to look at its contents. A single photo lives in this small ornamental case. It's a rather old picture that had been poorly cut. The girl runs her thumb over the rough edges and then she sniffles.

Downstairs, Toji steps out onto the porch of his home. The man lights a cigarette and he places it between his lips. He then takes out his phone and makes a call.


Toji exhales his smoke and he's about to speak but the boy beats him to the punch.

"What do you want?"

"Shut your punk ass up." Toji grumbles, "And come by tomorrow."

"Don't tell me you're lonely already?"

It's only been a day since Megumi moved to Kyoto Metropolitan Technical School. The boy doesn't know how his father will survive without him at home if the man's calling him this frequently but unbeknownst to Megumi, this phone call is for other reasons.

Toji scoffs and then he says with intended sarcasm, "Like hell."

The teen doesn't laugh, he remains silent. He waits for his father's reason.

"Come home tomorrow—" The man says and the raven-haired kid hears the inhale and the exhale again, "—I need you to meet your step-sister."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (65)

Somewhere in an apartment in Tokyo, not too far from the Fushiguro's....

Satoru had moved in with you months ago, so his mail gets delivered to your home. Your hands move quickly through the pieces of folded paper that you had ungraciously removed from the enclosed envelopes. Your scrutinizing eyes skim over your boyfriends credit card statements. And then you slam them onto the table and you mumble a bunch of profanity under your breath.

The guy had been buying a lot of expensive things lately but the description's of each purchase were too vague to make out what they were exactly. Just what is this guy spending his money on? Or maybe even, who?

Satoru didn't come home last night. The guy had said they extended his so-called work meeting, trip or whatever it was that he was doing. In all honesty, you're beginning to lose track of everything but if anything, you hadn't paid much attention anyway—till now. You couldn't fathom the idea of him lying to you. You saw him yesterday at the cafe but he tells you he's away. You shake your head out of frustration and then you feel the nausea settle in. No matter how many times you try to find a reason behind all of this, no matter how many excuses you come up with in your head, none of it matters.

You think about the woman that he was sitting next to the previous day and whatever sorrow you had felt is now replaced with irrefutable anger. Your fingers inadvertently curl into fists and the mail underneath your palms crinkle.

So what if you cheated previously? Hadn't you made up for it? Maybe if he had been a better partner you wouldn't have even cheated in the first place. Doesn't he know everything that you've done and continue to do for him? You continue to convince yourself that maybe you deserve to feel this way. It hurts, it really does and then you couldn't believe that you'd even made the guy feel like this too at one point. But if he knows all too well the feeling of this hurt, then why would he do it? If he loves you like he says he does, then why would he hurt you? Although, you had said and done the same things. You continue to reflect and it makes you realize exactly what you're supposed to do.

You hear the click of your door unlocking and your hands unravel from it's clenched form. Satoru steps into the apartment and you hear the door close. He greets you but you don't respond. You wear a blank expression and you don't move. You continue to stand there with his deformed statements. You don't even care for the man to find out that you'd been snooping. You're done with everything—with him.

The guy comes behind you and brings his arms around your waist. He buries his face into your hair before he peeks over your head. You see his hands pick up his credit card statements and he makes a noise.

"Don't you know? Opening other people's mail is illegal." Not that he cares. He chuckles. You've never once opened any of his letters before, it peaks his interest and he grows curious.

You remain a mute and your blood continues to boil. You don't like how cheerful he sounds. You want him to be upset just the way you are.

Satoru sees that you're idle and unresponsive. He arches a brow and he senses somethings wrong. His hands go to your shoulders and he attempts to turn you around to face him but you don't budge.

"Hey." The guy's voice is full of concern.

You whip around abruptly and your hand's about to meet the side of his face but Satoru stops you from slapping him (fortunately for him, he does have incredible reflexes from his line of work). His hand holds onto your wrist tightly and his eyebrows knit together. You bite your lower lip and you avert your gaze to the floor. You're angry and your temperature is rising rapidly. Satoru, he sees and feels it—all of it.

"What's the matter?" He's confused, "Did something happen?"

You don't speak. Your minds too heated and clouded to articulate any words. The man tries to take your chin but your free hand slaps his away and then you shove him and he releases you.

"Two wrongs don't make a right." You finally say something but your voice is barely audible. But Satoru has heightened senses, so he heard you loud and clear.

He purses his lips and hums, then he says, "They do actually. Two negatives make a positive. Basic mathematics."

Obviously it's not a good time to joke. But he's Gojo Satoru and we all know how Gojo Satoru can be.

You're still looking at the floor. You're seething. Even now he still has the nerve to joke. You're over it. You point to the door and you say under your breath, "Get out...."


"I said—" you look at him now and you're still pointing at the door, "—Get. Out."

"Wait, what's going on?" He questions eagerly and he steps closer to you but you step back.

Satoru reaches for you, he tries to comfort you but you don't allow it.

You push his intruding arms away, "Don't touch me!"

The guy throws his hands up into a placating gesture. He's beyond confused but he complies, "Tell me what's going on."

"Where were you yesterday, Satoru?!" You ask and your voice rises.

His hands drop down to his sides, "I—"

You cut him off. Your voice is thick with exasperation and sarcasm, "Oh, work meeting right? RIGHT?!"

He doesn't answer cause he knows you're not done talking. He lets you finish.

"Gee, I didn't know a work meeting means having lunch with other girls!" You shout and you shake your head, "Ya! That's right! I saw you yesterday at our favorite spot! Where were you last night too? HM?! Thought you said you were away!"

Satoru lets out a hollow laugh. He shakes his head and then he smiles. It infuriates you.

"I'm glad you think it's funny!" You say furiously.

"It is." He laughs, "It's hilarious."

The nerve of this man. Is he serious? Or is he still joking? Was this relationship an entire joke? Just when will he ever take you seriously? You shake your head slowly and you cry now. You cry out of frustration more than anything but it still hurts.

"I said I was sorry about Toji....didn't I?" Your voice trembles through your weeping, "Didn't I.....?"

Satoru sees that you're serious and his demeanor changes. He takes your face into his hands.

"Don't be an idiot." He says and his thumbs attempt to wipe away your sadness, "You have no reason to cry."

Idiot? This guy really does not know how to console for sh*t. You cry harder.

"What do you mean, Satoru?!" You remove his hands away from your face roughly, "You're cheating on me! I saw you!"

He deadpans, "What did you see?"

You tell him that you saw him sitting next to another woman. And how the two of them were laughing and smiling.

"Okay." He says and he continues to deadpan. Then he asks, "Is that all?"


"Did we kiss?" He asks.


"Well then."

"You could have done it before or after!" You challenge.

"Well, I guess I did lie to you when I said I had a work meeting." He smiles, "I didn't."

"YOU ASSHOLE!" You thwack at his chest, "GET OUT! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!!!"

Satoru rolls his eyes. The man sighs and then he stops your ineffective beating. He holds your arms, "Cut it out."


The man shakes his head. He's never seen you so heated. He tries not to smile since you're upset but he couldn't help it. The man likes the fact that you were so jealous over someone else. It shows that you care. It makes the guy even more attracted to you.

"You really know how to ruin things, don't you?" And the guys still smiling.

"ME?!" You yank your arms out of his grip, "Speak for yourself!"

Satoru digs into his pocket and his hand goes up to face level. He holds a jewelry box. All the blood leaves your face.

"The expenses on the statements." Satoru explains, "Venues, photographers, videographers. The lady from yesterday, an event planner. I wanted to surprise you."

Your mouth parts slightly but no words come out. You felt like an idiot. You look at him and then to the jewelry box. 11 years with the man and counting. This was the last thing on your mind. It's the last thing because you didn't expect it. You didn't expect him to ask at all (not like this at least).

Satoru's hand goes back down. The man hated being away from you, even for a day. He closes the gap between the two of you and you feel his hand on the back of your head as he brings you into his embrace. You still can't find the right words to say.

"I was away because I was planning—" He nestles his face into your hair, "—on how to make you my wife."

And then he says, "I love you."


Author Note

To the people who predicted Satoru proposing, I commend you! There's no way I was about to make him a bad boy in this fic. 🤣

Also, no I did not forget about Toji's surprise!

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (66)

Chapter 34: Chapter 34

Chapter Text

Two hounds walk along side each other. Their noses crinkle over the gravel as the they continue to snuff the ground. Megumi follows his dogs closely and down a dark alley way. It's just another day as an apprentice hitman, but it's not just another mission.

The canines continue their hunt and their snouts hover to and fro as they try to pick up the scent that the raven-haired kid had shown them earlier in the form of a red jacket. The boy whistles and it calls the hounds back to him. Their tails wag eagerly as they make way back to their master. Megumi brings the clothing item down towards them once more and they both smell inquiringly before they set off on their search again.

These two pups have grown increasingly larger since he first adopted them. One, a beautiful ivory and the other, dark as night and their silky coats seem to shimmer even in this poorly lit back alley. A hound stops and it's tail stands straight. It barks at Megumi and it signals a clue. The three trot further down this seemingly abandoned passageway.

Behind a brick wall is where the canines stop. They bare their teeth and they growl aggressively at the person who awaits them patiently. Megumi finally turns the corner. The raven-haired teen stops, he looks at the guy and then he straightens his back.

"Fushiguro." The person greets Megumi how he's always done so in the past.

"Itadori." Megumi says and then he throws Yuji the red jacket, "You forgot this."

Something the teen probably left at his friends house many moons ago. The pink-haired boy catches it and he throws it on. He then thanks the guy and brings his hands up to crack his knuckles.

"Come on, Fushiguro." Yuji smiles, "You know the rules."

Megumi shoves his hands into his pockets and he doesn't say anything. His expression is blank as it always is, "I'm aware of the rules."

"You've always been smarter than me." Yuji begins again, "But if it's one thing that I've ever beat you at.....it's this."

And the pink-haired boy is right. Although he lacks academic motivation, Yuji had always excelled in physical education compared to Megumi. The dogs don't like the boys threat. They edge closer to their target but the raven-haired kid stops them.

Megumi puts a hand up. It's his way of telling them to halt, "No. He's mine."

They whimper but they do as they're told. They sit on their hind legs and they wait patiently for orders.

"People can really die. We can really die. And I don't know how I'll feel when I'm dead, but I don't want to to regret the way I lived. So, at least, I want the people I know to have a proper death."

"How insightful." Megumi takes his hands out of his pockets, "I'm sorry about your grandfather, Itadori."

"Don't be." The pink-haired boy throws his fists into the air as he takes a battle stance, "It's no ones fault."

"It's funny how things turn out." The raven-haired kid says, "Don't you agree?"

If anyone had asked Megumi where he saw himself in a few years he definitely would not have expected to be in an apprenticeship under the supervision of House Zenin. He always assumed he'd be an engineer or maybe even doing some type of scientific research for a prestigious company. Yuji, on the other hand, didn't even think about his future. The pink-haired boy was too distracted from busying himself with clubs that didn't require any work such as the Occult Club (which dabbled in paranormal activity) at his high school.

"Yeah." Yuji's voice grows serious, "Agreed..."

"Well then—" Megumi shifts into an offensive pose. His arm reaches outward and his hand beckons Yuji to come to him, "—show me what a proper death is."

Yuji stretches his neck side to side. He grins and tightens his fists, "You got it."

His leg goes up into the air in a round house kick and the force neutralizes from Megumi's forearm block.

The rest might just be....history.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (67)

Toji rummages through the fridge. He grumbles something under his breath before he decides there's nothing to eat and then he shuts the door of the refrigerator. The man scratches the back of his head, he thinks about how it's been awhile since he's gone out to eat.

Toji walks to the bottom of the stairs but he's too lazy to climb them. He shouts to the second floor, "HEY. KID. YOU HUNGRY?"

A few seconds go by without a response. The man curses under his breath and ascends the staircase. He stomps his way up noisily to depict his annoyance; hoping she'd hear it.

He tries again before he reaches the girls room, "TSUBAKI."

There's no response again and this time Toji's standing outside Tsumiki's room. He doesn't bother knocking. He kicks the door open.

"You f*cking deaf kid?!"

The girl lays on her back on the bed. She's slumped in deep dejection. Her eyes are dark and red, swollen and puffy, like she'd been crying this entire time. She sniffles through her congestion.

"I miss my mom...."

Toji curses. The man was always sh*t at consoling despite having lived through grief himself. He honestly didn't know much about teenage girls and how to comfort them, he's only had a son. But let's be honest here, Toji doesn't know much about teenage boys either.

The man walks over to the edge of the bed and he sits. He then reaches over to pat the girl on the head. It's awkward—for both of them.

"You don't have to do this." The girl says and she holds the man to no obligations, "You're not my dad."

Toji withdraws his hand quickly and clicks his tongue, "I f*cking know that!"

This is the man's one and only attempt to make the girl feel better. Now he wish he hadn't tried at all. Toji didn't think this day would ever come. Tsumiki is the daughter of one of his long time colleagues and the woman he had been sleeping with this past month. Toji and his female colleague knew the dangers of their career. The man had made her a promise long before he had met you that he would adopt Tsumiki if anything were to happen. He didn't think he would end up in a sexual relationship with the woman nor did he think she wouldn't return the day she left his house a couple of weeks ago.

"Also...." Tsumiki speaks again, "....you should knock before you enter someone's room."

Toji arches a brow. He doesn't like to be told what to do. Not by a kid anyway and not under his roof either, "My house. My rules. I do what I want."

"What if I was naked...."

"You're 16—"

"18." She corrects.

"—you got nothing to look at anyway."

Tsumiki grimaces, "What does an old man like you know? You're probably wrinkly."

Toji gathers all his strength not to strangle her, "Just shut the hell up and get your dumb ass out of bed."


"I'm hungry."

"Go eat then." She deadpans. Didn't he just say that it's his house and that he can do whatever he pleases? Why did he need to consult her about eating?

"There's nothing to f*cking eat."

The girl doesn't understand the man's logic, "Go get food then."

"We're going out."

"Do I have to come?"



Toji runs his hands down his face. Just how many more questions is she going to f*cking ask him? In all honesty he wouldn't mind leaving her ass in bed to starve. But he's noticed how she hadn't ate anything all day nor has she left the room much. The man's a bit concerned to say the least, he just has an odd way of showing it.

"Cause I f*cking said so!" He snaps, "Don't make me repeat myself. You have 5 minutes."

Toji leaves the room. Tsumiki continues to lay there and she stares up into the ceiling. Her mind wanders off somewhere briefly and then she sighs and throws the covers off of her body.

The girl sits up and then she whispers under her breath, "What did you see in him anyway, mom?"

Downstairs, Toji tries to reach Megumi by phone. He's wondering when he'll be back home and he wonders if the boy will join them for dinner. Megumi's never one to be late, except he's late this time. The teen doesn't answer his fathers call. Toji doesn't think anything of it. The man clicks his tongue and then he shrugs and slips the device back into the pocket of his pants.

