Questions | Support Center (2024)

  • Getting Abpuser data based on role which is another model and another database i need to access that data into my another model See: ]( client proxies](, This way you can access the API, but not directly read the database in the module> And as we Can See if I am Adding access the API, but not directly read the database in the module > > > And as we Can See if I am Adding include followings:* **ABP Framework version:** 7.0.2 latest* **UI type**: MVC* **DB provider**: EF Core the issue**:"Hey abp team As we know when we create over a project we will get the identity model in that we have a user, and role management this is in my main database and I have another one model where I have the Candidate table which is in another roles, i have a practitioner and i want [Screenshot \(281\).png](/QA/files/578c162c12192cff50163a0951ae0db7.png)as we can see in the screenshot #4516 closed one year ago by liangshiwei Support Team Fullstack Developer 0 17
  • IList<IFormFile> is empty when using Blazor UI to upload file but returns file if using Swagger UI 3950c5bd4323117a0d297e0791e266a3957c16c0/src/RolesDemo.HttpApi/Controllers/BigFileUploadControllerc.cs#L52) is the API Hi,The point is `ID` property, you need to change the API parameter name ! Hi,It is already included in the headers.! Ok didn’t see it because I was just looking at the response in code. reply=SJkbVZ)>.. in the Blazor WASM application, there is no need to use cookies for authentication .### Looks like it works in Blazor (but doesn't)When in Blazor it **only** looks like I successfully [image.png](/QA/files/6e04b0050ff4f97f382e3a00e56ea274.png)when in reality **0 file data** gets transferred [image.png](/QA/files/c7a716c28542630c2fa33a00e570fb1b.png)### Works in SwaggerUIBut it does **WORK **** **ABP Framework version:** v4.4.4* **UI type**: Blazor WASM* **DB provider**: EF Core * ** #2299 closed 2 years ago by Sturla 0 17
  • Issue while Passwordless Login Hi @viswajwalith, there is a community article about passwordless authentication, you can read from [ here]( > Hi @viswajwalith, there is a community article about passwordless authentication, you can read from [here]( Hi we already followed that but that is for Application Template, when we implemented the same in Micro * **ABP Framework version:** v4.2.X* **UI type**: MVC * **DB provider**: EF Core / MongoDB* **Tiered trace**:* **Steps to reproduce the issue**:"Hello,We are trying to implement passwordless sign-in Do we suppose to do any kind of callback after sign-inDo we suppose to add any extra claim to this login #1857 closed 2 years ago by admin 0 17
  • Regarding 2 Factor Authentication assigned to yekalkan See my answer at> Our log You will need to use code flow authentication and, when you do that, the MVC login is used instead of we do not use MVC. we have angular/API. kindly confirm me whether will it possible in angular/api.thanks chetan kumbhar. I have explained below, what we have done Our log in page is customized , how we can get that pages of 2FA in our project.3. #768 closed 3 years ago by alper Support Team Director 0 17
  • Show login page after logout Hello,It could be shorter if you would share the link (**/authentication/logged-out**) in the screenshot in the screenshot **) in the screenshot /core/blazor/security/webassembly/additional-scenarios? There may be an internal API or something else but I don't think so. I want to show the login page after the logout click currently when we click on logout so it calls authentication * **ABP Framework version:** v4.43* **UI type**: Blazor* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered (MVC #3071 closed 2 years ago by safi 0 17
  • DefaultTokenService ui-blazor db-efcore tiered assigned to maliming hi I need to alter/add claims to token even in the refresh_token flow. Folowed the steps in the document; Here is the CoMedClaimsPrincipalContributor.cs used in test;```csharpusing System.Threading.Tasks; open \apps\auth-server\CoMed.AuthServer.sln in visual studioadd CoMedClaimsPrincipalContributor.cs file * **ABP Framework version:** v6.0.0* **UI type**: Blazor* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered (MVC I used to override that class in AuthServer project and add some dynamic claims to token. #3938 closed one year ago by mgurer 0 17
