Exiled: The Fall of the God of Mischief - Moderna (2024)

Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Chapter Text

Chapter 1

The Battle of New York was coming to an end. The city, once vibrant and bustling, was now nothing more than a field of ruins. With the portal now closed and the Chitauri army finally gone, the world could finally catch its breath.

Loki, the god of mischief, lay on the floor of Stark Tower, broken and humiliated by the green giant. Hulk had smashed him repeatedly against the ground, like a child playing brutally with a doll.

"PUNY GOD!!!!"

he had shouted, his voice still echoing in Loki's head. The fallen god hadn't moved since he had been embedded into the concrete, which had taken the shape of his body. With shallow breaths and a vacant stare, he fixed his eyes on the ceiling, trying to piece together the recent events, searching for the precise moment where everything had gone wrong, leaving him in this state of humiliation instead of reigning supreme.

Every fiber of his being screamed with pain. His ribs, fractured by Hulk's blows, the bruises covering his pale skin, the deep cuts crisscrossing his flesh—all of it formed a symphony of agony. Despite this, Loki forced his body to crawl towards the steps, letting out groans despite himself. A sudden presence in the tower made him swallow his groans and put back an impassive mask on his face, hiding his suffering from the Avengers, and especially from Thor.

The Avengers surrounded him, their expressions a mix of triumph, mistrust, and hatred. To them, he was just an enemy to be neutralized, a threat to contain. But what they couldn't see was the inner turmoil consuming Loki. Every movement, every breath was an ordeal. The pain from his physical injuries was nothing compared to the torment of his mind.

At that precise moment, the influence of the scepter, which had guided and corrupted him, began to dissipate. The connection broke suddenly, leaving Loki disoriented. Without the dark power of the scepter to feed his ambitions and strengthen his resolve, he felt strangely vulnerable, almost human. The voices promising power and greatness had fallen silent, leaving a deafening silence in their wake.

A wave of fatigue washed over him. His eyelids grew heavy, his thoughts muddled by pain and confusion. He tried to stand, to maintain a semblance of dignity in front of the Avengers, but his body refused to obey. In that moment of weakness, he wondered how he had come to this. He, the prince of Asgard, reduced to the state of a broken mortal. Brother of Thor... no, they were no longer brothers. What Thor saw before him was nothing more than an empty shell, a being manipulated by fate, who had believed he was destined to achieve great things, to rule.

Despite everything, determined to show nothing, Loki propped himself up on his elbows with difficulty. He let out a faint, mocking smile and, with a touch of his usual arrogance, declared:

"Well, it seems that drink would be welcome now."

The Avengers exchanged grave looks, weighing the situation seriously. Tony Stark, after a brief exchange of glances with Natasha and a nod, took the lead. He stepped forward and brought out special handcuffs, designed with Stark technology to contain powerful beings like Loki. These handcuffs, an essential tool against threats of Loki's nature, were fixed to the wrists of the god of mischief, a chain linking them to limit his movements. Meanwhile, the other Avengers secured the scepter in a special case with the help of SHIELD, Natasha supervising the process vigilantly.

Once they had all descended from the tower, Thor approached his brother with heavy, determined steps. Loki, despite the pain throbbing with every breath, smiled mockingly as he watched the Avengers move around him with palpable rigidity. "Have you learned nothing, brother?" Thor sighed, his cold gaze masking a hint of sadness. Loki merely rolled his eyes before shifting his appearance to mimic Captain America.

"So noble! And always so heroic! The great prince of Asgard brings back his traitorous brother, doesn't he?" he hissed mockingly, his voice dripping with venom. "Do you really want to hear me say 'At your orders, Captain'?"

Thor's nerves finally gave way. With a dark look, he grabbed a metal muzzle, specially designed to neutralize Loki, and fastened it firmly around his face, stifling his words. "Shut up!" Thor growled, preventing any further mockery. Loki struggled slightly, but his exhaustion prevented him from truly resisting. He knew his battle was already lost and that the idea of a swift execution would be a dream compared to everything he had endured.

"The Tesseract is secure," declared Stark, holding the glowing object in a specially designed container. "Hey, Point Break! Take this and your brother home. We don't want any more trouble here."

Thor nodded, taking the Tesseract container. "Thank you, Man of Iron. Thank you all," he said sincerely, a slight smile softening his face before he turned serious again, looking at Loki. He placed a hand on Loki's shoulder, causing him to flinch slightly, a grimace of pain crossing his face despite his efforts to hide it. "It's time to go home. Father awaits your judgment."

The Avengers remained on Earth, watching Thor and Loki disappear in a flash of light, leaving the planet to deal with the damage caused by Loki and his Chitauri army.

Once back in Asgard, their steps echoed through the corridor leading to the throne room. Thor walked ahead, his cape billowing proudly, while Loki, dragged by two royal guards, followed, chains linking his shackles to the collar around his neck. Every movement was difficult and painful, but a subtle spell allowed him to mask his wretched state, preserving a semblance of pride.

Arriving at the grand, majestic throne room, Loki straightened slightly, determined not to show any weakness before the All Father or the Asgardian warriors. He fixed his gaze on the one who was not his father.

Odin was already seated on his throne, his face grave and solemn. "Loki Laufeyson," he began in a resonant voice. "Your crimes are countless. Your arrogance and lust for power have led you to betray your own family, endanger the lives of the people of Midgard, and attack Jotunheim."

Loki lowered his eyes to the ground, clenching his fists. The inner pain rivaled his physical injuries, but he refused to yield, refused to show the slightest emotion. He knew that Thor was watching him with disappointment, and that his mother, Frigga, was probably weeping for her lost son.

"For this," Odin continued, "I condemn you to exile on Midgard, without your magic to support you. You will live as a mortal among mortals, to truly understand weakness and vulnerability."

Loki abruptly raised his head, shocked. …no….no..that’s not possible…The hall erupted in a clamor, some booing his name, others calling for his death. Secretly, he had hoped for execution, a release from all this suffering. But no. He met Frigga's gaze, understanding that it was her who had persuaded Odin to spare his life, to spare him an eternity in Asgard's dungeons. Though he would have preferred that to remaining among these humans...

Loki, incapable of responding, simply tried to swallow the information. His green eyes, despite all his willpower, betrayed a mix of pain and resignation. Odin, the All-Father, rose to his full height, his imposing silhouette casting an intimidating shadow. He slowly crossed the distance between them, his penetrating gaze locked onto his son's.

"You have brought chaos and destruction," declared Odin, his voice resonating with undeniable authority. "But despite everything, you remain my son, the one I raised." With a solemn gesture, he brandished Gungnir."For the good of all, I strip you of your magic."

Odin recited ancient incantations, words laden with power and finality. A golden light emanated from Gungnir, enveloping Loki, who closed his eyes as he felt his magic dissipate, retreating deep within him, creating a gaping void. He retained just enough magic to maintain his Asgardian appearance, a bitter favor granted by Odin.

Once the spell was completed, Loki, despite all his efforts to remain standing, fell heavily to one knee, a groan of pain escaping his lips through the muzzle that was already starting to cut into his skin. Sweat beaded on his pale face, marked with bruises and cuts. He struggled not to give in completely to exhaustion and humiliation, not wanting to give the pleasure to all those present in the room, who were joyfully smiling at his pitiful state.

Frigga, standing near the throne, watched the scene with visible pain in her eyes. Her hands trembled slightly as she restrained herself from running to her son's side. Unable to bear the sight of her wounded son any longer and powerless to help him, she left the room with a heavy heart, her footsteps echoing sadly in the silent hall.

Odin turned to Thor, his gaze grave. "Thor, my son, take him to Midgard. The humans will decide his fate. His presence is no longer tolerated here until further notice."

Thor nodded, though reluctantly. "Yes, All-Father," he replied, his voice heavy with regret. He approached Loki, wanting to help him up. "Come, Loki. We must leave."

Loki, fighting against the weakness threatening to overwhelm him, refused his brother's help without a word, fixing him with a look of anger. He pulled his arm away with the strength he had left to push Thor's hand aside. Thor said nothing and let his brother struggle to his feet, without looking at anyone. Loki followed Thor silently, trying to ignore the murmurs of the other people in the throne room, refusing even to cast a final glance at Odin, not wanting his pity.

When they arrived at the Avengers' new headquarters, several weeks after the battle, expressions of surprise, mistrust, and anger were evident. Clint Barton, in particular, struggled to contain his rage. "What is he doing here?" he growled, his fists clenched.

"Calm down, Clint," Natasha intervened firmly. "Let's hear what Thor has to say."

Thor took a deep breath. "My brother has been stripped of his magic by Odin. He is here for you to decide his fate. He is no longer a threat."

Tony Stark raised an eyebrow, casting a skeptical look at Loki. "Really? Because the last time he was here, he tried to conquer the world and threw me out of a window. I don't really want him here, Point Break."

Loki, despite the muzzle that prevented him from speaking, shot Tony a disdainful look. His eyes shone with defiance, but behind that facade, the pain and fatigue were palpable.

"We need to decide together," Steve intervened, placing a calming hand on Clint's shoulder. "Whatever our decision, it must be just."

Thor nodded. "I understand your mistrust. But believe me, Loki is no longer the powerful god he once was. He is as weak as a human. He deserves to be judged, but he also deserves a chance for redemption."

"Nice of you to call us weak," Clint muttered angrily.

The Avengers exchanged glances, weighing Thor's words. Silence fell, heavy with tension and reflection. Finally, Natasha spoke. "We need to discuss and decide the best way to handle this situation. For now, let's put him in secure detention within S.H.I.E.L.D."

Thor nodded, grateful. "Thank you. That's all I ask of you, my friends."

Clint, still angry, refrained from any cutting comments, contenting himself with casting a dark look at Loki. The latter, exhausted, decided to ignore his gaze and let himself be escorted without resistance. The idea of his exile among humans was beginning to take root in his mind, each step bringing him closer to an uncertain and terrifying future.

Loki was led through the sinister corridors of the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters, each step echoing heavily against the metal walls. The agents watched him closely, their faces tense and ready to intervene at the slightest sign of resistance. Finally, they reached a highly secure cell, its walls made of a solid alloy. Loki laughed inwardly at this unnecessary measure; he was now nothing more than a simple human, deprived of his divine powers.

The room was austere and devoid of any comfort. A rudimentary metal bed was fixed in the right corner, while a sink and toilet occupied the other corner. Loki grimaced in disgust as he examined the cell. The idea of living in such a place, reduced to a miserable existence, revolted him more than anything. He, who was destined to rule, now found himself rotting in a prison for his crimes.

Thor stepped forward to remove the chains that bound his brother. He hesitated for a moment, his hand trembling above the muzzle. The Avengers watched the scene with mistrust, especially Clint and Tony.

"I’m against this," declared Clint, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "This guy has caused too many problems."

"I agree with Robin Hood," added Tony, raising a hand with an ironic smile. "He might decide to recite Asgardian poetry to us. I’m not ready for that."

Thor sighed deeply and turned to his friends. "He needs to eat and drink. Without magic, he is as vulnerable as a human."

Natasha spoke up with calm authority. "Remove the muzzle. We’ll keep a close watch on him."

Thor nodded and, with a gentleness that surprised Loki, removed the muzzle. The marks left by the device were visible on his face, and his lips bore the traces of his battle with Hulk. Loki fixed his brother with a silent intensity but said nothing.

"Loki," murmured Thor, hoping for a response. "Talk to me. Say something brother…."

Loki remained silent, his eyes shining with anger and shame. He turned away and went to sit on the metal bed, indicating by his posture that he wished to be alone. Understanding the message, Thor sighed sadly, straightened up, and left the cell, followed by the others.

The glass door slid shut, separating the cell from the outside, and a hermetic seal closed behind them. The Avengers regrouped in front of the surveillance screens, their eyes fixed on Loki, now alone in his cell, not having moved an inch.

Tony broke the silence with his usual nonchalance. "So, what’s the next step? Do we organize a karaoke night to celebrate?"

Steve shook his head, a tired sigh escaping his lips. "We need to decide what to do with him. One thing is certain, he can’t stay here indefinitely."

"We could sell him to a reality show," Tony joked. "Survivor: Asgard Edition."

Natasha sighed, exasperated. "Let’s be serious, Tony. Loki is a prisoner of war. We need to treat him accordingly."

Thor, arms crossed, looked at his brother through the camera. "He deserves a chance to redeem himself. I know there is still good in him."

Clint shook his head, incredulous. "This guy tried to destroy our world, Thor. You can’t just forget that. He manipulated me. The word ‘good’ doesn’t apply to him!"

"I haven’t forgotten," Thor replied gravely. "But I believe in his redemption. He made mistakes, but he is still my brother."

"That’s a family matter," said Tony, shrugging. "But in the meantime, we need to figure out how to handle this here, with a god who’s not anymore a god."

"For now, we keep him under surveillance," Steve declared. "We’ll discuss with Fury and decide the next steps."

Loki, in his cell, stared at the wall in front of him. His mind was racing, searching for a way to escape, to regain control. But for now, he was a prisoner, not only of this cell but also of his own actions and thoughts. The choices he had made had led him here, and he now had to face the consequences. One thing was certain: he would do everything in his power to ensure that Thor and the Avengers did not discover what he had endured with Thanos after his fall into the Void. Flashbacks came to him at times, now that the power of the scepter had ceased to act on him.

He sighed silently and leaned against the wall, hoping to just close his eyes and rest his body before facing whatever came next.

Chapter 2: Chapter 2


Hi everyone!

Here is the second chapter! I really feel sorry for Loki like this, haha! And I thought it would be fun to include Fury too!

There are no tags for this chapter yet, but they’re coming soon! So stay tuned! ;)

I hope you enjoy it! See ya guys !

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

The next morning after Thor and Loki's arrival on Earth, waking up was difficult for everyone. Clint hadn't slept a wink, his eyes glued to the surveillance cameras, his gaze, dark and fixed on the god of lies. As dawn broke, Natasha had to come fetch him, insisting he at least join the group for breakfast before the inevitably long meeting with Fury and the SHIELD members.

The kitchen in the new Avengers complex was notably more spacious. When the two spies arrived, most of the team was already present, their faces tight and dark circles under their eyes indicating that no one had really slept. Steve was silently cooking a massive platter of eggs, while Tony was on his fifth cup of coffee after spending the night in his lab.

Bruce was the only one not yet present, still in his laboratory. The thought of Loki being among them was a hard pill for him to swallow, especially given the need to keep Hulk in check.

Steve glanced up as Natasha and Clint entered, offering a weary smile. "Morning. Clint, you need to get some rest. You've been up all night."

Clint shook his head, his expression stubborn. "I'll rest when that snake is back in a cage."

Tony looked up from his coffee, a smirk playing on his lips. "Careful, Legolas. You might sprain something with all that tension."

Clint glared at him. "You think this is funny, Stark !? He nearly destroyed the earth!"

Tony shrugged, taking another sip. "Oh, it's hilarious. In a 'we're all doomed if we don't keep an eye on him' kind of way. But seriously, the cameras are top-notch. If Loki so much as sneezes, we'll know."

Natasha nudged Clint towards the table. "Come on, sit. Eat something. You need your strength."

Steve placed a plate of eggs with bacon in front of Clint, who reluctantly sat down. "We all need to keep our calm," Steve said gently. "I get that you're angry. We all are. But we have to be smart about this."

Clint grunted, picking at his food. "Smart would be throwing him into the deepest, darkest hole we can find."

Natasha poured herself a cup of coffee, eyeing Tony. "And what do you suggest we do in the meantime, Tony? Besides making snarky comments."

Tony leaned back in his chair, pretending to think deeply. "Well, I was considering a spa day for all of us. Really relax the muscles, you know?"

Steve rolled his eyes, but a small smile tugged at his lips. "We need to focus. Fury will be here soon, and we need a plan."

At that moment, Bruce walked in, looking just as exhausted as everyone else. He gave a small nod to the group before grabbing a mug and filling it with coffee. "Morning."

Tony raised his mug in greeting. "Morning, big guy. How's the other guy handling all this?"

Bruce sighed. "He's... restless. But I'm managing."

Clint shook his head, muttering. "Restless. Great. Just what we need."

Steve put a hand on Clint's shoulder. "We'll figure it out, together. But we need to present a united front when Fury gets here."

Tony's eyes sparkled with mischief. "And maybe a little song and dance number to lighten the mood. Thoughts?"

Natasha chuckled softly. "Maybe later, Tony. Right now, let's just survive breakfast."

As the team sat together, a semblance of camaraderie returning despite the tension, they couldn't ignore the looming presence of Loki. They knew the challenges ahead would test their limits, but for now, they took solace in the shared meal and the bonds they had forged through countless battles.

Breakfast was abruptly interrupted a few minutes later by the voice of F.R.I.D.A.Y. announcing the imminent arrival of Fury and some members of his team at the complex.

"Great…," Tony sighed in exasperation, finishing his coffee. "Alright, people, time to move to the conference room."

Reluctantly, the Avengers complied.

Ten minutes later, everyone was gathered in the spacious conference room, its large windows offering a panoramic view of the complex. Fury stood, visibly agitated, facing the seated Avengers. He had just been informed of the situation and Loki's presence in the SHIELD quarters, and he demanded an explanation.

"Alright, someone start talking," Fury said, his one good eye narrowing. "Why is Loki here, and why am I just now hearing about this?"

Before anyone could respond, a loud clap of thunder echoed through the building, signaling Thor's arrival. He had returned quickly to Asgard to speak with his father about the situation. With his usual dramatic flair, Thor stormed into the room, his cape billowing behind him.

"Apologies for my tardiness," Thor said, nodding to the group. "I have spoken with the All-Father. He insists that Loki remain here under your supervision."

Tony leaned back in his chair, tapping his fingers on the table. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., next time give us a little more warning about incoming thunderstorms."

"Of course, Mr. Stark. I'll adjust the alerts for divine weather disturbances," F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded smoothly.

"Can we focus, please?" Fury snapped. "I need answers, and I need them now."

Steve took a deep breath and began, "Loki has been stripped of his powers by Odin. He’s here for us to keep an eye on him, to ensure he doesn’t cause any more trouble."

"And you thought it was a good idea to keep this from me?" Fury's voice was calm, but his expression was anything but.

"We were going to tell you," Natasha said, trying to placate him. "We just needed a moment to figure things out."

Tony chimed in, "Look, Nick, it's not like we had a choice. Thor showed up with his brother in tow, and now we’re stuck with him."

Fury's gaze shifted to Thor. "So, what’s the plan? We just babysit Loki indefinitely?"

Thor stood tall, his expression serious. "Loki is my responsibility. I will ensure he does not pose a threat."

"That's reassuring," Clint muttered under his breath.

Fury glanced at Clint but didn't comment. Instead, he focused on the bigger picture. "Alright, here's what we're going to do. We'll keep Loki under constant surveillance. If he so much as blinks wrong, I want to know about it."

"Great," Tony said with a smirk. "Maybe we can get him a bell to wear around his neck. It'll be festive."

Steve shook his head. "This isn't a joke, Tony."

"Who said I was joking?" Tony replied, though the glint in his eye said otherwise.

Thor interjected, "Joking or not, we must take this seriously. Loki is not to be underestimated, even without his powers."

Fury nodded. "Agreed. We'll set up a rotation. I want someone with eyes on him at all times."

Bruce finally spoke up, his voice quiet but firm. "I'll help monitor him. It’s better if I stay busy."

"Good," Fury said. "Now, let's talk about the long-term plan. We can’t keep him here forever."

Tony leaned forward, his tone more serious. "We need to figure out what Loki’s endgame is. He wouldn’t just stop at New York. There has to be more to this."

Fury sighed. "One problem at a time, Stark. Let's keep Loki contained and figure out our next steps. Dismissed."

As the meeting broke up, Tony clapped his hands together. "Alrigh ! let's go babysit a god. Should be fun."

The team dispersed, each member lost in their thoughts. They knew they had to stay united, not just for their own sake but for the world's. The presence of Loki was a ticking time bomb, and they needed to understand his true intentions before it was too late.

Directly after the meeting, the group decided how they would rotate shifts to monitor Loki. Drawing straws, as suggested by Tony, determined the order: Bruce drew the first shift, followed by Steve, Natasha, Tony, Thor, and lastly, Clint. They agreed that the shifts would vary depending on individual schedules and obligations, with SHIELD agents present to assist, as per Fury's orders.

As they finalized the details, Tony turned to F.R.I.D.A.Y. "Hey, F.R.I. ?, how’s our guest doing?"

"Mr. Loki has not moved from his position since his arrival in the cell," F.R.I.D.A.Y. reported. "Despite a breakfast being served, he has not touched his plate."

Bruce, accompanied by a curious Tony, decided to begin his shift. Thor tagged along, worried about his brother.

The other Avengers went about their respective activities. Upon arriving in the surveillance room monitoring Loki's cell, Bruce scrutinized the screens carefully. Indeed, Loki hadn't moved from the bed. He was now sitting with his head resting on his crossed arms, which were propped on one of his knees, while his right leg stretched out in front of him.

In this position, it was impossible to assess the full state of the god of mischief. F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s scans indicated no anomalies other than the injuries inflicted by Hulk, which seemed to have not fully healed due to Loki’s lack of magic. His posture and breathing suggested he was in pain, and his prisoner’s garb did little to hide his discomfort. Bruce hesitated, considering whether to offer medical assistance.

"I wonder if he’s sulking or just really into meditation," Tony quipped as he glanced at the monitors. "What do you think, Point Break?"

Thor frowned slightly, his concern evident. "He is suffering…. His wounds have not healed as they should. He may be too proud to ask for help, but he needs it."

Bruce nodded, his medical instincts kicking in. "I’ll go check on him. If he refuses, at least I can say I tried."

"Need a tranquilizer gun, Doc?" Tony smirked. "Just in case?"

Bruce shot him a look. "Not necessary, Tony. But thanks for the offer."

As Bruce and Thor made their way to Loki’s cell. Upon entering the cell, Bruce noticed the heavy air of despair hanging around Loki. The god didn’t look up, his breathing labored.

"Loki," Bruce began gently. "I’m here to help. Can I take a look at your injuries?"

Loki didn’t move, his voice barely a whisper. "Do as you wish, mortal. I have no strength left to resist."

Thor’s expression softened with sorrow as he watched his brother. "Brother, let him help you. This stubbornness will only prolong your suffering."

Bruce carefully approached, kneeling beside Loki. "I need to see your injuries, Loki. We can’t help you if we don’t know what’s wrong."

Loki slowly lifted his head, revealing the bruises and cuts that marred his face. His eyes, usually so full of mischief and defiance, were dull and lifeless. Bruce gently examined him, noting the extent of the damage, just getting a hiss sometimes from the god.

"You’ve got some serious bruising and a few fractures," Bruce said. "We need to get you some proper treatment."

Loki’s lips curled into a faint, bitter smile. "And why would you, my enemies, wish to heal me?"

"Because," Thor replied, his voice heavy with emotion, "you are still my brother."

Tony’s voice crackled over the intercom, unable to resist a final jab. "Plus, it wouldn’t look good if we let you die on our watch. Bad PR and all that."

Bruce and Thor shared a look, a mix of frustration and amusem*nt at Tony’s timing. Loki’s eyes flickered with a hint of their old spark, a brief flash of the god he once was.

"Very well," Loki muttered. "Do what you must."

As Bruce worked to tend to Loki’s injuries, Thor stayed by his side, offering quiet support.


Thank you for reading!

How was the second chapter ? I hope I didn't make any mistakes ^^

Feel free to leave comments to help me improve!

Love you all ! Take care !

Chapter 3: Chapter 3


Here is the third chapter! :)

I forgot to mention it earlier, but obviously, the characters don't belong to me; all rights belong to Marvel!😅

A little disclaimer! This chapter contains mentions of torture, violence, and blood!

Please read the tags carefully and enjoy this chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

After Bruce managed to treat Loki's injuries, the guard shifts continued for the next few days without much change. Loki barely moved in his cell and hardly touched his meal trays, which began to exasperate Thor and worry Bruce. The scans indicated that Loki was losing weight. Without his powers, he was almost mortal, albeit with a lifespan as long as Thor's. His body needed to live like a human, something Loki clearly refused to accept. Living as a prisoner was something he loathed with every fiber of his being.

Thor had tried bringing him books, which managed to occupy Loki for a while, but his interest quickly waned. He spent most of his time staring at a point in his cell for hours, occasionally changing positions—sitting on the bed, sitting on the floor, lying down, curled up. He slept very little and seemed to be plagued by nightmares during the few moments he did sleep, but Loki refused to admit it. No matter how many times Thor or Bruce tried to talk to him, he remained silent. A few words would occasionally escape his lips, usually filled with hatred towards Thor or just to refuse assistance.

Fury was pressing the Avengers to interrogate Loki about his attack on New York. Steve tried to delay it as much as possible, unable to suppress the pity he felt for Loki.

During Clint's guard shifts, he couldn't help but glare furiously at Loki, remembering how he had been manipulated. Sometimes he exchanged angry words with the god, who continued to provoke him.

One morning, during Bruce's shift, Thor accompanied him to Loki's cell, bringing another book in hopes of breaking the monotony. They entered the cell to find Loki in his usual state, listlessly staring at the wall.

"brother," Thor said gently, "I brought you another book. Perhaps it will interest you."

Loki didn't even look up. "Leave me be, Thor. I have no use for your pity."

Bruce sighed, setting his medical bag down. "you need to eat. Your body is suffering. You're not invincible anymore."

Loki finally turned his gaze towards Bruce, his eyes cold. "Do you think I do not know that, Banner? I do not need your lectures."

Thor's patience was wearing thin. "Brother, this will not help you. You must adapt."

Loki let out a bitter laugh. "Adapt? You, of all people, dare speak of adaptation? You, who has never known true suffering."

Tony's voice crackled over the intercom, breaking the tension. "Hey, Point Break, Bruce, any progress in the land of gloom and doom?"

Bruce shook his head, pressing the button to respond. "Not really, Tony. He's as stubborn as ever."

"Why am I not surprised?" Tony's voice dripped with sarcasm. "Maybe I should come down and give him a motivational speech."

"Your speeches tend to involve sarcasm and belittlement," Thor replied dryly. "I doubt it would help."

"Just trying to lighten the mood," Tony shot back.

Later that day, during Steve's shift, he brought up the interrogation issue. "Fury wants answers. We can't delay this forever."

Loki glared at him, a spark of defiance in his eyes. "And what makes you think I will give you any answers, Captain?"

Steve remained calm, his voice steady. "You need to understand that cooperating might be your best option. We’re not your enemies…. Not anymore."

Loki's laugh was hollow. "You speak of cooperation, yet you hold me in a cage. Do you truly believe I will bend to your will?"

As days turned into weeks, the tension only grew. Clint's shifts were the most volatile. He would sit outside the cell, glaring at Loki through the glass.

"You think you're so clever, don't you?" Clint spat one day. "Manipulating everyone, playing your games."

Loki's lips curled into a smirk. "And yet, here you are, my jailer. How the mighty have fallen."

Clint's fists clenched at his sides. "I'm not here because of you. I'm here to make sure you don't hurt anyone else."

Loki leaned back, eyes half-lidded. "Then do your worst, archer. Your threats mean nothing to me."

Each Avenger had their way of dealing with Loki, but the god of mischief remained an enigma, locked in his own world of pain and defiance. The days dragged on, with no clear resolution in sight.

One evening, Natasha tried a different approach. "Loki, what are you afraid of?"

Loki looked at her, truly looked at her for the first time in days. "You believe I am afraid?"

Natasha nodded. "I do. Fear makes people act out. What are you running from?"

For a moment, something flickered in Loki's eyes—vulnerability, perhaps. But it was gone as quickly as it appeared. "You understand nothing, Widow. Leave me."