Tsumiki trudges down the stairs shortly after and the two leave the house.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (68)

The black sedan limousine pulls up to the curb. Kiyotaka Ijichi steps out of the car and he gets the door for Tsumiki first before he goes around to tend to his boss. He opens the door for Toji and the man steps onto the pavement. The man's hands go up to fix the collar of his shirt but he pauses. He makes a face and then he looks at the entrance doors of the restaurant.

"Is everything alright, sir?"

Toji looks at his assistant and he finally pulls at his collar, "Fine."

"Enjoy your evening, Fushiguro-Sama." And the dark-haired male gets back into the limo before he drives off.

Toji turns his attention back to the glass doors he had been focused on earlier. It's an ordinary tonkatsu restaurant, nothing fancy. The man stopped short earlier because he had smelt something and it isn't the smell of the curries or the other succulent eatables emitting from the establishment. It seemed to be a familiar smell but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. So, he disregards it.

"Let's go." The man says and the two enter through the doors.

A hostess greets Toji and Tsumiki and they get shown to their table.

A waiter comes to greet them, "Can I start you off with something to drink?"

"Water." He answers for the both of them, "And do you have a kids menu for her?"

Tsumiki kicks the guy underneath the table, "I'm 18!"

Toji kicks her back.

"Ow! What the hell?!"

"Oh sorry. Was that your leg?" The man doesn't even look at the girl, his eyes continue to scan over the menu in his hands, "Meant to aim for the other one."

Tsumiki groans and her forehead wrinkles in aggravation. She takes the menu and tries her best to get this night over with.

"Uh..." the waiter is uncomfortable, "...I'll be back with your waters."

A few minutes pass. Toji puts the menu down and he drums his fingers against the table. His fingers stop moving. It's that same smell again. It smells so familiar, where has he smelt this floral aroma before? He looks around the restaurant briefly and his eyes fixate on someone he recognizes. Although, he can't say he remembers her name.

Toji's fingers stop drumming and his hand balls into a fist. The man shifts in his seat slightly and his jaw clenches. He felt his heart stop a few seconds too long and he felt all the air leaving his lungs. The person that he recognizes, a girl, with long dark hair and a scar on her face. But it isn't her scent that he'd been smelling this entire time and it isn't her who made his heart skip a few beats. It isn't her that made him freeze up and forget everything he had been fighting for so long to forget. And as we know it, he still remembers it—all of it.

The person sitting across from Utahime, is you.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (69)

Chapter 35: Chapter 35

Chapter Text

Love, dedication and commitment. A beautiful journey that two people share and embark on, until death do they part. All the things that an engagement ring symbolizes and it sits flawlessly on your finger. You twirl the jewelry around in a circular motion as you study it. The shape of the diamond, the setting, the colors, it's everything you'd imagine it'd be (which amazes you, because Satoru was never one to get things right or even remember any thing). It's also surprising how it fits perfectly around your digit, like it had been cut and molded just for you without any subsequent adjustments.


You continue to play with this symbolic trinket and your unwavering gaze lets the girl know that your mind is off somewhere far away.

Utahime sighs and she rests her chin atop a fist, "I'm surprised you said yes."

You finally come to and your fingers stop moving against the precious stone, "I didn't."

The girl arches a brow, "Why are you wearing it then?"

You click your tongue and then you grumble, "Don't you know my boyfriend by now?"

Utahime makes a face, one that says she's waiting for an explanation.

"He didn't give me time to respond." You say and you gesticulate with your hands, "I was speechless! I didn't know what to say and he....he just put it on for me. Then he got one of those stupid phone calls like he always does and left on a whim."

"I guess I'm not surprised." She rolls her eyes.

You sigh in defeat.

"So what's your answer?" She drops her fist back down to the table and she's picking at her finger food like she had been earlier.

"I don't know..." you knead your eyes with the heels of your hands.

The girl scoffs and then she says, "Of course you don't!"

"I guess that meansno....right?" After all, It's something you've learnt from her and Megumi himself.

"You tell me!" She's focused on her food and she eats now. She even chews with her mouth open, "But if I had to guess, then yeah, it means no."

You stop rubbing your eyes and then you bury your face into your crossed arms against the table, "I hate this...."

"I'm just glad it ain't me." Utahime would hate to be in a situation like yours but she'd never put herself in one to begin with. She bites back a laugh.

"Thanks—" Your voice is sarcastic, "—really."

But so is hers, "Don't mention it."

You groan as you bring yourself out of your arms. Your mind empties and your gaze drifts across the dining area slowly. There's someone who now holds your attention. A man with dark hair and his eyes a bright emerald. He looks impatient but of course he looks impatient, he always did. And what surprises you the most is the fact that this man, known as Fushiguro Toji, sits on a table and not with Megumi but with a girl. It makes you scoff internally. She looks young, which agitates you. Of course he'd go for a young girl, you weren't sure of the girls age but you figured she's younger than you. You're staring a lot longer than intended and the man's gaze finally meets yours. Your eyes gape and you turn back to Utahime quickly hoping he didn't notice and most importantly, you hope he doesn't recognize you.

The girl notices your sudden shift in movement. She looks up at you from her plate of food, "Whats the matter? You look like you just saw a ghost or something."

"N-Nothing." You grab the fork and you poke at your food, "It's nothing."

Utahime shrugs and she goes back to eating. The poking of your fork tapers to a slow stop and you try to inconspicuously glance at Toji. But it's totally noticeable to the man, because he's Toji and he has great perception. For an average human like you, this act is too obvious. It makes him smirk. And you see it. Then the man winks at you like he's suggesting something but you don't know what it is.

Your brows knit together at his wry smile, it's annoying. Who does he think he is? Your mind fills with absurd ideas while you unknowingly eat slowly—very slowly. And you even pull the fork out of your mouth in an agonizingly slow manner because you're thinking too hard and you're not paying attention to your current physical actions. The metal rubs against your lips and it appears almost teasing to the man. He then thinks that you're trying to seduce him on purpose.

Toji's jaw clenches and he mumbles under his breath, "Damn bitch."

"What?" Tsumiki looks up from her phone.

"Nothing." He looks at his step-daughter and retorts, "Shut up."

Tsumiki clicks her tongue. What the hell is this guys problem? She's minding her own business isn't she? After that last remark, she plans to ignore him for the rest of the night. Toji turns his attention back to you and he sees you licking and sucking your fingers this time. His eyebrows pull together in aggravation as he continues to watch your tongue roll around against your thumb. Just what the f*ck are you doing to him? But little does he know, you're just cleaning your fingers from the sauce of your entree. But why did you have to do it whilst looking at him? He's obviously getting the wrong idea here, but you don't know that.

Back on your table with Utahime, you grab the table cloth and you wipe your fingers clean from the residual saliva. Your eyes don't leave Toji's. He's at a dinner with someone else and his attention is on you. How rude. Hasn't he learnt to be respectful at least by now? Toji runs his tongue over his teeth before he grits them. And what's worse is the fact that you see the man grab his pants at the knee's. He pulls them down as much as he can to allow room to hide his impending erection. Is the man seriously getting horny? You look away and make a face in disbelief.

"You okay or what?" The girl sees your aggravated expression.

Utahime's voice brings you back and you respond, "Huh? Yeah. Fine."

She makes a face at you, one that shows she's a bit concerned and one that says she's not sure if she even wants to know.

You throw the cloth napkin back onto the table in a heated manner and push back in your seat. You say abruptly, "I gotta go to the bathroom."

"Sure." She says.

And then you leave the table.

The door to the designated restroom swings open as you push your way through the people exiting. You bring yourself to the sink and you look at yourself in the mirror. You don't even know why you're in here. It's not like you had to use the bathroom. You just wanted to get away from everything. Maybe it's a mistake to have gone out tonight. You turn the faucet on and you watch the water pour into the ivory bowl for some seconds before you wash your hands. Your eyes stare at nothing as you continue to drown in your thoughts. You think about all the ways to tell Satoru how you really feel. You think about Toji and how annoyingly handsome he is and how you wish he hadn't been here tonight (cause it's making you rethink things between the two of you). There's a guilt wrenching pain in your chest at the thought of every single damn thing and how you wish you had done things differently.

You turn the water off. You bring the hand, in which the ring adorns, up to examine it again for the umpteenth time. Your fingers run gently across the stone. It's such a pretty piece of jewelry. You start to grumble to yourself some words that didn't even seem comprehensible. And then you pull the damn ring off. You shove it into a pocket of your pants.

The sound of a toilet flushing could be heard from one of the stalls behind you. A woman comes out and she washes her hands next to you. This stranger gives you a once-over before she returns her attention back to the sink.

"Rough day?" She asks out of curiosity cause she sees how distraught you are and she had heard some mumbling earlier.

You nod unenthusiastically, "Yep."

She hums in agreement, "Feelings mutual."

You're quiet. The woman pulls at the paper towels and she dries her hands.

"Well whatever it is, I'm sure it's not as bad as what just happened in there!" She points back to the stall and laughs before she sighs with relief. Then she gives you a fair warning, "Don't order the burrito."

"Thanks..." you try to hide your look of disgust and the woman leaves shortly after.

Before you decide to return to the dining area, you run your hands through your hair and you let out a heavy breath. You tell yourself to ignore Toji. There's no way you'd allow him back into your life (not yet at least and not under these circ*mstances).

You push the door open slowly as you enter back into the dimly lit hallway of this restaurant. There's someone standing some feet in front of you but you're not looking and you don't pay attention. It isn't until the person's almost directly in front of you that you recognize who it is. Your eyes dart away quickly and you hope he didn't notice that you'd seen him. But he did.

Toji's hands are rooted deep in his pockets. The man pushes himself off the wall where he had been waiting as you edge closer. You try to walk around him and you don't make eye contact. But he's not an idiot, he steps in your way and he doesn't let you pass.

"Don't tell me you've forgotten me already." He says in a playful manner, "Miss."

You look at him briefly before your gaze goes somewhere beyond his shoulder. Of course you haven't forgotten him and you never will. Toji, after all, is an unforgettable man. And somewhere deep down, you kind of missed him—just as he said you would.

He scoffs because nothings changed, you still can't maintain eye contact.

"Fushiguro San." You say and then your eyes drift to the side.

He chuckles at the formal greeting, "Not on a first name basis anymore?"

"Don't think we ever were." You reply curtly. He's rarely ever said your given name from what you could remember.

He makes a noise and pretends to be offended, "Ouch."

You roll your eyes and you're still looking off to the side, "What do you want?"

His hand comes out of a pocket and he reaches for you, "You've got some nerve."

"Don't—" You smack his hand away and you step back. Your tone lets the guy know not to test you, "—touch me."

He brings his intruding hand back to his side and he grins, "Playing games now are we?"

"What the hell are you talking about?!" You're confused.

Toji thinks that you should know the rules by now. Liars get punished, "Don't pretend."

"I don't have time for this." You try to walk around him again but his hand comes up and against the wall. His arm now blocks you from leaving.

"Not so fast." The man steps closer to you and it makes you turn back until you back yourself onto the wall.

You lick and purse your lips as your gaze averts to the floor. Your arms come up to hug yourself and you unknowingly let out a heavy breath, "Fushiguro san, please...."

"Please what?" He leans closer, "Hm?"

You want to tell him to stop. You want to tell him to leave you alone. But you couldn't. Something about Toji has always been completely and utterly hypnotizing. It's the way he smells, the way he looks, his touch, his demeanor, the way he looks at you and the way he talks to you. You love the way he's so aggressive and forward. It's everything.

The man can sense your anxiousness. He brings a knuckle up and brushes it against the skin of your cheek. This time, you don't stop him. He runs it down underneath your chin and forces it up. As always, the man wants you to look at him when he's talking to you. He asks again with a hum, "Hm?"

You look into his viridescent eyes and his touch renders you speechless.

Toji leans in even closer but his lips don't quite touch yours. He leaves a bit of room between the two of you and just enough for you to imagine what it'd be like if he actually did lean in all the way. This sensation, it's almost teasing. It makes you inadvertently hold your breath and it does, in fact, make you think of what it would feel like if his lips had touched yours. And then you suddenly remember how his hands felt when he would run them across the skin of your naked body some time long ago when the two of you were underneath the sheets of a bed together, sharing heavy breaths and doing the most intimate things two people could ever do.

"I wanna know..." He asks in a whisper against your slightly parted mouth. But he likely knows the answer. He always does, "....did you miss me?"

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (70)

Chapter 36: Chapter 36

Chapter Text

The sound of heavy rain is a harmonic thrumming as the dark sky continues to weep onto the asphalt. Nothing could be seen clearly through the thick mists that had formed along the ground. Shallow breaths found their way through all of nature's white noise.

Yuji's shoulders and chest expand and constrict through his labored breathing; he could barely catch his breath. He towers over the raven-haired boy, whose miserable frame lays almost lifeless against the wet concrete.

There was a repetitive buzzing noise throughout their encounter; likely from the cellphone sitting inside Megumi's pants pocket. Unfortunately, the caller won't be getting his call received.

The hounds whimper quietly.

"So..." Yuji says between his breaths, "...was that...close to a...proper death?"

Megumi doesn't speak. He doesn't move. The rain continues to beat down on him and Yuji.


Megumi is unresponsive.

"Oi." Yuji kicks the guy lightly.

Megumi groans softly before he finds the strength to move. His dark eyes open slowly, "Well, wouldn't you say you knew all about proper deaths?"

"That depends." Yuji grins from ear to ear and he offers a hand to his friend, "Do you trust me?"

Megumi's gaze goes from Yuji's hand to Yuji's face and back. The raven-haired boy smiles. He knew this entire time the intentions of his long-time comrade. He takes his hand and gets to his feet.

There was a short moment of silence before the two broke out into laughter. Although, it was just mostly Yuji's cackling that broke through the thick sounds of the downpour.

"Years of tradition, heritage, customs, praxis..." Megumi shoves his hands into his pockets, "...lost in a matter of minutes."

Yuji stretches his neck and then he mocks, "Valor Walor. Order Border. Who cares."

If anyone thought these societies—or any society—could break their brother-hood, they were wrong. Yuji could never allow anything or anyone to come between his most trusted person(s). And Megumi, well, he was never one to really listen anyway; not to things that made no sense to him at least. But he may feel indifferent in this situation. After all, he did lose as presumed.

"We could die for this." The raven-haired kid states but he appears unconcerned.

Yuji looks down at his fist. He unravels his clench, "I never asked for any of this. It all...just sort of...happened."

"Did you know?" Megumi asks.

"No." Yuji meets the boys gaze, "I didn't."

Yuji would have never known about the hitman society and what they have acclaimed to be and do. Plus, Gojo's a bad explainer. Unfortunately, Yuji's also a terrible listener.

"I see."

"Did you know???" Yuji's wondering if Megumi knew about the detrimental practices of the two most proclaimed underground associations in all of Japan (and also curious to know if he knew before hand that they had to kill each other—technically).

"Yes." Megumi holds an unwavering gaze, "I knew."

