Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (2024)

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6 posters

Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes::General::General

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (4) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (5)byThemistocles Sun Aug 28, 2022 9:55 am

Laze wrote:Bistan: G11

My only roster progress this week was throwing a couple zeras on my jedi (Hoda and Mace) and gearing Bistan to G11. I’m pretty set on SEE and Profundity as my next two main projects, but want to wait for Profundity to drop before deciding which first. Bistan was just a hedge for future fleet arena viability. Thus far my shard has not converted to triple attacker Executor, but if they did I would have no answer for it.

Malgus has been a great addition for GAC, and yesterday, I was promoted to Kyber 1. I don’t expect to stay there but it was nice to reach it, even if temporary.

Have a great week all!

Wait, why wouldn't you have an answer for triple attacker Executor? I thought you had a full 7 star Exec fleet plus Ebon Hawk? There's a ton of RNG still and I definitely lose a decent chunk of those battles, but it's still winnable.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (10) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (11)byLaze Sun Aug 28, 2022 10:40 am

Themistocles wrote:

Laze wrote:Bistan: G11

My only roster progress this week was throwing a couple zeras on my jedi (Hoda and Mace) and gearing Bistan to G11. I’m pretty set on SEE and Profundity as my next two main projects, but want to wait for Profundity to drop before deciding which first. Bistan was just a hedge for future fleet arena viability. Thus far my shard has not converted to triple attacker Executor, but if they did I would have no answer for it.

Malgus has been a great addition for GAC, and yesterday, I was promoted to Kyber 1. I don’t expect to stay there but it was nice to reach it, even if temporary.

Have a great week all!

Wait, why wouldn't you have an answer for triple attacker Executor? I thought you had a full 7 star Exec fleet plus Ebon Hawk? There's a ton of RNG still and I definitely lose a decent chunk of those battles, but it's still winnable.

My Executor is only at 6 star (30/100). I rushed it to 5 star but have been slow farming it since then.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (16) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (17)byThemistocles Mon Aug 29, 2022 10:41 am

Has anybody applied the Doubt omicron on Malgus so far in 5v5? Am wondering if any new play testing has indicated if it is worth it or not yet.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (22) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (23)byElectricboa Mon Aug 29, 2022 3:22 pm

Themistocles wrote:Has anybody applied the Doubt omicron on Malgus so far in 5v5? Am wondering if any new play testing has indicated if it is worth it or not yet.

I have it, but I’ve been putting it on defense so I don’t actually see how it does. Just whether or not my opponent has cleared it. Most of my opponents have used SEE against it. One person used JMK against it and lost by timeout. I am not actually sure what happened there. I have used JMK myself against Malgus on offense and the only difficulty was getting CAT to one-shot him if her cool downs got increased. This last time, I used SLKR with NS. It was closer than I would have liked.

GAS seems to have trouble with beating Malgus. I would attribute that to the omicrons, since he could win reasonably well before. It does seem as though the most reliable way to beat him is with a GL, which is a pretty fair trade. Then again, it could very well be the Datacron. Resetting Malgus’ cool downs every turn can mean lots more damage. Same with stacking offense with shock and fear, it adds up.

This is another unfortunate side-effect of Datacrons. It might be intentional. We really don’t know how much of it is Malgus or not. Most people who got Malgus probably got a Datacron for him. That would skew how he’s doing. We won’t see any significant testing without the Datacron until November. Even then, probably never without a Datacron of some sort, since even the level 3 bonuses would be useful.

For now, I would probably skip the Doubt omicron. I don’t regret doing it for mine, but it’s probably not doing that much. I’m assuming you don’t have a bunch of omicrons sitting around, so it’s probably better to wait than not. A good example of why is Talon. She was initially advertised as going to a Traya team, but if you have Malgus she’s better there. Her omicron is pretty much useless now. Her only effect is increasing the team’s offense and health when she defeats an enemy, which she probably won’t because she doesn’t do a ton of damage on her own at R5, much less G11.