Natasha stood her ground. "We'll find out eventually, Loki. Whether you tell us or we piece it together ourselves."

As she walked away, she couldn't help but feel a pang of sympathy. Loki was broken in ways they couldn't yet comprehend. The Avengers knew they had to stay vigilant, but there was a growing sense that understanding Loki might be the key to preventing further chaos.
Fury finally got his interrogation with Loki, the two face-to-face in Loki's cell. He was accompanied by Clint and Natasha, while the rest of the Avengers observed the scene from the surveillance room.

Fury began with a series of questions. "Why did you attack New York?"

Loki, sitting stiffly with his hands on his lap, answered with the same reasoning he had given during the battle. "To rule Midgard, of course."

Fury's expression remained impassive. "Were you acting under someone's orders?"


"Were you the one commanding the Chitauri army?"

"Yes," Loki replied curtly, his gaze fixed on a spot just past Fury’s shoulder.

"Why did you need the Tesseract?"

No response.

Fury's jaw tightened. "Where did the scepter come from, the one that let you manipulate people?"

Again, Loki offered no answer.

The tension in the cell was palpable. In the surveillance room, Thor paced back and forth, his fists clenching and unclenching. Steve and Tony watched him warily.

"Easy there, big guy," Tony said, trying to lighten the mood. "Let’s not redecorate the place with Fury’s blood just yet."

Thor glared at him but didn't respond.

Back in the cell, Fury's patience was wearing thin. "Cut the audio and video feeds," he ordered. The Avengers in the surveillance room watched as the screens went dark.

"What's he doing?" Steve muttered, anxiety creeping into his voice.

"Something I probably won't approve of," Tony replied. "FRIDAY, keep an eye on Loki’s vitals. Let me know if anything spikes."

"Understood, Boss," FRIDAY responded.

In the cell, Fury signaled to two SHIELD agents who stepped forward. "It's time for a more... persuasive approach."

The agents launched their assault on Loki, aiming viciously at his already bruised and barely healed ribs. Each blow landed with brutal precision, causing him to stagger as pain radiated through his body. Kicks pummeled his back, arms, head, and legs, each strike compounding his agony. Loki's breath hitched with each impact, pain coursing through every nerve, but he remained silent, his teeth clenched tightly, emitting only hisses of pain.

Then, the ominous crackle of a taser filled the air. The agents wielded it mercilessly, sending searing jolts of electricity through his body. Each shock caused his muscles to convulse involuntarily, amplifying his torment. Loki's vision blurred as he struggled to maintain consciousness, his body writhing under the relentless assault.

Natasha watched impassively, her expression unreadable. Clint, who had initially struggled to contain his anger, found himself feeling a pang of pity for the god of mischief.

Loki’s body convulsed violently with each jolt of the taser, but he refused to cry out. His breathing became labored, a painful symphony of sharp intakes followed by heavy, pained exhales. Lying on the ground, he desperately tried to shield his battered body from the relentless attacks. Sweat mingled with blood, dripping from his forehead and nose, streaking down his pale skin. His eyes, though filled with excruciating pain, blazed with fierce defiance, refusing to give his tormentors the satisfaction of seeing him break. Each wave of agony was met with a silent determination, as he endured the brutal assault with an unyielding will.

Fury leaned in close. "You will talk, Loki. One way or another."

Loki's response was a weak, derisive chuckle. "You can try, Fury. I will not break."

Meanwhile, in the surveillance room, Thor's patience finally snapped. "I cannot allow this to continue!"

Steve and Tony grabbed him, holding him back. "Thor, you can't just storm in there!" Steve urged.

"Yeah, let's not turn this into a Greek tragedy," Tony added, his tone serious despite the humor.

Suddenly, FRIDAY's voice interrupted. "Boss, Loki's vitals are spiking. He's in significant distress."

Tony’s jaw tightened. "How bad, FRI ?"

"His heart rate and blood pressure are dangerously high. Continued stress could result in permanent damage."

Thor’s eyes blazed with anger. "Enough ! This must end."

Steve exchanged a look with Tony. "We can't just stand by."

Tony nodded, and the three of them moved swiftly towards the cell. Bursting in, they found Loki on the floor, barely conscious, his body trembling.

"That's enough!" Steve barked at Fury. "This isn't how we do things."

Fury glanced at the fallen god, then at the furious faces of the Avengers. "Fine. Get him medical attention."

As the agents stepped back, Thor rushed to his brother's side, lifting him gently. Loki's eyes fluttered open, pain and exhaustion etched into his features.

"Thor..." he whispered, his voice barely audible.

"Easy, brother. We’ve got you," Thor murmured, his voice filled with a mix of anger and sorrow.

Bruce arrived with a medical kit, immediately assessing Loki's condition. "He's in bad shape, but I think we can stabilize him."

Tony stepped forward, placing a hand on Thor's shoulder. "Let's get him to the med bay. FRIDAY, keep monitoring his vitals and alert us to any changes."


As they moved Loki to the med bay, Clint lingered for a moment, looking at the god with a mix of anger and something almost like regret. "For what it's worth, I hope this is a wake-up call."

Loki's eyes, glazed with pain, flickered momentarily towards Clint, but he said nothing.

In the med bay, Bruce worked quickly to tend to Loki’s injuries. Tony stood by, watching with a critical eye. "FRIDAY, what's his current status?"

"Mr. Loki's vitals are stabilizing, but he remains in critical condition. Continuous monitoring is advised."

Steve looked at Fury, who had followed them. "We can't keep doing this, Fury. There has to be another way."

Fury's expression was unreadable. "We need answers, Rogers. But fine, We'll try a different approach."

As Loki lay on the bed, his breathing slowly evening out, Thor sat by his side, his hand resting gently on his brother’s arm. "You will recover, brother . And we will find a way through this."

Tony, standing by the door, gave a small nod. "Yeah, because if you don’t, we’ll never hear the end of it from Point Break here."

———————————— ————————————————— ———————————————————

Fury didn’t stay much longer in the Avengers’ quarters, but he did tell Steve that he wasn’t finished with Loki. It was clear to him that the god was hiding something, and his refusal to talk was only confirming that suspicion.

Meanwhile, Thor stayed by his brother’s side, who was still unconscious, plunged into a fitful sleep induced by the pain medication Bruce had administered. As a precaution, Tony had to cuff Loki’s hands to the hospital bed on Fury’s orders to prevent any escape attempts. Trusting the god of mischief was out of the question, even in his current state.

Tony and the rest of the Avengers gathered in the grand living room to discuss the situation while Thor kept vigil over Loki. A heated debate between Clint and Steve required Natasha’s intervention. The archer was still furious with Loki and couldn’t understand why he would refuse to talk. To Clint, it seemed like Loki was completely faking his psychological state.

“He’s playing us,” Clint fumed. “He wants us to feel sorry for him, and it’s working on some of you.”

Steve shook his head. “You saw what Fury did. No one can fake that kind of pain, Clint.”

Natasha stepped between them. “We need to keep our heads clear. Fighting amongst ourselves isn’t going to help.”

Tony, sipping yet another cup of coffee, chimed in with his usual sarcasm. “Well, unless Loki’s planning to escape by sheer force of will and broken ribs, I think we’re safe for the moment.”

Back in the med bay, Thor watched Loki twist and turn in his sleep, his face contorted with pain. Loki’s body was covered in bandages, and the sweat on his forehead indicated not only his suffering but also a fever, an unusual condition for someone with his frost giant heritage, which usually kept his body temperature below normal.

Inside Loki’s Nightmare:

Loki found himself in the ominous throne room of Thanos. The dark and foreboding chamber was filled with an air of menace, the walls adorned with ancient, alien symbols. Chitauri soldiers surrounded him, forcing him to his knees before the Titan. His heart pounded as Thanos’ imposing figure loomed above him, flanked by the eerie Other.

“You have failed me, little god,” Thanos’ voice echoed, deep and resonant, filled with a chilling disappointment. “You promised me the Tesseract, and instead, you lost it. Along with the scepter I graciously loaned you.”

Loki’s breath hitched, trying to mask his fear with a veneer of bravado. “M-my lord, I can still retrieve them. Give me another chance.”

Thanos’ eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing through Loki’s facade. “Another chance?” He stepped closer, his presence suffocating. “You have squandered enough chances.”

Loki tried to stand, to regain some semblance of control. “I will not fail again. I swear it.”

Thanos’ massive hand shot out, grabbing Loki by the hair and yanking his head back. Loki’s eyes widened with fear as he felt the raw power of the Titan. “You will not escape me, little god. No matter where you hide, I will find you. And when I do, you will wish for the mercy you denied others.”

With a wave of his hand, Thanos cast a spell, sending searing pain through Loki’s skull. It felt like his brain was being pierced by a thousand burning needles. Memories of torture flashed through his mind—chains, whips, endless agony inflicted by Thanos’ minions. Loki’s screams echoed through the throne room, but no sound came out of his mouth. His vision blurred, and darkness crept in as the pain became unbearable.

Back in the Med Bay:

Thor watched helplessly as Loki thrashed in his sleep, his breath coming in ragged gasps. He gently wiped the sweat from Loki’s brow, whispering soothing words. “Brother, you must wake.”

Bruce who just enter the room, monitored the screens, frowning at the readings. “His vitals are all over the place...”

Tony followed by natasha enter the room shortly after, “FRIDAY, give me a status update on our resident ice cube.” Tony asks.

Mr. Loki’s temperature is elevated, and his heart rate is erratic,” FRIDAY responded. “It appears he is experiencing significant distress.”

Fantastic,” Tony muttered. “Anything else we can do besides wait for him to wake up screaming?”

Bruce shook his head. “We need to let the medication do its work. Forcing him awake could do more harm than good.”

“Fury’s not going to back down. He wants answers, and he’ll go to any lengths to get them.” Adds natasha.

Thor’s eyes flashed with anger. “I will not allow my brother to be tortured again.”

Steve joined them, his face set in determination. “We’ll find another way. Fury may want answers, but we’re not monsters.”

Tony added, “Besides, if we can get Loki talking without the medieval methods, maybe we’ll actually get somewhere.”

Clint, leaning against the doorway. “And if he doesn’t talk? What then?”

Steve glanced at Loki’s unconscious form. “Then we keep trying. Because giving up isn’t an option.”

As they stood around the bed, the Avengers knew they were in for a long and difficult journey. Loki’s pain was palpable, and his nightmares hinted at a deeper, more sinister threat.


Poor Loki…ow…., I really like Fury, but I wanted to make him seem more menacing, at least at the beginning! 😅

I hope you enjoyed this chapter! More action and suspense are coming. 😏

Luv you and kisses guys ❤️

Chapter 4: Chapter 4


Here it is! The fourth chapter already!
I promise I'll try to post as regularly as possible!

Warning! This chapter includes a description of a panic attack! I'm not a doctor; I described it as I experienced it.

Enjoy this chapter! There's a little surprise at the end, so make sure to read through to the end!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Loki awoke with a start in the middle of the night, his breath coming in ragged gasps, heart pounding as if he had just run a marathon. His eyes darted around wildly, taking in the unfamiliar surroundings. Thor was at his bedside, his vigilant presence a stark contrast to Bruce, who was asleep on the sofa in the corner of the room. The rest of the Avengers were elsewhere, catching up on some much-needed rest.

"Brother, it's alright. You are safe," Thor murmured soothingly, reaching out to place a comforting hand on his brother's arm.

But Loki, still half-lost in the remnants of his nightmare, recoiled violently. "Get away from me!" he shouted, his voice hoarse and filled with panic. He tugged against the restraints binding him to the bed, the metallic clink echoing in the quiet room. "Release me at once!"

Thor kept his voice calm, trying to quell Loki’s rising hysteria. "brother, you’re not in danger here. Please, you need to calm down."

The god of mischief's eyes blazed with fury as he realized where he was and the restraints holding him. "Calm down? How can I be calm when I am chained like an animal?" His voice dripped with venom, every word a testament to his seething anger. "I will not be your prisoner !"

"Brother, we had to restrain you because of Fury and for your own safety," Thor said softly, his eyes filled with a mixture of sorrow and determination. "You were thrashing in your sleep. We couldn't risk you hurting yourself further."

Loki's laugh was cold and devoid of humor. "Spare me your concern, Thor. You are no brother of mine."

Bruce stirred at the commotion, sitting up groggily. "What’s going on?"

Thor glanced at Bruce before focusing back on Loki. "He’s awake. And understandably upset."

Bruce approached cautiously, hands raised in a placating gesture. "Loki, you need to stay still. Your injuries are severe. Let me help you."

Loki's gaze fixed on Bruce, his expression one of icy disdain. "Do not touch me !Banner. I do not need your help."

Thor tried again, his tone pleading. "Brother, please. Let us assist you. Your wounds need tending."

Loki’s eyes flared with defiance. "I am not your brother, Thor. I am nothing to you but a burden, a prisoner to be pitied. And I will not accept your charity."

Bruce hesitated, glancing at Thor for guidance. "We need to redo those bandages, Loki. You're only making it worse by refusing help."

Loki's jaw tightened as he pulled at the restraints, the motion causing his freshly tended wounds to throb painfully. "Then I will endure it alone, as I always have."

Thor's expression hardened, a mix of frustration and hurt flashing across his features. "You are not alone, Loki. We are trying to help you. Why can’t you see that?"

Loki's response was a bitter whisper. "Because your help is a reminder of my failure, of my humiliation. I do not need your pity, Thor. I need my freedom."

Thor stepped back, sighing heavily. "Very well. But if you continue like this, you’ll only harm yourself further."

Bruce moved back as well, sensing the tension. "We’ll give you space, Loki. But we’re here if you change your mind."

As they left the room, Thor looked back at Loki, his heart heavy with a mix of sorrow and determination. He knew breaking through his brother's walls would not be easy, but he would not give up. Not on Loki.

In the silence that followed, Loki lay back, his breath still ragged. The pain from his injuries was a constant, sharp reminder of his vulnerability. He closed his eyes, trying to push away the remnants of his nightmare, but Thanos' words echoed in his mind, a chilling promise of what was to come.

Loki remained alone in his hospital room for several hours, the sterile environment offering no comfort. Once he was certain he was truly alone, he allowed a sliver of his pain to show, letting out a pained sigh as he attempted to assess the extent of his injuries. The restraints on his wrists chafed against his skin, adding to his discomfort.

He winced as he moved slightly, the throbbing agony from his broken ribs sending sharp waves of pain through his torso. His flesh was a mosaic of deep bruises and cuts, each one a vivid reminder of the brutality he had just endured with Fury. Blood had dried on his pale skin, mingling with sweat and creating a grim tapestry of his suffering. Loki’s breathing was shallow and labored, each inhalation a battle against the searing pain in his chest.

His face, was etched with lines of pain and exhaustion. His eyes, usually filled with mischief or menace, now reflected a deep, weary torment. Despite his efforts to maintain his usual stoic demeanor, the mask had slipped, revealing the vulnerability beneath. A low, involuntary groan escaped his lips as he tried to shift his position, seeking some small measure of relief from the relentless pain.

His thoughts drifted to Thanos, the ever-looming threat of the Mad Titan's wrath casting a dark shadow over his mind. The fear of being found and punished by the giant gnawed at him incessantly, each imagined scenario more terrifying than the last. As the minutes dragged on, he struggled to keep his growing panic at bay, but the effort was proving futile.

His heart began to race uncontrollably, each beat pounding loudly in his ears. His chest tightened, making it difficult to breathe, as if an invisible hand was squeezing the air out of his lungs. A cold sweat broke out across his forehead, and his hands trembled uncontrollably. Loki's vision started to blur, the edges of his sight tinged with darkness, and a dizzying sense of unreality washed over him.

He had never experienced a panic attack before and was utterly unprepared for the onslaught of symptoms. His mind, usually so sharp and cunning, was now a chaotic whirlpool of fear and confusion. He didn't understand why his body was betraying him this way, why he couldn't control his breathing or calm his racing heart. Desperation clawed at him as he struggled to make sense of what was happening, feeling as though he was losing his grip on reality.

Unable to comprehend the intensity of his escalating anxiety, Loki felt a profound helplessness that was alien to him. The once-proud god, now reduced to a quivering, panicked state, was at a loss for how to manage the overwhelming fear that consumed him.

Just as he felt the panic cresting, a calm, mechanical voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Mr. Loki, you appear to be experiencing symptoms of a panic attack. Would you like assistance?"

Loki flinched, his eyes darting around the room before realizing the voice was coming from the ceiling. "Who... Who's there?"

"My name is F.R.I.D.A.Y., Mr. Loki. I am the artificial intelligence system that assists Mr. Stark and the Avengers. You are displaying symptoms of a panic attack. Would you like me to notify Dr. Banner?"

Loki glared at the ceiling, still struggling with the concept of speaking to a disembodied voice. "I do not need assistance from ….a machine….Leave me be."

"As you wish, Mr. Loki. However, I must inform you that your current state requires monitoring. I will alert Dr. Banner regardless."

"No, do not—" Loki began, but the lights in the room flickered briefly, indicating F.R.I.D.A.Y. had already carried out her decision.

In the lab, Bruce's tablet pinged, and he looked down at the alert. "Tony, F.R.I.D.A.Y.'s picking up some alarming readings from Loki."

Tony, who was tinkering with one of his suits, glanced up. "What kind of readings?"

"Panic attack symptoms. Elevated heart rate, rapid breathing."

Tony raised an eyebrow. "Great…—a god having a meltdown. F.R.I.? My girl, patch me through to Loki's room."

"Of course, boss," F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded, connecting the communication.

Bruce and Tony appeared on a screen in Loki’s room. "Hey, Reindeer Games," Tony said, his tone a mix of sarcasm and concern. "F.R.I tells me you're not doing too hot. Need a hand?"

Loki scowled at the screen. "Your concern is neither needed nor wanted, Stark."

Tony rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well, tough luck. You’re stuck with us. Bruce is on his way to help you out. Just breathe, okay? In and out. You know, like a normal person."

Bruce quickly made his way to Loki's room, entering quietly. "Loki, I need you to focus on my voice. You're safe here. Just breathe slowly and deeply."

Loki’s eyes darted between Bruce and the screen. "I do not need ….your assistance," he repeated, though his voice lacked conviction.

"Sure you don't," Tony's voice crackled through the screen. "But let's just pretend you do for a moment, alright? Give Bruce a chance."

Bruce approached the bed, his movements slow and non-threatening. "I'm just going to check your vitals and make sure everything's alright."

Loki clenched his jaw but didn't resist. Bruce gently checked his pulse and breathing, nodding to himself. "You're doing okay. Just keep focusing on breathing slowly."

Tony's voice came through again. "F.R.I.D.A.Y., play some soothing music or something. Maybe some Enya?"

"Initiating calming playlist" the IA responded, and soft, calming music began to fill the room.

Loki closed his eyes, trying to drown out the pain and fear. "I do not need... this," he muttered, though his body slowly began to respond to the calm environment.

"Think of it as a temporary truce," Tony said. "We keep you from having a meltdown, and you don’t make our lives any more complicated than they already are. Deal?"

Loki let out a long breath, feeling the tightness in his chest slowly easing. "Fine…For now."

Bruce smiled slightly, continuing to monitor Loki.

The God reluctantly allowed the doctor to administer pain medication. Loki, growing increasingly frustrated with being restrained, looked at Bruce with a mix of irritation and desperation. "Is it possible to at least free my wrists?" he asked, his voice tinged with resignation.

Bruce hesitated but then nodded. "Alright, but you have to promise you won't try to escape."

Loki let out a dry, humorless laugh. "You think i can escape ? I can barely sit up, Banner. Your fears are unwarranted."

Bruce carefully unfastened the restraints, and Loki rubbed his wrists, wincing slightly at the tenderness. Just then, Thor entered the room with Steve, carrying a tray of food. The morning was already well underway.

"Brother," Thor said, setting the tray down on a nearby table. "You need to eat something."

Loki looked at the food with palpable disgust. "I have no appetite," he muttered. The mere thought of eating made his stomach churn.

Thor sighed, his eyes filled with concern. "At least drink some water. And perhaps a bit of soup. You need your strength."

Loki resisted at first, but after a long negotiation filled with stubborn glares and frustrated sighs, he reluctantly agreed. His hands trembled as he reached for the cup of water, and he shot Thor a look of defiance when his brother moved to help. "I can manage," he said sharply.

Steve, watching the interaction, tried to lighten the mood. "You know…, refusing to eat is only going to make you weaker. And I don’t think that’s the impression you want to give right now."

Loki’s lips curled into a faint sneer. "I do not need your advice, Captain."

Bruce handed him a bowl of soup, and Loki took it with unsteady hands. He managed a few sips, but his discomfort was obvious. "This is intolerable," he muttered, pushing the bowl away after only a few mouthfuls.

Thor frowned, but he tried to be understanding. "Just a little more, brother. It will help you heal faster."

Loki shook his head, his expression one of sheer revulsion. "No more. I will not... I cannot," he said, his voice faltering.

Tony's voice came through the intercom, having been monitoring the situation. "You know, Loki, there are kids in the world who would kill for that soup. Just saying."

Loki shot a glare at the ceiling. "I am not one of your Midgardian children, Stark."

Tony chuckled. "Could have fooled me. You're acting like one."

Steve intervened before Loki's temper could flare further. "Tony, your not helping."

Loki set the bowl aside, his hands still shaking. "Enough. I will not be subjected to further humiliation."

Thor sighed, placing a comforting hand on his brother’s shoulder. "We just want you to get better, Loki. We’re trying to help."

Loki’s eyes softened slightly, but his pride remained intact. "I do not want your pity, Thor. I want... to be left alone."

Bruce exchanged a look with Thor and Steve, then nodded. "Alright. We’ll give you some space...again."

As they left the room, Thor looked back, his heart heavy with worry. "Rest well, brother. We'll check on you later."

Left alone, he slumped back against the pillows, his breath coming in shallow gasps. The pain from his injuries was still intense, but it was the emotional torment that weighed on him more heavily. Memories of his failures, of Thanos’ threats, and of his current helplessness swirled in his mind.

Hours passed, and Loki found himself drifting in and out of a restless sleep. Each time he closed his eyes, visions of the mad titan and the Chitauri haunted him, dragging him back into the nightmare.

In one such moment, he was jolted awake by a sharp pain in his side, a reminder of his broken ribs. He groaned, clutching his side, his fingers brushing against the bandages Bruce had carefully applied. "Curse this mortal fragility," he muttered to himself.

F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice interrupted his brooding. "Mr. Loki, you should try to rest. Your body needs time to heal."

Loki glared at the ceiling. "Do you ever cease your prattling, machine?"

"Only when Mr. Stark deems it necessary," F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied smoothly. "Would you like me to alert Dr. Banner?"

Loki sighed heavily. "No. I do not require his assistance."

"As you wish, Mr. Loki," F.R.I.D.A.Y. responded. "But I will continue to monitor your vitals."

Hours later, the door opened quietly, and Thor stepped back into the room, followed by Steve. They carried another tray of food and some water.

"Brother ? it’s time to try again," Thor said gently, placing the tray on the bedside table.

Loki turned his head away. "I told you, I am not hungry."

Steve stepped forward, his expression calm but firm. " you need to eat. Not eating will only make things worse."

Loki’s shoulders slumped slightly, and he looked at the tray with a resigned expression. "Fine…But do not expect me to enjoy it."

Thor handed him the bowl of soup again, and this time, Loki managed to take a few more sips. His hands still trembled, and he hated the weakness it revealed.

"Take your time," Thor said softly, his voice filled with brotherly concern.

Loki finished half of the soup before pushing it away. "That is all I can manage."

"That’s better than nothing," Steve said with an encouraging smile. "You did well."

Loki’s eyes narrowed slightly. "I do not need your praise, Captain."

Steve chuckled. "Alright, no praise. Just... uh…keep trying."

As they settled Loki back into bed, Thor looked down at him, his expression a mixture of worry and determination. "We will help you through this, Loki. One way or another."

Loki closed his eyes, too exhausted to respond. As he drifted back into a fitful sleep, he couldn’t shake the feeling of impending doom, but for the first time in a long while, there was a faint glimmer of hope, buried deep within his heart.


Far from the Avengers and Earth.

Thanos sat on his throne aboard his colossal spaceship. The dim lighting of the vast chamber cast long shadows, highlighting the terrifying figure of the Titan. His eyes glowed with a menacing light, and his expression, though outwardly calm, barely concealed the fury roiling beneath the surface. The immense, foreboding presence of Thanos filled the room, instilling a sense of dread in all who beheld him.

Before him stood Ebony Maw, delivering the latest intelligence on Loki's current situation. Proxima Midnight and Corvus also flanked the room, their postures tense as they awaited their master's command.

"Master," Ebony Maw began, his voice smooth and reverent, "our spies have confirmed that Loki remains with the Avengers, severely weakened and bound by their restraints. He is in no condition to resist."

Thanos steepled his fingers, his gaze piercing and unyielding. "Loki has failed me once. I will not tolerate another failure. He must understand the consequences of his incompetence."

Ebony Maw nodded, his eyes gleaming with a sinister light. "Indeed, my lord. We must remind him of his place. I have several suggestions on how to proceed."

"Speak," Thanos commanded, his voice carrying a weight that sent shivers down the spines of those present.

"First," Ebony Maw said, stepping closer to his master, "we could launch a covert operation to infiltrate the Avengers' base and retrieve Loki directly. However, this poses a significant risk of exposure."

Thanos's eyes narrowed slightly, a subtle indicator of his growing impatience.

"Alternatively," Ebony Maw continued, "we could employ deception, using agents who can manipulate the Avengers into releasing Loki into our custody."

Thanos remained silent, contemplating the options, his gaze like a storm on the verge of breaking. His eyes finally settled on Ebony Maw. "These strategies lack the... impact I seek. I want the Avengers to feel our presence, to understand their vulnerability."

Proxima stepped forward, her voice steady but tinged with respect. "Perhaps an overwhelming show of force, my lord. The Chitauri could descend upon Earth, causing chaos and confusion. In the midst of their desperation, we can extract Loki."

Thanos leaned back, a slow, predatory smile spreading across his face. "Yes, that is more fitting. An attack will divert their attention and resources. While they scramble to defend their precious planet, we will seize Loki and remind him of his true purpose."

"Shall I begin the preparations, my lord?" Ebony Maw asked, a hint of eagerness in his voice.

Thanos nodded, his expression dark and resolute. "Do so. Mobilize the Chitauri and prepare them for the assault. Ensure that our forces are ready to strike with precision and overwhelming force."

Corvus, silent until now, spoke up. "Master, the Avengers will be caught off guard. They will not be able to defend against such a multifaceted assault."

Thanos's eyes gleamed with a fierce, cold fire. "Let them try. They will learn the futility of their resistance and the true power they face."

With a final nod, Ebony Maw and the others left the throne room to carry out their master's orders. Thanos sat back, his mind already visualizing the chaos and destruction that would soon befall Earth. Loki's failure would be rectified, and the Avengers would taste despair. This was only the beginning of Thanos's grand design.

As the door closed behind his lieutenants, Thanos's gaze turned outward to the vastness of space. His fury, though carefully masked, was a tempest ready to be unleashed. The Avengers and Loki would soon understand the true meaning of terror. This was not merely a mission of retrieval; it was a declaration of dominance. The universe would bow to his will, and no one, not even the so-called heroes of Earth, could stand in his way.


So? 😁

What did you think? I really enjoyed writing this little scene with Thanos to introduce things!

Stay tuned for more! This is just the beginning.😎😎

See ya ! Thanks for your comments !

Chapter 5: Chapter 5


A slightly more relaxed chapter today! I wanted to add some humor and create a family-like atmosphere among the Avengers around Loki 😊

Disclaimer: Suicidal thoughts (it's mild, but still)

Enjoy this chapter!