Yuji laughs loudly.

"I'm glad you think it's funny. Although, I can't say I'm surprised. The smart thing to do, was to end it. Right then and there."

Yuji's demeanor changes immediately. Why was he taking this so seriously now? It seemed like they were on the same page earlier. And how does Megumi not know him by now? "If I killed someone, the value of a life will become ambiguous. I wouldn't know the importance of people who are close to me."

"So you value my life over yours?"

"Of course I do." and Yuji means every word of it.

"You're willing to suffer the consequences of letting me go? Not sure how smart that is."

"I'm not worried about that, Fushiguro." Yuji says, "It's not about the consequences. It never was. I'm not here to do the smart thing. I'm here to do the right thing. No matter what."

Megumi remains quiet. He may even be in deep thought. It's hard to tell through his habitual stoic expression.

"Before Grandpa passed. He told me to use my strength to help others. If they want me to kill people for a living, then so be it. But I will only kill those who deserve to be killed. I'll take on your share of the suffering if I have to and I'll never regret any of it. I don't want to regret the decisions I made and I definitely don't want to regret the way I lived."

"Don't regret it then." Megumi wears a ghost of a smile. Somewhere deep down he knew Yuji would change the way they did things and the raven-haired boy, he had similar feelings.

And then somewhere high above where the two boys stood, the clouds began to clear.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (71)

"Are you mad at me?" a pensive Yuji questions his tutor. He had just arrived back to said meeting place.

Gojo leans in a relaxed form against a desk. The two stand somewhere inside a room of an inconspicuous building.

"Should I be?" Gojo pops a bag of chips open. He doesn't seem to care.

"But you said—" the pink-haired boy stops himself short. He remembers the rules; all of them. The boy (along with many others) was only indoctrinated and conditioned for many months before they were even allowed to do the most basic things. But he also knows Gojo has never cared about the higher-ups or what people thought about him.

"What they don't know, won't hurt them." The white-haired male shrugs. He could care less. His only concern was to keep the boy alive for your sake or he'd never hear the end of it, "Unless you're planning to do this every single time. Then, that may be hard for me to hide for you."

"He's my friend..." Yuji pouts.

"I'm noht shpeaking abou' hem." Gojo speaks through his chewing, "I'm jus' shaying in genrul."

"That won't be a problem."

"Yew shat tht naow." Gojo continues to chew noisily with his mouth open, "Bu' wha' will happin if yew keep wunnin' inta—wha's tha kids name agin?—Munemori?"

"......Fushiguro Megumi?"

Gojo makes a face at the name 'Fushiguro', "Ah, yis. Tha's it."

Gojo had long looked past all of the drama that had transpired. He held nothing against Megumi. The raven-haired boy was just a kid. Nothing was his fault and he knew the boy had done nothing wrong. However, he could and would never forgive Toji.

"I don't care." Yuji says sternly, "I don't care what any of them believe in."

Gojo smiles. The feeling's quite mutual. He reminds him of himself, "I wun alwys be aybo to prote't yew. If yew had e'eryone hur n' ther' at yer throt—"

Yuji cuts him off and he pleads, "I don't want you to protect me! You're the strongest! Train me more!"

The white-haired male finishes his snack. He throws the empty-foiled bag towards the trash bin—he misses (and he leaves it on the floor). Gojo dusts his hands and he finishes his chewing, "Look, kiddo. Why don't you take a break for a few days."

"I don't want to take a break! Train me please! I need to get stronger!"

Gojo sighs, "I have some things I need to take care of. I'll train you when I get back."

"Where are you going?? I'll help you!"

"It's not work related. Take a few days off. You'll need it." Gojo pushes himself off the desk. He intends to push the pink-haired boy to his limits once he gets back to it.

"Please sensei." Yuji frowns, "I have nothing else to do. Nowhere else to go. Even if it's not work related. Let me help you."

Gojo's lips twist and he ponders for a moment. He hasn't even started any of the wedding planning that he said he would take care of and he hates that he's been away since he graciously forced the ring onto your finger. But would this kid even want to go trotting around collecting party favors and flowers?

"Well, I guess you could help me with some things...."

"Anything!" Yuji beams.

"I've arranged for a floral arrangement to be picked up." Gojo pulls out his cellphone, "Would you mind taking it to my fiancé. Tell her I'm sorry for the delay and that I'll be home soon."

"Sure thing!" Yuji sounds way to excited for absolutely no reason, "Wow sensei, I didn't know you were engaged. Whose the lucky girl???"

Gojo smiles. He knows that Yuji will recognize your name and he knows that it won't be Yuji's last encounter with Megumi. He hopes the pink-haired boy will some how pass this wonderful message along and he hopes this beautiful message will reach Toji at some point, "(L/N) (Y/N)."

"Huh?" Yuji's face changes, "Wait, (L/N) sensei....is your....fiancé?!?!"

Gojo now grins from ear to ear. He pulls his sunglasses down his nose bridge slightly; just enough to divulge his crystal blue eyes, "Yes. Yes she is."


Author Note

Hello everyone!

I am so sorry that it's been almost a year since I updated this story. As I said previously, I do intend on finishing it. I know a lot of you will be disappointed because I left it on a cliff hanger and it's not where you want me to pick up (especially after being away for almost a year). But be patient with me! I really wanted to finish where I left off with Yuji & Megumi and if you've read my other stories before then you kind of know I hop around like this.

And don't worry, I have not forgotten about Toji's surprise. :)

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (72)

Chapter 37: Chapter 37

Chapter Text

The sounds of pots and pans clang loudly and a soft sizzling could be heard at a short distance as the hot oil brings the fried pork cutlets to life. It's the early hours of evening and the people laugh and chatter jubilantly inside this tonkatsu restaurant.

Down the hall, just past the boisterous kitchen and away from the dining area, the ambient noise was much more quiet.

"I wanna know..." He asks in a whisper against your slightly parted mouth. But he likely knows the answer. He always does, "....did you miss me?"

Was it mere coincidence? Or preordained from divine intervention? One of life's many wonders and one of life's many tribulations. Whatever it is, it always seemed to find you at all the wrong times.

Did you miss him? Of course you did. He left his mark on you as he said he would and it hasn't left you since. But you continued to banish away the encroaching thoughts of whether or not you made the right decision and of course you still can't say for sure. A year later, you're still a slave to your own musings.

Toji was too close for comfort. At the same time, his presence and closeness made you feel a certain sense of familiarity. One that made you feel safe and secure. And one that you may or may not have missed greatly.

Time stood still the moment his skin touched yours and it brought you back to a moment when things seemed a bit more manageable. And even without Fushiguro Toji in your life, the chaos in your mind and heart never seemed to leave you; no matter the length of time and no matter how well you hid it.

Your mouth parts slightly to respond but no words come out. He renders you completely speechless like he's done so in the past and without much effort. He does his annoying smirk; the one he always does when he thinks he has you in his chokehold. The act brings you back to reality and you come to.

You muster the courage. You shove him forcefully, "Get off me!"

Toji chuckles softly. He steps away, "Still feisty."

"Don't you have someone to tend to?" You scowl at the man. You're talking about Tsumiki, who still waits for the guy at their table. It makes Toji grin because he knows you don't know that it's just his step-daughter. A lot of things can change over the course of a year.


"No." You say, but you are—slightly. And then you slap yourself internally for even feeling this way. Because you have no right to.

Toji makes a noise to depict his irritation. He doesn't believe you and as we all know, he hates liars.

"Utahime is waiting for me." You start to walk around him.

His arm comes up again and you walk right into it, "We're not done, missy."

You stumble back a few steps and then you click your tongue. Who does this guy think he is? Who just appears after all this time apart and expects sh*t? You had your own problems to worry about and the last thing you wanted was another unnecessary repeat.

"We'vebeendone Fushiguro San! Now, PLEASE—" and you beg him, even if it hurts him. Even if it hurts you, "Let me go!"

Just then someone walks by, in dire need to use the restroom. The person takes a glance at the two of you with concern before they disappear through the door leading into the men's room. He tried his best to remain invisible throughout your quarrel. He goes by unnoticed.

Toji ignores your request, "You still with white pubes?"

You groan with distaste. Why was this always so hard? The guy was too persistent for his own good. For reasons known to him only (and maybe Megumi too). And then you remember. You dig out the ring that was tucked away in the pocket of your pants and you wave it frantically in front of his face in a mocking manner, "As a matter of fact,yes."

There was a wrenching pain in Toji's chest. That son-of-bitch finally did it. It was too soon. A part of Toji thought he'd never see you again. And now that you're here standing right in front of him, there was noway in hell he wanted to let you go so easily. But as he had surmised: the limiting factor still stands.

But wait...

Toji raises a brow. Something didn't sit right. The green-eyed male feels something emanating from you and his unparalleled perception kicks into over drive. The heart rate, the breathing, the body temperature; his phenomenal senses could not deny any of it. He also couldn't understand why you kept such a prized form of love hidden away from the eye of the public.

He hums with amusem*nt at the 11 carat diamond that sits elegantly against a 14k white gold band. 11 carats for 11 years that you've been with Gojo Satoru. He's not impressed.

"Don't pretend like that means anything to you." the man tests you.

You make a face, "Are you seriously that delusional?!"

Toji takes ahold of your wrist. The one that holds the precious metal. He had quite a few things to say to you, however, some things always seem to interrupt at the 'appropriate' moment.

Toji grits his teeth beneath his lips and he closes his eyes briefly in aggravation when he feels his cellphone buzzing against his thigh. His free hand answers the call.

"What?" Toji's voice is thick with irritation.

"You calledme." the boy emphasizes through the phone.

"Thought you were dead." The man hasn't heard from his son in a few days and yet he seems rather apathetic.

"Fortunately for you—" the raven-haired kid taunts, "—no."

Most definitely fortunate for Toji as Megumi was his only trustworthy living family left; his own blood. And the only blood likely to take care of him in the years to come when he could no longer take care of himself. Although, whether the guy knows it or not, Megumi already takes care of Toji—in an intangible way.

"Shut the hell up and get your ass home!"

Hearing Megumi's voice was a breath of fresh air. You'd be lying if you said you didn't worry about him since learning his relocation; and then you wonder about Yuji briefly. But now's not the time. Toji's preoccupied. You try to escape.

You attempt to free your wrist but the man's brawny and his grip is strong. All the yanking does is give you a sore shoulder and an agitated wrist. He tightens his hold on you as he continues his phone call.

"Gone for a few days and you knock someone up. You really must be bored and lonely." Megumi counts in his head, the number of potential 'bitches' this step-sister of his could possibly belong to.

"Don't assume sh*t you know nothing about." Toji grumbles, "Unless you want to get your ass beat again."

By now, Utahime Iori must be wondering where the hell you've gone. There was no katsu burrito that could possibly have you trained to the porcelain throne this long.


You thwack at the man's chest repeatedly.


THWACK.The guy who had crept by the two of you earlier to use the restroom, emerges again. His eyes gape in fear.THWACK. He has no idea what's going on and he doesn't want to find out. But there appears to be no room to walk around you both.THWACK. His eyebrows knit together as his eyes goes back and forth between the two of you. He was a bit curious but thought it best not to interrupt.THWACK.He waits patiently.

"—GO!!!" Your voice is loud and clear.

"Is that...." Megumi's indistinct and muddled voice emits from the device, "....(L/N)?...."

Toji couldn't deal with this right now. Megumi, you, Tsumiki waiting, the stranger who had just appeared. He hangs up without another word and shoves the device back into his pocket.

"Leave you nosy prick." and then he grabs the poor man standing behind you. It makes the guy screech. Toji then shoves him aggressively back towards the dining area.

Toji finally lets go of your wrist. You place the ring back into your pocket before you immediately go to the throbbing area with a hand in hopes to comfort it.


The man may have even left a bruise. He sees this and he actually feels bad (for once). He takes your hand gently in his and just as he attempts to kiss away your pain, you pull back.

"Don't." you say and he sees your dejected look.

Toji's beginning to realize his forceful tactics and crafty methods likely won't gain your favor any longer. Like mentioned before, many things can change in a year; including people.

The man wants to say something but you don't allow the time for him to speak.

"If you care about me at all. Then you need to leave me alone." And you're serious this time.

Boundaries. That's what they're called and you may have learned a few during your time away. It's not that you didn't care about the guy. You did. And it's not that you didn't love the man. You did in some ways. But if you were going to have any one of them in your life, you knew you had to do it the right way this time. And Toji's likely going to need to change his behavior if he ever wants to see a future with you.

Fushiguro Toji, like Gojo Satoru, could be egotistical too and a womanizer. But deep down he knew how he truly felt about you, despite never voicing it or even showing it in the ways that were right for you and maybe even himself.

"I can't...." the man's demeanor has changed.

You wear an incredulous look, "What?? What do you mean you can't?? It's a choice you have to make!"

"My choice..." and Toji, he made his choice, a very long time ago, "...has always been you."


Author Note

1/8/24: Sorry I rewrote the entire chapter. The one previous was not up to my standards and I hated it. I'm very sorry you guys need to reread it. I'll post Chapter 38 over the weekend or early next week. Thanks for your understanding!


So hi again everyone,
Yet again I am sorry it's been ALMOST a year since my last update. But..... at least I updated? LMAO!
Also I didn't really proof read as it is about 3:00 AM right now. My apologies.

And it's the long awaited chapter between (Y/N) and Toji. Anyway, since it's a new year. I am glad to say that I have found my motivation to write again. So I will be finishing this story for good within these next few months and I'm actually considering starting a new FF once this is complete.

Thank you everyone so much for sticking around and believing in me! I won't let you guys down (I hope, heh.) Love you all!!!

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (73)

Chapter 38: Chapter 38

Chapter Text

Love, like life, is so mysterious. We never truly know when it begins and we never truly know when or how it will end. And in certain situations in love (true love) if it ever ends at all.

"My choice......."

It was a dull ache at first. One that erupted in your chest. It came on quickly and unannounced. Then it began to fester in seconds into a burning pain that ran rampant throughout your body. Hurt, that's what you were feeling.

".......has always been you."

It was the first time you kept eye contact. There was a certain sorrow in your eyes that he had not seen before.

"Toji...." you place your hands on him and you run them across his chest slowly. The sudden act caught him off guard.

You weren't hurt from those affectionate and devoted words from the man. Not at all. You were hurt because, in this very moment, you knew you had to hurt him and tell him all the things he does not wish to hear. And that alone pained you. Because you care about him.

Your arms wrap around the man and you bury the side of your face onto his chest. For the first time, you held him close and he felt it—all of it.

It was almost a whisper, "....I love you, Toji...."

For the first time, Toji is afraid.

"....so much...." and then you let go of him.

Nothing could hide the glassy look on your eyes. They well with tears but you give it your best effort to blink them back and they don't fall.

The man remains quiet as he continues to stare at you with unwavering attention. He may appear indifferent and you'll never know what this is doing to him.

"....which is why I needto do this." and then you swipe at your cheeks cause you couldn't bite them back any longer.