Plus, if you’re going to go for the Profundity, then you’ll probably want to do Raddus. CG also mentioned Cassian would be getting one, who you’re going to need for the Profundity, too. It might be a TW one. A couple times now, CG has set it up so you can use a team in both GAC and TW, if you give them separate omicrons. For Starkiller, you give him one or two for GAC to make the team work, and then one to Juhani and Mara to make it work in TW. Phasma in TW and FOTP in GAC. Raddus in GAC, Jyn in TW. Scion Boba in TW, Zam in GAC. And though we don’t know about Jabba, Krrsantan in GAC and Skando in TW. You could even argue that Wampa and Ahsoka Fulcrum are the same thing, since both are for soloing in their respective game modes.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (28) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (29)byThemistocles Tue Aug 30, 2022 4:19 pm

Welp I know I've been cheated against, but this is BY FAR the most blatant (and honestly hilarious) example of cheating that I've ever encountered in GAC.

If you all want a good laugh check this out. (And I reported him in two areas, but who knows if anything will happen)

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (34) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (35)byThemistocles Tue Aug 30, 2022 4:20 pm

When I started scrolling down my first reaction was honestly - WHOA Vet Han counters a non-Omicron Phasma team? A) I need to put actual mods on my Vet Han and get him on offense B) I need to get my FOTP omicron ASAP!

And then I scrolled down further and I was like, "Oh."

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (40) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (41)byLaze Tue Aug 30, 2022 7:13 pm

Themistocles wrote:When I started scrolling down my first reaction was honestly - WHOA Vet Han counters a non-Omicron Phasma team? A) I need to put actual mods on my Vet Han and get him on offense B) I need to get my FOTP omicron ASAP!

And then I scrolled down further and I was like, "Oh."

Ha, I was almost able to talk myself into Vet Han before scrolling. “Well, he does counter a lot, double taps, and has high health steal … ohhh”. It’s weird that it looks like they actually played the ship battles.

Speaking of FOTP omicron, I’ve been finding them to be a pretty useful utility squad on offense. They saved one of my matches this week by cleaning up a SEE team when my Maul counter went sideways.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (46) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (47)byMarc Wed Aug 31, 2022 4:52 am

Themistocles wrote:Welp I know I've been cheated against, but this is BY FAR the most blatant (and honestly hilarious) example of cheating that I've ever encountered in GAC.

If you all want a good laugh check this out. (And I reported him in two areas, but who knows if anything will happen)

So post-nerf, GSky solos the best GL squad in the game. That's bold. The bastard definitely deserves a ban, but I doubt CG does anything. Hope I'm wrong though.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (52) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (53)byThemistocles Wed Aug 31, 2022 2:26 pm

So I could use suggestions on my next zeta which I have on deck as of right now. Normally since Im doing the Profundity grind, I would just zeta my pre-reqs. However, I'm in the middle of staging all those pre-req toons to G11, so it's not like anybody's going to be particularly useful right away. My Raddus is still level 1 and he's my next gear priority after Dash Rendar so Im not in a position to zeta him right now and have him be useful.

My options are: Dark Trooper's zeta to finish him off (he's at R6), Ezra's zeta to finish him off (he's at R5), FOTP zeta to get access to his Omi, Moff Gideons' leadership because we have 3v3 coming up and I can split up my Imp Troopers for 3v3 then. There's a mild shout out for Dash Rendar, currently sitting at G11 and 293 speed. I suppose I could make him the leader of my crap scoundrels team that I've thrown out there on defense But I figure that giving Dash his zeta and making him the leaders of my leftover scoundrels will not win me any holds, so Im not totally convinced that Dash is high up on the short term zeta priority list. Of course if I just want to give him his zeta because Outrider will be an important Profundity ship, I could go ahead and just do that I suppose.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (58) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (59)byThemistocles Wed Aug 31, 2022 3:27 pm

Update - a guildmate suggested a 3v3 team that could work but would require Thrawn's Ebb and Flow zeta to make it work: Thrawn, Starck, Gideon. Basically keeps CLS pinned down. I know Thrawn's zeta is usually considered a luxury though...