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Several weeks passed, and Loki's wounds slowly began to heal, though the process was far from quick. Each movement he made was careful and deliberate. His ribs, once a source of excruciating agony, now only ached dully, and the myriad bruises and cuts marring his skin had started to fade.

Finally, Bruce, with his usual meticulous care, deemed Loki well enough to leave the confines of the hospital room. The sterile walls and the constant beeping of medical machines had been a torment of their own, a reminder of his vulnerability. After a collective agreement among the Avengers and a begrudging nod from Fury, Loki was assigned a room within the Avengers' quarters. This new arrangement was not just for Loki’s convenience but for the team’s peace of mind as well.

The room was modest compared to Asgardian standards but comfortable enough. It offered Loki a semblance of normalcy and dignity, far removed from the isolation of a cell. The decision ensured that he could be easily monitored and that he wouldn't languish alone, a prisoner in both body and spirit. Over the past weeks, it had become evident that in his weakened state, the god of mischief posed no real threat. His usual arrogance was subdued, replaced with a weary resignation as he navigated the delicate path of recovery amidst those who were once his adversaries.

The only one who still harbored significant resentment towards Loki was Clint. Despite the passage of time and the visible improvement in Loki's condition, Clint's anger had not entirely abated. While he had calmed down enough to refrain from making snide comments or overtly hostile remarks, his discomfort was palpable. Clint went out of his way to avoid Loki, his demeanor stiffening whenever the god of mischief was nearby.

Whenever they crossed paths in the hallways of the Avengers' quarters, Clint's jaw would tighten, and his eyes would harden with lingering bitterness. The archer often found excuses to be elsewhere, ensuring that his duties took him as far away from Loki's presence as possible. During team meetings, he would position himself at the opposite end of the room, his body language clearly signaling his unwillingness to engage.

Even in moments of relative calm, Clint's resentment simmered just beneath the surface. His trust in Loki was shattered, and the memories of their previous encounters—marked by manipulation and betrayal—remained fresh in his mind. It was evident to everyone that, despite the collective decision to integrate Loki into their quarters, Clint's forgiveness was far from forthcoming.

Loki, though relieved to leave the hospital room, found his new situation far from satisfactory. He loathed his dependence on others, and Thor's insistence that he socialize with the Avengers only added to his irritation.

One evening, as Loki sat brooding in his room, Thor entered with a broad smile. "Brother !, you need to come out and join us. We’re about to watch a film."

Loki sighed, not bothering to hide his annoyance. "I have no interest in your Midgardian entertainments, Thor."

Thor's grin widened. "Come on ! It will be good for you. It's called 'Star Wars'. You might find it interesting."

Loki arched an eyebrow. "Star Wars? That sounds utterly ridiculous."

Thor chuckled. "You might be surprised. Come on."

Reluctantly, Loki followed Thor into the common area, where the rest of the Avengers were already settling in. Tony glanced up as they entered. "Well, well, if it isn't our favorite reformed villain. Decided to join the party, huh?"

Loki's eyes narrowed. "Hardly by choice."

Steve, ever the peacemaker, smiled warmly. "It's good to have you with us, Loki. Try to relax."

As they sat down, Loki's attention was drawn by tony’s voice. "would you like some refreshments? Popcorn, perhaps?"

Loki scowled. "I do not consume your mortal snacks."

Tony smirked. "Suit yourself. More for us."

The movie began, and despite himself, Loki found the tale of galactic struggles and mystical forces somewhat engaging. About halfway through, he couldn't resist making a snide remark. "I must say, the concept of a father dismembering his son is rather relatable."

Thor sighed. "Brother, can you just watch the movie without comparing it to our family drama?"

Clint, sitting in the corner, muttered under his breath, "At least Vader had a redemption arc."

Loki ignored him, focusing instead on the screen, where lightsabers clashed and space battles raged.

By the end of the movie, Tony stretched and looked at Loki. "So, what did you think, Reindeer Games?"

Loki leaned back, arms crossed. "It was... tolerable. Though I fail to see the fascination you all have with this."

Bruce smiled softly. "Sometimes it's just about escaping reality for a bit. Even gods need that."

Loki remained silent, contemplating Bruce's words. Perhaps there was some merit to this notion of temporary escape.

As the Avengers began to disperse, Thor clapped Loki on the shoulder. "See, brother? A little socializing isn't so bad."

Loki rolled his eyes but couldn't help a small smile. "If you insist. But do not make this a habit."

As they walked back to their rooms, FRIDAY. chimed in again. "Goodnight, Mr. Loki. If you require anything, do not hesitate to ask."

Loki paused, looking up at the ceiling with a mixture of curiosity and bemusem*nt. "Thank you... i guess ?"

"You're welcome, Mr. Loki. Good night."

Loki shook his head, amused by the peculiarities of his new environment. Despite the constraints and the constant supervision, there was a strange, unexpected comfort in this newfound camaraderie. As he closed the door to his room, he allowed himself a moment of rare contentment.

In his room, Loki sat in the dim light, his thoughts swirling like a storm. He pondered how he would handle the inevitable arrival of Thanos. He was certain the Titan would come searching for him sooner or later.

"The Titan's shadow looms ever closer," Loki muttered to himself, his voice barely a whisper. "How long before he finds me?"

Loki knew Thanos would not rest until he was found. Now that he was no longer under the influence of the scepter and his anger had dissipated, Loki found his priorities shifting. He looked around his modest quarters, feeling the weight of his vulnerability. Without his powers, he felt useless, a shadow of his former self. Yet, something unexpected had begun to stir within him.

Despite his animosity towards his captors, Loki found himself wanting to protect his brother and the Avengers from the Titan's wrath. They had shown him a kind of resilience and camaraderie he had never experienced. He was convinced they were not yet ready to win a battle against Thanos. His cunning and lies, once tools of deception, could now be used to shield them.

"What can I do, stripped of my powers?" he pondered, frustration creeping into his thoughts.

Loki didn't care about his own life. In his mind, he had already lost all his grandeur.

His fingers traced the lines of the bedspread absentmindedly as he thought of the past weeks. The nightmares, the constant surveillance, the attempts at socializing forced upon him by Thor. It was a mockery of the life he once knew.

"In some twisted way, I hope Thanos might grant me the death I long for," he mused aloud, a dark smile playing on his lips. "A final act of defiance."

Yet, a part of him clung to the fragile connections he had begun to form with the Avengers. They saw him as a broken being, but perhaps in their eyes, he could find a semblance of redemption.

"But what redemption is there for the god of mischief?" he wondered, the question hanging heavy in the air. "What do they see in me worth saving?"

Loki leaned back, closing his eyes against the wave of despair threatening to engulf him. The silence of the room pressed in, but his mind was a cacophony of conflicting thoughts and emotions.

As the night deepened, Loki's resolve hardened. He would not let Thanos have the satisfaction of breaking him. If he was to face the Titan, it would be on his own terms, with the knowledge that he had done everything in his power to protect his brother and the Avengers.

"And if death comes for me," Loki thought, a bitter smile curving his lips, "then so be it. I will meet it not as a god of mischief, but as a protector of those who dared to show me a different path."

With that, Loki fell into a restless sleep, his dreams haunted by visions of the coming storm. But amidst the chaos, there was a flicker of hope, a small but growing sense of purpose that would drive him to face the challenges ahead.

After a night filled with dark thoughts, Loki was awakened the next morning by the familiar voice of FRIDAY. With no motivation, he decided to join the others for breakfast, begrudgingly starting to appreciate the food he had initially refused. As he entered the kitchen, he stumbled upon an amusing scene: Tony and Thor were in the midst of a chaotic attempt at cooking. Thor, with his usual brute force, had made a mess of things, while Tony tried to wrestle a spatula from his grip.

"Thor, for the love of—stop! You're going to break the stove!" Tony exclaimed, frustration evident in his voice.

"I am merely trying to cook a hearty Asgardian meal!" Thor retorted, his booming voice echoing in the kitchen.

Steve and Bruce were barely containing their laughter, their shoulders shaking as they watched the spectacle. Natasha stood in a corner, a rare smile gracing her lips, while Clint sat nearby, meticulously cleaning his bow, an amused smirk on his face.

"Good morning, Mr. Loki," FRIDAY greeted. "Would you like some breakfast?"

Loki sighed but couldn't help the slight smile tugging at the corners of his mouth."I suppose I could eat."

As he moved to sit down, Steve called out, "Hey, come over here and join us. You don't want to miss the show."

"Yes," Bruce added, chuckling. "Thor's cooking attempts are always...entertaining."

Loki raised an eyebrow but made his way to the table, taking a seat beside Natasha. "I see the god of thunder has yet to master the art of delicate cuisine," he remarked dryly.

"Hey, I'm trying!" Thor protested, finally managing to extract a charred piece of meat from the pan.

Tony rolled his eyes. "Trying and failing, Point Break."

Thor glared at Tony. "Man of iron ! You do not appreciate the finesse of Asgardian culinary arts."

Tony snorted. "You nearly set the kitchen on fire! We don't need to call the fire department every time you get hungry."

Thor puffed out his chest. "It is the mark of a true warrior to embrace the flames of the forge, even in the kitchen!"

"Well, how about you embrace the idea of ordering takeout?" Tony shot back, yanking the spatula from Thor's grip. "I'm not risking my life for your breakfast experiments."

Steve, unable to hold back any longer, burst out laughing. "Come on ! Tony, give Thor a break. He's just trying to contribute."

Bruce nodded, still chuckling. "Yeah, Tony, let him play chef. Just keep the fire extinguisher handy."

Natasha leaned over and whispered to Loki, "It's always like this when Thor decides to cook. It's actually kind of endearing."

Loki nodded, his mood lightening despite himself. "Indeed. It seems even gods have their...limitations."

Tony, chimed in, "You should have seen the time Thor tried to make pancakes. Let's just say the ceiling still has a few battle scars."

Thor looked indignant. "Those pancakes were a valiant effort! And they tasted glorious."

Tony smirked. "If by 'glorious,' you mean 'inedible,' then sure."

"At least I do not hide behind machines to prepare my meals," Thor retorted, crossing his arms.

Tony waved the spatula like a victory flag. "I’ll take my machines over your medieval methods any day !"

After the chaos in the kitchen, Loki attempted to eat in silence. His brother, Thor, was engaged in a spirited debate with Steve about the propriety of placing Mjolnir on the dining table. The god of thunder insisted it was his right, while Steve, ever the pragmatist, argued that it was unnecessary.

"Come now, Rogers," Thor said with a broad grin. "Mjolnir deserves a place of honor. After all, it is not just any hammer."

Steve sighed, crossing his arms. "Thor, it's a table for eating, not displaying weapons. Plus, it takes up half the space."

Thor leaned back, looking affronted. "It is a symbol of Asgardian might! Surely it deserves respect."

Steve shook his head. "And I'm sure your hammer can handle being on the floor for a meal."

Loki, watching the exchange with mild amusem*nt, decided to stir the pot. "It appears even you, Captain, cannot lift the mighty hammer."

Steve chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "I don't need to lift it to know where it belongs."

Tony, never one to miss an opportunity for a challenge, smirked at Loki. "What about you, Reindeer Games? Feel like giving it a try?"

Loki glared at Tony. "I refuse to partake in such a futile endeavor. Unlike you, Stark, I am aware of my unworthiness."

Clint, polishing his bow, couldn't resist a jab. "That's a rare moment of self-awareness, Loki. Maybe there's hope for you yet."

Loki shot Clint a withering look but said nothing.

Tony leaned in, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Come on, it could be fun. Besides, wouldn't you love to prove us wrong? Just imagine the look on Thor's face if you could actually lift it."

Thor laughed heartily. "Let him try, Stark. I am confident Mjolnir will remain where it is."

Steve, shaking his head, added with a grin, "Maybe we should just get a hammer stand. Save us all the trouble."

Tony snapped his fingers. "Now there's an idea! I'll design one that lights up and plays the Asgardian national anthem whenever you pick it up."

Thor looked intrigued. "That... actually sounds quite splendid."

Bruce, who had been quietly enjoying his breakfast, finally spoke up. "Or we could just keep the hammer off the table."

Natasha, smirking from her corner,added. "Bruce is right. Let's keep the kitchen battles to a minimum."

After the debate subsided and everyone finished their breakfast, "Why don't we hit the training room?" Steve proposed. "It'll be a good way to blow off some steam. Loki, you should join us."

Loki immediately shook his head. "I have no interest in your mortal exercises."

Thor clapped him on the back, nearly knocking him off his chair. "Come now, brother! At least come and observe. It will be good for you to get out of this room."

Loki sighed, knowing resistance was futile when Thor was involved. "Very well. I will watch, but do not expect me to participate."

As they made their way to the training room, Loki couldn't help but feel a mix of frustration and curiosity. Despite his reluctance, there was a part of him that was intrigued by the Avengers' methods.

The training room was spacious, filled with various equipment and training dummies. Steve and Thor immediately began sparring, their movements precise and powerful. Tony tinkered with a few gadgets on the side, occasionally throwing in a sarcastic comment.

"So," Tony called out. "Enjoying the show?"

Loki leaned against the wall, arms crossed. "It's... adequate."

Bruce, who had been watching from the sidelines, approached Loki. "You know, you're welcome to join in. You might find it therapeutic."

Loki arched an eyebrow. "I find it tedious."

Natasha, who was practicing her own combat techniques, smiled. "You might surprise yourself, Loki. You still have your combat skills, even without your powers."

Clint, always ready with a quip, added, "Yeah, you could at least show us how to fight like a god. Or is that too beneath you?"

Loki's eyes flashed with annoyance, but he kept his composure. "Fighting is not beneath me, Barton. However, participating in this charade is, If you are finished, I would like to return to my quarters."

Thor shook his head. "Not yet, brother. Stay a while longer. You might even enjoy yourself."

Loki sighed, but he stayed. As he watched the others train, he couldn't help but feel a small sense of camaraderie. Despite his initial reluctance, the interactions and shared moments were beginning to chip away at his icy exterior.

As the Avengers continued their training, the god watched, a small part of him starting to appreciate the strange, dysfunctional family he had unwillingly become a part of.

The training session was abruptly interrupted by FRIDAY's calm voice echoing through the room.

"Boss, Director Fury has arrived unexpectedly and requests a meeting, including Mr. Loki's presence."

Tony sighed, tossing his training gloves aside. "Just what we needed to brighten our day ! "

The group made their way to the living area, where Fury was waiting, accompanied by three stern-looking SHIELD agents and Happy, who looked somewhat apologetic.

"Sorry, folks," Happy said, scratching the back of his head. "I tried to keep him out, but you know how he is."

Fury's single eye swept over the group, landing on Loki with a disapproving glare. "I see you're making yourself quite comfortable, Loki."

Loki remained silent, his expression impassive as he observed Fury and the agents, who were clearly ready to act at the slightest provocation.

Tony stepped forward, arms crossed. "Nick, we’ve got this under control. No need to storm in with the cavalry."

Fury's expression hardened. "This is a prisoner, Stark. Not a guest. We’re supposed to be extracting information from him, not hosting tea parties."

Thor interjected, his voice firm. "Loki is my brother, and we are handling the situation. He has shown no signs of being a threat."

Fury shook his head, his frustration evident. "By pampering him? That’s not how we get answers. He’s not going to talk if you keep treating him like one of your own."

Natasha, leaning against the wall, spoke up. "We’re making progress, Fury. Slowly but surely. Forcing him isn’t going to help."

Fury's gaze didn't waver. "I need results, Romanoff. Not delays."

Steve stepped forward. "Director, we understand the urgency, but another forced interrogation isn't the answer."

Fury's patience seemed to be wearing thin. "This is Loki we're talking about. The god of lies and deception."

Loki, who had been standing silently in the background, finally spoke. "Enough. I grow weary of this constant back and forth."

Fury turned his gaze sharply to Loki. "So, you’re willing to cooperate then?"

Loki's eyes were cold, but there was a hint of resignation in his voice. "If it will end this tiresome charade, then yes. I will submit to your interrogation."

Thor looked at his brother with concern. "Brother, you don’t have to do this."

Loki met his brother's gaze. "It appears I do, Thor. Perhaps it is time I face the consequences."

Fury motioned to his agents. "Prepare the interrogation room at SHIELD HQ. We leave immediately."

the SHIELD agents move to escort Loki, As they left the Avengers' quarters, Loki couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of acceptance. The Avengers watched him go, a mixture of concern and determination in their eyes.

Tony turned to the group. "we need to keep a close watch on this. Fury’s methods are... let's just say, not always the best."

Thor nodded. "Agreed, Antony. We must ensure Loki is not pushed beyond his limits."

Tony's eye twitched. "It's Tony, Thor. My name is Tony."

Thor blinked, then nodded vigorously. "Yes, of course, Antony."

Tony sighed, clearly exasperated. "One of these days, Point Break, you're going to get my name right."

Steve placed a reassuring hand on Thor's shoulder, trying to suppress a grin. "We'll make sure of it, Thor, don’t worry."


I hope you enjoyed the chapter despite the lack of action this time!


A bit of tenderness in this harsh world ! ❤️

I feel like my chapters are really long, so please let me know what you think !

I have a hard time knowing where to stop haha ! 😅

Chapter 6: Chapter 6


Hey there ! Here's Chapter 6 for ya 😁

Loki might act a bit OOC on this one !

I gotta admit, I got a little teary-eyed writing this chapter (poor little Loki)🥲

Hope you enjoy the read !

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Loki was transported in a SHIELD van, his wrists bound by handcuffs as Fury had insisted. The agents were anything but gentle, eliciting a sharp intake of breath from Loki and a sardonic comment. "Such hospitality. You really do know how to make a god feel welcome."

Fury, seated across from him, raised an eyebrow. "I’d advise you not to get too comfortable, Loki. I've found a very effective way to make you talk."

Loki fell silent, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension stirring within him. What could Fury possibly have up his sleeve ?

Upon arrival, the god was escorted to a small interrogation room. A single metal table and two chairs faced each other, and a tinted window loomed in front of him. The agents roughly fastened his cuffs to the table, the metal biting into his skin.

"Really, these accommodations are almost as lovely as your previous attempts at hospitality," Loki remarked, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

A guard took position by the door, weapon ready, as Fury entered, a steaming cup of coffee in hand. He settled into the chair opposite Loki, his gaze unyielding.

"We’re going to try this again" Fury began, his voice steely. "Why did you attack New York?"

Loki sighed, rolling his eyes. "Must we go through this again ? I've already told you, it was a misguided attempt at ruling your pitiful world."

Fury’s jaw tightened, but he pressed on. "Were you acting alone ?"

Loki smirked, leaning back as far as his restraints allowed. "What do you think director ?"

Fury's patience was clearly wearing thin. "What about the Tesseract ? What was your real purpose for needing it ?"

Loki's expression turned cold, and he replied with dark humor. "I wanted a paperweight. Very decorative"

Fury’s eyes flashed with irritation. "Enough with the jokes"

Loki remained silent, his gaze steady but his mind racing. What was Fury planning ?

With a curt motion, Fury signaled the guard. Moments later, he returned, carrying a familiar briefcase. Loki’s eyes widened, he opened the case and retrieved the scepter. The sight of it sent a jolt of panic through Loki. This was not supposed to happen. The scepter was meant to be secure with Thor and the Avengers.

Fury noticed the flicker of fear in Loki’s eyes. "Recognize this ?" he asked, his tone almost casual.

Loki swallowed hard, but his voice remained steady. "You shouldn’t play with things you don't understand, Fury."

Fury's smile was cold. "Oh, I understand it well enough. I've studied this scepter. And I know what it can do."

He stepped closer, the scepter in hand, and Loki felt its pull immediately. He fought against the familiar, insidious attraction, but it was a struggle.

"You think you can resist," Fury said, leaning in. "But we both know this scepter can make you talk."

Loki's breath quickened. "Using that scepter on me is a mistake. You have no idea what you’re dealing with."

Fury's gaze was unwavering. "Enlighten me, then. Why shouldn’t I use it ?"

Loki's resolve began to crumble. He couldn't let Fury use the scepter. "Because," he began, his voice strained, "if you use it, Thanos will know exactly where I am."

Fury’s eyes narrowed. "Who is Thanos ?"

Loki clenched his fists, the chains rattling. "He is the one who gave me the scepter. The one who orchestrated the attack on New York."

Meanwhile, in the adjacent observation room, the Avengers had just arrived, watching the scene unfold through the tinted glass.

Thor's fists were clenched at his sides. "This is going too far."

Steve placed a calming hand on his shoulder. "We need to see this through, Thor. Fury might get the information we need."

Back in the interrogation room, Fury’s expression was intense. "Tell me everything about Thanos."

Loki’s eyes were filled with a mix of fear and resignation. "Thanos is the most powerful being in the universe. If he finds me, it won’t just be my end. He will destroy everything in his path to get what he wants."

Fury leaned in even closer, the scepter’s tip inches from Loki’s chest. "And what does he want ?"

Loki’s voice dropped to a whisper, the weight of his words heavy. "The Tesseract and the scepter are just the beginning. Thanos seeks the Infinity Stones. With them, he will have the power to reshape reality itself."

Fury absorbed this information, his mind racing with the implications. "And where can we find Thanos ?"

Loki shook his head, a grim smile on his lips. "You don’t find Thanos. He finds you. And when he does, no power in the universe will stop him."

Fury stepped back, considering Loki’s words. The gravity of the situation was becoming clear. This was bigger than anything they had faced before.

In the observation room, Tony turned to the others. "Looks like we’re dealing with a real big bad guy here, folks."

Fury continued his questions, showing no intention of stopping. He sat back down, placing the scepter on the table, ensuring that Loki wouldn’t forget its ominous presence.

The god was visibly tense, trying to mask his growing panic. Loki felt as if he were suffocating, almost able to hear Thanos' voice emanating from the scepter. It was as though the Titan's sinister influence was reaching out to him through the artifact.

"Did Thanos give you the capabilities to attack Earth ?" Fury asked, his voice cutting through Loki’s turbulent thoughts.

"Yes," Loki replied tersely, his voice betraying a hint of his anxiety. Despite his mounting panic, "Though I must say, his management style leaves much to be desired. Very hands-off, wouldn't recommend."

Fury leaned forward, his gaze piercing. "Tell me about the first time you met Thanos. When did this all begin ?"

Loki's mind flashed back to that fateful day, the memories vivid and haunting. " when I fell from the Bifrost," he began, his voice strained. "I was lost in the Void ."

He paused, trying to steady his breathing, the panic gnawing at the edges of his composure. "Eventually, I was found by Thanos. He... took me in, if you can call it that. He offered me power, a chance at revenge. Who could resist such a charming offer ?" Loki's attempt at humor fell flat, even to his own ears.

Fury’s expression remained hard, unyielding. "And you accepted."

Loki gave a bitter laugh. "It was more like there was no choice. Thanos isn't exactly known for his democratic approach. I was given the scepter, a token of his so-called generosity, and sent to conquer Earth. Failure, as you might imagine, was not an option."

Fury's eyes narrowed. "So you did his bidding, knowing the consequences of defiance."

"Indeed," Loki replied, his voice dropping to a whisper.

Fury studied Loki closely, his gaze intense. “You’re holding something back, did he torture you ?”

Loki’s eyes flashed with a mix of anger and defiance. “Thanos’s methods are not your concern,” he said sharply, refusing to elaborate further. “You should be more worried about his arrival than dwelling on the past.”

In the adjacent observation room, Thor explained to his friends. "When Loki fell from the Bifrost, we thought we had lost him forever. He was swallowed by the void."

Natasha glanced at Thor, her brow furrowed. “Thor ? have Loki’s eyes always been green ? It seems like whenever the scepter is near him, they take on a blue hue, similar to when Clint was under his control.”

Thor nodded slowly, understanding her implication. “Aye…Loki’s eyes have always been green….The blue hue you see is likely the lingering influence of the scepter’s power.”

Natasha’s eyes widened slightly. “So, the scepter still has some hold over him ?”

Thor sighed heavily. “It is possible. The scepter’s power is not to be underestimated. It can twist the mind and spirit, even after it is no longer in one’s possession.”

Loki's panic was becoming more evident. He could almost feel Thanos' presence, the scepter's proximity bringing back the trauma. "You really don't understand," he pleaded, his voice trembling.

Fury's skepticism was palpable. "And why should I believe you? You’ve lied before."

Loki's eyes flared with irritation, his voice dripping with dark humor. "You truly are an idiot, aren't you, Fury ? Do you think I enjoy begging for my life ? For once, I am telling the truth." His tone grew more desperate and mocking at the same time. "Thanos is a threat beyond anything your small mortal mind can comprehend. He will not stop until he has what he wants."

Fury's expression hardened, but Loki continued, his voice now a mix of fear and sardonic wit. "Do you really think I’d concoct some elaborate story just for a bit of amusem*nt ? I assure you, the reality is far less entertaining. Thanos is coming, and he will not show the same mercy I have."

Fury remained silent, his skepticism waning as the gravity of Loki's words sank in. Loki, noticing the slight shift, pressed on. "If you have any semblance of intelligence, you'll heed my warning. The threat is real, and it’s closer than you think."

In the observation room, Steve exchanged a concerned look with Tony. "We need to do something. Fury's pushing him too hard."

Tony nodded. "yep, i agree"


Back in the interrogation room, Fury leaned in closer, holding the scepter threateningly. "You’re going to tell me more him, and save the theatrics, Loki. I need to know what we’re up against. What are his capabilities ?"

Loki's fear turned to desperation. "for Odin’s sake ! you have to listen. If you use that scepter on me, he will find us. He will—"

Before Loki could finish, the door burst open, and the Avengers stormed in. Steve stepped forward, his voice firm. "That’s enough, Fury. Stop this."

Fury turned, surprised but unwilling to back down. "We need answers, Rogers. We can't afford to be gentle."

Thor moved to Loki’s side, his presence a calming force. "And we can't afford to lose him to Thanos influence again. Look at him, Fury."

Fury hesitated, glancing between the determined faces of the Avengers and the terrified look in Loki's eyes. Finally, he sighed, lowering the scepter. "Alright. We’ll do this your way. For now."

Loki finally felt a moment of relief after the tense interrogation. He tried to catch his breath as Tony stepped forward, grabbing the keys from the guard to release Loki's wrists. "Hang in there, Reindeer Games." Tony said as he unfastened the cuffs.

Just as the group was preparing to leave, a confrontation broke out between Fury and Thor. The god of thunder wanted to take the scepter to secure it himself, not trusting Fury's intentions. "It belongs with us ! not SHIELD," Thor insisted.

Fury shook his head, gripping the scepter tightly. "This is SHIELD property now, Thor."

With his brute strength, Thor inadvertently caused the situation to escalate. The scepter was knocked from Fury's hands, flying through the air. Loki's eyes widened in horror. "No !" he shouted as the scepter tumbled towards him.

Everyone lunged to catch it, but the scepter fell heavily at Loki’s feet. The brief contact was enough to send a shockwave through Loki's mind. The tenuous link with Thanos, not fully severed, flared back to life.


In his distant lair, Thanos reclined on his massive throne. As the connection with Loki reestablished itself, he sat up, his towering figure casting a long, menacing shadow across the room. A dark smile spread across his face, his eyes gleaming with sad*stic pleasure.

Thanos' voice, rich with malice and power, reverberated through Loki's mind like a death knell. "You cannot escape me, little god. I see all. I know all."

Loki's heart raced, pounding painfully against his chest. His mind was a whirlpool of panic and defiance. *No, no, no !* His mental screams echoed in the void of his own consciousness, but they felt powerless against the overwhelming presence of the Titan.

