Craigslist 101: How to buy and sell safely (2024)

Anna Marie Ronning of Minneapolis couldn't even give away an entertainment center on Craigslist. A little creative marketing was needed. As she and her kids were baking peanut butter cookies, they decided to change the subject line to "Free: Plate of melt-in-your-mouth peanut butter cookies with furniture."

Not only did someone arrive quickly to pick up the cookies and entertainment center, but her ad was chosen as the "best of Craigslist." More than a few responders said they didn't need the furniture but asked for her cookie recipe.

Most Craigslist transactions like Ronning's take place without incident. She also has bought more than 75 items through the popular classified-ad website with no problems.

But Craigslist (minneapolis.craigslist .org) also has become synonymous with scams and tragedy, based on news reports of crimes committed using the site's free classified ads. It's enough to scare novices away from using the world's seventh most popular English-language website, which attracts 50 million visitors monthly.

So, for those who have yet to dive in, I asked readers to share their tips and experiences as buyers and sellers on Craigslist. Many wrote that once you ignore the fake, generic responses from people who ask, "Is your item still available?" and the scammers who want to pay you with a money order or wire transfer, the buying and selling experience can be relatively painless.

Safety tips

• Bring another person along when buying or selling to minimize the chance of robbery.

• Meet the buyer at his or her bank for large purchases such as a car. The buyer withdraws the cash and hands it to the seller -- or the seller can get a bank check instead -- and the buyer takes the car.

• Meet in a public place for smaller items. Bring a cell phone, and tell a family member where you're going.

• Stick with local buyers and sellers. Anyone who is "out of the country" or "out of the state" is a red flag.

• Avoid anyone who asks for a wire transfer.

• Provide a cell phone number or other number that can't be searched online for a home address.

• Don't give your home address to a buyer until you've had a chance to talk by phone and the buyer provides a number.

• Don't include personal information in your ad, such as a home address, e-mail address (use Craigslist's anonymous e-mail address instead) or landline phone.

Buyer tips

• Deal only with sellers who accept cash. Wiring funds via Western Union, Money Gram, PayPal or other services for a transaction is not a good idea.

• Ask if items, especially furniture, come from a smoke-free or animal-free house to avoid odors.

• Negotiate in front of the seller when you're standing there with the cash.

• Be cautious when buying tickets sold by people who won them from local radio stations. In some such cases, tickets are not issued and must be claimed on the day of the event at the venue by showing an ID, which won't match up when resold. It's always best to buy physical tickets only.

• Bring exact change.

Seller tips

• Know spam when you see it. If a potential buyer sends an e-mail asking, "Is your item still available?" instead of mentioning anything specific about it, it's probably spam.

• Write a specific title. "Must sell" or "Want to sell" are useless. Try "Brown leather sofa in pristine condition for $500" instead.

• Include photos, size, dimensions, color and other pertinent details, even the original purchase price.

• Try a small price instead of "free." One seller had more luck selling an old sofa for $20 than when it was posted as "free."

• Tell buyers that the first person to show up with cash gets it. No holds. Many sellers report frustration with buyers who don't show when they say they will.

• Tell buyers that the price is non-negotiable for the first day or two (unless you are willing to negotiate).

• Accept cash only. Have directions to the nearest cash machine handy if the buyer shows up with a check.

• Remove sold items from Craigslist immediately to avoid more calls and e-mails.

• Know that most buyers are looking for garage sale pricing. It's easy to go back into your ad and lower the price.

• If giving stuff away, put "curb alert" in the title before the name of the item. One seller said that nine times of out 10, her items are gone within an hour when she puts freebies outside.

Tips are from Anna Marie Ronning, John Quast, Matt Jung, Ronald King, Pat Watson, Chris Trinh, Laura Bahr, Patrice Lott, Robb Hignite, Steven Rothberg, Alicia Vap, Scott Gurrola, Joe Gangelhoff, Dylan Corbett, Julie Warner and Gregg Quam.

John Ewoldt • 612-673-7633 or If you spot a deal, share it at

Craigslist 101: How to buy and sell safely (2024)


Craigslist 101: How to buy and sell safely? ›

In almost all cases, you are best off accepting cash for a Craigslist sale. Personal checks can bounce, and scammers can fake cashier's checks and money orders.

How to buy from Craigslist safely? ›

  1. Deal locally. It's always safest to finalize a transaction in person. ...
  2. Examine the product before finalizing a sale. ...
  3. Don't accept or send a cashier's check, certified check or money order as payment. ...
  4. Use cash — safely. ...
  5. Don't share your personal information.