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (64) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (65)byElectricboa Wed Aug 31, 2022 5:18 pm

Themistocles wrote:Welp I know I've been cheated against, but this is BY FAR the most blatant (and honestly hilarious) example of cheating that I've ever encountered in GAC.

If you all want a good laugh check this out. (And I reported him in two areas, but who knows if anything will happen)

I wouldn’t have gotten past Vet Han. He’s not soloing a full G13 team no matter what. I am a bit surprised, though. That’s blatant cheating. I mean we know cheating is definitely out there, but I always assumed that anyone who was that high of GP and in Kyber wouldn’t be that brazen. There’s some chance that CG would actually do something if you reported them. Looking at their account, they do it all the time. One character soloing every team.

Themistocles wrote:So I could use suggestions on my next zeta which I have on deck as of right now. Normally since Im doing the Profundity grind, I would just zeta my pre-reqs. However, I'm in the middle of staging all those pre-req toons to G11, so it's not like anybody's going to be particularly useful right away. My Raddus is still level 1 and he's my next gear priority after Dash Rendar so Im not in a position to zeta him right now and have him be useful.

My options are: Dark Trooper's zeta to finish him off (he's at R6), Ezra's zeta to finish him off (he's at R5), FOTP zeta to get access to his Omi, Moff Gideons' leadership because we have 3v3 coming up and I can split up my Imp Troopers for 3v3 then. There's a mild shout out for Dash Rendar, currently sitting at G11 and 293 speed. I suppose I could make him the leader of my crap scoundrels team that I've thrown out there on defense But I figure that giving Dash his zeta and making him the leaders of my leftover scoundrels will not win me any holds, so Im not totally convinced that Dash is high up on the short term zeta priority list. Of course if I just want to give him his zeta because Outrider will be an important Profundity ship, I could go ahead and just do that I suppose.

Dash wouldn’t be a bad zeta. Getting 2% TM on every critical hit can be pretty good if you have any AOE characters to give him.

Dark Trooper’s zeta isn’t terribly useful. It’s not a bad zeta, but you shouldn’t be in a position where you would actually use it, if you know what I mean.

Gideon would get you an extra team. I did it myself when they did the 3v3 change for him, but I’m not sure how good the team is. I never seem to use it.

Ezra would probably give you the most benefit, since you already have him at R5. I’d probably be leaning towards him.

As far as Thrawn goes, I checked on swgoh and it doesn’t seem a very reliable counter:

I mean it can win, but that’s not the best win percentage. That being said, Thrawn is still a very useful unit. His ship is a solid Empire leader. If you did decide to gear up Second Sister for her ship, Thrawn is probably the better capital ship over Tarkin in most cases. Though keep in mind thrawn has two zetas. If you’re using him as your leader, but don’t have the zeta you are losing out on the protection recovery.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (70) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (71)byMarc Fri Sep 02, 2022 4:10 am

Sortie - 87/100
Raddus - 59/85

Still in a holding/hoarding mode as I collect Raddus shards. I did get an itchy trigger finger today, so I promoted Cassian to R8.

Other than that, I did give Dash a full set of 6-dot mods. Raddus is next.

I'll be watching the Profundity videos to see which Rebel pilots are going to need gear.