When you walk away this time, you knew he wouldn't try to stop you. Maybe it was the fact that you weren't lying. And maybe it was the fact that you were partially right. Right that you couldn't keep this up—that he shouldn't keep this up. Right that there is a limiting factor and a factor that's planning on staying. He doesn't say a single thing and you don't expect him to.

You finally walk back to the table where Utahime waits impatiently.

"What took you so goddamn lo—!" but then she cuts herself short upon seeing your doleful expression.

You grab her by the arm and yank her out of the seat, "We have to go!"

"W-waaaaaait!" the girl trips and wobbles before she catches her footing but your minds too scattered to notice her current struggle, "What's the matter?? Did something happen??"

Utahime calls your name and continues to attempt to grab your attention but you don't hear any of it. You continue to pull her forcefully towards the entrance of the restaurant.

"(Y/N)!" she gives up. She sticks her hand into her purse quickly. The girl then flies the yen at the nearest waiter, "SORRY! HERE YOU GO!"

Toji stops at the end of the hallway that connects back to the dining area. He watches your retreating figure like he's done so on many occasions. He stuffs his hands into his pockets and looks towards his assigned table. Tsumiki sits patiently and her gaze goes from the sudden commotion at the glass doors to Toji. She's confused and assumes there's some type of connection here. The girl wears a look of concern.

It was similar to a burning wick of a candle, one that's on its last threads. Toji tries to remember the smell, the warmth, the flame and the way it sways beautifully in even the darkest of nights—his nights. Just like his late wife and just like the first time, eventually, it'll be nothing but a fond memory. One that he'll hide in the most deepest parts of his heart.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (74)

The door to your apartment closes.

"WHAT THE f*ck WAS THAT ABOUT?" The girls clearly upset. It wasn't because she didn't get to finish her meal. She did. It was because she had to wait for exaggerated light-years and alsopay.

You sigh heavily as you try to recollect your thoughts, "I'm sorry."

Utahime throws you a look. One that's asking you to explain.

You look at her and then to the floor, "I ran into Toji."

"Oh." The girl didn't expect that answer. And then she becomes disconcerted. She bobs her head slowly, "Ohhhh..."

You purse your lips together and nod slow, "Yep."

It's been one heck of an evening. The two of you never bothered to sit. Who knows how long the two of you had been standing there, near the front door of your home that is.

After some explanations, she asks, "So, what're you going to do?"

Your mouth opens to speak but instead you turn around to the sound of your front door opening.

"Well, well, well." The man says after returning from his unexpected leave, "Look who it is."

"Satoru, you're home."

"Gojo." The girl greets and her voice is flat and unenthused.

"Scarface!" He beams and then the white-haired male comes to wrap his arm around you at the shoulders, "Whatcha guys up to? Gunna do facials?"

"WHY YOU—" Utahime knew he was teasing her discolored face.

The dark-haired girl lunges for him. His reflexes are swift, there's a reason he's one of the best cutthroats. She falls to the floor instead.

"Doyouuuwant a facial?" He ignores Utahime who now groans in pain and the guy winks at you. You know what he's implying.

"Satoru!" you roll your eyes in aggravation and then you grumble, "Not right now. Please!!"

"Oh." and then he says with much humor, "So later perhaps?~"

That was far from your mind currently and that was definitely not what you meant—at all, "SATORU! And can you please stop messing with Iori!"

"Listen." He throws his hands up and he could care less. Then he smirks, "She came at me. Mmk?~"

The girl gets up and dusts her self. Then she points at the guy, "YOU ARE ANNOYING!"

"Annoyingly cute?" He chortles, "I know."

It happened quickly, he catches your disciplining hand that was hoping to correct his behavior. He smiles but the blithe that his lips presented faded as quickly as it came.

He turns your hand around slowly to get a better look. Apprehension sets in as your foreboding consequences come to welcome your mind to their humble abode. You may have started to panic slightly—internally.

Utahime's dark eyes go to you, your hand that the man holds, the white-haired male and then back to you.

"Well..." she pretends to yawn, "....wish I could stay but.....lotta things to do yenno???"

The girl runs to you quickly and wraps her arms around your neck and shoulders. She whispers, "Good luck."

And then she's out the door.

Its quiet. Whether it's happenstance or intentional, some things don't seem to change. Some people aren't meant to be together. Not forever at least. Some people are meant to stay just for a season, some for longer and some come into our lives just to teach us a lesson that we needed to learn. Whatever this is, Gojo Satoru may have just had an epiphany.

You already know what he's thinking, "Satoru....I can explain."

Satoru continues to observe your hand and his concern wasn't just the bruising along your wrist.

"Where's your ring?"


Author Note

I wrote this entire chapter while listening to some of JJK's ending themes on repeat.

No, I did not forget about Toji's surprise.

But speaking of surprises. I have one of my own.
A lot of people love the way I write Fushiguro Megumi in my stories (not to toot my own horn or anything) but I really enjoy writing him as well! So, so much.

As bland and serious of a character he is, he is also very caring and mysterious and I think that's what makes him so lovable. As requested by many and also as something that I've been wanting to do...

I give you a sneak preview of my new fan-fiction!
I have uploaded the intro page with a few dialogue quotes that I'll have in the story! So go check it out!

As Koroshiya comes to a close soon, I can't wait to publish the first few chapters of Kotoba Ijō when I mark this book as complete at long last! ( It's on Wattpad).

Thanks for following me on this writing journey!

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (75)

Chapter 39: Chapter 39

Chapter Text

Megumi relaxes into his seat. He sits outside of his house on the porch as he watches Toji turn into their residence; a girl could be seen trailing behind him.

The boy stands up and situates himself in front of the door and by this time Toji is climbing up the few steps that will lead him into his home.

Toji doesn't say anything and he does no introductions. He walks right past Megumi, shoving the boys shoulder in the process and unlocks the door before he kicks it open forcefully.

Megumi furrows his eyebrows at the man's short behavior. He remembers hearing your voice on the other side of the phone and his mind tries to think of the things that may have transpired. Then the boy and the girl exchange looks. Had he seen her before? She looked oddly familiar to him.

"Get in."

The raven-haired teen looks back at his demanding father. He knows better than to deny his request right now or better yet, even question the guy. He makes his way in without hesitation.

Tsumiki ascends to the porch and just as she is about to step through the doorframe, Toji stops her with a hand. She looks up at him in bewilderment.

The man pushes her back out, "Not you."

"Dad." Megumi says in a scolding manner. He's concerned. Why did his father have to be such a dick? The boy has no idea what the hell is going on but he's hoping that the guy's not going to leave the girl out there all night.

Tsumiki opens her mouth to question the green-eyed man but Toji slams the door in her face. It's demoralizing and it makes Megumi sigh heavily.

It felt like an invisible force, in an instant Megumi felt a blow to his stomach. He spirals through the air and smashes into the drywall of their home before he falls to the ground. Some rubble falls with him and the large dent that now lives on the wall behind the boy was evidence that his body had been there.

The boy rolls onto all fours, his arm goes around to hug his abdomen immediately and he coughs ferociously. Toji was so quick that the kids unversed eyes could not see him striking.

"Get up." The man demands it and his face is void of emotion.

Megumi continues to cough aggressively and he tries to shake the knot that developed in his throat. He couldn't speak and his mind is hazy. He's never felt that type of strength before. He tries to gather himself but he finds it difficult.

He's taking too long to compose himself and Toji grows impatient. Without a sound or a single step, the man somehow appears in front of Megumi.

"I said—" He grabs the boy by the collar of his long-sleeve shirt and pulls him up until his legs dangle, "—get up."

And then Toji releases the boy aggressively. Megumi stumbles back. He catches his footing and brings himself to a slouchy stand. His shoulders shift up and down quickly with each heavy pant he exhales. The boys tired—exhausted even. He hadn't had any time to fully recover from Itadori Yuji either.

This was completely beyond Megumi. He doesn't understand any of this. Is this some form of discipline? And then he ruminates. Has he done something wrong? Has he said something wrong? Megumi knows he's always had a smart mouth. But the man's never once rectified him in this manner before and not for something such as wiseacre remarks.


But the raven-haired kid couldn't finish his sentence. In a heart beat his father disappears but he reappears just as quick. This time right in front of the boys face. Megumi manages some luck, he nullifies Toji's hit and the force sends them both backwards. Megumi's irritated, he just wanted to talk. He knows the man won't let him speak verbally so the boy will speak physically. He lunges towards his father. But Toji evades and blocks all of his incoming assaults with nothing but a hand. If any third party were watching, it would seem as if this 'dance' they perform had been orchestrated and practiced many times.

Toji's too fast he lands a few hits on the boy and he ends it with a slap to the kids face; earning the man a click of a tongue, in disbelief, from his son.

Megumi jumps, ricochets off the wall with his foot and somersaults over his father's head. He doesn't make it. Toji reaches above his head and grabs the boy by his ankle. He swings the kid around in a circle before he lets go and Megumi's body smashes into the drywall again; the dent now even larger than it was before. And all of this happening in just a blink of an eye.

The boy falls off the wall for the second time. He doesn't have the strength to get up. He rolls onto his back. His breaths become heavier and he stares up at the ceiling. Megumi tries to regain his vision which is now completely blurred from all of the blunt trauma.

Toji makes his way to his son. Slowly this time. He stands above him and looks into his almost-lifeless-eyes. No words were exchanged.

Outside, Tsumiki curls up on the bench. She pulls her knees to her chest and she hugs herself tightly. The sounds of shattering and crashing frightened her. She has no idea what's going on. She has no idea who that boy is and why Toji was doing the things he's doing. All she truly knows is, what she would give to have her old life back again.

Megumi continues to breathe heavily. He's lost the will to fight; let alone move. He sees his father's encroaching hand and he doesn't care to stop the man this time. Toji picks the boy up by his neck. The boy gasps quietly and he's dangling in mid-air again. As a reflex, Megumi attempts to pry his father's strangling hand off his neck.

"Why....?" the boy croaks. He just wants to know why he deserved any of this. Although, Megumi did not deserve any of it—at all.

Toji releases the boy abruptly and Megumi falls harshly onto the floor. It makes him groan in pain and the lack of oxygen to his lungs causes him to wheeze uncontrollably. Toji continues to look down at his son and then he scoffs before he looks off to the side somewhere.

"I....." Megumi coughs, ".....hate..........you."

Toji's viridescent eyes go back to the boy. The man loves his son. Dearly in fact. He's just upset. Upset that the worst case scenario had come to pass. The scenario that he had played in his mind over and over again all those nights before Megumi left to join High Order. He's hoping Megumi will take the initiative to answer his phone call the next time unless he wanted to face the consequences again for making him worry. And because it's Toji, of course the man won't actually say that he was worried; not directly at least. He was also rather upset that his son had lost to the pink-sponge head, Yuji. It was almost a disgrace and a shame to the man's name. The man always thought his son wouldn't be cut out for a job like this and he may likely be correct on that assumption. But if Megumi intends to stay in this profession, then Toji needed him to understand the reality of it and to realize what it entails; including any and all of the unforeseen danger.

"You still wanna be a hitman?" Toji finally speaks.

Megumi's back is glued to the floor. He continues to pant, "......Yeah..."

Toji makes a noise to depict his disappointment, "If you ever make me think you're dead again. I'll kill you myself."

The boy lifts his head up slightly, he's flabberghasted. Did his father really beat the sh*t out of him because he was worried this entire time? It's the complete opposite of what a parentshoulddo.

"I was busy."

"Ya." Toji scoffs, "Busy getting your ass beat."

The man's not wrong. The chagrined Megumi drops his head back down onto the ground and his gaze goes back to the ceiling in defeat. Toji makes his way to the front door, he whips the thing open to find a shaking Tsumiki. The man had kept her out there cause he didn't want her to witness any of it. But the sounds were enough to traumatize her despite the guy trying to shelter it.

The man rolls his eyes and groans, "Get inside."

Tsumiki steps in promptly. She holds no oppositions towards the man (mostly out of fear) and she stops moving upon seeing the tattered Megumi sprawled across the floor just a few feet ahead. They exchange looks again and this time he recognizes her face.

She was the mirror image of the woman who had left their home on a storming day not long ago. The woman Toji had been seeing.

The woman who never came back.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (76)

A few hours later.

The hour and minute hands of an analog clock reaches 12. It's now midnight at the Fushiguro's. It's quiet and dark. The only sounds present were the tick-tock's of the time and the soft chirping of the crickets that hide away in the grass outside. The first floor of this house, still lay in shambles.

Megumi and Tsumiki had long gone to bed. Toji steps into his room after a shower. He turns on the lamp that sits on the nightstand and plops himself down at the edge of his bed. The man releases a sigh of exhaustion as he runs a hand through his dark, wet hair.

A buzzing noise breaks the dead silence.

"Ijichi." Toji answers his phone.

"Fushiguro Sama." his assistant speaks and his assistant knows it's late, "My deepest apologies for this inconvenience."

"Speak." Toji's use to unexpected calls at all hours, "What is it?"

"An order." Kiyotaka's voice continues to deliver a message to Toji through the phone, "—it's urgent."

Toji smirks, it almost forms into a sh*t-eating grin, "I'll see to it."

And then the man hangs up and he throws the device onto the side somewhere. His hand goes into the pocket of his sweatpants and he pulls something out. Toji lays down and he bends his arm behind him to rest his head. He lifts the dainty object with his other hand to study it closely. Then he flips the thing like a coin high into the air. The man chuckles in amusem*nt before he catches your falling engagement ring from Gojo Satoru into the palm of his hand.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (77)

Chapter 40: Chapter 40

Chapter Text


Satoru's thumbs press against the screen of his phone rapidly. He finishes up a text message and places his phone into the back pocket of his pants. He continues to wait for your unexcused answer.

You dig desperately into your pocket, "—it was right here!!"

His stony eyes were unrelenting. How could you possibly lose something like that?, "Why was it off in the first place?"

"I took it off to wash my hands!"

He's not convinced. Many people leave their wedding bands on, no matter the activity. Something that exorbitant would not tarnish from something as simple as a hand wash, "Did Toji put you up to this?"

"What?" you say and you knew you had to go through this again for the umpteenth time. No matter the length of time, it's always about Toji, "No!"

"Then what is this?!" He grabs your wrist and flails it in front of you to question the bruising.

"Just let me explain!"

People expect love to be easy. They expect it to be laughter, a world of flowers and perfect moments as portrayed in movies. We expect love to always say the right things, know exactly how we feel and exactly how to respond when things go awry. We expect love to calm us down when we're all yelling and chase us when we run away. We expect so much that when it doesn't go according to plan that we feel completely and utterly defeated.

"I'm tired of explanations already." Satoru shows no sympathy. He didn't know how much more he could endure. He was out of reasons to try and even if he continues, there would be no rationale behind any of it.

The thing about love is that it's never meant to be a plan. A lot of times love happens accidentally. And when love does happen, it is the most beautiful yet incredibly messy experience that anyone can ever go through.

