Who is Bert Kish? A Timeline of Life & Death of 'Longmire' Talented Editor (2024)

There aren’t many film editors who made such an impression in the short while they lived than Bert Kish. Just before you get engrossed in this article, let’s make it clear that there are two Kishs in the movie industry.

We are not talking about Albert Kish, rather, we are focusing on his son, who also goes by the same name, interestingly.

Bert Kish Longmire would ring a bell for followers of the critically acclaimed crime thriller series, Longmire, a movie that premiered on the A&E network on June 13, 2012.

Even though we did not enjoy the longevity of father and son, we have their incredible works as a souvenir. Albert Kish, the father was a filmmaker with incredible talent. He was responsible for the direction of movies that went on to win awards.

Movies like Bighorn, Family House, Summer of ’67, Louisburg. He is regarded as the Steven Spielberg of his generation. It is quite fascinating that he passed this ingenuity in film-making to his son, Bert Kish.

Even though we expect both father and son to live way beyond the life they spent on the terrestrial ball of earth, we cannot be more grateful for the gift of their talents.

Early Years of Bert Kish.

Bert is a Hungarian-Canadian, born in the buzzing city of Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Quick fact, do you know Montreal has the highest number of French-speaking residents in the world, Paris, France’s capital is the city that comes close. Yeah, we had to do that.

Back to Gish’s biography. He was born on September 15, 1965. Years later, he relocated to the restless, high octane city of Los Angeles, the U.S. with his brother, Colin.

It was in this city, many call “goldmine of opportunities,” he took on the career of filmmaking, following in his father’s footsteps. To achieve this, he enrolled at the Westmount High School and after his graduation, attended McGill University.

Albert Kish’s Life Before He Passed on

Albert was a Hungarian by birth. He arrived in Canada in 1957 with just a copy of the book “Film Kultura” and his wild dreams.

Even though Albert started his career as a still photographer, he wanted more and in no time, his interest in film-making piqued after his move to Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in Toronto, to work as a film editor.

His excellence saw him elevated to the National Film Board of Canada in Montreal. And the rest they say, is history.

He spent four months in California to learn the art of making films, and boy, did he learn well?

His personal life isn’t all on the internet, but we know he had two sons with his wife, Bert (our focus), and Colin.

Bert Kish Longmire Sojourn

Before the Bert Kish Longmire project, Kish directed and edited several movies which gathered a lot of attention. TV series like ‘Winter Song’, ‘Stranded In Paradise’, ‘Snow Bride’.

Just like his father, there was something tenacious about him that reflected on any movie project he was involved in. For the project, Longmire, Kish edited the series which ran for several seasons.

Alongside working as an editor for Longmire, movie projects like ‘The Bridge’, ‘The Legacy’, ‘Death Valley’, and many others were what Kish dedicated his life to.

For his sheer dedication and resilience, he received several nominations and awards. We are tempted to say, like father, like son.

Bert Kish Personal Life

Most celebrities keep their private lives secret. For Bert Kish, he is certainly of that school of thought. Even though we know who his wife is, Vanessa Trackewsky, we, however, don’t have a picture of her.

There is no evidence of their marriage vis-a-vis pictures on the internet. Anyway, they have a son, Aries, who was only eleven years when his father passed on.

Before his death, we do not know of any other relationship he got in. Looks like our man was dedicated to the craft till his death.

What Was The Cause of Bert Kish Death?

We can make assumptions all we like, but we really cannot say emphatically Bert Kish died of cancer, according to media reports. Here is the gist, Bert’s father, Albert died of cancer in 2015.

Hypothetically, when Bert died on May 24, 2017, everyone believed, perhaps, the same ailment (Cancer) took him away too. But there is no proof to support that claim.

However, in all of these, it is always sad to lose a bright mind, especially one who brings entertainment to people.

One thing we all can agree to is, he was a beaming light in his field. He made projects that outlived him.

Bert Kish Net Worth

Before his death, there were reports Kish’s net worth was floating between $1.9 million to $2 million. There is no accurate information, but we know the figures swing around these numbers.

Fortunately, it is something his family can be happy about, that he gave them something like a legacy to hold on to.

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Bert Kish Longmire Nominations & Awards

One of the easiest ways to get people to put their hearts into their art is by giving them their well-deserved accolades. Luckily, Bret Kish is one of the so many acts who are receiving his accolades here on earth in his waking life. Some of his awards and recognitions include:

  • His editing skill was on full blast in Rave on and Once a Thief hence her received a Gemini Awards for Best Dramatic Editing in 1998
  • His work on Paul Quarrington: Life in Music was recognized and got him nominated for the Allan King Award for excellence in the documentary In Directors Guild of Canada in 2011.
  • In 2000 he was also nominated for Gemini Award’s Best Director in Dramatic series for outstanding work in Powerplay.


Fortunately, Bert Kish picked on from where his father left with brilliant interpretations of movies which earned him recognition. Unfortunately, we lost both of them to ailments. Some may argue the same ailment, but one thing is certain, they left the earth already.

Who is Bert Kish? A Timeline of Life & Death of 'Longmire' Talented Editor (2024)
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