Have a happy weekend.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (76) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (77)byLaze Tue Sep 06, 2022 10:58 am

Profundity (8/14)

Bistan R5/R5 DONE
AdRad G11/R9 4*
Jyn G11/R5
Cassian G9/R8
Dash G7/R7 3*
Hera G8/R5
Outrider 4/100

SEE (6/16)

Veers G11/R3
Starck G10/R3
Tarkin G11/R3
Thrawn R0/R6
Marauder R5/R7
Royal Guard G7/R3
Dooku G10/R6
Darth Maul G8/R4
Darth Sidious G8/R7
Krennic G7/R4

After hearing that Profundity beats Executor at low star, I've decided to make it my next unlock goal, followed by SEE. I didn't pay all the crystals to rush Executor to 7*, and I don't plan on doing it for Profundity either. I'd rather play the long game and sink those crystals into gearing new teams and collect the capital ship shards for free over time. So the sooner I unlock Profundity the sooner I start the clock on collecting shards for 7*. My bottleneck will be shards for Admiral Raddus and Dash, so once I've got a functioning Rogue One squad, I'll chip away at some of the more useful SEE requirements before coming back to finish the Profundity requirements. That will allow me to hold off until Dash shards are accelerated and only do a single refresh on the Raddus node, since it would waste a lot of resources to rush them. Altogether Profundity and SEE should be done by the end of the year.

This past week I finished off Bistan, geared AdRad as far as I could, and started gearing up Jyn. I'm planning on giving AdRad both zetas and the omicron. I'm still undecided on who the 5th will be. I've heard the team can actually counter Iden so I may do a bit more research on that to see what it would take.

Have a great week all.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (82) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (83)byElectricboa Thu Sep 08, 2022 8:33 pm

Well, I ended up using crystals to finish up Raddus and get the Profundity this time around. I started with around 19k crystals and was down to 9k when all was said and done for the requirements. That left me more than enough room to 5-star the ship.

Now I’m evaluating what I’m going to do next. The Profundity can win at 4-stars, but at 7 I can use it in TB, which my guild could really use. So I’m saving to 7-star Profundity, but outside of that I’m not sure. Ben Solo is a couple months down the road. It doesn’t seem like I will need to G13 my Phoenix team (with the new TB looming over me). I could get Ezra there now, and I am tempted. An extra Jedi would actually be helpful. I ended up taking all my Phoenix characters that weren’t already to G12 and gave them their respective zetas. I figure that’ll hold me for the time being and still have a semi-viable Home One for clean-up in GAC

I’m also thinking about the Grand Inquisitor. I already have the requirements done. I figured he was going to return way before the Profundity. I figured I wasn’t going to gear him so I could put that gear towards the ship. Now, I don’t really have that issue. Plus, Reva being the TB reward almost certainly means that Inquisitors will be required for that battle.

But the point is I’m probably going to postpone going for Jabba a bit. Not that I’m in a big hurry since I’d still need to farm the new characters for him. The requirements are a lot nicer than I expected, but I probably won’t actively start working on it until Ben and the Grand Inquisitor are done.

I did bump up Krennic to R5 so I have an extra fodder Empire unit for the Datacrons.

5OR-T – 30/100
Raven’s Claw – 35/65

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (88) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (89)byMarc Fri Sep 09, 2022 8:58 am

Raddus - 18/100
Raven's Claw - 23/65

I pumped Ahsoka Fulcrum to R5 this week for my omi AA/Leia squad. I did it before CG announced the new TB. She may end up being more useful that I expected considering the TB is going to be in the timeline between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope. Once can hope anyway...

My gear stockpile is pretty decent right now and I have more than enough for AdRad, so I'm thinking of bringing Fennec up to low relic levels since she's a Jabba requirement. If I do it, I'll hold off on the high level relics until Raddus is done.

Also like the idea of giving KK his TB omicron with the new TB in mind.

And I think that pretty much covers it.

Over and out. Have a great weekend.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (94) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (95)byThemistocles Mon Sep 12, 2022 10:37 am

I forgot to post for a few days! Im full on the Profundity now and will relic my first character (Cassian) quickly followed by my 2nd character (Jyn) in...probably 3 or so days at my current gear farm rate.

All my reqs are at least G11 and staged. When I hit G12 on all required characters I'll start giving some love to K2SO and SRP. Will probably relic SRP as my 5th. If K2SO's ship ability on the Cassian U wing is underwhelming, I might leave him at G8.