You wear a mournful look. You were just as emotionally spent, so you don't explain.

But, sometimes, love is also about letting go. The truth is, it didn't matter how long or how tightly you held on to each other. At the end of the day, what's meant for you, will always be yours. As hard as it seemed in this present moment, one day, the two of you will look back and realize that it didn't matter how hard you held onto the wrong things. Or how much the two of you tried to reconcile. Because, all along, the right things were unfolding in the most unexpected ways.

You'll repeat it again as you always had done so in the past. And you'll repeat it one last time because he needs to hear it, "Satoru. I hate that you're so egotistical. I hate that you don't consider my feelings. I hate that you treat my friends like they don't matter—"

The white-haired male stuffs his hands into his pockets as your voice rises.

"—and maybe I'm just misunderstanding you! I don't know! I don't know anymore! Cause you're so terrible at showing me how you really feel! Half the time you don't take me seriously! You didn't even letmeanswer when you proposed!!! What about me? What about what I want? I'm so tired of trying to be everything you want and need me to be without disregarding myself!!"

Yes, it's theideaof you that he's in love with. But it goes without saying that you were also wearing the same shoes. This you both realized all too late.

"Do you hate me?" he asks stoically.

"No." His impassive manner has you flustered. Does he even care? But you remain honest, "No...I don't hate you. I could never hate you."

There were a lot of things Satoru wish he could have changed and there were a lot of things that you wished you could have changed also. Creatures of habit will find it difficult to adapt to such a large degree of change. But there's no growth if you don't get out of your comfort zone. Although rather quiet, Satoru's mind is the loudest it's ever been—he doesn't show it.

"Thank you." you say under your breath as the sadness begins to run uncontrollably down your face. It confuses the guy, "For always standing up for me when I couldn't do it for myself. For believing in me. For believing in us as long as you did. For being my best friend. For forgiving me. For all the good times. Thank you for everything."

That's when the harsh truth plagued the man. He doesn't try to reason against you now. Satoru finally understood something. That if he truly loved you then he had to let you go; so that you could grow and evolve into who you needed to be for yourself. But let's be real, he's still salty as f*ck.

Satoru sighs audibly, "Searching for someone to blame is such a pain."

Your sniffles come to a halt and your eyes widen in disbelief. Did he think you were blaming him entirely? He misunderstands you. After all these years, after all the trials and tribulations you'd think he'd learn some sort of empathy (at least towards you). Maybe he'll never learn. In just a few seconds he made you question if you ever truly knew him—at all.

"It's sad, how people become what they had promised they never will be. I'm—" and then he throws you a wry smile that figuratively killed you, "—disappointed."

And then you release a short, hollow laugh at how derisive he was being, "Are you serious right now?"

"You laugh because you think I'm joking." He chuckles and then he continues to stab you with his harsh words, "But I'm laughing cause you think I'm joking."

You scoff and your gaze averts somewhere beyond his shoulder. If anyone was disappointed it was you; and truly you were.

"Come on, Satoru." There was still some hope left in you to think he was just f*cking around, "What's with the attitude?"

The man pulls out his phone and his thumbs are punching at the glass again, "My attitude towards you is completely up to you."

You make a noise of disbelief and you weren't sure what you did just now to warrant this behavior from him, "Can you please not do that while we're talking?"

Satoru looks up at you briefly before his attention goes back to the screen and then he emphasizes, "You have mydividedattention."

You shake your head. Over and over and over again. You've never seen this side of him, not to this extent at least. How could this be the same person? The one who use to remind you how much this was worth it? The one who use to make you feel like the only girl in the world. Is the Gojo Satoru that you had fallen in love with many moons ago still in there somewhere? You always thought he'd have enough respect for you and the relationship to end things on good terms. And whatever you had envisioned in your mind, definitely is not playing out.

"Well..." The man puts away his phone, "...it's been nice."

After 11 years, is that all he has to say? Is this how he's planning on walking out of your life? It's inconceivable.

"Don't do this." you continue to shake your head, "Not like this."

"Duty calls, (y/n)." he says it like it means nothing to him. And then he heads towards the door. You figure it's his work. It was always his work.

"I'm sorry...." You cry a quiet sob and you're hoping he'll take care of himself from here on out. But you knew he would do just fine, "....I love you, Gojo Satoru."

At your last words, Satoru freezes in his steps. His expression is remorseful but you don't see it. The guy turns his head back, just barely enough to get a glimpse of you out of his periphery. He closes his eyes and he cranes his neck from side-to-side for a stretch. He exhales through his nose and his eyes reopen. The man seems to be thinking about something, but he doesn't say anything to you. Before you know it, he turns towards the door again and continues to walk away. It's one of the most mournful cries he's ever heard from you.

And then the door of your apartment opens and closes.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (78)

Thick, dark clouds wreathed through the sky of Tokyo, Japan. The air was crisp and the wind was piercingly cold anytime it came to grace the white-haired male.

Gojo Satoru stands on the 10th floor of an abandoned construction site. The undone cement crumbles in certain parts of this forgotten building and a lot of exposed metal pipes make this place quite unsafe to roam. Nothing but critters and the occasional squatter inhabits this place. The man stuffs his hands into his pockets as he looks out into the city. His hair dances with the wind and his mind harks back to a very recent heart-wrenching memory.

"....I love you, Gojo Satoru."

The white-haired male felt a looming presence materializing behind him. The sensation snaps him out of his musing. Satoru doesn't turn around for any formal greetings and the guy seethes at the sound of this persons voice.

"Long time no see—" The person says as he grins from ear to ear, "—white pubes."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (79)

Chapter 41: Omake (幼馴染): Childhood Friend

Chapter Text

a (noun). meaning childhood friend.
An osananajimi is a friend from infancy, a childhood friend or old playmate with whom one shares the special and intimate understanding that (according to such stories) can only come from having known each other since earliest childhood.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (80)

"Hey, stupid!"

You look up to a small group of boys approaching. Some held mischievous looks and the others appeared uninterested; they were likely just tagging along with the posse. You knew who they were. They were the troublemakers of your kindergarten class.

One of these delinquents snatches the plush toy out of your hands. The one you had always brought to school with you.

"Hey!" you reach out in hopes to take it back. But the boy slaps your hand away.

He makes a face of disgust, "Eugh, what is this???"

"Let me see, let me see!!" Another boy chirps and they begin to pass it around like they owned the damn thing.

"Hey!" you say again, "That's mine!"

You try to claim your plush back but all you get in return is someone pushing you to the ground.

"Loser! Who still brings a toy to school?"

"Ya, weirdo."

"Hey..." your eyes well with tears.

"AwwWwWww." one little boy sneers, "You gunna cry to your mommy now??"

"What a baby."

Your little hands go up to cover your face. You dare not let them see you cry. However, the hiccups and the sniffling give you away.

"Shouldn't we just leave her alone?" a voice from the group is bored. He sighs, "She has no friends anyway. That's punishment enough."

"Oh, shut up!"

"Ya, shut up!"

You peek through the slits of your fingers and someone notices.

"Whatcha lookin' at?!" the boy barks, "You wanna look at something?! LOOK AT THIS!"

And then this unruly kid throws your cherished toy to the floor and proceeds to stomp on it—repeatedly.

"NO! PLEASE!" you cry and you beg of him, "MY GRANDMA GAVE ME THAT!"

"Who cares??"

"No one cares!"

And then you're hiding behind your hands again like it was the only thing that could save you. The more stomps you heard the more you cried.

"A group of boys picking on one girl?" it's a new voice. One that sounds a little further away than the rest and one that sounded extremely sarcastic, "Howcoolof you."

One of the boys clicks their tongue, "Shouldn't you be wiping your ass with your hundred dollar bills?"

"Ouch. Was that supposed to hurt?" This new voice yawns. If anything he took that as compliment.

"Beat it and go piss in your gold toilet, you f*ckin' pretty boy."

You were too immersed in your sadness to pay much attention to who arrived and also, you were afraid to look. The last thing you needed was your plush to be pulled apart. The plush that your grandmother had gifted you before she past. It was irreplaceable.

"I'll tell you what. If any one of you can lay a hand on me—" and this smirking new voice places a hand onto his chest, "—I'll leave you all alone."

How hard could it be? A group of kids against one. It was a no-brainer. It's gotta be an easy deal.

"Buuuuuut, if you can't. You need to give her, her doll back. And—" this new voice drops an octave and he now sounds merciless, "—I'll beat the sh*t out of each and every one of you."

"You talk big, pretty boy." One of the boys scoff, "Go ahead. Try us."

It only took a few seconds. There was a lot of yelling and painful groans. A lot of thuds from the bodies hitting the asphalt. One by one they fell to the ground—and with ease.

You hear someone dusting their hands and then you hear the scattering of feet scurrying away as the group of boys run off; likely to their next victim.

"YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS—" and the fleeing voice trails off, "—GOJO SATORU!!!!"

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (81)


You and Satoru stand inside one of the classrooms
of the elementary school. He had brought you in here after warding off your classroom bullies.

The boy hands you back your tattered plush and it appears that he had stapled the edges along the seam where it had completely torn. The thing was mangled and the staple work was hideous. But he tried his best and that's all that mattered.

You wipe the wetness off your cheek with the back of your hand and then you take it off the boys hands, "Thank you...."

You were very thankful and grateful to this boy who stood up for you when no one else did. But your plush was no longer the same and the thought of those boys returning for revenge only powered your anxiety to new heights.

Satoru sees how dispirited you were. He looks down at the doll that now lay in your hands. He then thought that it may have been a keepsake and a very sentimental one. He knew the nature of that rowdy group and he couldn't stand people like them. It only fuels his fire.

He leans in, "Hey, what's your name?"

You say it under your breath and your unwavering gaze stays glued to your toy.

"(Y/N)." he repeats and then he smiles, "Don't worry! I'll protect you!"

Your eyes go up slowly to meet his crystal blue ones. It's not that you couldn't believe him. Who could possibly trust someone who they know nothing about? And someone whom they just met.

"I'll never let them hurt you again." Satoru sees your apprehension. He gets it. The boy now grins widely and then he throws his pinky up at you, "I promise."

A pinky promise.


Author Note

Wow, I just realized after 40 chapters, I didn't have a single omake in this fan-fiction. I always have omake's in all of my stories, so it was time I did one!

If you're new to my library and are confused. The omake's (which means bonus/extra) are side chapters or "fillers" that do not coincide with the actual storyline. I use them as a way to normally elaborate on the characters relationships and sometimes they're just for fun.

In this case, I'm elaborating on Gojo and (Y/N)'s childhood and how they became the best of friends which ultimately led them to date later on in life.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (82)

Chapter 42: Chapter 41

Chapter Text

There's a knocking at your door.

"(L/N) sensei!" You swing the door open to a grinning Itadori Yuji.

"Yuji...." You werent expecting him.

The pink-haired boy held a bouquet of flowers. But this small arrangement seemed to be dull and wilting. Like it had sat for weeks without proper care. The boy hands it to you.

"These are for you!" He says with great enthusiasm.

"Oh...." You take it, "Thank you....whats the occasion?"

"Well...." his hand goes behind his head and his gaze averts to the side somewhere, "I was supposed to deliver these a long time ago. They're from Gojo sensei! I had no idea you guys knew each other. Why didn't you tell me you were engaged???"

Yuji's mind goes back to the time when Satoru had dismissed him from any tasks or favors. But then he also remembers how he kept insisting for some type of work. Now he regrets it (a little).

There's a sudden ache in your chest. Yuji has no idea. You bring the flowers closer. They smelt a little strange. Yuji sees your disheartened expression. He thinks he's to blame.

He assumes, "I'm sorry I forgot to give them to you sooner. It's just, I got distracted by a candy shop and then l don't know what happened."

"Don't worry, Yuji..." The dead flowers were second to nothing. You had worse things on your mind.

Th boy doesn't hear you. He continues to justify his actions, "Yeah. I had to go back and look for them! Thank god I found them in the trash can outside."

You hold the flowers further away from your face—immediately.

You force a smile because you realize why it smelt a little strange, "Th-that's really thoughtful of you to go back to look for them."

He beams, "Anything for you sensei!"

You ruffle his hair. He's still the same boy; truly the most genuine, truly the most sweet. But, sometimes, you wish he had better judgement.

Yuji looks around in curiosity, "Where's Gojo sensei?"

"Uh." You say and you don't want to answer knowing very well you'll likely repeat the hours of crying that you managed to just dismiss. You sigh and then you look at the decaying flowers. Your mind goes back to yesterday even if it doesn't want to. It hurts. All of it. And maybe because he didn't have it in him to remind you that you still meant something to him, even just as a person.

It's too late.

The boys eyes gape and he's frantic, "Ha?! Did I say something wrong?"

He disappears down your hallway and into a room. There were sounds of rummaging and objects falling. He returns shortly with a tissue box. He blots your face while you explain everything through your ugly cries. It's a lot for the boy to take in.

You didn't want to grieve. Not over something like that. But grief is the price we pay for love and not just in romantic matters. It can be such a visceral thing and never reasonable. The core of grief is raw and real. And it's the wildest form of love. Yuji understood this all too well. But you blame yourself, for everything. And you couldn't forgive yourself, for anything.

"It takes a lot of strength to forgive someone for the things they do." Yuji says on a much more serious note and he continues to press the tissue onto your skin, "I think you should try understand how Gojo sensei feels. I don't think it's any easier for him. Even if he doesn't show it."

You weep quietly.

The boy withdraws his hands. He watches your crying form but he smiles. He knew you'd be okay. He's been through grief. Real grief.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, (L/N) sensei. The fact that you're crying means you're not a bad person." he puts his hands onto your shoulders, "One day you'll look back at this moment and remember how lucky you were to have known Gojo sensei's love. I miss grandpa everyday and he's not someone I can see or even talk to anymore. It doesn't have to be the end. This could be the beginning of something new!"

"I-I'm... jus' gnna....miss...him.....so.. much." you hiccup.

"Thats okay." and he's blotting your face again, "I'm sure he'll miss you too. You never know. You guys could be friends again someday. After you've both had some time to heal."

"I'm such a baby!" you wail harder, "I shouldn't even be crying right now!"

"Grandpa told me something when he was in the hospital." Yuji smiles as nostalgia cradles him, "He told me goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. It just means I'll miss you until we meet again."

You're not sure how that was supposed to make you feel any better. By now you're not even crying about your relationship with Satoru anymore. You were more so crying about how wonderful of a person Itadori Yuji is and how you wish you could have been there for him when Wasuke passed. He must have been devastated. At least you both had Satoru to thank in someways.

"But.... " And the boys now in better spirits. He laughs, "...he never really liked when I would say bye to him. He told me we should always say 'see you later.'"

"Thank you, Yuji." and then you finally smile, "With all the things you've been through. How did you become such a great person?"

"A really good friend of mine told me something that really resonated with me." his voice is excited, "You'll never know the violence it took to be this gentle!"