What is the best way to accept payment for Craigslist? ›

In almost all cases, you are best off accepting cash for a Craigslist sale. Personal checks can bounce, and scammers can fake cashier's checks and money orders.

Is it safe to give an address on Craigslist? ›

Is it safe to give my address on Craigslist? It's probably not a good idea. Sharing personal information, even something as simple as an address or phone number, could provide a scammer with a piece of information that they need to steal your identity. If you're selling something, try to meet in a safe, public place.

How do I sell on Craigslist safely near me? ›

Tips for safe selling on Craigslist
  1. Never give out your address to any buyer.
  2. Meet buyers in a visible, public, well-lit place, such as a police station or grocery store parking lot.
  3. Take a friend with you or let someone know where you are going and when you plan to return.
Jul 25, 2022

Should you put your phone number on Craigslist? ›

Scammers are getting pretty sneaky and are collecting personal phone numbers through Craigslist Ads. Case in point, when you're placing an ad or responding to an ad, avoid using your personal phone number to communicate with buyers or sellers.

How to identify a Craigslist scammer buyer? ›

Craigslist does not back any transaction on its site. If you receive an email or text trying to sell you purchase protection, you're looking at a scam. There is no such thing as a Craigslist voicemail service. If a contact asks you to access or check your “Craigslist voicemails,” you're dealing with a scammer.

How do I safely make a Craigslist transaction? ›

In any Craigslist transaction, never give out personal or financial information. Always meet in person, bring a friend, and deal in cash or use a secured or proxied form of payment such as PayPal to avoid giving your credit card information to the seller.

What is the safest way to receive money as a seller? ›

Cashier's Check

They are seen as a safer form of payment over a money order because they are considered guaranteed funds. They also have no upper limit and can prove the buyer's good standing in the issuing bank.

What is the safest form of payment? ›

Credit cards, debit cards, digital wallets, bank transfers, and checks are the safest ways for merchants to receive customer payments.

Why do Craigslist buyers ask for a phone number? ›

You list an item and get an immediate response from a potential buyer. The “buyer” claims to be very interested in your item, but they want to make sure you are legitimate first. The scammer asks for your phone number, so they can text you a verification code.

How to spot a rental scammer on Craigslist? ›

What are the most common signs of a rental scam? Rental scams often have listings with prices that seem too good to be true. They might pressure you to make quick decisions, ask for rent or deposit without a signed lease, or avoid meeting in person.

Should I use my real email on Craigslist? ›

Craigslist uses email obfuscation to protect your actual email address from exposure. When you click on the response button in the Craigslist ad, the site generates for you a Craigslist email address. When the other user responds to your message using this address, you receive the message into your real email address.

How do you sell on Craigslist for beginners? ›

How to sell an item on Craigslist
  1. Select your location if it's not already set to the right city. ...
  2. If you're selling a personal item, you probably need to choose "for sale by owner," then click "Continue." ...
  3. Complete the form to indicate what you're selling and include as many details as possible for potential buyers.
Nov 12, 2020

How to accept payments on Craigslist? ›

Craiglist Safety Tips for Sellers
  1. Meet in a public place if selling face-to-face.
  2. Request cash payment when exchanging in person.
  3. If you're shipping your item, use a service such as PayPal for more security.
  4. Never accept a money order; this is usually a scam.

Is it safe to text someone from Craigslist? ›

Other common Craigslist scams also feature text messages with copy-pasted content from original listings. These messages inquire if the sale items are still available and insist on continuing the conversation over unusual Gmail addresses such as the example above.

What is the safest payment for Craigslist? ›

Craiglist Safety Tips for Sellers

Request cash payment when exchanging in person. If you're shipping your item, use a service such as PayPal for more security. Never accept a money order; this is usually a scam. Cashier's checks can be forged, so exercise caution when accepting these.

How do I make sure I am not being scammed on Craigslist? ›

5 Ways to Avoid Getting Scammed on Craigslist
  1. Check the URL to be sure you're not on a bogus look-alike site. ...
  2. Deal locally so you can finalize a sale in person. ...
  3. Examine the product in person before finalizing a sale. ...
  4. Don't send a money order or wire transfer as payment for an item. ...
  5. Don't share your personal information.

How to buy tickets on Craigslist without getting scammed? ›

Tips for Avoiding Ticket Scams
  1. Ask the seller for their account #. ...
  2. Always meet in person, if possible. ...
  3. If the person is mailing you the tickets make sure you get some type of written receipt or contract via email stating when and how the tickets will be delivered/sent.

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Name: Edwin Metz

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Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.