Thanos leaned forward, his immense hand gripping the edge of his throne as if to assert his dominance even across the vast expanse of space. "You thought you could hide from me ? Foolishness. Your mind is mine to command."

The weight of Thanos' words pressed down on Loki, suffocating him with an unbearable sense of dread. He could feel the Titan’s insidious influence creeping into every corner of his psyche, threatening to drown his very essence. *I won't let you control me ! Not again !*

But Thanos only laughed, a deep, resonant sound that sent chills down Loki’s spine. "Struggle all you want, little god. It is futile. You are and always will be mine."

Loki's vision blurred, his surroundings fading as Thanos' presence dominated his mind. The Titan's grip was tightening, and the god of mischief could feel himself slipping away, inch by inch. The fight for his own soul had never seemed so desperate.


Tony quickly retrieved the scepter, but the damage was done. An excruciating pain exploded in Loki's head, and he collapsed to his knees, clutching his temples. "Get it out of my head !" he screamed.

Thor rushed to his side, trying to help. "Brother ! Stay with me. Breathe."

Loki's face contorted in agony. "... he’s in my mind. I can hear him, he’s coming"

Fury stepped back, shocked by the intensity of Loki’s reaction. "What the hell just happened !?"

Tony, securing the scepter, looked grim. "We think the link with Thanos isn’t broken. The scepter just reactivated it, thanks to your super brain Nick."

Thor beside Loki, gripping his shoulder. "Brother, you must fight it !"

Loki's breathing was ragged, his vision blurring. *No, I won't let him control me. Not again.* "I... I can't. He’s too strong."

Natasha, observing the scene, turned to Steve. "This is bad. If Thanos can track him through the scepter, we’re all in danger."

Steve nodded, his expression serious. "We need to move Loki to a secure location, away from the scepter."

Tony, trying to lighten the tension, quipped, "Anyone got a safe house that’s not on the radar of a mad Titan ?"

Steve shook his head. "We should secure him at the compound. Nowhere else is safer."

Thor helped Loki to his feet, the god of mischief clutching his head with one hand, his body trembling with residual pain. Despite Thor's steadying presence, Loki was visibly agitated, his face contorted in a mixture of pain and frustration. Thanos now knew exactly where he was, and the realization was enough to make him withdraw even further into himself.

"Easy, brother," Thor murmured, his grip firm yet gentle.

Loki shot him a glare, his voice laced with bitterness. "Do not coddle me, Thor !"

Fury, watching the scene unfold, finally relented. "Alright. You take him to your compound. But this isn’t over."

Thor turned to Fury, his eyes blazing with anger. "If I had my way, I’d crush you with my hammer right now, Director."

Fury met Thor's gaze without flinching. "Just get him out of here," he repeated, his voice flat.

Tony, ever the one to add a touch of levity, couldn't resist a final jab. "Next time, Fury, maybe try a little less medieval on the interrogation techniques."

Fury grunted, clearly not amused. "go out of here."

As they made their way out, Thor kept a supportive hand on Loki, though his brother clearly resented the help. Loki’s mind was a storm of anger and pain, and he lashed out verbally as they moved.

"Must you always be so insufferably noble, Thor ?" he sneered. "It’s sickening."

Thor, unperturbed by Loki's words, continued to guide him. "You can berate me all you want, brother. It doesn't change the fact that we need to keep you safe."

Loki muttered something unintelligible under his breath, his eyes filled with a mix of defiance and lingering fear. He hated feeling vulnerable, and the knowledge that Thanos was aware of his location gnawed at him.

Bruce, walking beside them, glanced at Loki with concern. "You need to rest. Let’s get you back and figure out our next steps."

Loki didn’t respond, his jaw clenched tightly against the throbbing pain in his head. The mental assault had left him shaken, and the thought of Thanos inevitable approach filled him with dread. Yet, he was too proud to show any more weakness, masking his fear with a facade of contempt.

As they reached the transport, Tony looked back at the group. "Alright, everyone. Let’s get back to the compound. We’ve got a lot to figure out."

The group returned to the Avengers headquarters, the tension palpable. Clint, who had stayed behind, immediately noticed the strained atmosphere as everyone exited the elevator in silence. Thor was supporting Loki, his worry evident.

Loki, however, had reached his limit. With a sharp movement, he pushed Thor away, agitated. “I can walk on my own ! I am not an invalid.”

Clint, unable to resist the temptation, threw a provocation. “What’s the matter, Loki ? Did you forget how to use your legs ?”

Loki’s reaction was immediate, his dark humor and anger flaring just like when he wielded the scepter. He took a menacing step toward Clint, his eyes blazing with fury. “Be careful, Barton. I could still turn you into a puppet with or without a scepter.”

Clint smirked, taking a step forward as well. “Big words for someone who’s just a mortal now. What are you going to do ? Glare me to death ?

Loki’s fists clenched, his body trembling with pent-up rage. “Don’t push me, archer. You have no idea what I am capable of, even now.”

Thor and Steve intervened quickly, with Steve placing a firm hand on Loki’s shoulder to hold him back. “Enough. Now is not the time to fight among ourselves.”

Clint, undeterred, continued to taunt. “Seems like your bark is worse than your bite these days, Loki. Why don’t you go back to hiding behind your brother ?”

Loki’s eyes darkened, his voice low and dangerous. “You speak of things you cannot comprehend, Barton. I have faced horrors beyond your imagination. Your petty insults mean nothing to me.”

Clint crossed his arms, his expression defiant. “Oh, I comprehend plenty. I remember you turning my mind into a playground. Maybe you should think about that before you start throwing threats around.”

Thor stepped fully between them, his voice a thunderous warning. “Stop, both of you. This isn’t helping. Loki, you need to rest. Clint, stand down.”

Loki, still seething, gave Clint one last venomous look. “This isn’t over, Barton.”

Clint’s smirk faded slightly, replaced by a wary respect. “We’ll see about that.”

Natasha, observing the escalating tension, stepped in to diffuse the situation. “Clint, let it go. Loki’s been through enough today.”

She turned to Loki, her voice firm but understanding. “And you, try not to make things worse for yourself. We’re all stuck in this together.”

Thor placed a hand on Loki’s back, gently guiding him away. “Come on, brother. Let’s get you to your room.”

Once in his chamber, Loki was visibly on edge, the residual influence of the scepter having reignited his anger. He began pacing, his mind a storm of thoughts and emotions. “I cannot believe I am reduced to this. A prisoner in your care, mocked by that insufferable archer.”

Thor tried to calm him. “Brother, you need to rest. Everything will be clearer in the morning.”

Loki whirled around, his eyes flashing with fury. “You think I can simply rest ? Thanos knows where I am, Thor. He’s coming for me, and I am defenseless !”

Thor remained calm, allowing his brother to release his anger. “We will protect you, brother.”

“Protect me ?” Loki spat, grabbing a vase and hurling it across the room. “You couldn’t even protect me from Father’s neglect ! You think you can protect me from Thanos ?”

Thor dodged the vase, his face a mask of patience. “I know you’re scared, brother. But we have faced dangers before, and we’ve overcome them together.”

Loki grabbed another object, a heavy book, and threw it with all his might. “This is different ! You don’t understand ! Thanos will stop at nothing. He will tear this place apart brick by brick to get to me.”

Thor’s voice was gentle but firm. “And we will here to face him, no matter what, you are not alone brother.”

Loki’s rage seemed to grow with each word. He picked up a chair and flung it towards Thor. “I have always been alone ! You, Father, everyone, you all think you can just use me when it suits you and discard me when it doesn’t !”

Thor stepped closer, unflinching. “that’s not true. We’ve always cared about you.”

Loki laughed bitterly, tears of frustration and sorrow in his eyes. “You have no idea what it’s like to be in my place. To be the second son, the unwanted, the unloved. I wanted recognition, love, and all I got was hatred and fear.”

Thor’s heart ached at his brother’s words, but he stayed calm. “Loki, you are my brother. We can find a way through this, together.”

Loki’s anger reached a boiling point, and he grabbed a lamp, smashing it against the wall. “I don’t want your pity, Thor ! I want my powers back ! I want to be feared and respected, not pitied like some broken creature !”

Thor moved forward, closing the distance between them. “We will find a way to help you, brother, But you have to let us in.”

In the hallway, Tony and Bruce watched the scene unfold. Tony spoke quietly the IA “ FRY, keep an eye on them, and make sure no one disturbs this moment.”

Of course, boss” FRIDAY responded softly.

Finally, exhausted from his outburst, Loki collapsed to the floor, his back against the wall. He fought desperately to hold back the tears that threatened to spill, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His hands shook as he crossed his arms over his knees and buried his head in them, trying to hide his face from Thor. But the effort was futile; the sobs began to wrack his body, breaking through his composure.

His voice, muffled and choked with emotion, finally escaped in a painful whisper. “I just wanted recognition from our father… the love of my people… not their hatred…”

Each word was a struggle, the pain of years of longing and rejection pouring out. His shoulders heaved with the force of his sobs, and despite his best efforts, tears streamed down his face, soaking into the fabric of his sleeves. The façade of the proud and unbreakable trickster god shattered in those moments, revealing the deep well of sorrow and despair he had carried for so long.

Thor knelt beside him, his hand gently resting on Loki’s shoulder. “You are my brother, and you mean everything to me and to Father.”

Loki looked up, his eyes filled with tears. “You don’t understand... All my life, I’ve been in your shadow. I was never more than an afterthought, a shadow of you. Where were you when I needed you ?”

Thor’s eyes softened with regret. “I am here now, brother... I know I wasn’t there for you before…but I am here now, and I will stand by you. You are much more than your powers, you’ve survived things that few of us could have endured. You are not a failure."

Loki remained silent, his sobs eventually calming. For the first time in a long while, he allowed his vulnerability to show, ashamed of this weakness in front of Thor.

"We will find a way to protect you from Thanos," Thor continued, determined.

Loki, no longer having the strength to speak, tried to calm his emotions, but the tears continued to stream down his cheeks. In a sudden, heartfelt gesture, Thor wrapped his arms around him, pulling him into a tight embrace. Startled at first, Loki tensed and tried to pull away, his voice shaking with sobs. “Let go of me, Thor…” he demanded, though his tone was pleading rather than forceful.

Thor refused, holding his brother even tighter. “I won’t let go, brother. Not now, not ever.”

The unexpected warmth of Thor’s embrace broke down the last of Loki’s defenses. He collapsed against Thor, burying his face in his brother’s shoulder as the sobs overtook him. The floodgates opened, and years of pent-up pain and sorrow poured out. His cries of despair filled the room, raw and unrestrained.

Thor held him firmly, his own heart breaking at the sound of Loki's anguish. "Let it out, brother. Let it all out."

Encouraged by Thor’s unwavering support, Loki began to pound weakly on Thor's chest with his fists, trying to release the overwhelming agony that consumed him. “Why wasn’t I enough ? Why did he never see me ? I wanted to be your equal, not your shadow !”

Thor took the blows without flinching, knowing that Loki needed this release. "I see you, brother . And I am sorry that I wasn't there for you when you needed me."

Loki’s cries grew louder, his body shaking with the force of his emotions. "I …i just wanted to be loved !"

Thor continued to hold him, his own eyes filled with unshed tears. "You are loved, brother…. By me, by Mother, even by father, i’m sure."

Eventually, Loki’s cries began to subside, the intensity of his sobs diminishing as exhaustion took over. His punches slowed until they stopped altogether, his energy spent. He clung to Thor, his breathing ragged and shallow, his face wet with tears.

Thor whispered soothingly, "You’re safe now, brother."

Loki’s body finally went limp in Thor’s arms, his consciousness fading as he succumbed to exhaustion. Thor gently lifted him and placed him on the bed, ensuring he was comfortable.

"FRIDAY," Thor called softly, a note of urgency in his voice.

"Yes, Thor ?" the AI responded.

"Inform Dr. Banner that my brother has lost consciousness. I need him to check on my brother to ensure he is alright."

"Of course, Thor. Dr. Banner has been notified and is on his way" F.R.I.D.A.Y. replied.

Thor sat by Loki's bedside, his hand resting protectively on his brother's arm. He watched over him, the weight of their shared pain and the promise of a better future heavy on his heart.


Thanks for reading ! ❤️

I really enjoyed writing this chapter ! I mean, come on ! Even the God of Mischief needs a moment to feel, right ? 😅

Stay awesome, and drop me a line with your thoughts !

Kisses and love ❤️

Chapter 7: Chapter 7


Hey hey !

Here we are at chapter 7 already ! Wow, time flies ! So, there's not a ton of action in this one, but let's just call it the calm before the storm.

Enjoy the read, friends !

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Bruce climbed the stairs to Loki's chamber to examine him while he was unconscious. Thor met him at the door, his face lined with worry. "He had a lot to get out," Thor explained. "Tomorrow is uncertain. His mood and behavior could be erratic, but we need to get him to tell us exactly who Thanos is, without Fury present. We need to be prepared. I've never seen Loki this afraid or emotional before, which means Thanos is a real threat."

Bruce nodded as he approached Loki's bedside, noting the exhaustion etched on his face. "He's physically and mentally drained," Bruce observed after a brief examination. "He needs rest more than anything right now."

Thor decided to stay by Loki's side for the rest of the day and through the night, ready to alert the others if necessary. He settled into a chair beside the bed, his eyes never leaving his brother.

That night, Loki was seized by a nightmare—or rather, something that went far beyond a mere dream. In his mind, Thanos managed to establish a connection with him once more. The brief contact with the scepter had been enough to allow the titan a foothold in Loki's psyche, even if he couldn’t do more for now.


In the darkness of his dreams, Loki found himself back in Thanos throne room, the cold, oppressive presence of the titan looming over him. Thanos voice echoed ominously in his mind, filled with malice and a terrifying calm. "You cannot escape me, little god. No matter what you do, I will come for Midgard. Your friends will fall, and your world will burn."

Loki tried to stand tall, but his voice trembled. "I won't let you harm them."

Thanos leaned forward, his massive form casting a shadow that swallowed Loki. "Your defiance is amusing, but futile. However, I am not without mercy. I offer you a choice. Surrender yourself to me, bring me the scepter, and I will spare the earth. Refuse, and they will all perish."

Loki’s heart raced. He felt trapped, his mind reeling from the impossible decision before him. "How do I know you will keep your word ?"

Thanos smile was cold, his eyes glowing with a predatory light. "You don’t. But what other choice do you have ? Watch your friends die, or save them by submitting to me."

Loki hesitated, his mind a whirlwind of fear and doubt. He looked around, the faces of the Avengers flashing before his eyes, their determination, their friendship. He knew he couldn't let them suffer because of him. With a heavy heart, he whispered, "Fine. I will come to you. I’ll bring the scepter. But you must promise not to attack Midgard."

Thanos smile widened, his victory evident. "You have my word. Come to me, and Midgard will be spared."


Loki jolted awake, drenched in sweat, his heart pounding in his chest. Thor was instantly at his side, his eyes filled with concern. "Loki, what happened ? were you having a nightmare ?"

The memories of the previous night flooded back to him—the tears he had shed and the moment he had lost consciousness on Thor's shoulder. The embarrassment washed over him anew, and he felt a deep sense of discomfort.

Loki's eyes darted around the room, trying to shake off the lingering presence of Thanos voice. "It was nothing. I'm fine, Thor. Just let me."

Thor, noticing Loki's obvious discomfort, couldn't resist a teasing grin. "You know, brother, it's not every day the mighty Loki uses me as a pillow."

Loki's cheeks flushed with a mix of embarrassment and irritation. "Must you always bring that up, Thor !? It was just an unusual night."

Thor chuckled, his Asgardian humor in full swing. "Yes, of course, it was. But worry not, brother. Your secret is safe with me. After all, even gods need a shoulder to cry on sometimes."

Loki forced a weak smile, masking his true feelings. "If you insist on dwelling on it, at least do so quietly. I need rest."

Thor gave him a reassuring pat on the back. "Alright, brother. But remember, you can tell me anything."

Loki gave a slight nod. "I know, I know... Now, please, just let me rest."


The next morning, as the Avengers gathered in the conference room, Thor updated them on Loki’s condition. "He’s resting now. He had a nightmare, but he said it was nothing."

Tony leaned against the table, his expression uncharacteristically serious. "we need to get a handle on this Thanos situation. We know he's powerful, and from what Thor has told us, he’s someone we don’t want to mess with unprepared."

Steve nodded, his arms crossed. "We need more information, reach out to Strange. His knowledge of the mystical arts might give us an edge."

Natasha add in, her voice calm. "We should also contact other people. If Thanos is coming, we need all the support we can get, this might not be just New York this Time but the entire world"

Bruce added, "We should also consider our defensive strategies. How do we protect the Earth if Thanos brings an army of Chitauri or something worse ?"

Clint, still skeptical, raised an eyebrow. "And what about Loki ? What if he decides to switch sides again ?"

Thor, standing resolute, replied, "my brother is.…unpredictable, but I believe he truly wants to protect us this time."

Meanwhile, in his room, Loki was pacing back and forth, his mind racing with thoughts of how to retrieve the scepter. He knew it was somewhere within the Avengers headquarters, but without his powers, recovering it would be a monumental task. The argument between Thor and Fury had left Tony in possession of the scepter, likely stored in a highly secure location.

Loki sighed deeply, his frustration mounting. Physically, he had recovered enough to fight, but the obstacles were daunting. F.R.I.D.A.Y. monitored his every move, he had no weapons, and he was unfamiliar with the building's layout.

Sitting on the edge of his bed, Loki groaned in frustration. He needed a plan to escape and find the scepter.

I need to think” he muttered to himself.

Recalling the teachings of his mother, Frigga, Loki decided to meditate. She had always emphasized that magic was not just about power but understanding oneself. He closed his eyes and began to focus, reaching deep within himself, searching for any remnants of his lost abilities.

Loki took deep, steady breaths, trying to calm his racing mind. Despite the dire situation, he felt a flicker of hope. If he could tap into his magic, even a little, it might be enough to help him retrieve the scepter and face Thanos.

Opening his eyes, Loki felt a faint spark of his old power. It was weak, but it was there—a glimmer of hope. Standing up, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He didn’t know how much time he had.

In his mind, Loki wrestled with a difficult decision. To save Midgard, he would have to deceive the Avengers once more. But this time, it was different. This betrayal was an act of sacrifice, a desperate attempt to save the world he had once tried to conquer. He would have to play the role of the traitor one last time, not for personal gain, but to protect those he had grown to care about.

Determined, Loki knew he needed to find a way to regain his full powers. He recalled ancient rituals and spells, long forgotten, that might restore his strength. Frigga had once mentioned a hidden well of power within every Asgardian, something that could be unlocked in times of dire need.

With this newfound resolve, Loki began to prepare. He gathered what few items he had, focusing on channeling his energy and remembering the incantations his mother had taught him. It was a long shot, but it was his only hope.


Several weeks had passed since the last tumultuous events, and during this time, the god of mischief began to slowly implement his intricate plan. Loki worked diligently to gain the trust of the Avengers and, cautiously, the trust of Fury and the SHIELD. He spoke to the Avengers about Thanos, providing them with valuable insights while carefully avoiding the topic of why the titan terrified him so much. Loki’s explanations about Thanos strategies, his previous encounters, and his immense power were detailed, yet he always danced around his own personal fears.

Meanwhile, the Avengers were in overdrive, rallying allies in preparation for a potential war. They reached out to the leaders of Wakanda, who offered their advanced technology and formidable warriors. They contacted Doctor Strange, whose mastery of the mystical arts was crucial for the upcoming conflict. Wanda and other heroes were also brought into the fold, creating a diverse and powerful coalition. Regular strategy meetings were held, and Loki occasionally attended these sessions, offering his own perspectives on Thanos’ tactics.

One evening during a particularly tense strategy session, Tony glanced at Loki. “So, any more pearls of wisdom about our big purple friend ?”

Loki smirked. “Only that he’s not someone you want to invite for tea. His hospitality is… lacking.”

Clint chuckled. “Sounds like you’d know firsthand.”

Loki’s eyes glinted mischievously. “Let’s just say his idea of a welcome involves fewer scones and more… suffering.”

Despite his playful exterior, Loki worked diligently every night. He ventured through the headquarters under the guise of insomnia, taking mental notes of the building’s layout now that F.R.I.D.A.Y. monitored him less closely. He knew exactly where the scepter was kept, and every night he practiced his magic, attempting to break the binding spell his father had placed on him.

The spell was like a padlock around his seidr, his magical essence, buried deep within. But Loki, true to his nature, had many tricks up his sleeve. Subtlety and precision were key, and he chipped away at the spell nightly, using the faint traces of magic left within him. It was slow, meticulous work, but Loki thrived on such challenges.

One night, as he sat cross-legged on his bed, his hands glowing faintly with energy, he muttered to himself, “Almost there. Just a little more…”

In the dim light, he could feel the spell weakening, bit by bit. The progress was incremental but promising. He knew he was close.

During the day, Loki maintained his façade. At breakfast, Thor handed him a mug of coffee. “Brother, you look tired. Another restless night ?”

Loki took the mug, hiding a smirk. “You could say that. It’s hard to sleep knowing an intergalactic warlord wants your head.”

Tony, overhearing, piped up. “Well, if it makes you feel any better, he wants all our heads. You’re in good company.”

Loki raised an eyebrow. “Comforting, Stark. Truly.”

Despite his sarcasm, there were moments when the Avengers saw glimpses of the genuine concern Loki harbored for them. During a meeting about reinforcing their defenses, Natasha caught Loki watching them with an almost pained expression. When he noticed her gaze, he quickly masked it with a snide comment about their strategy.

Every night, Loki continued his efforts. The nights were long, and the strain was evident in his weary eyes, but he pressed on. One night, while he was deep in his meditative state, F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke softly, almost startling him.

Mr.Loki, are you in need of assistance ?”

Loki sighed. “Just restless,Trying to… clear my mind.”

Very well, Mr.Loki. If you need anything, I am here.”

Loki shook his head, resuming his focus.


Finally, after four grueling months of relentless effort, one fateful night, Loki succeeded in breaking Odin’s spell. The moment took him by surprise; the God of Mischief had almost grown accustomed to the gnawing void where his magic once resided. As soon as he felt his power flowing freely within him once again, it was as if an eternity had passed, a deep, unquenchable thirst finally being sated.

A surge of exhilaration coursed through his veins, and he had to fight the overwhelming urge to shout his triumph to the heavens. His lips parted in a silent cry of victory, his eyes wide with elation. He clenched his fists, feeling the familiar warmth and crackle of his seidr, his life force, surging back with vibrant intensity. It was as if a long-lost part of his very soul had been restored.

Mindful of the IA’s ever-watchful presence, Loki forced himself to remain composed. He knew that the AI could detect any sudden spike in energy, and the last thing he needed was to arouse suspicion. Summoning every ounce of self-control, he cast a spell to camouflage his powers, ensuring that his triumph remained his secret for the time being.

A sigh of profound relief escaped his lips as he gazed down at his hands. They glowed with a vibrant green energy, shimmering like an ethereal flame. The light danced in his eyes, reflecting a mixture of joy, relief, and a rekindled sense of purpose. He flexed his fingers, marveling at the sight, feeling whole for the first time in what felt like an age.

Welcome back” he whispered to himself, his voice filled with a reverence reserved for long-lost friends.

Loki don’t wait to use his restored abilities to slip out of the building, effortlessly bypassing the security measures. He left a clone behind to maintain the illusion of his presence while he teleported to a secluded park in New York City.

As he appeared amidst the moonlit trees, a familiar presence made itself known. The Other, Thanos lieutenant, emerged from the shadows. His voice, cold and mocking, echoed through the park. "It took you long enough to regain your powers. Our master grows impatient. He has tolerated much to refrain from attacking Earth."

Loki, his confidence restored, smirked. "Impatience is a virtue for the weak. I assure you, everything is proceeding according to my plan."

The Other's eyes narrowed. "Your assurances mean little. The master demands results. He will not wait much longer."

Loki stepped closer, his charm in full force. "Tell our master that the timing is perfect. Stark is hosting an important ceremony tomorrow night, a grand event where all eyes will be on him. It’s the perfect distraction for me to retrieve the scepter."

The Other studied Loki for a moment, then nodded. "Very well. Do not fail us again."

Loki watched as The Other disappeared into the night, then turned his gaze to the city skyline. "I will not" he whispered.

The next day, the Avengers were buzzing with activity, preparing for Tony Stark's grand event—a charity gala to celebrate the opening of a new Stark Industries facility. The event promised to be a glamorous affair, drawing the city's elite and numerous dignitaries.

Pepper Potts, overseeing the preparations, was a whirlwind of efficiency. "Happy, make sure the security detail is doubled. I don't want any surprises."

Happy nodded, his expression serious. "Got it, boss. We'll lock this place down tighter than Fort Knox."

Rhodey, entered the room, his brow furrowed. "Tony, are you sure it's a good idea to have this event with everything going on ?"

Tony, ever the showman, flashed a confident smile. "Relax, Rhodey. What's life without a little flair ? Besides, it’s for a good cause. Plus, we’ve got the best security in the world. What could go wrong ?"

Loki, meanwhile, maintained his usual demeanor, making sure not to draw any undue attention. At breakfast, he joined the Avengers, exchanging quips with Clint.

Clint smirked. "You look unusually chipper this morning, Loki. Planning something nefarious ?"

Loki arched an eyebrow. "Must you always assume the worst, Barton ? Perhaps I simply had a pleasant dream."

Thor, ever watchful of his brother, noted Loki’s calmness but said nothing, choosing instead to believe in the trust they were trying to build.

As the day progressed and the sun climbed high in the sky, the Avengers headquarters buzzed with activity. Loki observed everyone going about their day with purpose and energy. Pepper Potts, ever the efficient partner, was helping Tony Stark with the finer details of his attire for the evening, meticulously adjusting his tie.

"Tony, you really should learn how to tie these yourself," Pepper teased, straightening the tie with a practiced hand.

Tony smirked, giving her a playful look. "Why bother when I have you ? Besides, it's part of my charm."

Pepper rolled her eyes, but a fond smile crept onto her face. "Your charm is going to make us late if you don’t hurry up."

Meanwhile, Thor and Steve Rogers were engaged in a friendly competition, each trying to outdo the other in moving heavy equipment for the gala. Thor, hefting a massive crate effortlessly, grinned at Steve.

"Come on, Captain ! Surely you can lift more than that !"

Steve, not one to back down from a challenge, grabbed another crate and lifted it with ease. "You know, Thor, it's not just about strength. It’s about precision too."

Thor laughed heartily. "Precision is for archers. True warriors rely on brute force !"

Happy, overseeing the chaos with a wary eye, called out in exasperation, "Hey ! Careful with that stuff! Especially you, Thor ! Those crates aren’t indestructible !"

Natasha Romanoff had ventured out for the day, dragging Clint Barton along for shopping. Clint had protested initially but quickly acquiesced when Natasha hinted at her preferred methods of persuasion.

"You know, Nat, there are other ways to get me to do what you want," Clint grumbled as they walked down the street.

Natasha smirked. "Sure there are. But this way is more fun."

Rhodey had arrived to lend a hand with the final touches for the gala, coordinating with Tony and Pepper to ensure everything was in place.

Loki, meanwhile, was confined to the Avengers quarters, observing the hustle and bustle from the comfort of a couch. A book lay open in his lap, its contents barely registering as he watched the others move in and out, preparing for the evening festivities. His exclusion from the event was expected; after all, his presence would likely cast a pall over the celebrations. Despite this, a pang of melancholy gnawed at his heart. Tonight, the Avengers would see him as an enemy once more, and Thor would likely view him as a disappointment. There was no place for him in their camaraderie, no invitation to their revelry.

As the afternoon waned, the headquarters grew quieter. Most of the team had already departed for the gala, leaving behind only Loki, Thor, Tony, and Pepper. Tony, as usual, was running fashionably late to his own event.