And that you could surely agree, "Wow, who's this friend of yours?"

"Fushiguro Megumi!"

Of course.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (83)

"What's the matter?" Fluid runs down Toji's forehead. It drips down his face and he licks the liquid from his upper lip. His tongue now savors the metallic taste of iron; it's his own blood. But the guy still smirks as if he's unbothered, "Did you forget how to speak?"

Satoru's hands were rooted in his pockets and his hair ripples with the wind. He looks at Toji with a blank expression and his eyes are vacant of emotion. The man stands just a short distance away and unscathed.

Toji clicks his tongue at his unresponsive target. He's a tad disappointed in himself. It was just moments ago that the white-haired male had whipped around; too quickly. Quick enough to send the green-eyed man flying through the stucco of this ruined building.

"You're fast." Toji chuckles, "I'm impressed."

Satoru remains a mute. He makes slow, even strides towards his opponent. Although the guy portrays a certain emptiness, Toji could sense the man's incredible devotion and his incredible determination—it's merciless.

Before the white-haired male could reach Toji, he stops.

"Did you drop something?" Toji smiles maliciously as he pulls out your engagement ring. He spins it around in circles on his pinky as he continues to taunt the man.

Satoru doesn't say a single thing. He only tilts his head slightly to the side. And then it begins—

It's a combination of kicks that Toji manages to evade or block. The green-eyed male holds onto the precious jewelry for dear life. Satoru continues to move effortlessly. His hands remain seated in his pockets and he fights the man using only his legs. Crescent kick to fend off the intruding arm and a spinning back kick to the head. Toji stumbles.


The green-eyed man manages a hand on Satoru and he attempts to throw him to the ground but Satoru's too swift. He escapes and lands into a crouch some feet away. The man still has his hands in his pockets and he brings himself to a stand.

Toji's surprised. Satoru appears calm and composed. Like this was just some f*cking walk through the park. The white-haired male seems like he hasn't exhausted any energy at all.

"You've improved...." Toji wipes the beading sweat away from his forehead. The man's demeanor changes immediately. It's like a second wind. And then he laughs hysterically, "HOW WONDERFUL!"

"GOJO SATORU!" Toji's thirst for combat grows exponentially. A sh*t-eating grin adorns his face. He throws his arms up and he brings himself to an offensive stance. He beckons the guy, "SHOW ME THISNEWWORLD YOU'VE BEEN BITCHING ABOUT!"

Satoru lifts a leg and his hands finally come out of his pockets. His eyes are still hollow but they also hold much fervor.

It sounded like something whipping through the air. His shoe hits the cement. The ground crumbles. Bodies slam into the ceiling, the wall, the ground. Debris and dust scatter across the room.

They move quickly with and against each other. So fast that the room almost seems to break and unfold from invisible forces; almost like an unnatural phenomenon. They travel at the speed of light, so much so that they escape velocity.

Toji's laugh continues to echo throughout this abandoned site and the loud noises of the vicinity crumbling to shreds could likely be heard from a far distance.


The man speaks too soon and he may have been too arrogant. Toji feels a blow to his abdomen. Then a blow to the back. AND AGAIN. AND AGAIN. AND AGAIN! Toji's body jerks back and forth harshly and it moves to the beat of the man's punches.

Satoru smashes Toji through the ground. They fall to the 9th floor and he continues his unrelenting assault.


8th floor.


7th floor.


6th floor.

A kick to the back that sends Toji further down. The ring flies out of the man's hand.

5th floor.


4th floor.

The 10 points of pressure were hit. Satoru grabs the ring that had been falling through the air beside them.

3rd floor.


2nd floor.

Toji falls through the hole in the ground first. The two men continue their downward trend. The man's vision blurs as his body descends through the air. Satoru's approaching figure was nothing but a silhouette flying down towards him. The last thing the green-eyed man saw was a fist.

And then the lights went out on the first floor.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (84)

Chapter 43: Chapter 42

Chapter Text

The air is thick with moisture. The first floor is bleak and cold. No noise but the soft dripping of water from a broken pipe could be heard. And the light seeping through the giant holes in the wall is the only thing that gave the large debris scattered across the area their shapes in monochrome.

Toji's seemingly lifeless body lays atop the wreckage, unmoving. His finger may have twitched slightly.

The white-haired male leans against the broken wall and he stares out into the open. His fingers play at the band of your engagement ring. The man thinks of nothing and everything; all at the same time. Satoru's untouched, he wore no wounds across his body, aside from the lacerations and punctures on his business suit. He presses all his love from his lips onto this precious stone and then it hides away inside the safety of his pocket.

A soft groan emits from behind. Satoru's eyes shift towards the noise but it returns just as quickly to the outside. The man's unconcerned. He crosses his arms over his chest and relaxes more onto the wall.

"You................." Toji could barely open his eyes, he could barely speak. The man's practically incapacitated. He manages to project a soft whisper, ".....................prick."

Satoru doesn't move and he also doesn't say anything. The white-haired male has been quiet this entire time.

"Why.......?" Toji continues to mutter, "Why don't you just kill me........?"

Satoru's gaze does not waver. He's looking down the road many, many blocks away and watches the cars drive pass every now and again.

The silent treatment was driving Toji mad. He clicks his tongue out of aggravation. The guy tries to sit up but the pain's intolerable. He manages to move his hand and he flies the closest rock he could find at Satoru.

"Just....." the rock doesn't reach him.

"....kill....." Toji throws another.

"........me." it lands by the guys foot.

Toji's arm falls back down. He had no energy left to exhaust. The man's done. Done with a lot of things. He sighs heavily.

"I don't care anymore...." The green-eyed man's voice is barely audible. He just wanted Satoru to end it. The man's tired on all accounts. He'll let Satoru have you. Not that you ever really belonged to him anyway. Satoru could have all of it for all he cared, "Not that I cared at all...."

The white-haired male shifts. He knows Toji's lying. If anything, Toji cared. Way too much. But so did he. Satoru finally turns to look at Toji and his arms come out of their crossed-form. The guy stuffs his hands into his pockets and he starts to make his way towards the beaten body. He plops himself down onto a boulder next to the green-eyed man and continues to look down at him with his vacant expression.

Their eyes meet and Toji scoffs as he says in jest, "Like what you see?"

Satoru looks away and pays the man no attention. His hands go to his tie and he yanks the knot loose. Satoru doesn't respond. He throws his neck accessory off to the side and then he rips the first two buttons of his undershirt completely off. The buttons go to the ground somewhere and he finally rests.

Toji's battered and defeated by his hands. It was likely the best view on the house (for Satoru at least). Toji responds for him and with much humor, "Ya.....bet you f*ckin' do."

Toji never, in all of his life, thought he'd be in this position. The man fought a lot of things and he foughtfora lot of things. But never once for a girl. And all Satoru ever knew throughout his years was fighting for exactly you. He still continues to do so, but this time, with himself in mind.

"Fighting over a f*ckin' girl." Toji continues to talk by himself. His hand goes inside his suit jacket and he pulls out a cigarette. The guy manages a chuckle and he sounds sarcastic, "Good sh*t."

Toji pulls his lighter out and he lights his smoke. The man still lays roughly against the rocks. Satoru rests his arms against his thighs. His head bows down and he exhales through his nose loudly. The two now share their unwanted company.

A sharp cloud expels from the green-eyed man's mouth as he continues to indulge in his long awaited cigarette, "She dropped it."

The man finally gains Satoru's once unreachable attention.

"The ring." Toji says and he explains that it wasn't him, "She dropped it. On the floor."

Satoru looks away again. Ah, the assumptions. A sense of regret fills Satoru. He may have acted childish (on more than one occasion). The man's been thinking about that this entire time. He replays that specific moment in his mind repeatedly.

"Just let me explain!"

And he over analyzes. Everything.

"Satoru. I hate that you're so egotistical. I hate that you don't consider my feelings. I hate that you treat my friends like they don't matter—"

And maybe after all these years, he had lost himself along the way.

"Thank you for everything."

"I love you, Gojo Satoru."

There's no denying it; that the two of you shared quite a special bond. Maybe even an unbreakable one. But he also knew that you loved Fushiguro Toji. And for this specific reason, he chose to keep him alive (but not without a proper beating of course).

Satoru hated how rude he was during your last shared disagreement. He hated how curt and how dismissive he seemed towards you. It killed him to not return those words that you've been longing to hear all this time. The guy understands that if you truly care about someone than you care about the way you make them feel. But he also knows that you're someone that will continue to blame yourself—for everything. He knew you wouldn't be able to forgive yourself. Not for a very long time at least. And that's why he acted the way he did. It's not that he didn't care about you. He cares, he loves—too much. He didn't want you to blame yourself. He didn't want you to cry over him when he's gone. He thought maybe if he acted like the bad person in all of this then maybe you'd let him go easier. And he thought maybe it would have even been easier for him as well. But it wasn't. And it never will be.

Toji's eyes go from the silent Satoru to the gaping hole in the ceiling. He continues his smoke. Toji always thought he'd be the only one to leave his mark. And you, you were the first to leave yours on him, "You're a lucky man, Gojo Satoru."

There was a ghost of a smile on the white-haired man's face and then he brings himself to a stand. He stuffs his hands into his pockets and he begins to walk away. Satoru finally speaks and all he says is, "And she's a lucky girl."

Toji arches a brow in amusem*nt. The man thought he was arrogant. But Satoru is more or so less the same. But Toji misunderstands the guy. He finally manages to sit up and his hand goes to his neck for a stretch.

It's true, you truly were a lucky girl to have had a loyal Gojo Satoru along side you most of your life. But that's not what Satoru meant at all when he said you were lucky.

Satoru reaches the hole in the wall. The one that leads to the outside and the one that will lead him home or wherever he intends to go. The guy turns around one last time to Toji, "Take care of (y/n) for me."

And in this moment they share a look of understanding.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (85)

Chapter 44: Chapter 43

Chapter Text

Toji trudges into his home. The man presses his back against the front door to close it and then he stays there for a moment. He groans softly as his hand goes to the ache on his shoulder.

Megumi saunters down the stairs. You think the boy would show some concern for his father, who is currently covered in dirt and blood.

The teen reaches the last step and then the boy sizes the man up, "You look like sh*t."

As always, there are no warm welcomes here at the Fushiguro's. As estranged as it may seem this pattern of behavior has become quite habitual and nothing short of normal for the two.

Toji grumbles, "f*ck off."

Megumi continues to walk past his father and then the boy dares remind the man about his recent misconduct towards him. He says provokingly, "Karma."

Toji runs his tongue over his teeth. He tries to keep composure. His voice is thick with irritation, "You better hopekarmaslaps you beforeIdo."

But when was the man not slapping him? And not figuratively speaking either. Hasn't Toji learned by now? That Megumi (usually) has the last word.

The boys voice grows softer the further he walked away, "A boomerang returns back to the person who throws it."

Toji reaches down. He picks up a shoe and hurls it at the boy. The footwear smacks against the back of Megumi's head with such great force that Tsumiki likely heard the reverberations from her room on the second floor.

Megumi's hand goes up to the abused area immediately and the boy whips around to his father. His brows furrow in aggravation, "Was that really necessary?!"

In Toji's mind, it's always necessary. The man loves discipline in many forms and on many levels. He smirks at his son and then he says in a mocking manner to let the boy know that it won't be coming back to get him, "Sorry, not aboomerang."

Had Toji finally gotten through to his son? Did he finally get the last word? Megumi clicks his tongue. Instead of heading to the kitchen, he walks back towards his father.

The green-eyed man arches a brow and he smirks with anticipation. It doesn't matter how beat he is, he'll throw his hands up again if he needed to. But all Megumi does is walk around Toji and the boys hand goes to the knob of the door.

"Where the hell do you think you're going?"

Megumi opens the door halfway before he looks at his father. The boy sizes him up again, "We ran out of antiseptics and bandages."

Now Toji feels like an ass. He throws a shoe at his son when all the boy wanted to do was take care of him. Toji looks down at his hand which lay against his abdomen. It was soaked in his blood. The man manages a, "Thanks."

"Well, you're old, Dad." Megumi says frankly. The boy doesn't care if his directness will earn him another shoe to the head, "You take longer to heal. Wouldn't want you getting sepsis. Cause you'd likely die."

"Just f*cking leave will you!" Toji kicks the boy out and then he slams the door shut.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (86)

Megumi strolls down an aisle of his local drugstore and supermarket. His eyes glaze over all the endless options of snacks. Yes, that's right,snacks. The boy wasn't lying when he said he was going to pick up disinfectants and such. He will, eventually. But he'd be lying to himself if he thought he'd tend to it as his first priority. Right now, curbing his appetite was at the top of the list.

He gathers a bunch of things that looked appealing and boy were his eyes hungrier than his stomach. Megumi then makes his way over to the aisles that surround the pharmacy. He tries his best not to drop anything as he gathers all the necessary items. And because he's a teenager, he doesn't grab a shopping basket.

On an adjacent aisle, parallel to where he stood and a few rows down, you were combing for artificial tears. Anything to help cure you of your bone-dry eyes (a result from extended crying).

Megumi steps out of his aisle at the exact same time you had stepped out. Your eyes meet but it doesn't quite register yet. It may have taken several seconds to figure out exactly what, or rather,whoyou guys were looking at.

The boys face blanks and his arms let go of everything he had gathered up until this point. All of his things go to the floor and in moments you were in each others arms.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (87)

"You should come over sometime." Megumi says as the two of you continue your walk down a street in the city. All his things, now, neatly packed in a reusable bag.

You hum with uncertainty, "Maybe when the time is right."

There was ample time to catch each other up on current events. Megumi nods with understanding. It's not that you didn't want to. You missed spending time with the Fushiguro's. But everything felt too soon. So you'll wait for the right time. Not that you even knew when the right time would be and not that you ever really believed in divine timing either.

You see the boy watching something on his phone and you grow curious, "Whatcha watching?"

"How to pack wounds." He says and then he continues to scroll for another video.

"Pack wounds?" You question, "Why?"

The boy was always one to learn about random things through movies, novels, observation and experience. Now he learns from YouTube academy (it's a joke).

"Dad's pretty beat up." And then the boy lifts the shopping bag up to eye level to show you the medical supplies, "Never needed to bandage anyone before. I like to do things the correct way."

You frown and then you wonder if it was Satoru but it's hard to say given their career. Also, so much for divine timing.

"I can help you." You say.

Megumi throws you a look, "I thought you said you shouldn't come over."

"I shouldn't." Your eyes go from the floor back to the bagged supplies, "But I use to pack Satoru's wounds for him, all the time. I would hate to not help knowing I know how to do it."

You'd also feel extremely guilty if you knew that it was in fact Satoru who beat the living day lights out of Toji. Then you'd definitely feel much more obligated.

"It would be greatly appreciated." And now you couldn't say no. Because it was a request from Megumi himself.

There's something that catches your eye and you stop abruptly. Megumi turns around when he noticed you were no longer beside him. He comes to stand next to you and he follows your line of sight.