  • Authorization, Roles and Permission issue with (Roles + User) level combined permissions. @liangshiwei,Sorry but replicating the architecture will be time taking and we need to resolve it in But still in log.txt I am getting below mentioned logs :`[DBG] Not found in the cache: pn:C,pk:Litmus_App I have a module which I refrence in my Host Monolith. true in my PermissionGrantRepository output,But still I am getting Authorization error. For Role supplier, I can find data in Redis.Studio but not able to find in log's * **ABP Framework version:** v3.0.4* **UI type**: Angular* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered (MVC Anchor in which I have created few policies as below1. Supplier2. Supplier.Create3. )]`**My Issue :**In both case 1 and case 2 because of the authorize annotation placed on my method Given policy has not granted```But on my browsers if I check in network I am getting proper data for In case you need more details for understanding, Please do ask.Thanks #1142 closed 3 years ago by lalitChougule 0 17
  • Identity Server timeout error when trying to login with external authentication provider assigned to gterdem This is the client configuration in Identity Server A:**Callback:**! returned result Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ChallengeResult.[00:41:39 INF] Executing ChallengeResult with authentication methods and found the root caue, the loginInfo is returned null if I login with the Identity Server A as authentication /Login"); }```I have added Google authentication provider to check, it was able to retrieve GetExternalLoginInfoAsync]( user from application A can login into application B, so I have created client id and client secret in Identity Server A and added Identity Server A as external authentication provider in Identity Server RoleClaimType = "role" }; })```the login option is shown in #695 closed 3 years ago by nhontran 0 17
  • Linked Account modal is too slow assigned to maliming hi @enes,in our tests, it loads very fast. but as I see, your DB fetch is much slower than our tests In the meantime you can rebuild your DB indices or add missing indices see IdentityUserRepository.GetQueryableAsync()) .Where(p => userGroup.Select(p => p.TargetUserId).Contains(p.Id)).ToList();```**In allLinkUsers.Select(p => p.TargetUserId).Contains(p.Id)).ToList(); //added} //addedforeach (var userGroup in userGroup.Select(p => p.TargetUserId).Contains(p.Id)).ToList(); //added foreach (var user in * **ABP Framework version:** v5.3.3* **UI type**: Angular* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered ( #4568 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 1 17
  • How to add encryption key in OpenIdDict JWKS URL? assigned to maliming I find this is supported by OpenIddict in their documentation:```Encryption and signing credentials Hi, our application needs to expose an encryption key in JWKS URL for the other party using it to encrypt their data before returning to us, and we have implemented it in IdentityServer, below is how the JWKS OIgBQXQFSdvmnOFa59MTQyHhyy6t17yNIbbOFKJdQTw", "crv": "P-256" } ]}```I tried the code below, but it did not succeed in #4679 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 17
  • Use HangFire with AbpHangfireAuthorizationFilter throw HTTP ERROR 401 assigned to berkansasmaz app.UseAbpSwaggerUI(options => { options.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "Admin API app.UseAbpSwaggerUI(options => { options.SwaggerEndpoint("/swagger/v1/swagger.json", "Admin API I logged in using the swagger's built-in function here ! [image.png](/QA/files/3a09f2b117d7b35a2aacb9e3f743cc4a.png)And when checking the Authentication server's page, it does show me as logged in. Hello,Our project structure is mentioned in this ticket : #answer-3a09d256-58d0-4c55-dc67-7e989f693fb3We tried to add Hangfire in Admin part of the project (/QA/files/3a09dcea212d6a22dabfc2bfeb2cbff6.png)The Admin.HangFire pemrission is well defined in [image.png](/QA/files/3a09dcecf41ff742ab7b420d7e695cde.png)And in the swagger logs :! ABP Framework version: v7.0.0UI type: Angular and Blazor (not relevant here)DB provider: EF Core #4683 closed one year ago by berkansasmaz Support Team .NET Developer 0 17
  • Client_id permissions assigned to maliming project, client_id="public", to users belonging to role 'A', but block these users trying to access from 'web Hi,I would that the user with role A can't Login from Web, the system throw UnAuthorized, and if the And Where can I override this method, in AuthServer project? Yes, in the **AuthServer** project. You can put it in any folder. * **ABP Framework version:** v6.0.1* **UI type**: MVC* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered (MVC) #4691 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 17