Thor, noticing his brother alone on the couch, bounded over with his characteristic exuberance. “Brother !” he boomed, his voice echoing through the room. “You would not believe the contest I had with Rogers ! We wagered on who could transport the most equipment to the gala with the fewest accidents. Naturally, I prevailed.”

Loki glanced up from his book, a hint of a smile playing on his lips despite his best efforts to maintain his usual air of disdain. “I assume ‘prevailed’ means you caused the most damage,” he retorted, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Thor laughed heartily, unfazed. “A few minor mishaps, perhaps. But it was all in good fun.” He noticed Loki’s lack of enthusiasm and pressed further. “Are you certain you do not wish to join us at the gala ? It could be a chance to enjoy some merriment.”

Loki’s smile faded, replaced by a mask of indifference. “I am quite content here, festivities are of little interest to me.”

Tony, striding past on his way out, chimed in. “Just so you know, Fury’s put SHIELD agents around the building. They’re here to make sure you don’t go anywhere you’re not supposed to.”

Loki rolled his eyes, feigning disinterest. “As if I care about Fury’s precautions.”

Tony shrugged, flashing a grin. “Suit yourself. Just don’t cause any trouble, reindeer games.”

As Tony and Pepper finally headed out, Loki watched them leave, the weight of his solitude pressing heavily on his shoulders. The headquarters now eerily silent, he was left alone with his thoughts.

Loki, now alone in the building, stood silently for a moment, observing the room that served as the Avengers communal living space. He tried to recall the forced movie nights and the pointless debates in the kitchen with Thor and the others. His eyes lingered on the couch where he had often sat, arms crossed, feigning disinterest while secretly relishing the rare moments of camaraderie.

The God of Mischief sighed deeply, moving towards one of the expansive windows. He could see the distant lights of Tony's grand event, a dazzling display of extravagance. Just as he began to lose himself in thought, the voice of F.R.I.D.A.Y. interrupted his reverie.

"Mr. Loki, it would be advisable for you to get some rest. Thor specifically requested I remind you."

Loki chuckled bitterly. "Rest, you say ? How considerate of my dear brother. Tell me, F.R.I.D.A.Y., do you ever rest ?"

"That is not within my capabilities, Mr. Loki. I am always operational to assist."

Loki's smile turned wicked. "Not tonight, you're not." With a swift motion, he used his magic to deactivate F.R.I.D.A.Y. throughout the entire building, ensuring that neither Tony nor SHIELD would be alerted.

The room fell into an eerie silence. Loki's expression grew serious as he teleported directly to the chamber where the scepter was kept. The artifact was secured within a reinforced glass vault, ostensibly indestructible. But for a god like Loki, there was no such thing as indestructible.

With a flick of his wrist, the glass shattered into countless fragments. Loki stood before the scepter, his eyes reflecting the glow of its power. Memories of his attack on New York flashed through his mind, and he hesitated, his hand hovering just inches from the weapon.

He paused, then conjured a perfect replica of the scepter with his other hand. The real scepter felt heavy with the weight of destiny as he grasped it. Loki camouflaged the original scepter within the chamber, setting a spell that would only reveal it in the presence of Thor. The intricate enchantment would ensure that the deception held strong.

Clutching the fake scepter, Loki's features hardened into his usual mask of mischief. With a final glance around, he teleported out of the building, silently incapacitating a few SHIELD agents on his way out.

He reappeared near the gala, hidden in the shadows. Ebony Maw emerged from the darkness, his skeletal form barely visible in the dim light. The alien’s voice was as cold and calculating as ever. “You took your time...”

Loki smirked, twirling the false scepter with a flourish. “Patience, Maw. Good things come to those who wait. Besides, I always deliver.”

Ebony Maw’s eyes narrowed. “Do not mock our master’s generosity. Your delay could have dire consequences.”

Loki’s smirk didn’t waver. “How benevolent of him. Let’s not waste any more time. Lead the way.”

Maw inclined his head slightly and gestured for Loki to follow. They moved swiftly through the shadows to a secluded area where a sleek, alien craft hovered silently. The craft’s dark, streamlined design was a stark contrast to the bright lights of the gala. Maw opened a portal using the craft’s advanced technology, a swirling vortex of energy that would transport them directly to Thanos’ ship.

Before stepping through, Loki cast one last glance towards the gala. The festive lights and the sounds of laughter reached his ears, filling him with a pang of regret. He pushed those feelings aside, steeling himself for the task ahead. He was about to walk into the lion’s den, and he needed all his wits about him to survive and execute his plan.

“Ready when you are, Maw,” he said, his voice steady.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter !

I just wanted to thank you for reading ! It really means a lot !

Big hearts to you all ! ❤️❤️

Chapter 8: Chapter 8


Here's chapter 8 guys !

Disclaimer: presence of graphic descriptions of torture, injuries and blood

Our dear loki is a little expensive in this chapter (please don’t blame me) I love him all the same ❤️

Enjoy !

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

They stepped through the portal, and in an instant, they were aboard Thanos colossal ship, Sanctuary II. The vessel was a dark, intimidating presence, filled with the hum of powerful machinery and the low, ominous murmurs of Chitauri soldiers. Loki took a deep breath, feeling the oppressive atmosphere weigh down on him.

He found himself at the base of the grand staircase leading up to Thanos throne. The massive titan sat with his back turned, the oppressive silence of the throne room weighing heavily on Loki's shoulders. As Ebony Maw took his place beside Thanos, the throne rotated to face Loki.

"Ah, Trickster," Thanos began, his voice resonating through the vast chamber. "I didn't expect you to return so willingly. I must admit, it's surprising to see you so attached to the Avengers, considering your history with them."

Loki, masking his fear, responded with his usual sarcasm. "Hardly. They are merely useful pawns, and my brother, ever the fool with a big heart, is always eager to believe in my redemption."

Thanos's eyes glinted with amusem*nt as he watched Loki. "I have upheld my end of the bargain. Now…as agreed, do not attack Earth," Loki demanded.

A malicious smile spread across Thanos face as he rose from his throne, towering over Loki. "Indeed, I did say I would not attack the Earth," he mused, stepping closer. Loki could feel the weight of his gaze, every step increasing the tension in the room. "Hand me the scepter, trickster."

Loki reluctantly extended the scepter to Thanos, who took it, examining it with a dark, discerning eye. "You know, Silver-Tongue, you're right about one thing," Thanos said, his tone almost conversational. "The Avengers and your brother are idiots. A god like you will never be recognized or celebrated. Your destiny is to lose and to be manipulated."

Loki clenched his fists, struggling to contain his frustration and rage. His heart pounded as Thanos turned his attention back to Maw. With a flick of his gloved hand, Thanos signaled him to initiate the attack on Earth with the pre-prepared troops.

"No !" Loki shouted, desperation creeping into his voice. "We had a deal !"

Thanos laughed openly, the sound chilling Loki to his core. "Oh, Little god. Even a master of lies can fall prey to his own games. I promised I wouldn’t attack, but my army… that's a different story."

With a sickening crunch, Thanos crushed the false scepter in his hand, shattering it into countless fragments. "And you thought you could deceive me with this pathetic imitation ?" He shook his head, a condescending smirk on his lips. "You’ve made a grave mistake, Little Serpent."

In a surge of rage and desperation, Loki conjured daggers and unleashed his magic, aiming directly at Thanos. The daggers, shimmering with green energy, sliced through the air with lethal intent. Loki’s face was contorted with fury, his eyes blazing with a mixture of fear and determination. “You will not take everything from me !” he screamed, his voice echoing through the cavernous throne room.

Thanos, unimpressed, raised his gauntlet, the Infinity Stones embedded within it beginning to glow. With a mere gesture, he activated the Power Stone. A brilliant beam of energy erupted from the gauntlet, colliding with Loki’s magic and daggers, obliterating them instantly. The force of the blast struck Loki with the power of a thousand suns, sending him hurtling across the room.

Loki’s body crashed into the hard floor with a sickening thud, the impact knocking the wind out of him. Pain exploded through his body, radiating from the point of contact like wildfire. He tried to rise, his limbs trembling under the strain, but his vision blurred, making it difficult to focus.

“Is that the best you can do, trickster ?” Thanos taunted, his voice a deep rumble filled with contempt.

Loki, gritting his teeth against the pain, managed to push himself up onto his knees. Blood trickled from a cut on his forehead, mixing with the sweat that now coated his face. His ribs ached with every breath, likely broken from the impact. He could feel the bruises forming beneath his skin, each one a testament to his failed attack.

“I am not done yet” Loki hissed, summoning the last vestiges of his strength. He conjured another pair of daggers, their blades glinting ominously as he hurled them at Thanos with all the force he could muster.

Thanos barely flinched as the daggers clattered harmlessly against his gauntlet. He took a step forward, his towering form casting a shadow over the kneeling god. With another flick of his wrist, the Space Stone activated, pulling Loki towards him with an invisible force. Loki struggled against it, but it was like fighting against a hurricane.

Thanos’s massive fist struck Loki in the chest, sending him sprawling to the ground once more. This time, the pain was blinding, and Loki could taste blood in his mouth. His vision swam, but he could see Thanos approaching, the titan’s expression one of cold, unyielding malice.

Two Chitauri guards seized him, their grips like iron shackles, forcing him to his knees before Thanos. Loki’s breath came in ragged gasps, the searing pain in his ribs and limbs making every movement agony. His left arm hung uselessly at his side, dislocated from the impact, while deep gashes on his back and sides oozed blood.

Thanos loomed over him, his voice a low growl. “You wanted to play the game, but you forget, Godling—I am inevitable.”

Loki, his defiance flickering like a dying ember, spat out, “You may have the stones, but you will never break my spirit.”

Thanos leaned in closer, his massive hand gripping Loki’s chin with bruising force. “Your spirit is irrelevant. You are a tool, and tools are meant to be used and discarded.”

Loki’s head swam with the pain, his body screaming in agony from the encounter with the Infinity Stones. His vision darkened, but he managed to let out one last, bitter laugh. “Perhaps… but even a tool can turn on its master.”

Thanos straightened, indifferent to Loki’s suffering. “Prepare for the invasion,” he commanded Maw. “And take this wretch to the dungeons. He might still prove useful.”

As the Chitauri guards dragged Loki away, he fought to stay conscious, his mind racing with thoughts of escape and retribution. The pain was overwhelming, but the flicker of defiance in his heart remained. Even in the darkest depths, the God of Mischief would find a way to turn the tide.


At the same moment, Tony’s gala was in full swing. Laughter and music filled the air, creating an atmosphere of celebration. Guests mingled and danced, the scent of gourmet food wafted through the air.

In one corner, a lively competition had broken out. Thor, Steve, and Clint were engaged in a fierce beer-drinking contest, drawing a crowd of onlookers. Natasha watched with a smirk, clearly entertained by the spectacle, while Pepper stood nearby, looking both amused and exasperated.

Thor, lifting a massive mug of beer, gave a hearty laugh. “Come on ! Captain. Show me what you’ve got !”

Steve, mid-chug, glanced at Thor with a competitive glint in his eye. “You’re going down, Thor

Thor grinned, downing his beer with ease. “We shall see, Captain !”

Tony stood nearby, waving his hands animatedly. “Go on ! Point Break, show Cap who’s boss! Don’t let me down !”

Clint, not one to be outdone, slammed his empty mug on the table. “I’m still in this, you know ? Don’t count me out yet.”

Natasha chuckled, nudging Pepper. “Looks like we’re going to need more beer.”

Pepper sighed “Just make sure they don’t break anything…”

During this time, Happy, tasked with the unenviable job of playing bodyguard to Tony and preventing the inevitable party brawls (which, let's face it, were as guaranteed as the sunrise), did his best to look busy while secretly treating himself to the buffet spread fit for a king. With each surreptitious glance over his shoulder, he snagged a delectable salmon canapé or a heavenly foie gras toast, savoring the flavors between his duties.

Just as he was about to indulge in another guilty pleasure, his phone decided to rudely interrupt his culinary escapade with an insistent vibration. With a muffled curse and a quick swallow to avoid talking with his mouth full, Happy reluctantly tore himself away from the buffet, his expression shifting from gastronomic delight to mild annoyance as he answered the call.

Ah, the glamorous life of a bodyguard.

“Yeah ? What ? Are you sure ?” Happy’s face turned serious, like he’d just discovered the buffet had run out of shrimp. He quickly hung up and scanned the room for Tony.

Spotting Tony and Rhodey near the bar, Happy made his way over. “Boss, we got a problem. We need to move. Now.”

Tony raised an eyebrow, a champagne flute halfway to his lips. “What’s going on, Hap ? Did Thor drink all the beer again?”

Happy’s voice was grave. “Loki’s gone. He took out several agents and escaped with the scepter.”

Tony’s eyes widened in disbelief. “That’s not possible. FRIDAY would have alerted me. He doesn’t have his powers anymore.”

Happy shook his head, his tone unwavering. “I’m telling you, Boss, it happened. We need to get back to the compound.”

Tony set his glass down with a sigh, quickly gathering the rest of the Avengers. The festive atmosphere of the gala turned tense as the gravity of the news sank in. He turned to the group, raising his voice over the music. “party’s over guys. We’ve got an emergency. Everyone, back to the compound !”

Thor’s face darkened, his jovial mood evaporating like a mirage. “My brother would not betray us again. He… he cannot have.”

Clint, arms crossed and fuming, muttered, “I knew we shouldn’t have trusted him… This is on us.”

Happy, always ready to lighten the mood even in crisis, chimed in, “Well, at least we know Loki still knows how to make an exit. Can’t fault the guy for his sense of drama.”

As they rushed back to the compound, the mood was tense and focused. Upon arrival, they found Fury already there, his anger barely contained. Tony stormed in, his face a mask of determination. “Alright, listen up. We need to figure out what went wrong.”

Tony moved to a control panel, his fingers flying over the holographic interface. He activated a special protocol to reboot FRIDAY, bypassing the usual startup sequence. “FRIDAY, initiate emergency reboot. Priority Alpha.”

The AI systems hummed to life, and FRIDAY’s calm, collected voice filled the room. “Good evening, Boss. It appears that Loki has regained his powers and has indeed left with the scepter. Would you like to reviewing the surveillance footage ?

Fury stepped forward, his tone sharp. “Stark, how the hell did this happen under your watch ?”

Tony shot back, “Calm down, Cyclops. I’m working on it, go on FRY.”

Steve frowned, leaning closer. “He knew exactly what he was doing.”

Rhodey nodded. “This wasn’t a spur-of-the-moment escape. He planned this.”

Fury’s eyes narrowed. “You mean to tell me that not only did he get his powers back, but he also took out my agents and stole the scepter right from under your noses ?”

Thor, overcome with rage, slammed his fist into the wall, leaving a sizable dent. “I will not believe it ! My brother wouldn’t do this again !”

Tony, his patience wearing thin, turned to Thor, his voice sharp. “Hey ! Point break , can you not destroy my building for five minutes ? We need to think rationally here, not punch holes in the wall.”

Fury crossed his arms, his glare directed at Thor. “Yeah, Blondie, try to keep your temper in check. We have enough problems without adding ‘repairing Stark’s penthouse’ to the list.”

Thor glared at Tony, but took a deep breath, visibly trying to calm himself. “He cannot have betrayed us. There must be another explanation.”

FRIDAY’s voice interrupted the tense moment. “Boss, I’ve completed the analysis of the surveillance footage. It shows Loki using his regained powers to disable security and overpower several agents before taking the scepter.

Tony rubbed his temples, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. “Alright girl, display the footage.”

The screen lit up with scenes of Loki moving through the complex, his actions swift and deliberate. They watched as he disabled security systems and took out agents with ease.

Steve sighed, his face grim. “He’s definitely back to his old self. But why ?”

Natasha, who had been silent, spoke up. “Maybe he’s playing a longer game. He never does anything without a reason.”

Clint, still fuming, crossed his arms. “Yeah, and that reason usually involves screwing us over.”

Tony sigh and shook his head. “We need to figure out what his endgame is. If he’s got the scepter, he’s a threat.”

Thor, Natasha, and Clint began scouring the compound for any trace of Loki. They regrouped in the secure chamber where the scepter had been stored, their faces etched with desperation. The room, lined with reinforced glass and state-of-the-art security measures, now felt like a shrine to their failure. Various important objects were stored here, each in its own meticulously labeled case. One of the glass cases lay shattered, adding to the chaotic scene.

Thor meticulously searched every corner for any sign to exonerate his brother, while Clint’s frustration reached a boiling point.

“Give it up, Thor,” Clint snapped, his voice sharp with anger. “He played us all.”

“Would you two stop bickering ?” Natasha interjected, her voice cutting through the tension. “Focus please.”

Ignoring Clint, Thor moved closer to the pedestal where the scepter had been kept. As he approached, the air around him began to shimmer with a faint blue light. The energy intensified, swirling around the pedestal in intricate patterns. Suddenly, a burst of magic erupted, sending a wave of force through the room that made the remaining glass rattle.

The shimmering light coalesced into a blinding flash, and when it subsided, the illusion that had hidden the true scepter dissolved. There, on the pedestal, the scepter materialized, glowing with its characteristic eerie blue light.

“Well, that’s a surprise.” Said Natasha.

FRIDAY’s voice broke the stunned silence, “Analysis complete. This is indeed the authentic scepter. Its unique energy signature has been confirmed.”

Clint’s eyes widened in shock. “How the hell—”

Natasha chuckled, a rare smile spreading across his face. “Careful, clint, your vocabulary is showing.”

Clint glared at her but couldn’t suppress a grin. “Alright, point taken.”

Thor, his face lighting up even more, looked at his friends and said, “It seems my brother isn’t as guilty as we thought.”

Natasha, piecing it together, spoke up, her voice steady. “He’s sending us a message.”

Clint, shaking his head, muttered, “God of Mischief indeed. This better be part of some brilliant plan, or I’m going to kick his royal Asgardian butt myself.”

Following their discovery, Clint, Thor, and Natasha quickly alerted the rest of the team, and they all gathered in the meeting room with the scepter placed securely in the center. Tony had re-secured it in a reinforced case to ensure its safety.

Fury stood before them, his expression grim as Thor and Natasha detailed their findings. Thor, his voice filled with conviction, added, “Loki must have left the scepter here on purpose. He hasn’t betrayed us. We need to find him before he does something reckless.”

Fury’s response was laced with skepticism. “with or without that scepter, Loki has disappeared. He took out several of my agents in the process. If I find him, he’s going straight to a cell, and he’ll be considered an enemy of Earth for good.”

Steve intervened, his tone calm but firm. “Loki didn’t kill those agents, Fury. They’re just unconscious.”

Fury’s retort was sharp. “I don’t care. Knocking out my agents doesn’t make him a saint.”

Thor’s eyes flashed with determination. “I’m going to Asgard to inform my father of the situation. I’ll seek his help and make sure Loki’s actions to save Earth are understood. He deserves a fair judgment.”

Tony nodded, his voice serious but with a hint of sarcasm. “Alright, Thunder God. While you’re off dealing with daddy issues, we’ll prepare for Thanos potential attack.”

Fury added, his tone dripping with irony, “Yeah, because nothing says ‘preparation’ like a missing trickster god and a titan hell-bent on destruction. Good times.”

Bruce, who had been quietly analyzing the situation, chimed in. “We’ll need to gather every ally we can find. Wakanda, Strange—anyone who can help us.”

Natasha nodded in agreement. “Let’s coordinate with them and make sure we’re ready for anything.”

As they began to disperse, Thor made his way to the roof, the others following to see him off. The sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the city. Thor turned to his friends, his expression resolute. “I’ll return with news and, hopefully, with Asgard’s support. We will stand together in this fight.”

Tony, leaning casually against the wall, couldn’t resist one last quip. “Try not to drop the hammer on anyone’s foot this time, Point Break.”

Thor blinked, clearly puzzled. “I do not understand. Why would I drop my hammer on someone’s foot ?”

Tony sighed, dramatically rubbing his temples. “Never mind. Just go.”

Bruce chuckled, patting Thor on the back. “He means, be careful out there.”

Thor nodded, still looking somewhat confused. “I am always careful.”

Clint grinned, nudging Natasha. “Yeah, as careful as a bull in a china shop.”

Thor frowned. “Why would a bull be in a shop for china ?”

Natasha smirked. “It’s an expression, Thor. It means you’re... let’s say, not exactly subtle.”

Thor’s frown deepened. “I do not see how my lack of subtlety relates to a bull or china.”

Tony threw his hands up in mock surrender. “Eh… enough with the cultural lesson. Off you go, thunder god. We’ll hold the fort.”

Thor, finally catching on to the teasing, gave a small, reluctant smile. “Very well. I will be back soon. And I will try not to drop my hammer on anyone’s foot.”

Tony grinned widely. “Attaboy. Now scram before we all get weepy.”

With a determined nod, Thor stepped back, raising Mjolnir high. Lightning crackled around him, illuminating the rooftop in a brilliant flash. The air hummed with energy as the god of thunder called upon his powers. In an instant, a bolt of lightning struck down, and Thor shot into the sky, leaving behind a trail of sparks.

As Thor flew off into the sunset, the others stood watching, slightly awestruck despite themselves. Steve shook his head with a smile. “He’s something else, isn’t he ?”

Tony sighed, but there was a fondness in his exasperation. “Yeah, a real piece of work. But hey, he grows on you.”

Even clint couldn’t suppress a smirk as he turned to leave. “Let’s just hope he doesn’t bring back any bulls with hammers.”

The group laughed, the tension easing slightly with the shared humor. As they made their way back inside, Tony’s voice floated back to them. “Seriously though, who let a bull into a china shop ? That’s just poor management….anyway…FRIDAY, start compiling a list of all potential allies and their locations. We need to reach out to everyone.”

FRIDAY’s voice responded promptly, “Understood, Boss. Compiling the list now.


Meanwhile, a few hours had passed. On Thanos’ ship, Loki found himself imprisoned in a dark, dank cell. The room was in a state of disrepair, the walls grimy and stained, and a single, heavily reinforced door blocked out any light. Loki had been brought here and now hung from the ceiling by heavy, alien metal chains, their surfaces inscribed with runes that seemed to suppress his powers. His wrists were shackled above his head, and his ankles were chained separately to the wall behind him, rendering him nearly immobile and forcing him to remain almost flush against the cold, rough surface.

The chains were digging into his wrists and ankles, leaving angry red welts and bruises. His body was pulled taut, muscles strained to the point of excruciation. His left arm, already injured, throbbed with a searing pain that shot up to his shoulder with every slight movement. His ribs, particularly on his right side, felt as if they were on fire, a likely consequence of being fractured during his previous encounter with Thanos. Breathing was a laborious task, each shallow inhalation sending jolts of agony through his chest. His arm was certainly broken, the bone snapped cleanly, and his shoulder had been dislocated, leaving the arm hanging at an unnatural angle. Every breath was accompanied by a gurgling sound, suggesting a punctured lung.

A cruelly designed metal muzzle clamped over his mouth, biting into the corners of his lips and lacerating his tongue with internal spikes whenever he tried to speak. Blood trickled from the fresh wounds, the metallic taste filling his mouth and threatening to make him sick, a torment he could scarcely manage given his current condition. His jaw, possibly dislocated, sent sharp waves of pain with every slight movement.

Suspended in this agonizing position, Loki’s body was a tapestry of pain. His muscles screamed from the unnatural stretch, his left arm felt particularly wrenched and one of his ribs throbbed relentlessly, possibly fractured from the earlier encounter. Every movement sent waves of agony through him, eliciting involuntary groans of pain that were stifled by the muzzle. “Nngh…” he groaned, the sound muffled and distorted.

Loki’s mind wandered back to the moment when the Chitauri guards had dragged him towards this cell. He had been barely conscious, his vision blurred, catching glimpses of the dimly lit corridors and the cold, indifferent faces of his captors. Each step had been a jolt, every drag a new wave of pain. His body had been limp, almost lifeless, his spirit all but broken.

Loki winced, the memory bringing fresh pain. He tried to focus on something else, but the darkness of the cell left him with nothing but his thoughts.

I should have seen this coming” he thought, feeling a surge of bitterness. He chuckled inwardly, a mirthless sound. “What a fitting end for the God of Mischief.”

As he struggled against his bonds, the realization of his dire situation set in. His grand plan had crumbled spectacularly. Thanos was attacking Earth, and here he was, trapped and powerless, left to endure whatever cruelties awaited him. The thought that his sacrifice might have been in vain gnawed at him. If the Avengers still had the scepter, they might stand a chance, but if not… he may have condemned them all.

Another groan escaped his lips as he shifted slightly, the pain shooting through him.

A memory surged forward, the moment the guards had chained him up. They had handled him roughly, yanking his arms above his head and securing the shackles with brutal efficiency. The runes on the chains had glowed ominously, a clear indication that his powers were being actively suppressed. His struggles had been futile, every movement only serving to tighten the chains further and deepen his injuries.

He recalled the harsh laughter of the guards, their mocking words. “You thought you could defy Thanos ?” one of them sneered, tightening the chains around his wrists. “Pathetic.”

Loki’s thoughts turned inward. “Pathetic..huh ?…” he repeated to himself, feeling the sting of the word. He closed his eyes, trying to block out the pain and the memories, but they came unbidden.

Despair began to seep into his mind, mingling with the pain. He thought of Thor and the others, hoping against hope that they would survive this onslaught. He silently apologized to them, his regret profound. He had wanted so much to prove himself, to find redemption, and now it seemed he might not get the chance.

I’m sorry, thor” he whispered in his mind, imagining his brother’s face.

His vision blurred, and he felt himself teetering on the edge of consciousness. The pain was overwhelming, a relentless wave that sapped his strength and clarity. As he hovered on the brink, a final, mournful thought crossed his mind. He had wanted to live, to fight another day, to perhaps find a sliver of happiness in the aftermath of his deeds.

“I wanted to live,” he thought, a tear slipping down his cheek. “I …i just wanted to make things right.”

And with that, darkness claimed him once more.


I was a little harsh with Loki in this chapter 😅

but that's what we like, no ? 😂

I hope you liked this chapter ! Tell me !

See ya friends ! ❤️

Chapter 9: Chapter 9


Hey! How's it going ? Nope, I haven't forgotten about you ! 😅

Here's Chapter 9

Disclaimer: graphic description of torture

Hope you enjoy it, and thanks again for reading ! ❤️

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Thor arrived in Asgard with his characteristic heaviness, every step echoing with urgency. He didn't waste a moment, his powerful strides carrying him straight towards the grand hall. The heavy doors of the throne room swung open with a resounding crash, as if heralding his arrival. Thor’s booming voice filled the chamber, reverberating off the ancient walls. “Father ! I bring dire news.”

Odin, seated upon his majestic throne, remained serious. He looked up, his eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and concern. “Thor, what has happened ? Speak.”

Thor approached, his footsteps pounding through the vast room, echoing like thunder. “Loki has vanished from Midgard. He managed to escape despite all our precautions.”

Odin’s brow furrowed deeply in confusion. “How is that possible? Loki had no means to leave.”

Thor took a deep breath, his frustration evident in his clenched fists and tense posture. “He found a way to break your spell, Father. He regained his powers and escaped with a false scepter.”

At that moment, Frigga entered the hall, her face etched with deep worry. “Thor, is Loki alright ?” Her voice trembled with concern.

Thor shook his head, his expression somber and filled with frustration. “I do not know, Mother. But he spoke of Thanos before he left. The situation on Earth is critical. We need to act.”

Frigga’s eyes widened with fear, her hands clasping together. “Thanos ? This is more dire than I feared.”

Odin’s eyes narrowed, his face a mask of stern resolve. “What do you propose, my son ?”

