The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is.
Year | SJR |
2010 | 0.181 |
2011 | 0.258 |
2012 | 0.378 |
2013 | 0.410 |
2014 | 0.482 |
2015 | 0.618 |
2016 | 0.368 |
2017 | 0.416 |
2018 | 0.434 |
2019 | 0.477 |
2020 | 0.530 |
2021 | 0.660 |
2022 | 0.773 |
2023 | 0.700 |
Total Documents
Evolution of the number of published documents. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents.
Year | Documents |
2009 | 58 |
2010 | 114 |
2011 | 73 |
2012 | 45 |
2013 | 44 |
2014 | 64 |
2015 | 61 |
2016 | 28 |
2017 | 33 |
2018 | 55 |
2019 | 40 |
2020 | 60 |
2021 | 78 |
2022 | 68 |
2023 | 92 |
Citations per document
This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.
Cites per document | Year | Value |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2009 | 0.000 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2010 | 0.310 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2011 | 0.576 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2012 | 0.861 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2013 | 1.124 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2014 | 1.149 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2015 | 1.385 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2016 | 1.061 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2017 | 1.386 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2018 | 1.392 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2019 | 1.514 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2020 | 1.974 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2021 | 3.404 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2022 | 2.987 |
Cites / Doc. (4 years) | 2023 | 2.512 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2009 | 0.000 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2010 | 0.310 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2011 | 0.576 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2012 | 0.861 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2013 | 1.082 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2014 | 1.241 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2015 | 1.288 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2016 | 0.988 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2017 | 1.235 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2018 | 1.369 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2019 | 1.612 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2020 | 2.078 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2021 | 3.368 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2022 | 3.084 |
Cites / Doc. (3 years) | 2023 | 2.515 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2009 | 0.000 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2010 | 0.310 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2011 | 0.576 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2012 | 0.802 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2013 | 1.280 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2014 | 1.180 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2015 | 1.130 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2016 | 0.880 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2017 | 1.045 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2018 | 1.705 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2019 | 1.398 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2020 | 1.947 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2021 | 3.810 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2022 | 3.246 |
Cites / Doc. (2 years) | 2023 | 1.884 |
Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's self-citations received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years.
Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal.
Cites | Year | Value |
Self Cites | 2009 | 0 |
Self Cites | 2010 | 2 |
Self Cites | 2011 | 5 |
Self Cites | 2012 | 9 |
Self Cites | 2013 | 5 |
Self Cites | 2014 | 3 |
Self Cites | 2015 | 6 |
Self Cites | 2016 | 2 |
Self Cites | 2017 | 2 |
Self Cites | 2018 | 6 |
Self Cites | 2019 | 1 |
Self Cites | 2020 | 2 |
Self Cites | 2021 | 5 |
Self Cites | 2022 | 5 |
Self Cites | 2023 | 4 |
Total Cites | 2009 | 0 |
Total Cites | 2010 | 18 |
Total Cites | 2011 | 99 |
Total Cites | 2012 | 211 |
Total Cites | 2013 | 251 |
Total Cites | 2014 | 201 |
Total Cites | 2015 | 197 |
Total Cites | 2016 | 167 |
Total Cites | 2017 | 189 |
Total Cites | 2018 | 167 |
Total Cites | 2019 | 187 |
Total Cites | 2020 | 266 |
Total Cites | 2021 | 522 |
Total Cites | 2022 | 549 |
Total Cites | 2023 | 518 |
External Cites per Doc
Cites per Doc
Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total number of citations received by the journal’s documents.
Cites | Year | Value |
External Cites per document | 2009 | 0 |
External Cites per document | 2010 | 0.276 |
External Cites per document | 2011 | 0.547 |
External Cites per document | 2012 | 0.824 |
External Cites per document | 2013 | 1.060 |
External Cites per document | 2014 | 1.222 |
External Cites per document | 2015 | 1.248 |
External Cites per document | 2016 | 0.976 |
External Cites per document | 2017 | 1.222 |
External Cites per document | 2018 | 1.320 |
External Cites per document | 2019 | 1.603 |
External Cites per document | 2020 | 2.063 |
External Cites per document | 2021 | 3.335 |
External Cites per document | 2022 | 3.056 |
External Cites per document | 2023 | 2.495 |
Cites per document | 2009 | 0.000 |
Cites per document | 2010 | 0.310 |
Cites per document | 2011 | 0.576 |
Cites per document | 2012 | 0.861 |
Cites per document | 2013 | 1.082 |
Cites per document | 2014 | 1.241 |
Cites per document | 2015 | 1.288 |
Cites per document | 2016 | 0.988 |
Cites per document | 2017 | 1.235 |
Cites per document | 2018 | 1.369 |
Cites per document | 2019 | 1.612 |
Cites per document | 2020 | 2.078 |
Cites per document | 2021 | 3.368 |
Cites per document | 2022 | 3.084 |
Cites per document | 2023 | 2.515 |
% International Collaboration
International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address.