It's an arcade that you were currently looking at and the boys not sure why you looked so entranced. The automatic sliding doors continue to open and close as people enter and exit this gaming establishment.

"Everything okay?" Megumi wonders what you're staring at.

You look at him then quickly back to whatever it was that stole your attention, "Do you mind if I check something out really quick?"

He shakes his head, "Not at all."

Your hand presses against the glass of a claw machine you found yourself standing in front of. There was a certain stuffed plush sitting amongst the pile. One that brought you back to a specific time in your life; one that brought you great nostalgia.

You point at it and your voice is excited, "Look! That's it right there!"

Megumi looks at the toy then back to you. He didn't think people your age still cared for things like this.

You see his confusion and you smile, "When I was a kid. I had a grandmother. She gave me a stuffed animal that looks just like this. She passed away shortly after. She meant a lot to me. I held onto that thing like a lifeline."

And then you chuckle softly as your mind travels back in time. You turn to look at the plush again and your face wears the look of sentimentality.

Megumi digs into his pocket and he pulls out some coins. He's the sweetest kid after all, "Let's play."

"Oh no!" You wave your hands in front of you, "Please, you don't have to do this. I just wanted to see it. Thank you for thinking of me."

"I want to." The boy smiles at you and he's already inserting the coins into the slot.

Megumi winds up the machine. The claw misses the first time. It falls the second time. And it grabs the wrong one the third time.

He used up all of his coins and yours but the boys persistent. He intends to win it, "I'll be right back."

"Megumi, you really don't have to. It's okay." But he's already gone off to exchange his yen.

You turn back to the glass of this claw machine and you sigh as you stare at the darn thing. You see a figure standing next to you and you assume Megumi has returned but when you turn to look, it's not. Your heart skips a few beats. Your mouth parts slightly but you're completely speechless. Your arms come up to hug yourself and your gaze diverts elsewhere.

The man looks at you and then into the machine. Saying he looked sad was an understatement. The guy was probably inconsolable. You hear coins jingling in this persons pocket and your eyes go back to the claw which is now moving again. It drops down, exactly onto the desired object. And then it lifts into the air. The metal hand brings it slowly to the upper left corner before the thing drops down into the chute. Your eyes widen. It was so easy for him.

He takes the plush out of the compartment below and then he hands it to you.

"I can't...." You didn't want to take it. You felt undeserving.

"Please." His voice is quiet and stern. He leaves no room for you to refuse, "Just take it."

You take it. Your eyes go from his down to the floor as you embrace this nostalgic article. You feel his hand on the side of your face and he brings you back to look at him. His thumb strokes your cheek ever so gently.

"Thank you." Is all your mouth could manage. You wanted so badly to melt into him.

The man hooks his pinky onto yours and he lifts it up to chest level. It almost makes you cry.

It's a pinky promise.

"I'll never let them hurt you again."

Gojo Satoru had so many things to say but he remains a mute. If Toji ever hurt you. He would definitely be back to rectify him—at all costs.

"I promise."

Satoru smiles at you. It's a different smile. An incredibly soft one. One you hadn't really seen before. But this smile told you everything you could ever possibly need to know. A smile that revealed his unconditional love for you. A certain love that no words could ever amount to.

The man takes one more thing out of his pocket and he places it into the palm of your hand.

You shake your head, "I can't accept this."

"I'm not asking you to wear it." He says, "It doesn't feel right giving it to anyone else."

You nod and you almost hold your breath when he leans in. His hand continues to caress one side of your face and Satoru plants a kiss onto the other. And with that he was out the door.

Your eyes don't leave the entrance of this establishment and you continue to watch the people come and go, despite Megumi returning.

The raven-haired kid sees the doll sitting in your arms, "You got it."

You couldn't hear him. Your minds busy and the glass doors of the arcade still hold your unwavering attention. Megumi looks at you and then his gaze averts to the doors. He doesn't see anything besides children and adults walking in and out. But it didn't take the boy long to put the pieces together like he always does. His eyes go from the glass doors to the plush and back to you.

It may have been the glassy look in your eyes that sold you out.

"Will you be okay?" Megumi's voice finally brings you back to reality.

You finally look at him and you may have even started to cry a little, "Just fine."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (88)

Chapter 45: Chapter 44

Chapter Text

There's a knock at Toji's bedroom door but the man's too exhausted to answer. He lays in bed after the hottest shower. The towels around his shirtless self collect the blood that he currently disregards. He didn't give two sh*ts if he bled out or not; that's how enervated the man was.

Knock. Knock.

Toji turns over to his side, away from the door. He continues to ignore the knocking. The man makes sure he's loud enough for the other person on the other end to hear, "I thought I told you to f*ck off."

The door squeaks open halfway. There's a nightstand in front of him, the man reaches over and grabs the first thing he sees. He turns around hoping to fly the thing at Megumi. But he sees you instead.

"May I come in?" Your head peeks from behind the door and you're hoping the man won't chuck that thing at you.

Toji's harsh expression softens. You were the last person he expected to see. The item from his hand falls to the floor and he turns around onto his side again. He faces away from you and he doesn't say a single thing.

Your eyes glaze over the situation and you shake your head at the sight of the soiled towels. There didn't seem to be any objection from the man so you step into his room and close the door quietly behind you.

Toji feels his bed sink slightly when you sat down next to him and his viridescent eyes go to you briefly before he stares off at nothing again. He's not sure what to say. The man's exhausted all his thoughts by now.

Your hand reaches towards his abdomen but before you could remove any of the towels hiding half his bare body he stops you at the wrist. It lets you know that he's in a lot of pain.

"Let me." You reassure him and he sees Megumi's bag next to you. Toji scoffs internally. How did his son manage to get you back into his home in a matter of a few hours, when the guy had been trying this entire time and without any luck.

The man releases you and you begin your work. He winces from the initial touch. You throw all the towels onto the floor and he tries to ignore the sudden isolated ache which, unfortunately, jolted throughout the rest of his body. The disinfectants were the worst part. The gauze wasn't any better. And just when he thought it was over, the man groans with much discomfort when you pull the bandages taut. You tie the thing as tight as you can and Toji finally breathes a sigh of relief.

There is something to be said about two people, who continue to find each other over and over again.

Your hand goes to his face and you brush some of his hair away from his eyes. He sees the softest smile adorn your face and it almost seemed like everything was right in the world for once.

No matter what situations the two of you ended up in. There always seemed to be something pulling the two of you back together. Who knows? Maybe it really is divine intervention with divine timing. It's as if the universe was upset this entire time that the two of you kept separating and making the same mistakes. Whether it was you trying to force something that was no longer there and with someone who wasn't meant for you. Or whether it was Toji and his multitude of previous useless, insatiable flings (it was him desperately trying to find you in someone else).

"Are you okay?" You break the deafening silence and of course, you're genuinely worried.

His voice sounds strained, "I knew your ass would be back."

You almost laugh. Of course Toji is still his incredulous self even under these conditions, "Get some rest."

The guy needed it—and lots of it. But instead he grabs you and throws you down. Your head hits his pillow and he wedges himself between your legs. He lowers himself and his lips show you how much they've missed you.

You break away from his kissing and you're wondering how he even had the energy for any of this, "You should really get some sleep."

"No." And the man's entertaining your neck now. His hands slowly go from your thighs to your ass and he's already yanking your bottoms off.

"Toji!" You fight his intruding hands.

"Fine." He concedes. Because he really is tired—damn f*cking tired. Toji throws himself down next to you but not before roping you into his arms.

"You're not mad?" You wonder if he's upset that you're here after literally yelling at him about being 'completely done' with whatever this was.

He feels your eyes on him. He shakes his head. Toji knew what he got himself into. The man had no right to be upset. Not at you. Not at Satoru. Not at anyone. If he was upset at all, it would only be at himself. For the things he's done. For the things that he's done to you. To Megumi. To even Satoru. And most of all, the things he did to himself.

"I'm sorry." You apologize for everything that had transpired and all the back and forth.

"You worry too much." Toji was never one for deep conversation; it was never in his personality to share past the superficial.

You're much more in tune with your emotions and his lack of effort in understanding floored you, "How can you even be okay with any of this?"

The man makes a noise, one that lets you know he doesn't want to 'talk', "sh*t happens. Life goes on."

"But I cheated on Satoru. I've been with him for about 11 years. I'm a cheater. How could you possibly want to be with someone like that?"

Toji looks at you from the corner of his eye and then he diverts back to the speck on his ceiling. He's been around and he understands life for what it is. It was always the small things that mattered the most. Also, if you didn't care, you wouldn't be next to him right now.

He hated explaining but he'll say it (just this once) if it'll shut you up for the rest of the night, "Sometimes we do things in life. Things we wish we never f*cking did. And some things we wish we could do over and over again. But everything we do in our lifetime makes us who we are. We wouldn't be who we are today without our achievements andour damn mistakes. If you didn't do the things you did, bad or good. You wouldn't be this person, lying next to me right now."

Toji appreciated you for who you were and all the things you've ever done for him and Megumi; despite all the partially self-induced heartache. It takes a lot of strength and maturity to look past someone's mistakes.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll cheat on you? After some time?" You appreciate his honesty and you appreciate him opening up to you. It was different coming from him. But you project your insecurities.

Toji sighs. He thought he was done, "I can sit here all day worrying about that sh*t. But if you ever want something—anything—to f*cking work, then you betterbelieveit will f*cking work."

After all, your thoughts and attitude towards life or anything in general manifests from how you perceive things to be. If you always focus on the negativity then you will get negativity.

You nestle against his chest and your mind wanders. You still can't seem to forgive yourself. But now you understand him.

Toji didn't need you to be perfect. He didn't expect his forever partner to be a saint either. He just needed someone that will enjoy his company. Someone to get along with his son. Someone who won't force him to be someone he's not. The guy doesn't know what the future holds, no one really does. But in this moment, and all those other moments previously, he felt you were right for him.

"Listen to me." He (surprisingly) continues to talk despite your lack of a response, "Don't ever second guess where you've f*cking been. I only care about where you wanna go from here on out. Just f*ckinglive. Make mistakes. Make memories.And love me with everything you got."

Toji feels the curve of your lips against him as you smile. You didn't need to say anything for him to know what you were thinking.

"I need you to come with me tomorrow....." Toji's voice tapers to a whisper. He takes a deep breath. That was a lot for him. The man finally closes his eyes. He had no intentions of letting you go for the rest of the night—or the rest of his life.

In seconds, he falls fast asleep.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (89)

Chapter 46: Chapter 45

Chapter Text

The piquant smells of breakfast circulate through the Fushiguro residence. They even drift slowly from the kitchen to the second floor.

"Wow, Megumi!" You watch the boy through his cooking, "I'm so proud of you!"

"That smells amazing!" Tsumiki tip-toes to look over her brother's shoulder.

Beyond the stairs and through a bedroom door...

Toji's nose twitches and he begins to stir in his sleep. The air carries the rich, light notes of dashi and everything else that embodies the traditional Japanese breakfast. This delicious aroma could just about lure the man out of bed.

The man reaches blindly across the mattress as he tries to hunt for your warmth but he feels nothing but the cool emptiness of the sheets. He sits up. The sun's out and the curtains on his window ripple softly with the breeze. Toji yawns and stretches away his stiffness.

Back downstairs...

Megumi has a spoon to your mouth, "Taste this."

Sweet, deep, yet soft and firm enough to keep its shape. The tamagoyaki practically melted in your mouth. The umami was incredible.

"What do you think?" The boy tries to search for an answer through your facial expressions as you chew.

You hum with delight, "Amazing!"

Megumi smiles. He rarely ever smiles, "Great!"

Toji descends the stairs and his feet thumps loudly against the wooden floorboards. He stops in front of the doorway of the kitchen. No one notices him. The noisy chatter and laughter continue. The man looks at the kitchen island where everyone was dining. It was set to 4.

"Should we wake Fushiguro San?"

"No. More food for us."

"Aw, Megumi. Save some for your dad."

Toji looks behind him and he takes in his surroundings. Just over a year ago, the house sat mostly in silence. He looks back at the marbled table and the man imagines his son sitting there completely alone; eating, doing homework or whatever else he needed to do. And that was most nights, for many years. It was a strange feeling and such a sad thing to imagine.

The green-eyed man continues to scrutinize over this scene and how uncustomary it seemed. He even pinches himself. Maybe he died in his sleep. No. He's still awake. And he's still at a lost for words. Toji never once dreamed about a family life. He had a certain distaste for that social norm. He always wanted loose relationships with no ties. He didn't particularly want to be a parent either, let alone a single one. The man also never imagined he'd ever fall in love again.

Fushiguro Toji continues to stand at the doorway; life never gave the man what he wanted freely. He had to work for all his wants. But all his wants ended up being everything he didn't want at all. And as it turns out, life had instead, given him exactly everything he needed (in the most unexpected ways).

You finally notice Toji and your voice interrupts the man's period of reflection, "You're up."

"Good morning, Fushiguro San." Tsumiki greets her unofficial guardian and then she broods, "I cleaned my room so....don't yell at me okay?"

"About time." Megumi doesn't remove his attention from the plate of food in front of him. The boy continues to fold the layered omelette into his mouth.

Toji makes a noise; his way of a morning greeting. Then he says, "What's for breakfast?"

Some things won't ever change in this household (like Megumi speaking with his mouth full or his lack of respect for the man he calls a father).

The raven-haired kid responds without any concern for potential scolding, "Our crumbs."

And then a spoon smacks the boys forehead.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (90)

"How do I look?" You smile at the man as you take your last step down the stairs.

He gives you a once over and then he turns around to the front door like he hadn't been paying attention, "Good."

You make a face; he didn't sound convincing. Toji wanted to attend an event but he didn't say what it was. All the man told you was that he needed you to tag along. The two of you leave the house and a cars already waiting. The man puts his hand on your back as he walks you down the path and you feel him run his fingers all the way down to your rear. He gives you a nice squeeze.

You throw Toji a look of disapproval and all the man says is, "I'm getting some of that later."

"Glad to see you alive and well, Fushiguro Sama." Kiyotaka Ijichi gets the door for you as he greets his boss.

Toji slides into the back seat next to you. He adjusts the hood of his jacket before he settles comfortably. It's one of the first times you've ever seen him dressed so casually.

The man stares at you briefly. You did look exceptionally good (and not just today). He pulls out his phone and he seems to be directing it at you. You may have even saw his flash go off.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" You almost laugh.

The device goes back into his pants pocket and then he reminds you of an inside-joke only the two of you share, "It'll last longer."

Now you're laughing. Your eyes dart away quickly from his compliment before they return to his unwavering green ones. Your fingers tip-toe to his hand, "It won't need to last longer."

It was your way of telling him that he'll be seeing you on most days, if not everyday. It may have just made his heart stop all together. Toji brings the back of your hand to his lips and he presses a kiss. His affection makes you smile in the most shy and modest of ways.

"Where are you taking me?" You ask the man.