Both kids have Malak R7, and are now finishing up their Super Troopers squads before going after Profundity with all resources. Dark Trooper is relic'd on both, and Gideon is progressing towards 7 star on both.

Profundity character shard farming (i.e. Raddus and Jyn and Mon Mothma is underway)

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (100) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (101)byLaze Mon Sep 12, 2022 1:28 pm

Profundity (9/14)

AdRad G11/R9 32/65
Jyn R5/R5 DONE
Cassian G11/R8
Outrider 17/100

SEE (7/16)

Tarkin G12/R3
Thrawn R6/R6 DONE

My Rogue One Profundity squad is coming along. Once I get Cassian finished I’ll put Profundity reqs on hold until I get closer to accelerated Dash shards.

In addition, I’ve started chipping away at SEE reqs. I already had Thrawn at G13 so I finished him off. He has turned out to be a key piece in OG Vader countering JMK/CAT, so I needed him at R5 anyway for the datacron. Tarkin is next up since I want to activate the GL killing Tarkin bomb. I’m hoping I can actually form two GL killing Empire teams - one based on Palp/Tarkin/Piett, and the other with Darth Vader (if I can snag his level 9 revive ability he may be able to more or less operate solo).

Have a good week all.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (106) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (107)byThemistocles Mon Sep 12, 2022 1:48 pm

Themistocles wrote:Quick update, I jumped up +15 thanks purely to the MM/KK team from last month's LSTB. Very happy with the investment. I'm even happy with the TB omicron. I doubt I'll ever give Finn his TB omicron someday since I now have a fairly large LS roster after focusing on it for the last year.

Do you need the zeta on Tarkin for the counter?

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (112) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (113)byLaze Mon Sep 12, 2022 3:49 pm

Themistocles wrote:

Themistocles wrote:Quick update, I jumped up +15 thanks purely to the MM/KK team from last month's LSTB. Very happy with the investment. I'm even happy with the TB omicron. I doubt I'll ever give Finn his TB omicron someday since I now have a fairly large LS roster after focusing on it for the last year.

Do you need the zeta on Tarkin for the counter?

No. Just need Palp lead for the TM gains and Piett for Emperor’s trap. As long as the other team doesn’t have tenacity up, all it takes is Tarkin getting a turn for the infinite debuff loop to build up trap stacks.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (118) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (119)byLaze Mon Sep 19, 2022 2:40 pm

Profundity (9/14)

AdRad G11/R9 63/65
Cassian G12/R8
Outrider 34/100

SEE (8/16)

Tarkin R6/R3 DONE
Veers: G12/R3
Starck: G11/R3

The main advancement this last week was adding a 2nd Empire CD reduction datacron to the arsenal. I also geared Tarkin up so he can take advantage of it (decided to go to R6 since that allowed me to push his ship speed 1 over an R7 Malevolence for that counter). I now have one for Vader and one for Tarkin. I was unsuccessful rerolling for the Darth Vader L9 ability, so for now I'll just have to find uses for him where I can make him faster or he can survive the initial blows. I already used him to take out a Rey squad in TW.

Next up I'm gearing troopers higher alongside Cassian to advance more SEE reqs (and hopefully get over the hump on CT3 of Rebel roundup). Once they're complete I'll probably pivot back to the other Profundity requirements.

Have a good week all.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (124) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (125)byElectricboa Tue Sep 20, 2022 10:38 pm

Not too much to report. I did take Wedge to R5 for Datacron purposes. I also figure he could be useful down the line for whatever CG has planned for the Home One fleet.

My main goal is still just saving up crystals. I’m at around 13/17k. Assuming we’re looking at a 30 day gap between events, like the Executor, I should have a week or two until it comes back. Assuming I don’t just start losing all my GACs, I should have a decent shot. I could come up short, but that would mean I’ll definitely get it by the third event. That would shave on an extra 999 crystals from the cost.

