Secret value supermarket sells 5c cucumbers and avocados (2024)

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By Carina Stathis For Daily Mail Australia

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A family-owned fruit and vegetable shop has caught the attention of Australians for its outrageously cheap prices.

Skippy's Fresh Frootz in Victoria Point, Queensland, is 'exposing' major supermarkets by selling produce for as little as 5c to assist shoppers during the cost of living crisis.

Customers can pick up 5c Hass avocados and cucumbers, $4 punnets of strawberries, 49c pumpkins, bags of potatoes for $1.99 and dozens of other fresh fruits and vegetables for a fraction of the prices typically seen at Coles and Woolworths.

Store manager Elijah Etri told FEMAIL the business buys produce in bulk from suppliers and focuses on selling volumes of food. Where they can, they lower the price without the number one goal of making a profit.

The store opened six years ago and has been thriving ever since, particularly after sharing the cheap prices on social media.

Skippy's Fresh Frootz in Victoria Point, Queensland, is 'exposing' major supermarkets by selling produce for as little as 5c to assist shoppers who are struggling

Customers can pick up 5c Hass avocados and cucumbers, $4 punnets of strawberries, 49c pumpkins, bags of potatoes for $1.99 and dozen of other fresh fruits and vegetables

In a message to the supermarket giants, Elijah said: 'Start looking after customers because everyday Australians are doing it tough right now'

In a message to the supermarket giants, Elijah said: 'Start looking after customers because everyday Australians are doing it tough right now.'

It comes as Aussies complain that the cost of two full bags of groceries sets them back around $150 when shopping at Coles or Woolworths.

Elijah said two full bags of fruit and vegetables from Skippy's Fresh Frootz tends to cost just $30.

'We buy in volume to sell in volute. We don't buy minimal stock, we work on selling quantity,' he said.

'The cheaper produce at the front of the store - the 5c avocados and cucumbers - we don't make a profit on.'

Elijah said the store has always focused on helping the community and those doing it tough and they also support nearby schools with breakfast programs.

'We buy in volume to sell in volute. We don't buy minimal stock, we work on selling quantity,' Elijah said

Elijah encouraged other Aussies to support local by shopping at independent stores

Elijah encouraged other Aussies to support local by shopping at independent stores.

'We aren't the only one being competitive. Our prices are a bit more drastic, but other independent grocers are selling produce for cheap too,' Elijah said.

'There's other options but Aussies need to break away from convenience to challenge these major supermarkets doing the wrong thing.

'If more Aussies do that then more local business will open or thrive, and the major supermarkets will realise they can't get away with everything.'

The store sells 'everything', including seasoning, nuts and every type of fruit or vegetable you could need

Skippy's Fresh Frootzhas been going viral on TikTok throughout the year by 'exposing' the supermarket giants.

In one clip watched more than 1.5million times, Elijas said:'We're the only small business produce store sticking it to the major chains - here's why,' he said and proceeded to show the cheap prices of the fresh food in store.

'Prices you'll never see in the supermarkets.'

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He pointed to the range of produce at the front of the store, including Jap pumpkins for 49c per kilo and 5kg of dirty brush potatoes for $1.99.

The clip couldn't help but make other Aussies around the country envious.

'Please open a Skippy's in Melbourne,' one begged, another said: 'The way I could happily just live of fruit and vegetables if it wasn't so expensive.'

'Lemons for 5c?!? Not me paying for them at $20 per kg,' another added.

'We need this in Sydney,' someone else confessed.

'Might be worth driving from Perth,' another joked.

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Secret value supermarket sells 5c cucumbers and avocados (2024)
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