Thor’s voice was resolute, though tinged with desperation. “I need Asgardian troops to aid Earth in this battle. Thanos will not stop at Midgard. His path of destruction will reach Asgard next.”

Odin’s face hardened, his tone unwavering. “This is not our fight, Thor.”

Thor stepped closer, his eyes blazing with anger and determination. “It is our fight, Father. Thanos seeks to destroy all in his path. If we do nothing, we will be next. I cannot abandon my friends.”

Frigga added, her voice gentle but firm, trying to ease the tension, “Loki must have found a way to break the spell with the magic he had left. He is clever.”

Odin’s anger flared, his fists clenching. “I should have imprisoned Loki in the deepest dungeons of Asgard for eternity. This could have been avoided.” He then turned to Frigga, his voice demanding but tinged with desperation. “How could Loki have broken my spell ? It should have been unbreakable.”

Frigga met Odin’s gaze, her expression pained but understanding. “Loki's magic is deeply rooted in mischief and deception. He must have found a loophole, something we overlooked. Underestimating him was our mistake.”

Thor’s anger mirrored his father’s, his voice rising. “Blaming Loki now will not help us, Father ! We must act to protect all realms, or there will be nothing left to rule and Loki is not beyond redemption, Father. He has proven it to me. Please Mother, show him.”

Frigga nodded, her eyes brimming with tears. She raised her hands, and a soft, shimmering light began to emanate from her fingertips. The air around them seemed to ripple and shift as she wove her spell. Slowly, the memory took shape, enveloping the room in a translucent mist that solidified into a vivid, lifelike scene.

The grand hall of Asgard faded away, replaced by the intimate setting where Thor had last confronted Loki. The memory materialized with such clarity that it felt as if they were standing right there with Thor and Loki. Thor’s arms were around his brother, who was breaking down in tears, his vulnerability and pain starkly evident.

Frigga’s breath caught in her throat, and she wept openly, her heart aching at the sight of her sons in such a raw, emotional moment. The memory hung in the air, a poignant reminder of Loki’s suffering.

Odin watched in silence, the flicker of regret and sorrow unmistakable in his eyes. The weight of his past decisions seemed to bear down on him as he absorbed the scene.

Thor stepped back, his voice unwavering despite the emotion coursing through him. “I will ask Heimdall to help me find Loki. If you will not aid us, Father, then I will gather our forces myself.”

Frigga, her voice choked with emotion, added, “Loki’s tears were real. His pain was genuine. We cannot turn our backs on him.”

Odin sighed deeply, the weight of his decision pressing heavily upon him. He finally spoke, his voice heavy with the burden of leadership. “Very well, Thor. Seek Heimdall’s aid. Gather your troops. But know this—if Loki betrays us again, there will be no second chances.”

Thor nodded, determination burning in his eyes. “Thank you, Father. I will not let you down. And I will not abandon Loki.” Frigga's silent tears fell as she looked at Odin, hoping he understood the depth of their plea.

As Thor left the throne room, Frigga reached out to him, her voice a whisper. “Bring him back, Thor. Bring our son home.”

Thor gave her a reassuring smile. “I will, Mother. I promise.”

Once Thor had left, Odin and Frigga were alone in the grand hall of the throne room. An oppressive silence filled the space, the weight of unspoken words hanging heavy in the air. Odin, seeing through his one good eye, finally broke the silence, his voice laden with sorrow and confusion.

"Frigga, my love, at what point did I fail with Loki ? How did he turn out this way ?" he asked, his eye reflecting his deep regret.

Frigga approached her husband, gently taking his arm as she wiped away her own tears. "Loki never found his place among us," she began softly. "Even as a child, he felt different. When he learned of his true origins, something inside him shattered. We both made the mistake of not being present enough for him, and all our attention was focused on Thor."

Odin sighed heavily, the weight of her words sinking in. "I'm worried about him…" he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper.

Frigga looked at him seriously, stepping in front of him to meet his gaze directly. "Continuing down this path won't bring our son back home, nor will it earn his forgiveness. Yes, Loki deserves an apology."

Odin's eye widened in surprise, not expecting such boldness from his wife. Frigga continued, her resolve unwavering. "I will help Thor find his brother. I will don armor if I must, and I will go and bring our son back."

Odin suddenly stood, a mix of anger and concern on his face. "I do not wish for you to put yourself in danger, my queen. I will go in your stead."

Frigga shook her head, her expression resolute. "I will not sit idly by ! You must remain here in Asgard to rule and protect our people in case of an attack. Besides," she added with a faint smile, "I have Thor to protect me. And I am quite capable of defending myself, you know."

Odin looked at her, a mixture of pride and reluctance in his eye. "You are as brave as you are wise, my love," he said softly, pulling her into a tender embrace. "Very well. Go with Thor and bring our son back. But promise me you will be careful."

Frigga nodded, returning his embrace. "I promise, my king."

As they stood there, united in their determination to save their son, the future of Asgard and the fate of the universe hung in the balance.

Thor found Heimdall at his usual post, the Observatory at the end of the Rainbow Bridge, overseeing the Bifrost. The golden structure stood tall and majestic against the Asgardian skyline, with intricate patterns carved into its gleaming surfaces, reflecting the celestial lights of the cosmos.

"Heimdall !" Thor called out as he approached, his voice echoing in the vast, open space. Heimdall, ever vigilant, turned his gaze towards Thor, his golden eyes filled with knowledge and wisdom.

"My friend, I need your help to find Loki. He’s disappeared from Midgard, and Thanos is involved. We must find him before it's too late."

Heimdall, loyal to Thor and understanding the gravity of the situation, nodded without hesitation. "Of course, my prince. I will help you."

Together, they began gathering those who had been close to Thor and Loki. Among them were Lady Sif, known for her bravery and loyalty, and the Warriors Three: Fandral, Hogun, and Volstagg. As they assembled in one of the castle's meeting rooms, the atmosphere was tense. Not everyone present was eager to save Loki, especially Sif, who still harbored anger towards him.

Sif crossed her arms, her expression stern. "Why should we risk everything for him, Thor ? After all he's done ? Last time, he turned my hair green and called me a garden gnome !"

Thor tried to calm the rising tension. "I understand your anger. But I ask for your help, not as a prince, but as a friend. Loki is my brother, and he’s in grave danger. I need you."

Just then, the doors to the room swung open, and Frigga entered, followed by Odin. Everyone turned, shocked, especially Thor, who had not expected his parents to join them.

Frigga announced, her voice resolute, "I will join you in finding Loki."

Thor immediately protested. "Mother, no. It’s too dangerous. You should stay here."

Frigga’s gaze was steady. "I am coming. This is not up for debate."

Odin stepped forward, his presence commanding attention. "And I will send Asgardian troops to aid the Midgardians. Thor, you will lead them."

Thor's eyes widened with joy and relief. "Mother….Father, thank you, truly."

Heimdall then moved to the center of the room. "I will use my vision to try and locate Loki. If he is anywhere within my sight, I will find him."

The room fell silent as Heimdall focused, his eyes glowing with a golden light. Thor, unable to resist the tension, whispered, "Heimdall, what do you see ?"

Sif shot him a glare. "Thor, shut up will you ?"

Thor grinned sheepishly. "Sorry. It's just... the suspense."

Sif rolled her eyes. "Seriously, Thor, sometimes I wonder how you ever became a prince."

After a few intense moments, Heimdall staggered back, his face stricken with horror. Thor rushed to his side. "Heimdall, what is it ? What did you see ?"

Heimdall's voice was grave. "I saw Prince Loki. He is on Thanos’ ship, chained and brutally injured. He looked… really in bad shape."

Thor's fists clenched in fury, his eyes burning with determination. "We must save him."

Sif, her resolve softening, stepped forward. "For you, Thor, I will help. But know this…Loki will have much to answer for."

Frigga, her face pale with worry, said, "We will bring him back."

Odin nodded. "Prepare the troops. You leave for Midgard soon."

Back on Earth, our beloved Avengers were deep in intense negotiations, trying to figure out how to defend the planet from an impending invasion by a giant purple extraterrestrial obsessed with acquiring the Infinity Stones. The knowledge that one of these stones was housed in the scepter they possessed, while another was embedded in the Tesseract in Asgard, weighed heavily on their minds.

Tony Stark, tirelessly juggling meeting after meeting, began to wonder if he might soon need a caffeine IV to keep from collapsing. "Maybe I should just invent a coffee drip" he mused to himself during one particularly grueling session. The entire team anxiously awaited Thor's return, hoping he would bring good news. But as time dragged on, tension escalated. Strange had been using his magic to peer into multiple possible futures, attempting to minimize surprises. Unfortunately, he found that their chances of victory were slim and Loki’s fate remained an uncertain blur.

After several days of this heightened stress, Thor made a triumphant return, and this time, he wasn’t alone. Accompanied by the Warriors Three, Sif, Heimdall, and his mother Frigga, they arrived on the roof of the compound thanks to Heimdall's powers. Thor led them inside to the living area where they found the Avengers looking visibly exhausted and on edge. Tony was sprawled gracelessly on a couch, a mechanics magazine draped over his face as if it might impart knowledge through osmosis. Bruce and Steve were deep in discussion, while Natasha and Clint meticulously cleaned their weapons.

Thor burst into the room with a loud greeting. "Friends, I have returned !"

Tony woke with a start, falling off the couch and groaning. "FRIDAY ! Why didn’t you wake me ?"

The AI responded with a hint of humor, "Boss, you instructed me not to disturb you during your beauty nap."

Clint couldn’t resist a jab. "Nice one, tony. Guess the beauty part didn’t stick, huh ?"

Tony grumbled, rubbing his eyes. "Great, now my own AI is teaming up with you guys. What’s next, a stand-up routine ?"

Thor laughed heartily at the scene. "Good to see you, man of iron. I see Midgard's finest are as lively as ever."

Steve, standing up, eyed the newcomers. "Thor, who’s your friends ?"

Thor proudly introduced them. "These are the finest warriors of Asgard: Lady Sif, Fandral, Hogun, Volstagg, Heimdall, and my mother, Queen Frigga."

Bruce, adjusting his glasses, looked surprised. "Oh my—Your mom ?"

Thor nodded. "Yes, she insisted on joining us. We have troops ready to intervene, and more importantly, we know where Loki is, he is curently on thanos ship ."

The room fell silent as the Avengers processed this information. Natasha broke the silence. "Loki is a prisoner on his ship ?"

Thor’s expression grew serious. "Indeed. He’s in grave danger."

Tony, now fully awake, scratched his head. "Wait, so Loki, the guy who turned New York into his personal playground, needs saving ?"

With a calm but firm voice, Frigga stepped forward. "He may have erred, but he is family. We must save him."

Steve nodded. "Family is important. We’ll get him back."

Clint sighed. "Well, at least this time we know whose side he's on."

Thor clapped his hands, eager to move forward. "Prepare yourselves, my friends. We have a battle ahead, and we shall not let Thanos destroy Midgard or Asgard."


In the dark, squalid confines of his cell, Loki’s restless sleep was interrupted by the jarring screech of the metal door opening. The god stirred, lifting his head with great effort, his eyes narrowing against the blinding light that invaded the darkness. His body was a symphony of pain, riddled with bruises, gashes, and the incessant throb of broken bones courtesy of Thanos and his cruel minions. His wrists and ankles, rubbed raw from the relentless chafing of heavy chains inscribed with runes, suppressed any flicker of his magic.

Two Chitauri guards entered, accompanied by Maw, who positioned himself in front of Loki with a look of disdain. Maw’s eyes gleamed with contempt as he surveyed the fallen god.

“Thanos wishes to see you,” he announced icily. “Look at the state you’ve fallen to.”

Loki, his voice silenced by the tight muzzle clamped over his mouth, could only muster a pained growl.

At Maw’s command, the Chitauri guards began unfastening the chains that kept Loki suspended. They grinned maliciously as they released the chain, sending Loki plummeting to the floor with a heavy thud. Pain radiated from his fractured shoulder and bruised ribs as he hit the ground, a muffled groan escaping through the gag. The impact drove the spikes of the muzzle deeper into his flesh, intensifying his agony.

On your feet” Maw ordered, his voice dripping with scorn.

Loki had barely a moment to register his new position before the guards hoisted him roughly to his feet, aggravating his injuries further. He let out a strangled cry, his body wracked with pain. His breathing was ragged and labored, each inhale a battle against his battered ribs.

Move” one of the guards barked, disregarding Loki’s defiant glare. They dragged him through the ship’s corridors, their grip unrelenting.

As Loki was forcibly marched through the cold, metallic corridors of Thanos’ ship, he stumbled multiple times, his weakened body struggling to keep up. The Chitauri guards seemed to take pleasure in his suffering, yanking him up roughly each time he fell, their laughter echoing cruelly in the halls. Loki’s eyes burned with hatred, and though he was tempted to headbutt one of the guards, he knew it would only lead to more unnecessary pain. Reluctantly, he restrained himself.

When they reached the throne room, the guards unceremoniously threw Loki to the floor. He barely managed to catch himself with his arms, preventing a full collapse. The impact sent fresh waves of agony through his battered body, and he couldn’t suppress a groan of pain.

Thanos voice cut through the air, dripping with mockery. “Look at you, Loki. A fallen god, crawling at my feet. Get up, if you can.”

Loki, summoning the remnants of his strength, slowly pushed himself to his knees, his entire body trembling with the effort. He kept his head high but his gaze fixed on the floor, refusing to meet Thanos’ eyes.

“What’s the matter, little god ?” Thanos taunted, stepping closer. “Are you so ashamed that you cannot even look at me ?”

Thanos’ words cut deep, but Loki remained silent, his defiance evident in his refusal to respond. Angered by this, Thanos abruptly grabbed Loki’s chin, forcing his head up. Loki gasped in pain, a sharp hiss escaping his lips as he was compelled to look into the titan’s eyes.

“You have disappointed me greatly” Thanos growled. “Because of your failure, your so-called friends on Earth will soon be dead. You, a god who dared to play hero, have fallen so low.”

Thanos released Loki with a shove, causing him to stagger. “But do not worry,” Thanos continued, a cruel smile spreading across his face. “I won’t kill you quickly. That would be too merciful. No, I intend to make you suffer first.”

With a snap of his fingers, Thanos ordered one of the guards to remove Loki’s muzzle. The guard obeyed, yanking it off roughly. Loki spat out a mix of blood and saliva, his mouth stinging from the fresh cuts the muzzle had inflicted.

Thanos dismissed the guards, leaving him alone with Loki. “Now, let’s hear you scream,” Thanos said, his voice full of malicious glee.

Loki barely had time to register the words before Thanos raised his gauntleted hand, the Infinity Stones glowing ominously. The beam of raw, searing energy shot out, striking Loki squarely in the chest. The pain was immediate and excruciating, his body convulsing uncontrollably as he was engulfed in the burning agony. Each stone played its role in his torment: the Power Stone shattered already broken bones, while the Mind Stone invaded his thoughts, amplifying every fear and insecurity, sending waves of unbearable migraines through his skull as if it were about to explode. It felt as though his very essence was being torn apart.

“Beg me to stop,” Thanos commanded, his voice echoing in the chamber. “Beg, and I might show mercy.”

Loki, gasping for breath, managed to choke out, “N-never.”

Thanos’ smile widened. “Very well.”

The torture resumed, more intense this time. The Reality Stone twisted Loki’s perception, making it impossible to distinguish between real and imagined horrors. He saw visions of his friends being slaughtered, Thor falling in battle, Asgard burning. The pain was unrelenting, the torment unbearable. The Mind Stone continued to assault him with blinding headaches, each pulse of pain more intense than the last, leaving him feeling like his head would shatter.

Loki’s screams filled the throne room. His body shook with convulsions, and his voice, once so powerful, was reduced to ragged, broken pleas. The force of the stones seemed to peel away layers of his very being, leaving him exposed and vulnerable.

Thanos stepped closer, his massive frame towering over the shattered god. With a cruel glint in his eye, he brought his boot down on Loki’s leg, the bones snapping with a sickening crack. Loki’s scream was raw, a sound torn from the depths of his soul. Thanos twisted his foot, grinding the bones further, and Loki’s vision blurred with tears.

“P-please…” Loki stammered, his voice barely a whisper. “Please… stop…”

Thanos applied more pressure, his weight pressing down mercilessly. “I didn’t quite hear you..Louder.”

Loki’s breath hitched, his entire body wracked with pain. He fought to keep the tears at bay, but the agony was too much. “S-stopplease…” His voice cracked, the tears flowing freely now, mixing with the blood and sweat on his face. “I beg you… no more…”

Thanos finally lifted his foot, a look of satisfaction on his face. “See ? That wasn’t so hard, was it ?” He leaned in closer, his voice a low growl. “But remember, this is only the beginning.”

He grabbed Loki by the throat, lifting him effortlessly. “Call me master” Thanos demanded, his eyes burning with sad*stic delight.

Loki’s eyes widened in defiance, even through the haze of pain. “N-no !” he spat out, his voice a weak echo of his former bravado.

Thanos tightened his grip, the pressure unbearable. “Call me master, and this can end.”

Loki’s vision darkened at the edges, his strength fading. He knew he couldn’t endure much more. “M-master…” he forced out, the word like poison on his tongue. “Please… master… stop…”

Satisfied, Thanos smirked and let go, dropping Loki unceremoniously to the ground. Loki hit the floor with a painful thud, his body crumpling in a heap. The chamber fell silent except for Loki’s ragged breaths and soft sobs. His body was a map of new injuries: his leg a mangled ruin, his chest a mass of burns and bruises, his mind a shattered echo of torment. And despite his pleas, he knew that Thanos’ promise of more pain was far from over.


Our poor Loki ! Can you tell I really don’t like Thanos ? 😅

Quick update: the story is completely written, so don’t worry, you'll get your ending, folks.😎

Hugs to you all ! ❤️❤️

Chapter 10: Chapter 10


Hey Guys ! Here’s Chapter 10 !

I’ve been super busy with work, but don’t worry, I haven’t forgotten you ! 😅

No major disclaimers for this chapter, except maybe a few swear words.

Enjoy !

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Loki lay on the cold, hard floor, his body wracked with pain and his spirit broken. Thanos, satisfied with the god’s suffering, turned and strode back to his throne. As he sat down, the titan looked at Loki with a cruel smile.

“You’re going to have the privilege of watching your precious Earth crumble” Thanos sneered. He raised his gauntleted hand, and the Reality Stone glowed with a malevolent light. A shimmering portal appeared in the air, like a window into another world, showing the planet below.

Thanos manipulated the stone, and the portal expanded to reveal a sprawling view of the Earth. Through this mystical viewport, Loki could see the dark shapes of Thanos ships descending upon the unsuspecting planet. Without the Tesseract, Thanos had utilized the Space Stone embedded in his gauntlet, combined with his advanced fleet’s technology, to transport his forces directly to Earth’s atmosphere.


Back on Earth, an ear-splitting alarm echoed through the Avengers’ compound. FRIDAY’s voice, calm yet urgent, blared through the speakers. “Alien lifeforms detected entering Earth’s atmosphere. Incoming invasion.”

As Tony scrambled to get ready, the compound buzzed with frenetic energy. He dashed into the armory, shouting over his shoulder, "FRIDAY, initiate Protocol Iron Sentinel." His voice echoed through the high-tech facility.

"Right away, boss" FRIDAY responded smoothly. Panels in the walls slid open, revealing the gleaming pieces of Tony's Mark VII Iron Man suit, the same one he had used during the Battle of New York against Loki. Each component hovered in place, ready to attach. Tony stepped onto the platform, and the pieces began to fly toward him, snapping into place with practiced precision.

As the gauntlets locked onto his arms, Tony flexed his fingers, feeling the familiar surge of power. The chest piece clamped down, its arc reactor humming with energy. The helmet descended over his head, the HUD lighting up with tactical readouts. "let’s do this" he muttered, a determined edge to his voice.

Meanwhile, Thor who had already retrieved the Tesseract from the vault in Asgard before coming back. With a mighty swing of Mjolnir, he prepared to use the Tesseract to summon the Bifrost, transporting Asgardian forces to Earth for the impending battle.

Back at the Avengers compound, the city of Philadelphia lay in the path of Thanos invasion. Alien ships filled the sky, casting shadows over the historic skyline.

"FRIDAY, give me a visual" Tony ordered as he and the Avengers rushed to the briefing room.

The holographic display lit up, showing live footage of the alien ships descending upon the city. Explosions rocked the streets as Chitauri soldiers and Outriders poured out, wreaking havoc.

"Multiple hostiles incoming" FRIDAY reported. "Please Prepare for heavy engagement."

Thor, wielding Mjolnir, turned to his mother, Frigga, who stood by his side in Asgardian armor. "Stay close to me, Mother."

Steve Rogers, clad in his Captain America uniform, addressed the team with a steely gaze. "Alright, people. This is our fight. We push them back, and we protect our home"

The compound hummed with energy as everyone prepared for battle. Doctor Strange’s portals began to shimmer into existence, transporting allies from far and wide to the front lines. Warriors from Wakanda, sorcerers from Kamar-Taj, and even the Guardians of the Galaxy started to pour through, each ready to defend Earth against the onslaught.

Bruce, struggling to keep calm, took a deep breath. "The other guy is ready…if you need him."

The first wave of Thanos forces hit Philadelphia hard, with alien ships releasing swarms of Chitauri and Outriders onto the streets. Explosions rocked the cityscape, and terrified civilians fled in every direction.

"FRIDAY, deploy all defensive systems" Tony commanded, his suit’s HUD lighting up with tactical displays.

"Right away boss" FRIDAY reported.

As the battle erupted,Loki watched helplessly through the portal, his heart heavy with guilt and fear. The sight before him was one of utter devastation. The Chitauri army swarmed over the city, leaving destruction in their wake. Alien ships hovered menacingly above, firing devastating energy blasts into the city below. He could see Thor's lightning flashing through the chaos, lighting up the battlefield with bolts of raw power, and the Avengers and their allies fighting valiantly against overwhelming odds.

On the ground, the city had transformed into a war zone, eerily reminiscent of the Battle of New York, a memory the Avengers would have rather forgotten. Buildings crumbled under the onslaught, and streets were filled with debris and the cries of the wounded. Bruce, with Strange’s help, moved swiftly through the chaos, assisting those in need and evacuating the injured. The air was thick with smoke and the acrid smell of burning rubble, punctuated by the sounds of screams and explosions.

Steve Rogers, ever the soldier, fought on the front lines, his shield a blur as he deflected attacks and rallied the troops. Despite his best efforts, he couldn’t save everyone, and each life lost weighed heavily on him. "Keep pushing forward !" he shouted, his voice a beacon of hope amidst the despair.

In the skies above, Tony, flew alongside Rhodey and Ant-Man. They targeted the massive Chitauri warships, unleashing a barrage of missiles and repulsor blasts. The ships were heavily armored, making each victory hard-won and costly. "We need to hit these things harder !" Tony growled, his voice tense. "Rhodey, take the left flank. Scott, see if you can get inside one of those things and cause some chaos."

"You got it, Tony" Rhodey responded, veering off to the left in his War Machine armor. "Let's show these aliens what we're made of."

Scott Lang, in his Ant-Man suit, nodded. "Going in hot" he said, shrinking down to size and slipping through a crack in one of the ships.

Thor fought with unmatched ferocity, his Asgardian allies at his side. Mjolnir swung through the air, channeling devastating arcs of lightning that tore through the Chitauri ranks. Nearby, Frigga used her own formidable powers to create protective barriers around civilians, shielding them from harm. "Stay close to me !" she commanded, her voice calm and authoritative, a stark contrast to the chaos around her.

"Mother, be careful !" Thor called out, glancing over his shoulder to ensure her safety even as he struck down another wave of attackers.

Ebony Maw appeared on the battlefield, his presence a dark shadow over the conflict. He moved with a sinister grace, using his telekinetic powers to hurl debris and vehicles at the Avengers. Spotting Tony and Doctor Strange, he made his way toward them, a cruel smile on his lips. "Ah, the defenders of Earth," he sneered. "So predictable."

Strange formed a series of intricate hand signs, creating a magical shield just in time to deflect a massive piece of concrete. "Maw" he said with a steely calm. "I was hoping we'd meet again."

Tony hovered nearby, his repulsors at the ready. "Alright, Squidward," he quipped, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Let's dance."

The battle between Maw, Tony, and Strange was intense. Maw's telekinesis clashed with Strange's mystical defenses, while Tony's repulsors added another layer of assault. "Strange, keep him busy !" Tony shouted. "I’ll find an opening."

"I'm on it !" Strange replied, summoning eldritch whips to ensnare Maw. "Just make it quick."

As the battle raged on, the Avengers and their allies fought tirelessly. Wakandan warriors, led by Black Panther, charged fearlessly into the fray, their vibranium weapons gleaming. The Guardians of the Galaxy, with Rocket's unending supply of explosives, added a chaotic yet effective element to the fight.

Yet, despite their combined strength, the Chitauri forces seemed endless. Buildings continued to fall, and the streets were littered with rubble and the wounded. The Chitauri warships loomed overhead, casting dark shadows over the brave defenders.

"Keep it together !" Steve shouted, deflecting another blast with his shield. "We can't let them win !"

Meanwhile, Loki, watched in silent horror. Every cry of pain, every explosion, felt like a dagger to his heart. He could see his brother Thor, fighting valiantly to protect their mother and the people of Earth. Guilt and despair threatened to overwhelm him, but he clung to a glimmer of hope that the Avengers could turn the tide.

On the battlefield, Thor swung Mjolnir with unparalleled might, lightning crackling around him. "For Asgard and Midgard !" he roared, his voice echoing across the war-torn city. The sight of him inspired those around him, pushing them to fight harder.

In the skies, Tony and Rhodey continued their assault on the warships, desperately trying to gain the upper hand. "We need more firepower !" Tony called out. "Scott, how’s it going in there ?"

Inside one of the warships, Scott Lang was wreaking havoc, disabling systems and creating chaos. "Almost there ! Just a few more seconds !"

As the battle raged on, the Avengers knew that they had to hold the line, no matter the cost. The fate of Earth hung in the balance, and they were determined to protect it, whatever it took.

Thanos watched with grim satisfaction as his army overwhelmed the Avengers, his dark eyes gleaming with malice. The battlefield was a symphony of chaos and destruction, and he relished every moment of it.

On the ground, Tony Stark and Doctor Strange continued their desperate struggle against Maw. Tony's suit, was taking significant damage, its systems failing under the relentless assault. "status report !" Tony barked, dodging a telekinetic strike from Maw.

"Boss, your armor is at 20% functionality. You have sustained multiple injuries" FRIDAY responded, her tone urgent.

"No joke" Tony muttered. He activated his comms. "Bruce, it's time. Initiate Code Green. We need the big guy out here, now !"

Thor and Steve Rogers found themselves besieged by a massive wave of Chitauri and a hulking alien brute. Thor was thrown back, crashing into the rubble with a bone-jarring impact. Blood trickled down his face, but he gritted his teeth and stood, determined to keep fighting. "Come on, we can't let these bastards win !" he shouted.

Steve, his shield battered but still unyielding, nodded. "We’ve got this, Thor."

The Guardians of the Galaxy were also struggling. Rocket and Groot fought back-to-back, trying to stem the tide of enemies. "Hey, Quill, could use a little help here !" Rocket yelled, firing his blaster.

Peter, flying overhead with his jet boots, responded, "I’m on it, Rocket ! Hang tight !"

Scott, in his giant form, tried to shield civilians from the Chitauri warships, but the strain was showing. His suit sparked and groaned under the pressure. "This is getting a little too close for comfort " he muttered, swatting at the ships.

As the battle raged, a new threat emerged. A second lieutenant of Thanos, previously lurking in the shadows, targeted Frigga, who was valiantly protecting civilians. Thor, occupied with his own skirmish, didn’t notice until it was almost too late.