  • Token expiration not handled properly (Authserver, HttpApi.Host, Web) Hi,Please add the to the `Web` project. Task.FromResult(Challenge(new AuthenticationProperties())); }}```> Also how this AccessDenied api Hi,It's a class of ASPNETCore: Hi,> Also how this AccessDenied api will be called and from where and what to pass parameters? Hello Team,OUR ABP CONFIGURATION:ABP Framework version: v7.0.0UI type: MVCDB provider: EF Core handling properly, so that user does not see error 404 page when token get expired after staying idle long in #4837 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 17
  • MAUI project will not compile for iOS Microsoft.PackageDependencyResolution.targets(5,5): Error NETSDK1047: Assets file '/Users/davidrutter/Projects/BaseSolution/aspnet-core You may also need to include 'ios-arm64' in your project's RuntimeIdentifiers. view=net-maui-7.0* This is happening in both the release and debug versions. Yes, running the app on my iPhone in debug mode is when it happens. ABP Framework 5.3.3MAUI .NET 6.0.NET MVC backend (API)I have a project that was created last compile the app I get the following error:error NETSDK1005: Assets file 'Z:\Projects\xxxx\aspnet-core Ensure that restore has run and that you have included 'net6.0-ios' in the TargetFrameworks for your #4976 closed one year ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 17
  • Blazor, permissions not updating while still connected assigned to maliming Hi @malimingbut how can I use a PR of ABP Framework within my Abp Commercial Solution in which ABP is You can copy code from the pr and call it in your project. Just to clarify that Roberto is not part of our team and that he is asking about a separate problem in It was solved in a preview version of LeptonX, which was removed from the NuGet repository. * **ABP Framework version:** v7.2.3* **UI type**: Blazor* **DB provider**: EF Core* **Tiered #5396 answered one year ago by maliming Support Team Fullstack Developer 0 17
  • [ExtraProperties - File Management] FMFileDescriptor add Extra Properties, the value can not save assigned to Anjali_Musmade How can I use getting and setting ExtraProperties in a Blazor page? Can you provide an example?! not passing that value from File Management Module UI, you need to remove that properties like shown in Could you please tell me how to get and set the values for ExtraProperties in the FMFileDescriptor table v7.3.2**TemplateType:** Module Template (ABP Suite)**UI Type:** Blazor WASM**Database System**: EF Core Hiplease see this link in this way you can set and get values of extraproperty **TemplateType**: Module Template (ABP Suite)* **UI Type**: Blazor WASM* **Database System**: EF Core (PostgreSQL)I'm using File Management Module to get Upload methods in another page and I am also using I use Extended Entities for File Management Module and refer to a specific property and it's value in the .ExtraProperties collection and place it in my UI individually? #5741 closed 8 months ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 17
  • Upgrade from 6.0.0 to 7.3.2 assigned to maliming Hi ,I can now reproduce the issue in clean instance for version 7.3.3 . Hi,It looks like a problem with EF Core, not ABP. Will it work if you use a net core application without ABP? Hi liangshiwei ,The sample work fine int .Net 7 with EF7 , please find this [console application](https hiEF core generates different restrictions for user and userview. * **ABP Framework version**: v6.0.0* **UI Type**: Angular * **Database System**: EF Core (SQL Server StackTrace: at System.Linq.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentNullException(ExceptionArgument argument) in at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.ChangeTracking.Internal.InternalEntityEntry.EnsureOriginalValues() in at Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.ShapedQueryCompilingExpressionVisitor.d__15`1.MoveNext() in D:\Projects\SanadCash.Expense\aspnet-core\src\SanadCash.Expense.EntityFrameworkCore\Users\ExtendedEfCoreIdentityUserRepository.cs #5793 closed 8 months ago by ServiceBot Support Team Automatic process manager 0 17
  • Questions | Support Center (2024)
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