The Grand Inquisitor should be coming back in the next update or two. It’s been about the time. I shouldn’t have any problem getting him to R5 when I unlock him, so after that I’m just looking at Ben Solo and then Jabba. I did get the max crate on Conquest, so I’m on schedule to get Ben next time.

Entirely unrelated, I gave Nihilus and Cody their leadership zetas. And Scav Rey’s unique Why? I was kind of bored and had a bunch of zetas. I’ve still got over 100. I figured I might as well, since those were the only G13s I had that still didn’t have their zetas, even if I probably won’t ever use them. Except Rey, that was just an oversight on my part. I must have been short when I did GL Rey and forgot to go back and finish the Scavenger version.

Oh, I forgot about Ninth Sister and Seventh Sister’s leadership. Eh, I’m really never going to use those. Maybe down the road. Looking ahead towards Jabba, I’m going to need 7 more for the requirements. Not counting Jabba himself. Aurra’s lead isn’t that’s useful, though.

5OR-T – 67/100
Raven’s Claw – 4/85

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (130) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (131)byMarc Wed Sep 21, 2022 3:36 am

AdRad - done
Raven's Claw - 5/85

Spent 800 crystals for the final 10 AdRad shards this morning and pumped him up to R9, so I am officially ready to play the Profundity event upon its return.

Jabba's kit release got me excited, so I went ahead and promoted Han Solo to R8, Jawa to R3 and Aurra Sing to R0. So, I've now completed 5 of Jabba's 15 requirements.

All of this pushed me just above 9 million GP. Woo hoo!

My crystal stash is at 30k, and I have just over 400 of each kyro piece, plus about 320-330 of the first 2 types of signal data.

I'm enjoying the new mod calibration, but have lost interest in datacrons. I'll probably just do one level 9 datacron per set going forward. I've been lazy in GAC this week, and just do the one fight to ensure some rewards, especially if I see walls with high-level datacrons.

Have a good one wherever this finds you.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (136) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (137)byDgmr Fri Sep 23, 2022 5:43 pm

Been awhile since I’ve posted an update. Big news is I activated SEE this week. Now am working on his ultimate (am going to post a question on my account thread separately).

Elsewhere, been making progress on three fronts. Now have most of JKR, Padme, DR teams at various relic levels. Then continue to work Separatists and BH into shape (ways to go still). This will all slow down as I focus on gearing up SEE and getting his ultimate though.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (142) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (143)byMarc Mon Sep 26, 2022 4:51 am

Dgmr wrote:Been awhile since I’ve posted an update. Big news is I activated SEE this week. Now am working on his ultimate (am going to post a question on my account thread separately).

Elsewhere, been making progress on three fronts. Now have most of JKR, Padme, DR teams at various relic levels. Then continue to work Separatists and BH into shape (ways to go still). This will all slow down as I focus on gearing up SEE and getting his ultimate though.

Congrats! That's great. You'll have fun with him once you've got his ultimate ability.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (148) Re: Progress (Good Day/Week)

Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (149)byLaze Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:15 pm

Profundity (9/14)

AdRad G11/R9 24/85
Cassian R4/R8
Outrider 38/100

SEE (9/16)

Marauder: R7/R7 DONE
Veers: G12/R3
Starck: G12/R3
Royal Guard: G8/R3
Range Trooper: G12/G12

Still plugging away at SEE and Profundity. Troopers are coming along as is my Rogue One squad. I was able to take out an Iden squad in GAC with my fledgling Raddus squad. It was a lower gear Iden, but so was my Raddus, so that was encouraging.

The other focus has been finding ways to take advantage of Empire datacrons. I've been using Vader to take out Rey squads in GAC/TW and it's pretty easy to pull off. I've also been practicing a Tarkin counter to those nasty Lord Vader datacron teams to help my guild in TW.

Have a good week all.

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Progress (Good Day/Week) - Page 3 (155)bySponsored content

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.