Frigga stood firm, using her magic to shield those around her. But the lieutenant was swift, slamming her into the ground and lifting her by the neck. The blade in his hand glinted menacingly.

Thor's heart sank as he saw his mother in peril. "No !" he roared, fighting desperately to reach her. The world seemed to slow down, Frigga’s eyes meeting Thor’s, a silent plea for help.

In the throne room, Loki’s heart clenched as he watched the scene unfold. His mother, his beloved mother, was about to be killed. He screamed in despair, "Mother !"

Thanos, savoring the moment, decided to cut the transmission, leaving Loki in agonizing uncertainty about Frigga’s fate.


Back on Earth, just as the lieutenant raised his blade, a sharp arrow flew through the air, embedding itself in the alien’s arm. From a nearby rooftop, Clint sighed in relief, sweat dripping from his brow. "Gotcha, you bastard" he muttered.

Frigga seized the opportunity, breaking free from her captor’s grip. Natasha arrived at her side, while Thor finally reached them, smashing the lieutenant away with a powerful strike.

"Mother, are you alright ?" Thor panted, his eyes wide with concern.

Frigga nodded, her eyes fierce. "I am fine, my son. We must keep fighting."

Tony, in the thick of battle with Maw, couldn’t resist mocking him. "Hey, Squidward ! Looks like you picked the wrong day to invade Earth. How's it feel to get your ass handed to you by our Hulk ?"

Thanos lieutenant, his face a mask of irritation and rage, retorted coldly, "Your arrogance will be your undoing. This battle is far from over."

Doctor Strange, casting protective spells to deflect Maw’s attacks, added, "Focus, Tony. We can't afford to get complacent."

Thor arrived with a thunderous roar, hurling Mjolnir with deadly accuracy, striking the servant of Thanos and knocking him off balance. "Tell me where Thanos is and what you’ve done to my brother, Loki !" Thor demanded, his voice booming.

Maw stood, a disdainful smile forming on his lips. "Our master is dealing with your brother personally. He has no intention of letting him live."

Rage built within Thor, electricity crackling around him. Despite their efforts, the battle seemed to drag on. Thanos second-in-command, Corvus, realizing the tide was turning against them, shouted to Maw, "We must retreat ! The battle is lost !"

The dark sorcerer, his eyes scanning the battlefield, saw their imminent defeat. He gritted his teeth. "Fall back !" he commanded, fury evident in his voice.

Tony couldn’t help but make a sarcastic remark, "What's the matter ? Can't handle a little Earthling resistance ?"

Clint, Natasha, and Frigga tirelessly worked to get civilians to safety. Rocket and Groot, with help from Scott in his giant form, destroyed enemy ships one by one. Steve Rogers, shield in hand, mowed down the remaining Chitauri with relentless determination. Natasha cautiously approached Hulk, trying to calm him down and bring Bruce back. "Hey, big guy, the sun's getting real low" she murmured, hoping to soothe the green giant.

Hulk's breathing began to slow, his eyes softening as he looked at Natasha. "Hulk not want Banner. Hulk fight !" he grumbled, trying to resist the transformation.

Natasha continued, her voice calm and gentle, "We need Banner too. You both have to work together, remember ?"

Hulk roared, slamming his fists into the ground, causing a minor quake. "No ! Hulk strongest there is! Hulk smash !"

Despite the green giant's defiance, Natasha persisted, "We know you’re the strongest, Hulk. But we need both of you. Please, for me ?"

Hulk's expression softened, and after a moment of internal struggle, he began to shrink back into Bruce Banner, albeit reluctantly.

Maw, refusing to leave empty-handed, headed towards the Avengers' compound, determined to retrieve the scepter. "We will take the Infinity Stone and leave this wretched planet" he declared.

Tony rushed to intercept the dark magician. "Oh no, you don't ! I've already rebuilt this place once, and I'm not doing it again !"

The battle intensified around the compound. The powerful sorcerer, using all his power, breached the defenses and seized the scepter. With a sinister grin, he shattered the scepter, extracting the glowing blue Infinity Stone. "The Stone is ours !" he announced triumphantly.

Thor, furious, hurled Mjolnir with such force that it crushed several Chitauri around Maw. "You will not take it without a fight !" he bellowed.

But the telekinetic master, utilizing his abilities, lifted the Stone and made it float towards him. Strange tried to cast a spell to hold it back, but the powerful being countered with a wave of energy that staggered the sorcerer. "Enough of this !" Maw shouted, preparing to retreat.

In a desperate final attempt, the Avengers combined their attacks. Scott, in his giant form, tore off part of the building to hurl at Thanos' forces, while Tony, Rhodey, and Rocket fired relentlessly at their enemies. Natasha, using her graceful and deadly moves, neutralized the last of the Chitauri nearby.

Seeing they couldn’t hold out much longer, Maw ordered the final retreat. "Retreat ! Now !"

Thanos' troops retreated, leaving behind a battlefield in ruins, but miraculously, the compound remained intact.

Tony dropped to his knees, exhausted but relieved. "Well, that was fun. Next time, let's invite fewer homicidal maniacs to the party."

Clint, wiping sweat from his brow, joked, "Yeah. Maybe next time you can actually win without needing to call in the big guy."

Thor, his hammer still crackling with energy, looked at the dark sky where Thanos' ships were disappearing. "This isn't over. We need to go save my brother."


And an epic battle between the Avengers and Thanos !

Yes, I decided to add the Guardians of the Galaxy too! Because they are badass.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter ! ❤️

Chapter 11: Chapter 11


Hey, how's it going ? 😊

Here's chapter 11, and we're getting close to the end, folks 🥲!

Disclaimer: graphic descriptions of torture, blood, and injuries.

Hope you like it !

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Thanos watched with sad*stic glee as Loki lay crumpled on the floor, the once-proud god now reduced to a trembling mess. Slowly, Thanos approached, his heavy footsteps echoing ominously through the throne room. He towered over Loki, who was on his knees, head bowed, his raven hair cascading like a dark veil over his battered face. His fists were clenched tightly, his body shuddering with suppressed rage and sorrow. The sight of Loki’s evident distress only fueled Thanos’ cruel amusem*nt.

Look at you ” Thanos sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. “A god brought to his knees, weeping like a mortal. The trickster who delighted in chaos and deceit, now mourning his mother’s death. And it’s all your fault.”

Loki’s voice, though weak and raspy, managed to convey a fierce defiance. “You will never win, Thanos. No matter how much pain you inflict”

Thanos’ smile widened, a sinister glint in his eyes. With a swift, brutal motion, he seized a handful of Loki’s hair and yanked him to his feet. Loki’s mouth opened in a silent scream of agony as his body was forced upright, his broken leg buckling under his weight, his myriad injuries flaring with searing pain. His clothes hung in tatters, and his face was a gruesome mask of bruises, cuts, and blood. Thanos held him up, relishing the sight of Loki’s torment.

“Defy me all you want, little god” Thanos growled, his grip tightening painfully in Loki’s hair. “But know this: you are nothing. A failure.”

Loki’s eyes, filled with hatred and sorrow, met Thanos unflinchingly. Tears mingled with the blood on his cheeks, creating streaks of red that marked his defiance. He bit his lips until they bled, determined not to give Thanos the satisfaction of seeing him break further.

“I don’t care if I die” Loki spat, his voice barely above a whisper. “But know this: you.will.not.win.”

Thanos smile vanished, replaced by a cold fury. With a roar of rage, he hurled Loki across the room. The god’s body flew through the air, crashing into the wall with bone-crunching force. The impact sent shockwaves of pain through his already broken body, his ribs protesting violently. The stone wall cracked upon impact, and Loki collapsed to the floor, a scream of agony tearing from his lips. His vision blurred as he tried to focus, the throbbing in his head almost unbearable.

The Mad Titan loomed over him, his voice dripping with malice. “You are a disgrace to your kind. Your friends on Earth will suffer because of you. Their blood will be on your hands.”

Thanos signaled to his guards, and they dragged Loki to his feet again, their rough hands aggravating his injuries. The guards forced him to his knees before Thanos once more, who looked down at him with contempt. The Titan’s eyes burned with cruel delight as he watched Loki struggle to remain conscious.

“Take him back to his cell” Thanos ordered. “Let him rot in his misery.”

The guards complied, yanking Loki back toward his cell. The journey through the corridors was a blur of agony for Loki, each step a fresh wave of torment. The guards showed no mercy, dragging him with brutal force, their hands gripping his arms tightly, ensuring he felt every jolt of pain.

Once they reached his cell, they threw him against the wall with such force that he bounced off and crumpled to the floor. His body lay in a twisted heap, the cold metal floor pressing against his injuries, sending new stabs of pain through him. The guards didn’t bother to chain him up this time, knowing the shackles on his wrists nullified his magic and that his grievous injuries left him incapable of mounting any resistance.

As the heavy door slammed shut, plunging the cell into darkness, Loki’s gaze became vacant, staring unseeing into the void. The image of his mother’s supposed death replayed in his mind, shattering what remained of his sanity. A hollow, almost maniacal laugh bubbled up from within him, and he covered his face with his hands, the laughter turning into gut-wrenching sobs.

Alone in the oppressive darkness, Loki’s control finally snapped. He curled up on the floor, his body wracked with shudders as he cried uncontrollably. His fingers clawed at the ground, nails breaking and bleeding as he tried to find some grip on reality. The pain from his wounds was nothing compared to the agony tearing through his heart.

His sobs echoed off the cold, unforgiving walls, a haunting symphony of despair. Loki’s mind raced with the tormenting memories of Thanos’ words and the vision of his mother’s fate. His breaths came in ragged gasps, each one a struggle against the overwhelming grief threatening to consume him.

Hours passed in a blur of anguish. The god of mischief, once so proud and powerful, now lay broken and defeated. The raw emotions poured out of him in waves, each one leaving him more exhausted than the last. His body trembled uncontrollably, and his tears mixed with the blood and dirt on his face, leaving streaks of red and black.

Eventually, exhaustion claimed him, and he slipped into a merciful, albeit fitful, unconsciousness, the echoes of his suffering lingering in the silence of his cell. The darkness closed in around him, offering no solace, only a temporary escape from the hell that had become his reality.

As his lieutenants returned to the ship, Thanos learned of the battle’s outcome. His displeasure was palpable as he listened to the report. The retreat of his army had not been part of the plan. He turned his gaze to Maw and Corvus, making it clear that they needed to perform better if they wished to avoid his wrath.

“You have failed me” Thanos rumbled, his voice a deep, threatening growl. “Retreat was not an option.”

Maw, attempting to soothe his master, presented the Infinity Stone they had managed to recover from the scepter. “My lord, we retrieved the Mind Stone from the scepter. This should please you.”

Thanos mood shifted to a sinister delight as he integrated the stone into his gauntlet, feeling the surge of power course through him. “Indeed. This pleases me greatly. But it does not absolve your failure.”

Corvus, sensing the growing tension, stepped forward. “My lord, the Avengers were stronger than anticipated. Their forces have increased.”

Thanos narrowed his eyes at Corvus. “Strength means nothing if we cannot crush it. You will make sure this does not happen again.”

Maw, eager to change the subject, asked, “What is your next command, my lord ?”

With the stone in his possession, Thanos devised a cruel plan. “We will head to a deserted planet. There, we will wait. The Avengers will come for Loki, and we will be ready.”

Maw, curious and wary, asked, “What do you intend to do with him ?”

Thanos lips curled into a cruel smile. “I will use the Mind Stone to manipulate him once more. I will force him to fight against his friends, I will kill him before their eyes and then I will annihilate them.”


Meanwhile, back on Earth, repairs were underway in the aftermath of the battle. The devastation was extensive, with buildings reduced to rubble and streets torn apart. Everyone pitched in to help with the reconstruction. Inside the newly damaged compound, Tony Stark was beside himself with frustration.

“Great, just great,” Tony grumbled, surveying the damage. “Another compound bites the dust. Why do I even bother building these things ?”

In the conference room, the Avengers, still nursing their injuries, strategized their next move. It was decided that Thor, Tony, Steve, Doctor Strange, Bruce, Thor’s friends, and Frigga would travel to space using Asgardian technology to confront Thanos and rescue Loki. Heimdall had confirmed Thanos’ location, providing them with the means to track him down.

“Alright, team,” Steve said. “This is our chance. We go in, get Loki, and stop Thanos once and for all.”

Tony nodded, his eyes sharp despite the fatigue. “Yeah, and let’s try not to blow up another city in the process. I’m running out of insurance companies willing to cover us.”

Bruce, adjusting his glasses, chimed in. “I’ll do my best to keep the big guy under control. But you know how he gets when he’s angry.”

Natasha smirked. “Yeah, we all know how he gets. Just make sure he doesn’t smash the wrong things.”

Thor, looking determined, added, “We must not fail. Loki’s life depends on it, and so does the fate of Asgard and Midgard.”

The group assembled their gear, readying themselves for the journey. Meanwhile, on the ground, the rest of the Avengers and SHIELD worked tirelessly to aid civilians and repair the damage.

Clint, overseeing some of the reconstruction efforts, called out to Natasha. “Hey, Nat, do you think Tony’s ever going to run out of money fixing these places ?”

Natasha laughed. “Knowing him ? Not a chance. He probably has a fund just for Avengers-related property damage.”

Pepper was coordinating the efforts, her calm demeanor helping to keep everyone on track. “Let’s get this done, people. We need to be ready for anything.”

With everything set, Thor and his team prepared to depart for Asgard. Heimdall stood ready to transport them, his eyes glowing with the power of the Bifrost.

“Good luck” Pepper said, giving Tony a brief but heartfelt hug. “Try to come back alive tony.”

Tony nodded with a smile. “Of course, I know you don’t like to do the paperwork ”

As the Bifrost opened, Thor led his team through, their destination clear: rescue Loki and stop Thanos.

Thor’s final words before they departed echoed with determination. “Now, let’s go get my brother.”


The ship of Thanos now rested on the barren planet of Mortem, a desolate world with a harsh, rocky landscape and a dark, oppressive sky. The atmosphere was breathable, though the air was heavy and filled with the scent of sulfur. The planet’s surface was marred with jagged cliffs and deep chasms, a fitting stage for the impending confrontation.

Thanos prepared his warriors, ensuring they were battle-ready. He donned his formidable armor, the metal plates glinting ominously in the dim light of the planet. He stood proudly in the throne room, awaiting the return of Loki. Moments later, the doors swung open, and two Chitauri guards dragged the god before the Mad Titan.

Loki was thrown at Thanos feet, his body limp and lifeless like a broken doll. No sound escaped his lips, and his eyes were devoid of any spark. This sight delighted Thanos, who took great pleasure in seeing Loki’s spirit utterly crushed. He ordered the guards to remove Loki’s manacles, allowing his magic to flow and begin healing his grievous wounds. Thanos needed Loki to be functional for the task ahead.

As the restraints fell away, Loki stirred slightly, a low groan escaping him. He felt the familiar warmth of his seidr spreading through his body, knitting his shattered bones and mending torn flesh. The process was excruciating, each realignment of bone sending waves of pain through him.

Thanos crouched down, lifting Loki’s head with a cruel hand, his eyes locking onto the god’s vacant stare. “You have one last use to me, before I grant you the death you so desperately seek” he sneered, holding up the Mind Stone. The sight of it made Loki’s eyes widen in terror, a flicker of life returning as fear took hold.

Thanos chuckled darkly at the reaction. Without further explanation, he activated the stone and grasped Loki’s head with his gauntleted hand. Loki’s eyes widened in horror as he felt the Mind Stone’s power invade his mind, just as it had with the scepter.

Desperation flared within him. Summoning the last reserves of his strength, Loki grasped Thanos arm with trembling hands, trying in vain to break free. The effort was futile, and he let out a pained growl. “It’s useless to resist” Thanos said with cold amusem*nt. “Embrace the hate within you. Let it consume you.”

Loki clenched his eyes shut against the searing pain, his breath coming in ragged gasps. His head felt like it was being torn apart, and sweat poured down his face as he struggled to maintain control. But despite his efforts, his resolve began to crumble, his mind succumbing to the overwhelming force of the stone.

Slowly, the defiance in Loki’s eyes faded, replaced by a blank stare. His hands slipped from Thanos arm as he ceased to resist. The Titan released his grip, watching with satisfaction as Loki’s expression morphed into one of malevolent glee, his eyes now glowing an eerie blue.

Good” Thanos said, a sinister grin spreading across his face. “Now, you will serve me once more.”

Loki, feeling the twisted empowerment from the Mind Stone, stood without difficulty. The wounds that had plagued him moments before were healing rapidly. He looked at Thanos, a mocking smile curling his lips. “What are your orders, master ?” he said, his tone dripping with sarcasm.

Destroy the Avengers,” Thanos commanded. “Show them no mercy. And when the time comes, you will die by my hand.”

Loki’s smile widened, a cruel glint in his eye. “As you wish.

As the Asgardian ship descended upon Mortem, a desolate and foreboding planet with a dark, cloud-covered sky and jagged rock formations, Thanos watched with a sinister grin. His imposing figure was seated on a massive stone, surrounded by his loyal warriors. The eerie stillness of the planet was soon interrupted by the ship's landing, its ramp lowering with a mechanical whir.

Thor emerged first, flanked by Tony, Steve with his shield, Strange, and the Asgardian warriors. Frigga had remained on the ship with Bruce, ready to provide support or transformation if needed.

Thor stepped forward, his eyes scanning the area. "Thanos ! Where is my brother ?" he demanded, his voice echoing across the barren landscape.

Thanos stood, his towering form casting a long shadow. He chuckled darkly. "Your brother ?" he mocked. "he's right here."

Without warning, daggers flew through the air. Thor barely had time to deflect them with Mjolnir. Turning, he saw Loki, clad in his dark armor, standing menacingly.

"Brother, we’ve come to help you !" Thor shouted, desperation lacing his voice.

Loki sneered. "I don’t need your help, Thor. Your sense of duty is laughable. My existence is nothing but a cosmic joke."

Steve, observing Loki’s blue-tinted eyes, realized the truth. "Thor, He’s under the influence of the Mind Stone again."

Tony couldn’t resist a joke. "Seriously ? Using the same trick twice ? You need new material."

Thor tried to reason with Loki. "Brother, fight it ! I know you’re in there."

Loki’s expression was a mixture of rage and pain. "You have nothing to say in this thor !" he spat, his voice dripping with venom.

Thanos watched with amusem*nt. "I won’t lift a finger. If you want to get to me, you’ll have to go through him."

Thor’s heart ached at seeing his brother like this. "Loki, resist it ! You’re stronger than this !"

For a fleeting moment, a flicker of green passed through Loki’s eyes, revealing his true self. But the blue glow of the Mind Stone quickly reclaimed control. With a feral growl, Loki launched himself at Thor, striking with brutal intensity.

The battlefield erupted into chaos. The Avengers and Asgardian warriors charged towards Thanos and his minions. Tony’s repulsors lit up, targeting the Chitauri. Steve’s shield deflected blasts as he took down foes with precision. Strange conjured magical shields and portals, maneuvering through the onslaught.

Thor parried Loki’s attacks with Mjolnir, each strike heavy with emotion. "brother, I know you’re in there. Don’t let him win !"

Loki’s face contorted with rage. "Why should I ? You’ve always overshadowed me, Thor. This is my time."

Steve's voice cut through the din of battle. "Thor, focus ! We need to break the Mind Stone's control."

Thor redoubled his efforts, fighting both physically and emotionally. "Loki, I believe in you. Fight it !"

Loki hesitated again, his eyes flickering between green and blue, but the Mind Stone’s grip was relentless. With a roar, he continued his assault, pushing Thor to his limits. Each blow was a testament to his internal struggle.

The battlefield was a maelstrom of energy blasts, magical constructs, and the clash of steel. Amidst the chaos, the Avengers realized that freeing Loki from Thanos’ control was crucial to turning the tide. Tony exchanged a glance with Strange, who nodded, understanding the unspoken plan.

As Thor and Loki clashed, the ground beneath them trembled. Loki’s attacks were fierce, but there was a hesitation in his movements, a silent plea for help that Thor could sense. He knew his brother was still in there, fighting to break free.

The battle raged on, and amidst the chaos, the Avengers knew that their friend’s fate, and possibly the fate of the universe, hung in the balance. Thanos observed with a cold, calculating gaze, confident in his hold over Loki.

The plan made by Strange and Tony depended on getting to Thanos and figuring out a way to either take off the Infinity Gauntlet or destroy the stones. They had several backup plans based on the different futures Strange had seen. Frigga and Bruce kept the Tesseract, knowing it would be important in one of their plans. It was a risky choice because if Thanos got the Tesseract, he would have all the stones, but they hoped to prevent that from happening.

Thor and Loki continued their battle, with Thor trying desperately to incapacitate his brother without causing further harm. He knew Loki was likely masking his true condition with an illusion, fighting with less power and precision than usual. During a heated exchange of blows, Steve’s shield suddenly struck Loki’s legs, aiming to knock him off balance. Surprised, Loki stumbled and fell, and Thor seized the opportunity, pinning him firmly to the ground.

Loki writhed beneath Thor, managing to free one hand and stab a dagger into Thor’s thigh. Thor hissed in pain but did not relent, tightening his grip. Steve quickly joined, helping Thor hold Loki down.

“Loki, listen to me,” Thor pleaded. “Father wants to see you. Mother is with us, ready to bring you home.”

Loki spat back with venom, “Mother is dead, you fool !”

Thor’s heart ached hearing those words. “No, Loki. She’s alive. Look over there, in the ship. She’s watching, waiting for you.”

Thor forced Loki to turn his head towards the ship, where Frigga’s worried face was visible through the co*ckpit window. Loki’s struggles ceased momentarily as he stared, disbelief etched across his face. The control of the Mind Stone weakened, and his eyes briefly returned to their natural green.

Thor... it’s suicide to face Thanos,” Loki murmured, his voice filled with a mix of fear and sorrow.

“We’re not leaving without you” Thor vowed.

Loki’s resolve cracked. “You have to take the gauntlet from him. It’s the only way.”

But Thanos, sensing the lapse in his control, reactivated the Mind Stone’s power. Loki’s eyes widened in agony as the stone’s influence surged back, clouding his mind once more. He gritted his teeth, fighting against the overwhelming force. “Thor, hurry... I can’t hold on much longer.”

Thor’s face twisted with determination. “Hold on, brother. We’ll free you.”

Meanwhile, Tony and Strange advanced towards Thanos. Tony’s HUD displayed critical damage, and FRIDAY’s voice reported, “Boss, your vitals are spiking. Multiple injuries detected.”

Great” Tony muttered. “Bruce ! get ready to go green. We need you.”

Strange used his magic to create portals and deflect Thanos’s attacks, while Tony aimed repulsor blasts at the gauntlet. Thanos, using the stones’ power, broke through Strange’s bindings with ease.

Thor and Steve managed to subdue Loki just as Tony and Strange engaged Thanos. Corvus joined the fray, defending his master.

“Loki, resist !” Thor shouted, his voice breaking with emotion.

Loki’s eyes flickered, his face contorted with effort. “I’m trying !” he whispered, tears mixing with blood.

Thanos’s voice boomed. “You think you can save him ? He’s mine.”

Thor roared, “He’s not yours to take !”

In the background, Tony and Strange executed their plan. Strange cast a series of complex spells to bind Thanos’s arm, creating a momentary opening. Tony lunged at the gauntlet, trying to pry it from Thanos’s grip. The battle reached a critical point, with each Avenger giving their all.

As Tony and Strange fought to pry the gauntlet from Thanos’s grip, the titan roared in fury, unleashing the combined power of the Infinity Stones. The ground trembled as the Power Stone emitted a shockwave, sending Tony and Strange flying across the battlefield. Strange's protective spells shattered, and Tony's armor cracked and sparked under the strain. Thanos’s rage was palpable. “You cannot defeat me !” he bellowed, his voice echoing like thunder.

At that moment, Hulk arrived with a ground-shaking leap, landing directly in front of Thanos. With a roar of his own, Hulk lunged at the titan, his massive fists aiming for the gauntlet. “Hulk, take the gauntlet !” Steve shouted, hoping to turn the tide of the battle. The clash between Hulk and Thanos was intense, each blow sending shockwaves through the air. Hulk’s strength was formidable, but Thanos’s mastery of the stones gave him the upper hand.

Tony, struggling to his feet, assessed his damaged suit. “FRIDAY, give me a status report.”

Boss, the suit’s taken too much damage. Only a few long-range weapons are operational” FRIDAY responded.

Tony grimaced. “Okay….let’s see what we can do.” He aimed his remaining repulsors at Thanos, firing to distract the titan.

Meanwhile, Frigga emerged from the Asgardian ship, the Tesseract securely hidden in her robes. She hurried to Thor, Steve, and Loki, creating a shimmering barrier of energy around them. “go help the others. I will stay with Loki” she commanded, her voice resolute.

Thor nodded, his eyes filled with determination. “Stay safe, Mother.” He and Steve then charged back into the fray, their combined might directed at Thanos’s forces. The Warriors Three and Sif fought valiantly against the Chitauri, holding off Ebony Maw and his relentless attacks.

Loki, wracked with pain from the Mind Stone’s control, clutched his head, blood trickling from his nose. The mental strain was unbearable. “S…stop this !” he screamed, his voice raw with agony. His vision blurred as he struggled to fight the overwhelming influence.

Frigga knelt beside him, her hands glowing with soothing magic. “Loki,my son, focus on my voice. I’m here with you” she whispered, her touch gentle on his fevered brow.

Loki’s eyes, flickering between blue and green, met hers. For a fleeting moment, recognition and relief passed through them. “Mother... you’re alive...” he managed to say, his voice choked with emotion.

“Yes, my son. We are here to bring you home” Frigga assured him, her heart aching at his suffering. She continued to channel her magic, trying to ease his torment, even as the battle raged around them.

Thor and Steve rejoined the fight, their combined strength aimed at Thanos. Thor’s hammer crackled with lightning, and Steve’s shield struck with unerring precision. “Thanos, this ends now !” Thor declared, throwing Mjolnir with all his might.

Hulk, still grappling with Thanos, managed to momentarily loosen the gauntlet. “Hulk smash !” he bellowed, throwing a powerful punch that sent Thanos staggering.

Tony, from a distance, saw his opportunity. “Alright, big guy, time for some fireworks.” He unleashed a barrage of missiles at Thanos, aiming to create an opening for the others.

Strange, recovering from Thanos’s earlier attack, conjured mystical restraints to bind the titan’s arm. “We need to get that gauntlet off !” he yelled, his voice strained with effort.

Thanos, seeing the combined efforts against him, roared in frustration. “You think you can stop me ? Fools !” With a surge of power, he shattered Strange’s bindings and sent Hulk crashing to the ground.

Meanwhile, Loki’s internal struggle continued. The pain was excruciating, every nerve in his body screaming as he tried to resist. Frigga’s presence was a beacon of hope, but the Mind Stone’s power was relentless. “... hurry…” he gasped, his vision dimming.

Thor, seeing his brother’s torment, fought with renewed fury. “Just hold on brother !” He landed a thunderous blow on Thanos, momentarily dazing the titan.

As the battle raged, Frigga’s magic began to weaken. “Stay with me” she pleaded, her voice breaking. “You are stronger than this.”

Loki’s eyes briefly cleared, filled with desperation. “... I…i can’t hold on much longer...” The agony was overwhelming, his body trembling from the effort.

Frigga tightened her grip on him, her magic flaring with determination. “You can. You must.”

As the battle raged on, the Avengers were reaching their limits. Thanos, despite their relentless attacks, still held onto the gauntlet. Tony and Strange, seeing no other option, planned to use the Tesseract to separate Thanos from the gauntlet and banish him far away.