He keeps it vague and he moves his hand to rest at your thigh, "You'll see."

"What about Megumi and Tsumiki?"

"They'll join us later."

The car rolls off the property. You look through the tinted window, the scenery whizzes by as the car begins to accelerate. The metropolis eventually disappears behind you and you enter a more rural part of Japan. You weren't sure where Toji was taking you. He didn't tell you to put on something nice either, if anything, the man told you to put on anything you wanted (including nothing at all, which earned him a slap to the arm).

After an hour or so, the vehicle finally comes to a stop as it pulls into the parking lot of an outdoor establishment. Toji's assistant gets the doors as he always does and the two of you step onto the dirt floor.

You couldn't believe it.

"A derby?!" Your voice is thick with disbelief.

So many options. So many places to choose from. So many other appealing, extravagant things to keep a secret. Yet the man surprises you instead by bringing you to a horse race.

Toji sees the astonished look on your face and he heard the dismay in your tone. The guy smirks annoyingly. He knew if he told you where you two were actually going, you'd never agree to it. Toji loves to gamble and you bet your ass he will place his bets high today. He feltlucky.

"Toji." You cross your arms, "What's the meaning of this?"

"Have you ever seen a horse race?" The man almost sounds sarcastic.


"Then shut up—" he puts his arm around you and forces you to walk with him, "—and let's go."

You groan. Not like you had a choice. You were an hour away from home (unless you intend to walk).

Toji guides you to the bleachers. You'd think the place would be a bit more crowded. Some fancy men in business suits greet Toji as the two of you walk past. They looked like high-rollers. It also appeared like the people who owned this establishment knew him very well. Just how often did the guy come to gamble?

The green-eyed man enters an empty row and leans against the rail. He looks down at the field. The horses were already lined on the track in their appropriate positions; all numbered and carrying their riders.

"Pick a horse." He makes you wager.

"No..." you're hesitant. You never had the best luck when it came to things like this. Plus you had no money to waste leisurely.

"Just for fun." He reassures you, "Which one do you think will win?"

Your eyes skim across every single steed and then you shrug and point to one of your liking.

The man puckers his lips slightly and he nods before he chooses his own. Then he says something and the pun is definitely intended, "If you win, I'll let yourideme tonight."

"HA." You scoff with amusem*nt. Was this guy serious? How is that even a reward? Shouldn't he be pleasuring you if that's the case?, "That makes no sense. So what happens if you win??"

"Then youhaveto ride me." There is no greater privilege in Toji's playful, bantering mind.

Your face deadpans.

The sound of a gun starts the race.

You never thought you'd feel this much anxiety watching horses galloping down painted lanes. Your hands tighten so hard against the rail, your knuckles started to lose blood circulation. It was you and Toji's horse in the lead and they run side by side.

Toji watches intently but the man's rather calm. He's attended many races and not just with horses. High risk, high reward. High risk, high loss. He's accustomed to all of it. And today is no different (other than the fact that he could enjoy this hobby with you).

In just a few moments your horse passes the finish line—in first place.

You cheer, "I WON! SUCKER!"

"Calm down." He says, "You don't have to get so excited about getting on top of me."

You make a face, one that shows you're annoyed and then you jab your finger onto his chest, "You wish! I don't care. It's about the bragging rights!"

"I'm okay with you bragging about getting to ride this d—" Toji couldn't finish his sentence. You had slapped your hands over his mouth to stop his vulgarness.


The man removes your hands. Someone approaches behind him and this person grabs the man's attention. An acquaintance perhaps?

"Fushiguro Toji." It's Kong Shiu, the handler from the Time Vessel Association, "Here to push your luck again?"

Toji shrugs and he doesn't care, "Second place."

"Is this your lady?" Kong gives you a once over before he points at the winning horse and he asks you, "Your bet?"

You nod.

"Beginners luck." The man with the mustache smiles at you. He pulls out a cigarette and puts the smoke between his lips.

"Excuse us." Toji grabs you by the arm and pulls you down to the field with him.

"Where are we going?"

"To meet the horse." He means the one you chose.

"Are we allowed to do that?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?"

You roll your eyes as you cling onto his arm. You didn't think you asked too many questions. And you felt they were legitimate questions.

Megumi and Tsumiki arrive (late). They watch you and Toji descend the long stairs down to the track.

A silver buckskin. That was the winning horse. The silver gene is very rare in horses and the sooty coat can often be mistaken for silver. It's coat was a beautiful sheen with hints of brown and dark points.

"Wow." Your hand reaches out in awe to this horse that snorts and nickers for your attention.

Toji watches you with endearment. Your hands go to the bridle and they trace it to the buckled straps of the reigns and further down to the harness. Your hand stops. There was a pocket at the chest and it had your name on it.

You quickly look at Toji. There may have been a ghost of a smile on the man's face when your eyes met. He looks back to the harness and your gaze follows suit. There were so many horses in this race. How did the man know? How did he know you would choose this particular horse? Your hand digs into the pocket and it takes something out.

It's just a piece of paper. You unfold it and all that's written on this crumpled note is:

Will you be my ride-or-die?

Your hand goes down and your free one goes to the bridge of your nose. Is this guy serious? You scoff through your laughing. Then you show him the paper.

"Really, Toji?!"

"It's a yes or no question." He blinks and then he scratches his head. The man thought it would be cute. Or was that something Megumi advised him not to do again? Toji continues to scratch his head as he tries to recall.

"She's like a ride-or-die." The boy says.

"What? She better f*ckin' ride me." Toji retorts, "Unless she wants to die."

"Dad......." Megumi was literally pulling his face down, "That's not what it means."

"The f*ck is it supposed to mean then?"

"It's a term used to describe someone, usually a woman, who is willing to do anything for their partner even in the face of danger. Though, it doesn't always need to pertain to a partner. It could also be a friend or family member."

"Oh. So like a confidant."

Megumi makes a face, "You're such a boomer."

Toji snaps back to the present moment when he hears your voice, "Is this about me riding you tonight?"

The man nods repeatedly and with great enthusiasm. You slap him.

But then you laugh because you enjoy his humor, "You're so stupid...."

Toji's face blanks and he stares at you. It almost looked too serious, "Stupid for you."

You purse your lips and you try not to give in to him. It took you everything to hold back your impending smile but Toji could see past your guise.

The man rolls his eyes and he pulls you into him, "Just f*cking kiss me will you."

Toji brings a hand to one side of your face and leans in. Your hands go up to feel the strength of his shoulders.

"The answer...." You don't hide your smile anymore, ".....is yes."

Megumi crosses his arms over the railing as he watches you and his father from a distance. He thinks back to a time where he found your tutoring advertisem*nt posted on the bulletin board at school. If there was any mission he's ever done in life, including the ones associated in the hitman society. This was by far his favorite.

"It's such a beautiful day!" Tsumiki stretches next to the raven-haired boy. She sighs with great pleasure as she takes in all the sun beaming down at them in the clearest of blue skies Japan has ever seen in months.

When Toji felt lucky earlier. It wasn't because he thought he was going to guess correctly. It's not because the man was expecting to win a lot of money either. And it definitely wasn't a ring for your hand in marriage (yet). The man felt lucky because he had a very good feeling. A very good feeling about you. And you guessed absolutely correctly.

His lips and tongue finally kiss you. Extremely soft and slow at first. Then the swift build in intensity made you hold onto him like he was the only thing that could satiate your hunger.

Megumi smiles from the bleachers. His only thought?Mission accomplished.



Author Note

Long chapter to end the story!

As said in Chapter 20, I would tag the person whose closest guess was to Toji's so called "surprise".
And yes, it's nothing extravagant (I'm laughing).
I couldn't imagine him doing anything too romantic. It would seem too out of character and I've already had to put Toji and Satoru out of character a lot in this fic. Hehe.

And that would be "a daytime date"!
Commented by @Vim321

Although, I must say.... everyone kind of guessed it correctly in some ways. Thank you to everyone who participated!

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (91)

Chapter 47: Omake (守りたい): Always

Chapter Text

Mamori Tai
meaning: "I'll always protect you."

A heartfelt sentiment used when expressing your feelings to a loved one; whether it be a family member, close friend or romantic partner.

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (92)

This place was quite minimal and vacant; nothing but a few people passing through now and again. There's a bench somewhere in this quiet park. One that you've been sitting on for the last half an hour. Toji is out of town for work and you currently wait for Megumi to finish his errands with Tsumiki.

You run a finger against the trinket that adorns your hand. The precious stone glints elegantly.

The man's always been agile. His nimbleness makes him go by unnoticed, almost always. If you hadn't known him for as long as you did, you'd likely would have never noticed how he suddenly appeared next to you. He likely saw you while passing by himself.



It's been at least a year or more since you last saw Gojo Satoru and his sudden appearance doesn't seem to alarm or concern you either. If anything, there was a part of you that wished to see him again. Even if just for a brief moment.

"Long time no see."

"Satoru...." His presence earns him the warmest smile from you but you don't turn to look at him. Your eyes are still in front of you, just as his are still in front of him, "How have you been?"

"I've seen better days." His honesty and directness surprises you. Normally he would have kept his feelings to himself, "But lately, much better."

"I'm glad." You watch the shadows from the trees dance against the cement and grass with an unwavering gaze.

"Married now?" His eyes glance at the ring sitting on your finger. Gojo may have felt a twinge of sadness in his chest at the sight of it. The ring you wear is not the ring he once bought you.

"Engaged." Your mind briefly thinks about how Toji asked you to be his indefinitely. The man had lined rose petals from the front door, up the stairs, across the second floor and all the way to the washing machine, with a note that asked if you were willing to do his laundry for the rest of his life. It makes your mind laugh silently at his dumb humor.

You finally turn to look at Gojo and his gaze is somewhere in front of him again.

The idea of engagement makes him think back to a time where he may have regretted waiting too long but he tries not to dwell on these types of things anymore.

"Congratulations." Is all he says but the man doesn't seem enthused.

You wanted to thank him but there's a certain look that he wears that only you would be able to decipher. You apologize instead. Even if you already had (many times) and even if all this time had passed, "Satoru, I'm sorry...."

"There's nothing to be sorry for." He shakes his head, "Not anymore at least."

When you truly care about someone, when you truly love someone for who they are. Their mistakes could never change the way you genuinely feel about them. Because it is the mind that gets upset. But the heart, the heart still cares. And his heart will always care.

Gojo may have attempted dating once or twice since the two of you went your separate ways but he was quickly reminded of the reasons why he avoided most people who wanted him romantically: looks, money, status; all things materialistic and superficial. He hated it. All of it. And oh, how beautiful it is to actually find someone who asks for nothing but your company. Something he was complete sh*t at when the two of you were still together and something he heavily regrets (despite not having a choice on most occasions).

"I'm still sorry anyway...." You say and you look the other way. There's heat at your ears and heat prickling behind your eyes. You blink back the sadness before your attention goes back to him whose gaze finally meets yours.

"Do you still have it?" He asks without elaboration.

But you already knew what he was asking about. Your hand digs into your shirt at the chest and you pull out a necklace that had been hiding underneath the fabric this entire time. This chain around your neck holds a very symbolic accessory. One that makes the man tense with emotion.

Gojo continues to stare at the engagement ring. The one from him, "That old geezer is willing to let you wear that?"

"He honestly doesn't care." You put it back into your shirt.

It's not that Toji didn't care. It's actually, he doesn'tmind. Because he has enough maturity now and clarity to understand the history behind two people. It went beyond just an 11 year relationship. Osananajimi, a childhood friend with an intimate understanding. Also, he felt his ring was better anyway (haha).

"I haven't taken it off since...." You say and your hand goes back down to the bench. Your fingers might have grazed his accidentally. You pull them away awkwardly. Your eyes go somewhere off at a distance again.

Gojo looked down to his hand when he felt your skin against his. His eyes trickle back up to the front of him, "Is it wrong to say, I've missed you?"

You take a moment and you're still looking somewhere beyond the trees, "You won't be the only one that's wrong if that's the case."

A moment of silence ensues. The two of you continue to sit in each other's missed company. Eventually, you couldn't bear it anymore. You turn your attention back to him and he does the same.

"Please hug me." It almost sounded like a beg.

It wasn't something your voice needed to repeat. In seconds, his arms extend to you and you're now in his embrace. You nestle against his chest and he rests the side of his face against your head. You feel the warmth and safety of his arms around you as the sun begins to set.

It's that time of the day where komorebi is most pronounced (or during early morning). The rays of sunlight filter gently through the leaves of nearby trees. Shadows are casted across the grounds and this natural phenomenon offers a kind of serenity that can't be matched. It's a certain calmness that reminds you of the fleeting, beautiful moments in life and to enjoy these moments while they last. The dancing shadows is a reminder of how change is constant. And the sun seeping through is that glimmer of light, even in the most darkest of times. That is komorebi.

"No matter what." He will never forget that promise he made to you as children. Gojo Satoru's voice is nothing but a whisper against your hair, "I'll always protect you...."

"....so you can tell Toji, he can kiss my ass."

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (93)

Chapter 48: Owari (終わり): The End

Chapter Text

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (94)

I can't believe it's finally over! At long last! Koroshiya has been so much fun and I had an amazing time writing this alternate-universe story! Thank you everyone for joining me on this writing journey. I cannot believe I have officially marked my second major fan-fiction complete! In some ways I'm sad this story is over. I haven't felt this way since I finished Tsuyoi a couple years ago.

I have to say I really enjoyed writing Toji and Megumi's relationship dynamic in this fic. It was so much fun! I love them to death.

I know this story isn't for everyone, so I'm grateful to those of you who stuck it out and decided to give it a shot. Cheating is never okay under any circ*mstances. I have been cheated on before (not that I've never done any wrongs myself) and it's not a pleasant experience. Relationships are never perfect and they require so, so much work. And might I add, equal effort from both parties. But I also know people (and this is not the case for everyone) who have done cheating and been cheated and somehow they manage to work things out and are now happily married for many years. It's very situational and dependent on what each individual wants of course.

What I'm trying to get at is the takeaway from all of this. We are human. We make mistakes. All we can hope for is to learn and evolve into better versions of ourselves and try our best to never repeat our wrongs.

Thank you once again for reading and supporting my work! If it weren't for the readers, none of this would have happened. I am truly grateful for each and every one of you who read and comment!

In celebration of Koroshiya being complete, I have published the first 3 chapters of Unmei no Hito. Which is a Sukuna Ryomen x female reader.

I also have an ongoing Fushiguro Megumi x female reader, Kotoba Ijō.

And a Nanami Kento x reverse harem (female) reader, Asahi Shimbun.

Please don't ever be afraid to reach out to me for anything! You can find me on the conversations/message board or you can direct message me privately! It's hard for me to see comments most times since I get so many in a day. So I apologize in advance for this!


(These on-going stories are on Wattpad at this time).

Koroshiya 殺し屋 ⋮ Fushiguro Toji - thedoujinshi - 呪術廻戦 (2024)
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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.