Year | International Collaboration |
2009 | 8.62 |
2010 | 14.91 |
2011 | 12.33 |
2012 | 13.33 |
2013 | 18.18 |
2014 | 17.19 |
2015 | 27.87 |
2016 | 17.86 |
2017 | 27.27 |
2018 | 29.09 |
2019 | 15.00 |
2020 | 15.00 |
2021 | 26.92 |
2022 | 13.24 |
2023 | 23.91 |
Citable documents
Non-citable documents
Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews and conference papers.
Documents | Year | Value |
Non-citable documents | 2009 | 0 |
Non-citable documents | 2010 | 4 |
Non-citable documents | 2011 | 7 |
Non-citable documents | 2012 | 9 |
Non-citable documents | 2013 | 5 |
Non-citable documents | 2014 | 2 |
Non-citable documents | 2015 | 17 |
Non-citable documents | 2016 | 28 |
Non-citable documents | 2017 | 28 |
Non-citable documents | 2018 | 13 |
Non-citable documents | 2019 | 3 |
Non-citable documents | 2020 | 4 |
Non-citable documents | 2021 | 3 |
Non-citable documents | 2022 | 7 |
Non-citable documents | 2023 | 7 |
Citable documents | 2009 | 0 |
Citable documents | 2010 | 54 |
Citable documents | 2011 | 165 |
Citable documents | 2012 | 236 |
Citable documents | 2013 | 227 |
Citable documents | 2014 | 160 |
Citable documents | 2015 | 136 |
Citable documents | 2016 | 141 |
Citable documents | 2017 | 125 |
Citable documents | 2018 | 109 |
Citable documents | 2019 | 113 |
Citable documents | 2020 | 124 |
Citable documents | 2021 | 152 |
Citable documents | 2022 | 171 |
Citable documents | 2023 | 199 |
Cited documents
Uncited documents
Ratio of a journal's items, grouped in three years windows, that have been cited at least once vs. those not cited during the following year.
Documents | Year | Value |
Uncited documents | 2009 | 0 |
Uncited documents | 2010 | 47 |
Uncited documents | 2011 | 119 |
Uncited documents | 2012 | 130 |
Uncited documents | 2013 | 107 |
Uncited documents | 2014 | 71 |
Uncited documents | 2015 | 69 |
Uncited documents | 2016 | 87 |
Uncited documents | 2017 | 83 |
Uncited documents | 2018 | 53 |
Uncited documents | 2019 | 48 |
Uncited documents | 2020 | 39 |
Uncited documents | 2021 | 49 |
Uncited documents | 2022 | 62 |
Uncited documents | 2023 | 70 |
Cited documents | 2009 | 0 |
Cited documents | 2010 | 11 |
Cited documents | 2011 | 53 |
Cited documents | 2012 | 115 |
Cited documents | 2013 | 125 |
Cited documents | 2014 | 91 |
Cited documents | 2015 | 84 |
Cited documents | 2016 | 82 |
Cited documents | 2017 | 70 |
Cited documents | 2018 | 69 |
Cited documents | 2019 | 68 |
Cited documents | 2020 | 89 |
Cited documents | 2021 | 106 |
Cited documents | 2022 | 116 |
Cited documents | 2023 | 136 |
% Female Authors
Evolution of the percentage of female authors.
Year | Female Percent |
2009 | 26.67 |
2010 | 23.98 |
2011 | 25.94 |
2012 | 26.73 |
2013 | 31.61 |
2014 | 30.33 |
2015 | 35.11 |
2016 | 35.97 |
2017 | 28.67 |
2018 | 36.86 |
2019 | 33.72 |
2020 | 34.02 |
2021 | 36.32 |
2022 | 36.95 |
2023 | 33.33 |
Documents cited by public policy (Overton)
Evolution of the number of documents cited by public policy documents according to Overton database.
Documents | Year | Value |
Overton | 2009 | 12 |
Overton | 2010 | 19 |
Overton | 2011 | 12 |
Overton | 2012 | 11 |
Overton | 2013 | 8 |
Overton | 2014 | 10 |
Overton | 2015 | 6 |
Overton | 2016 | 3 |
Overton | 2017 | 8 |
Overton | 2018 | 6 |
Overton | 2019 | 3 |
Overton | 2020 | 9 |
Overton | 2021 | 5 |
Overton | 2022 | 2 |
Overton | 2023 | 0 |
Documents related to SDGs (UN)
Evoution of the number of documents related to Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nations. Available from 2018 onwards.
Documents | Year | Value |
SDG | 2018 | 12 |
SDG | 2019 | 7 |
SDG | 2020 | 24 |
SDG | 2021 | 39 |
SDG | 2022 | 23 |
SDG | 2023 | 37 |
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Metrics based on Scopus® data as of March 2024