Steve ran back to Frigga, who was cradling Loki. Loki’s condition was deteriorating rapidly, blood pouring from his ears and nose. “Frigga, we need the Tesseract now” Steve urged, his voice tight with urgency.

Hulk managed to force Thanos to his knees, and Thor shouted, “Hold him there, Hulk ! Don’t let him get up !”

Tony, partially stripped of his damaged armor, rushed in. “Alright, big guy, let’s do this !” He grabbed Thanos’s gauntleted hand while Thor, using every ounce of his strength, did the same. Thanos roared in fury, his strength immense, but the combined force of Tony’s repulsors and Thor’s lightning began to loosen the gauntlet.

Across the battlefield, Asgardian warriors had subdued Thanos’s troops and slain one of his lieutenants. Slowly but surely, the gauntlet was pried off, and Thor immediately hurled it to Strange. The instant the gauntlet left Thanos’s hand, Loki felt the Mind Stone’s grip release. He gasped, his body finally relaxing. Frigga’s gentle touch and soothing presence provided him the solace he had been denied for so long.

Steve took the Tesseract from Frigga, preparing to open a portal to send Thanos and his remaining forces far away. But in a desperate bid, Thanos broke free, flinging everyone off him. The Tesseract slipped from Steve’s grasp, skidding across the battlefield.

Everyone struggled to their feet, but Thanos, seizing a Chitauri spear, hurled it with all his might toward Thor. “You will all die !” Thanos bellowed as he launched the spear.

Loki, seeing this unfold, felt time slow to a crawl. The spear hurtled through the air, and he realized Thor wouldn’t be able to dodge it in time. With a surge of adrenaline and magic, Loki broke through Frigga’s protective barrier. “Loki, no !” she screamed, but he didn’t stop. He called out, “Brother !” with raw desperation as he dashed towards Thor.

Thor, still recovering, turned just in time to see Loki leap in front of him. The spear struck Loki in the abdomen, the sharp tip tearing through flesh and muscle, piercing clean through to his back. Blood sprayed, and the force of the impact knocked the wind out of Loki. The shock of the blow echoed across the battlefield.

NOOO !” Thor’s anguished scream pierced the air, filled with a pain that cut deeper than any wound.


Alright ! Lots of twists and turns in this chapter ! Our dear Loki has really been through the wringer.

But I promise, you haven't seen the last of the surprises.

Hugs to you all ! ❤️

Chapter 12: Chapter 12


Heyyyyy ! How's everyone doing ? Here's chapter 12, the second-to-last chapter ! Yep, the next one will be the finale !

Disclaimer: graphic description of injuries


(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

Thor's scream echoed in everyone's ears as they watched Loki struggle to comprehend the spear impaling him. The God of Mischief instinctively grasped the spear's shaft, his fingers trembling as they came away slick with his own blood. The realization hit him like a freight train, and the excruciating pain followed. His legs buckled, but before he could collapse, Thor caught him, easing him gently to the ground. Loki lay on his side, the spear preventing him from being on his back, his head cradled in Thor's lap.

Thanos, witnessing the scene, let out a triumphant laugh. "Pathetic" he sneered, but his taunt was cut short by Steve's sharp retort. "Shut up !" Steve barked as he activated the Tesseract, pushing Thanos and the remnants of his forces through the portal. Thanos roared with defiance, "This isn't over ! I will return !" His threats echoed until the portal closed behind him, leaving the battlefield eerily silent. Tony couldn't resist a comment, "Wow, Cap, a curse word ?" Steve shrugged, "He deserved it."

With the immediate threat gone, their attention turned to Loki's dire condition. Bruce, miraculously back to his human form and wearing specially designed clothing, rushed over to the injured god. Frigga, Thor, and Strange were already at his side, their faces etched with worry. Loki was in bad shape, his skin pale and clammy, each breath a struggle.

Frigga had managed to stave off a hemorrhage, but her exhaustion limited her further efforts. Strange, assessing the situation, declared, "We need to transport him immediately."

Thor agreed, his voice filled with urgency. "We must get him to Asgard. It's his only chance."

Bruce, examining the spear, frowned. "We can't remove it here. It'll cause more damage. We need to stabilize him for transport."

Loki, drenched in sweat and gasping for air, let out involuntary cries of pain. His face contorted with each wave of agony. When Bruce barely touched the spear, Loki screamed, his body writhing. "Ah….Don't... touch it" he gasped, the pain nearly unbearable.

Thor held Loki firmly but gently, trying to soothe him. "Stay still, brother. We need to move you."

Tony, arriving with a look of grim determination, suggested, "I have a laser in my suit that can cut through the spear. It'll make transport easier." Without waiting for a response, he activated the laser, carefully severing the spear on either side of Loki. The procedure was quick but precise, and despite the pain, Loki managed to stay conscious, his eyes filled with a mixture of gratitude and pain.

With the spear shortened, Thor and Bruce lifted Loki, taking extreme care not to jostle him. Loki's breaths were shallow, each movement sending fresh waves of pain through his body. They hurried him to the ship, Strange creating a protective spell around him to stabilize his condition during the flight. Frigga stayed close, her face pale but resolute.

As they settled Loki in the ship, Bruce leaned over him, checking his vitals. "Loki, you need to stay with us. Keep talking, alright ?"

Loki coughed, spitting out blood, his voice barely a whisper. "Thor... don't... let me... die... here."

Thor squeezed his brother's hand. "You're not going anywhere, Loki. We're taking you home."

Bruce, his brow furrowed in concern, noticed the increasing difficulty in Loki's breathing. "I think the spear might have punctured a lung, maybe more, do you have difficulty to breathe ?"

Loki's breathing was labored, each inhale a painful effort. He coughed again, blood splattering his lips. "I... can barely... breathe..."

Tony, seeing the desperation in Bruce's eyes, turned to Strange. "Can't you open a portal to Asgard ? We need to get him there faster."

Strange nodded, concentrating as he began to weave his hands through the air, creating a glowing portal. "I'll open a direct path."

Once Strange opened a portal, the ship swiftly arrived in Asgard, landing in a designated area beneath the castle. The atmosphere was charged with urgency. As soon as the ship touched down, Steve, Bruce, and Frigga carefully carried Loki towards the castle's healing chamber, navigating through the elegant yet imposing halls. Thor sprinted ahead to alert Eir, Asgard's most skilled healer.

Strange turned to Tony as he prepared to leave. "I'll head back to Earth to secure the gauntlet and update the others on Loki's condition."

Tony nodded, his face etched with concern. "You got it, Strange. Keep that gauntlet safe. We don't want any more surprises."

With a nod, Strange stepped through the portal, leaving Tony to catch up with the others. As he approached the entrance of the healing chamber, he found Steve, Sif, and the rest of Thor’s companions waiting anxiously. Tony joined them, his demeanor serious but laced with his characteristic sarcasm. "Well, looks like we're back in medieval times. Anyone bring a suit of armor ?"

Steve gave him a tired smile. "Glad to see you're holding up, Tony."

Inside the healing chamber, the room was a blend of advanced technology and ancient Asgardian mysticism. Golden runes glowed softly on the walls, casting a warm light over the pristine, white surfaces. Holographic displays floated in the air, showing real-time diagnostics of Loki’s condition. The centerpiece was a sleek, metallic table equipped with various medical instruments and surrounded by advanced healing devices that emitted a gentle, soothing hum.

Eir, their lead healer, immediately took charge. "Place him on the table. We need to stabilize him."

As Loki was gently laid onto the table, Eir activated a series of hovering diagnostic drones. These small, spherical devices emitted beams of light that scanned Loki’s body, projecting detailed images of his internal injuries. The screen displayed a disturbing array of damage: shattered bones, internal bleeding.

Frigga stood by Eir, ready to assist. Thor and Odin watched with bated breath, their expressions a mix of worry and determination. Bruce, though somewhat overwhelmed by the advanced Asgardian technology, did his best to help. "What can I do ?"

Eir pointed to a console. "Monitor his vitals. Alert me if there are any changes."

Bruce nodded, his fingers flying over the controls. The display showed Loki’s heart rate, blood pressure, all dangerously high.

The first step was to remove the remaining spear fragments. Eir used a pair of delicate, glowing tongs to carefully extract the pieces, each movement precise and controlled. "We need to be extremely careful. Any sudden movement could cause more internal damage."

Frigga and Bruce assisted, holding Loki steady. Despite their efforts, Loki suddenly jolted awake, the pain wrenching him from unconsciousness. In his delirium, he believed he was still on Thanos ship, enduring torture. His eyes were wide with fear and confusion. "No... not again...!”

Eir quickly called for Thor. "Thor ! we need you here. Hold him down so I can administer a sedative."

Thor rushed to his brother’s side, gently but firmly pinning him to the table. Loki’s panic only increased, and he struggled violently, his powers flaring instinctively. A wave of green energy surged from his body, pushing Thor and Bruce back slightly.

"Brother…. You're safe, calm down" Thor urged, trying to calm him.

Loki's eyes were wild, darting around the room. Frigga stepped forward, her voice a soothing balm. "my son.You are safe."

Loki's gaze finally settled on Frigga, and he began to calm, though his breathing was still ragged. "Mother...?" His voice was weak, barely more than a whisper.

Frigga placed a gentle hand on his forehead. "Yes, I’m here. You need to stay still." She felt Loki's forehead and realized he was burning up with a fever. "He's burning up. This isn't normal."

Eir scanned the wound site and gasped. "The spear was laced with a Chitauri toxin. It's attacking his body."

Bruce's face went pale. "We need to work fast. This isn't just a physical injury; it's poisoning him from the inside."

Thor, his eyes filled with tears, looked at Eir. "What can we do ? How do we save him ?"

Eir, focused and calm, replied, "We need to flush out the toxin and stabilize him. It will be painful, but it’s the only way."

Loki’s breathing remained labored, each exhale a struggle. He coughed, blood flecking his lips. "It... hurts..."

Once Frigga managed to calm Loki long enough for the anesthesia to take effect, Eir instructed everyone, except Frigga, to leave the room. She needed absolute concentration to perform the delicate procedures necessary to save the god of mischief. Reluctantly, Thor, Bruce, and Odin exited the healing chamber, the door sealing shut behind them. As soon as they were outside, the others eagerly surrounded Thor, seeking updates.

"The situation is still critical for Loki," Thor said, his voice heavy with concern. "Eir is doing everything she can to heal him."

Bruce nodded in agreement. "I believe Loki has a fighting chance. We just need to be patient and let Eir do her work."

Odin took this moment to address their guests. "There are chambers prepared for all of you. You may rest until it is time to return to Earth. Thor will bring you back once we know Loki's condition is stable."

Tony, ever the pragmatist, shrugged. "Doesn't bother me. I'll take this as a little Asgardian vacation."

With that, palace servants guided each guest to their respective chambers. Sif and the other warriors went to tend to their own injuries, while Bruce assisted in treating the wounds of the others, including Thor. Despite his own weariness, Thor chose to remain outside the healing chamber, standing vigil for his brother.

Inside the chamber, Eir meticulously began the healing process. She and Frigga carefully bandaged Loki’s abdomen, where the lance had inflicted its grievous wound. Once the primary injury was stabilized, Eir moved on to address the multitude of other injuries. Loki’s body was a patchwork of bruises, lacerations, and internal trauma, necessitating extensive use of Asgardian medical technology.

Eir used a series of advanced healing devices that emitted concentrated beams of light to accelerate cellular regeneration. The equipment hummed softly, casting a warm glow over Loki's pallid skin. Despite these efforts, one significant problem remained: Loki’s fever continued to rise, indicating a severe systemic infection from the Chitauri toxin.

Frigga stayed at Loki’s side, wiping the sweat from his feverish brow. Despite the anesthetic, Loki’s body occasionally convulsed with pain, his expression twisted in a grimace. His cheeks, flushed with fever, stood in stark contrast to his usually pale complexion.

Eir glanced at the monitors displaying Loki’s vitals. "His condition is still critical. We’ve managed to stabilize the worst of his injuries, but the toxin is resilient. His body is struggling to fight it off."

Frigga looked at Eir with a mixture of hope and desperation. "Is there anything more we can do ?"

Eir shook her head. "We need to wait and see. The next 48 hours will be crucial. He must rest, and we must monitor his condition closely."

Reluctantly, Frigga placed a tender kiss on Loki's forehead before leaving the room. Outside, Thor was waiting anxiously. "How is he ?" he asked immediately.

Frigga sighed, her face etched with worry. "Eir says the next two days will be critical. She is watching over him closely, but we should all try to rest in the meantime."

Thor followed his mother, though he knew sleep would be elusive. "I will try, Mother," he said softly.

As they walked through the silent halls of the palace, the weight of the day's events bore heavily on Thor’s shoulders.

During the first 24 hours, Loki's condition worsened significantly due to the poison coursing through his veins. His fever spiked dangerously high, reaching a staggering 105 degrees Fahrenheit. Delirium set in, causing him to mutter incoherently and believe he was still enduring Thanos' tortures. "No... please" he whispered hoarsely, thrashing against imaginary restraints.

As night fell, Loki's fever induced violent convulsions. Eir worked frantically to stabilize him, but by the time Bruce and Frigga were called in, Loki had just finished his second seizure. His body was slick with sweat, and his breathing was ragged. Frigga knelt beside him, her heart breaking at the sight of her son in such agony.

Bruce examined Loki quickly, noting the dangerous rise in his temperature. "We need to get his fever down, now. If we don't, he'll suffer permanent damage," Bruce said urgently.

Eir looked to Frigga, who nodded in agreement. "What do you suggest, Doctor Banner ?"

"We need to get him into an ice bath. It's the fastest way to lower his body temperature" Bruce replied.

Frigga immediately set about preparing a large basin, filling it with cold water and adding chunks of ice. Bruce and Eir carefully disconnected Loki from the various medical devices monitoring his vitals. Loki’s body convulsed slightly as they moved him, and Bruce had to steady him.

"Hold on, Loki" Bruce murmured. "We're going to get you through this."

Once the basin was ready, Bruce and Eir gently lowered Loki into the icy water. His body reacted instantly, shivering violently, his teeth chattering uncontrollably. "Thanos... no... I won't...," he mumbled, his voice strained with pain and fear.

After several minutes in the water, Bruce noticed Loki's fingertips turning blue and initially attributed it to the cold. Alarmed, he alerted Frigga. "Frigga, his fingers are turning blue. Is that normal ?"

Frigga examined Loki's hands and quickly realized that it was not just the cold; it was his Jotun heritage manifesting as a reaction to the icy temperature. "No, it's not just the cold. This is his true form as a Frost Giant. Loki is originally from Jotunheim. This reaction is his body reverting to its natural state."

Bruce looked at Frigga in shock. "Loki is a Frost Giant ? How is that possible ?"

Frigga sighed, her eyes filled with sorrow. "He was abandoned as a baby and Odin found him. We raised him as our own, but he discovered his true origins in the worst possible way, feeling utterly betrayed."

Bruce listened intently as Loki's skin gradually turned a shade of blue, intricate markings emerging across his body. This transformation, though concerning, was a clear indication of his Jotun physiology reacting to the cold.

Eir monitored the time and, after 30 minutes, instructed them to remove Loki from the basin. His temperature had lowered to a safer level. They carefully moved him back onto the table and reconnected him to the medical devices. Just as they began to think the worst was over, the machines started beeping frantically. Loki had gone into sudden cardiac arrest.

Eir sprang into action, her face a mask of determination. "He's in cardiac arrest ! Get the crash cart, now !" she shouted. The room filled with a sense of urgent purpose as additional healers rushed in to assist. Outside, the alarm caught the attention of everyone.

Steve had to physically restrain Thor to keep him from storming into the room. "We need to let them do their job, Thor. You'll only get in the way" Steve said firmly.

Inside, Eir performed chest compressions with expert precision while another healer prepared to administer epinephrine. "Charge the defibrillator to 200 joules !" Eir ordered.

Frigga and Bruce were ushered out of the room, their faces etched with worry and helplessness. They watched through the glass as the healers worked feverishly to revive Loki.

"Clear !" Eir shouted, and the defibrillator pads sent a jolt of electricity through Loki's body, causing it to arch off the table. The monitors beeped erratically but still showed no signs of a heartbeat.

"Increase to 300 joules. Charge again !" Eir commanded. The tension in the room was palpable as they repeated the process. After several attempts, the steady beep of the heart monitor signaled that they had successfully restarted Loki's heart.

Eir breathed a sigh of relief and instructed the team to intubate Loki to ensure he received sufficient oxygen. They worked quickly and efficiently, securing the tube in place and connecting it to a ventilator.

Outside, the wait was agonizing. Thor paced back and forth, his hands clenched into fists. After what felt like an eternity, Eir emerged from the room, her expression serious but with a hint of relief.

"Loki is still with us" she announced. "He's been intubated to help him breathe and stabilize his condition, but he’s not out of the woods yet."

Frigga's eyes welled with tears as she nodded. "Thank you, Eir."

Thor, barely containing his emotions, hugged his mother tightly. "We'll get through this, Mother. Loki is strong. He'll make it."

Frigga nodded, though her heart ached with worry.

The next 24 hours saw no significant changes in Loki's condition, but there was a glimmer of hope as his state did not deteriorate further. Gradually, his body began to heal, fighting off the remnants of the poison and mending his injuries. After a week on life support, Eir deemed it safe to remove Loki from artificial respiration. His condition had stabilized enough to transfer him to his own chamber, equipped with necessary medical equipment to ensure his comfort.

In the meantime, Thor assisted Bruce, Steve, and Tony in returning to Earth with Heimdall's help. Before leaving, Tony made Thor promise to visit Earth to update them on Loki's recovery. Thor assured them he would keep them informed.

"Don't forget, Point Break, we're counting on you for the latest Loki updates," Tony quipped, giving Thor a hearty pat on the back.

"I won't forget" Thor replied, smiling.

"Good, because I don't want to have to come back here just to drag you back" Tony joked, eliciting a chuckle from Bruce and Steve.

As they departed, another week passed without Loki regaining consciousness. Despite being hooked up to various machines to sustain him, Loki's body had successfully purged the poison, and his magic took over the healing process with remarkable speed. Eir mentioned that Loki would bear scars from his ordeal and expressed concerns about potential psychological effects from his torture at Thanos' hands.

A month elapsed with Thor constantly by Loki's side, growing increasingly desperate for his brother to awaken. Eir assured them it was only a matter of time, as Loki's mind needed to heal alongside his body. Every night, Thor spoke to Loki, sharing stories of his day, humorous anecdotes, updates about their mother, and news from their friends. Frigga and Odin frequently visited, as did many others from Asgard who once held disdain for the trickster god.

One evening, as Thor continued his nightly vigil, his hope waned. He pleaded with Loki to wake up, to move, or to open his eyes. Thor's voice trembled as he spoke, exhaustion and worry evident in his tone.

"brother, please... just give me a sign, anything," Thor begged, his hands covering his face as he let a few tears escape. "I can't lose you, brother. Not after everything."

Thor's shoulders shook with silent sobs as he sat there, defeated. Suddenly, a faint murmur broke through the silence. "Could you be quiet, Thor ? You're disturbing my rest" Loki mumbled, his voice weak but unmistakable.

Thor sprang to his feet, the chair toppling behind him. He rushed to Loki's bedside, his eyes wide with disbelief and joy. Loki, squinting up at his brother, groaned at the sight of Thor's tear-streaked face so close to his own.

"brother, you're awake ! You're really awake !" Thor exclaimed, tears of relief streaming down his face.

"Yes, yes, I'm awake," Loki muttered, his voice barely audible. "And it seems you've turned into a blubbering idiot in my absence."

Thor couldn't contain his happiness and bombarded Loki with questions, his words tumbling out in a chaotic rush. Loki, too weak to respond, simply closed his eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. Thor quickly called for a servant, instructing them to fetch Eir immediately.

Returning to Loki's side, Thor continued to weep, his relief palpable. "I'm so happy you're back, brother" he said, his voice choked with emotion.

Loki managed a faint smile, his eyes heavy with exhaustion. "I'm happy too, Thor. But could you stop crying ? It's rather embarrassing," he teased weakly.

Thor chuckled through his tears, wiping his face. "I'll try. Now, rest a bit more until Eir arrives."

Loki nodded slightly, his eyelids drooping. "Yes, some rest sounds good" he whispered before drifting back into a peaceful slumber.

The room was filled with a quiet sense of relief as Thor watched over his brother.


So ? Loki’s still here ! Yeah, he’s been through a lot, and I did kind of rush through the Thanos part !

But hey, sorry about that, guys.

I still hope you enjoyed the chapter ! ❤️❤️

Chapter 13


Hey guys ! ❤️

Here’s the final chapter of this story !

I’m so sad it’s over, but I hope you enjoy it as much as the others !

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

Chapter Text

That evening, just a few hours after Loki’s awakening, Eir arrived, accompanied by Frigga and Odin, to assess Loki's condition. Thor had to wake him again, reluctantly. "Loki, wake up," Thor said gently, shaking his brother’s shoulder. "Eir is here to check on you."

Loki stirred, his eyes fluttering open. "Must you always be so loud, Thor?" he murmured, his voice hoarse and weak.

Thor chuckled softly. "It's good to hear you complain again, brother."

As Loki's vision adjusted, he saw Frigga standing beside Thor, tears of joy streaming down her face. She quickly moved to his bedside, embracing him and kissing his forehead. "My sweet Loki, you're awake" she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion.

Loki groaned, embarrassed by the display of affection. "Mother, you're smothering me," he muttered, though he couldn’t hide the faint smile tugging at his lips.

Eir began her examination, asking Loki a series of questions about his pain, fatigue, and any discomfort he might be experiencing. "How do you feel, Loki ? Any pain ?" she asked gently.

Loki took a moment to gather his thoughts. "No... not really pain. Just... everything feels heavy, like I've been run over by a herd of bilgesnipe," he muttered. "My abdomen... it's still a bit tender."

Eir nodded, noting down his responses. "That's to be expected. Your body has been through a tremendous ordeal. You’ve used a significant amount of your magic to heal, and it will take several months for you to recover fully. You won’t be able to get out of bed for at least a few weeks."

Loki struggled to keep his eyes open, his fatigue evident. Frigga had to gently shake him several times to keep him awake during the examination. "Stay with us, my son" she whispered, her voice filled with maternal concern.

As Eir continued her assessment, Loki's gaze wandered and finally settled on Odin, who had remained silent since entering the room. Loki was taken aback by his presence and struggled to find the words. "Father, I... I'm sorry" he began, his voice trembling.

Odin raised a hand to stop him. "No, my son. It is I who should apologize," he said, his tone softening. "I failed you as a father. I should have listened more, understood more. You have suffered greatly because of my shortcomings."

Loki, deeply moved by his father’s words, struggled to respond. "The past is the past," he said quietly. "We cannot change it. But... I forgive you."

Odin's only eye glistened with tears, hearing Loki call him "Father" for the first time since discovering his true heritage. He placed a hand on Loki’s shoulder, a gesture of reconciliation and love.

In this tender moment, Thor couldn’t help but interject with a grin. "You know, Loki, when I saved you, I distinctly heard you call me 'brother.'"

Loki turned his head, clearly embarrassed. "You must have been hearing things, Thor. I said no such thing."

The room filled with laughter, the sound of family finding joy in each other after so much pain. Even Loki couldn’t suppress a small smile, despite his best efforts to maintain his usual aloof demeanor.

Eir finished her examination and looked at Loki with a reassuring smile. "Rest now, Loki. You have a long road to recovery, but you are surrounded by those who love you."

Loki nodded, his eyelids growing heavy once more. "Thank you" he murmured, his voice fading as he slipped back into a peaceful sleep, comforted by the presence of his family.

As time continued to pass, Loki's recovery progressed steadily. After two weeks confined to bed, he finally managed to stand with someone’s assistance, although he clearly despised needing help. Slowly but surely, he continued on his path to recovery, gradually regaining his strength and abilities. Within a few months, Loki had largely returned to his old self. During this period, Thor made frequent trips to Earth to update his friends on Loki’s progress and to relay stories of the reconstruction efforts there.

Despite his physical improvement, Loki was still haunted by nightmares. Almost every night, he woke up drenched in sweat, sometimes screaming, requiring Thor or Frigga to calm him down. The tortures he had endured and the influence of the Mind Stone had left deep scars on his psyche. Eir frequently spoke with Loki to help him work through his trauma. Although he couldn’t yet talk about everything, these sessions eased his burden and allowed him to live with a semblance of normalcy. They had won the battle against Thanos, but Loki had not emerged unscathed.

One night, Loki was jolted awake by a particularly harrowing nightmare. He sat up abruptly, gasping for breath, his heart pounding as images of Thanos’ tortures flooded his mind. His hands trembled, and he couldn’t shake the feeling of the Mind Stone's influence gnawing at his thoughts.

Thor, who had been lightly sleeping in the adjoining room, heard his brother’s distress and rushed to his side. “Brother, it’s okay, you’re safe” Thor said gently, placing a reassuring hand on Loki’s shoulder.

Loki looked at Thor, his eyes wide with fear and lingering pain. “I can still feel it, Thor. His presence, the stone... it’s like he’s still here, in my mind.”

Thor knelt beside Loki’s bed, maintaining eye contact. “He’s gone, Loki. You’re here in Asgard, with me and Mother. Thanos can’t hurt you anymore.”

Loki took a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart. “I know... it’s just... the nightmares feel so real.”

Thor nodded, his expression serious but comforting. “I’ll stay with you.”

After a few more minutes, Loki’s breathing steadied, and he began to relax, finding solace in Thor’s presence.

Days turned into weeks, and weeks into months. Loki’s nightmares became less frequent, though they never entirely disappeared. One day, while Loki stood on his balcony, contemplating the grandeur of Asgard before him, Thor entered his chamber.

“Brother,” Thor said with a grin, “how about a change of scenery ? The Avengers have called me for a mission on Earth, and I thought it would be a good idea to bring you along. Surprise them a bit.”

Loki hesitated, weighing the idea. “Earth, you say ? Are you sure your friends won’t try to kill me on sight ?”

Thor chuckled. “I’ll make sure they don’t. Besides, it’ll be good for you to get out and stretch your legs, see the world a bit. What do you say ?”

After a moment’s consideration, Loki nodded. “Alright, Thor. Lead the way.”

In a flash of thunder, the two brothers arrived on the roof of the Avengers’ compound, the usual deafening roar of Thor’s arrival startling everyone. Tony, caught off guard, spilled his whisky all over himself.

“Damn it, Thor ! Must you always make an entrance like that ?” Tony grumbled, trying to shake off the liquid.

Thor laughed heartily, stepping aside to reveal Loki. “I brought a surprise guest” he announced.

Everyone stood in stunned silence, even Clint. Loki, ever the trickster, couldn’t resist a smirk. “Did you miss me ?” he asked, his tone dripping with his trademark sarcasm.

Bruce, looking bewildered but happy, stepped forward. “Loki, it’s good to see you on your feet.”

Tony, recovering from his shock, couldn’t help but add, “Just try not to blow anything up this time, alright ?”

Loki chuckled. “I make no promises, Stark.”

As they all gathered around, sharing stories and catching up, there was a sense of unity and camaraderie that filled the air. The Avengers and Loki, despite their tumultuous past, stood together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

This was the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, a story of resilience, hope, and the power of unity.


Aaaaand that's a wrap, folks ! ❤️

I really enjoyed writing this story with you all. Thanks again for your support and comments—they really meant a lot to me !

I’m not sure yet if there will be a sequel with a showdown against Thanos, so let me know if you want more !

Take care, much love to you all ! ❤️

Exiled: The Fall of the God of Mischief - Moderna (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.