Cities: Skylines 2 - How To Handle Healthcare (2024)

Quick Links

  • Healthcare Complaints On Chirper

  • What Is A Clinic?

  • How To Place Hospitals

  • Healthcare Overlay

  • What Is The Medical University?

  • How To Fix Poor Healthcare

  • What Is The Average Health Percentage?

Citizens in Cities: Skylines 2 have natural life cycles. They go to school, have a job, and can even get sick. With a proper healthcare system, your citizens will remain happy and healthy, but it may take some work to reach a healthy population that doesn't complain about healthcare availability.


Cities: Skylines 2 - How To Educate Your Citizens

Education is an important factor when expanding your city. Here, you can learn how to educate your citizens in Cities: Skylines 2.

In this guide, we are going to look at how to set up a healthcare system in your city. This will include preemptively preparing your healthcare buildings, as well as combating any healthcare issues that arise in your built city. First, let's address citizens complaining about healthcare via Chirper.

Healthcare Complaints On Chirper

Cities: Skylines 2 - How To Handle Healthcare (2)

Chirper is a social media site that your citizens basically use to complain constantly. While there are some good bits of information here, a lot of Chirps don't reflect the health and happiness of your general population.

From time to time, you may get a citizen complaining about a lack of healthcare. Once a hospital is built, these complaints will go down a little. At the start of the game, there is no preventing this, as you don't have the hospital unlocked yet.

We suggest turning off Chirper notifications, as they don't truly reflect the current state of your city.

What Is A Clinic?

Cities: Skylines 2 - How To Handle Healthcare (3)

Clinics are small healthcare buildings that provide to a relatively small amount of citizens. Prior to unlocking hospitals, you will rely on clinics for your main form of healthcare.

Once you place a clinic, you can spend some money on the upgrades listed below.



One-Time Build?

Ambulance Depot

Adds more ambulances, which drive to buildings around the city


Extension Wing

Creates room for more patients


Clinics are not meant to function as hospitals, but they work great in suburban areas that don't have a hospital in the immediate vicinity. In real life, there are more clinics and individual doctor's offices than hospitals, which is the same in Cities: Skylines 2.

How To Place Hospitals

Cities: Skylines 2 - How To Handle Healthcare (4)

After unlocking the hospital, we suggest placing one in a central location for your city. This area should be easily accessible; along a large road or near a highway for quick travel. Once your hospital is placed, you can do the following upgrades.



One-Time Build?


Helicopters can launch from the roof and reach remote locations


Specialized Treatment Ward

Citizens in the area remain healthier


Trauma Center

Increases chances of recovery for patients


Hospitals have a higher patient capacity and number of employees, but they have a higher upkeep cost. Before placing a hospital, be sure that you have enough money to do so.

Healthcare Overlay

Cities: Skylines 2 - How To Handle Healthcare (5)

With your hospitals and clinics placed, you will also need to consult the healthcare map overlay. From the top left corner of the screen, click on the "Info Views" menu, and then click on the medical symbol.

This will bring up an overlay that shows your healthcare (and deathcare) coverage. Streets that are green have good access to healthcare, while streets that are leaning more towards orange and red don't have the best coverage.

If your city is big enough, consider adding a second hospital. This will "fill in" those small gaps, and allow you to remove a clinic or two in the area.

Disease Control Center & Health Research Institute

Cities: Skylines 2 - How To Handle Healthcare (6)

The Disease Control Center and the Health Research Institute are two buildings that also boost the health of citizens. These buildings do not have any upgrades, and provide the following effects


Effects (City-Wide)

Disease Control Center

-25% Health Effects From Pollution

-25% Disease Infection Risk

Health Research Institute

+10% Park Entertainment

-10% Disease Infection Risk

With both of these buildings, you can greatly decrease the chances of getting sick, which boosts the health of your citizens.

What Is The Medical University?

Cities: Skylines 2 - How To Handle Healthcare (7)

The Medical University is a type of school that provides high education, as well as a few boosts to the health of your citizens.

A Medical University will provide the following city-wide bonuses.

  • -25% Recovery Failures
  • +10% Hospital Efficiency

As with hospitals and clinics, there are upgrades you can add to the university, which are found below.



One-Time Build?

Extension Wing

Increases Student Capacity by 500


Practice Clinic

Citizens can be treated near school, with +5% Health to those nearby


Research Facilities

Increases chances of graduation


How To Fix Poor Healthcare

Cities: Skylines 2 - How To Handle Healthcare (8)

Overall, it's best to plan your city in advance, but this isn't always the case. If your city has good healthcare coverage, but you still see the little ambulance icon above buildings, this may mean that ambulances can't reach their destination due to traffic or a long route.

Try placing clinics and hospitals on easily accessible roads. If one road leads into a community, ambulances may also get stuck there for a while. It's a good idea to have multiple 'entrances' to a housing area. Additionally, clinics close to populated areas can make for short ambulance trips.

Hospitals with helicopter pads can reach remote locations, but try not to rely on this too heavily; ambulances are more common than helicopters.

What Is The Average Health Percentage?

Cities: Skylines 2 - How To Handle Healthcare (9)

From the healthcare overlay menu, you can also see the average health percentage of citizens in your city. With clinics, this number will hover around 50 to 60 percent.

When you build more healthcare-boosting buildings that we mentioned above, this percentage can increase. With enough services near citizens, their overall health will greatly improve.

Next: Cities: Skylines 2 - How To Change Road Direction

Cities: Skylines 2 - How To Handle Healthcare (2024)


Cities: Skylines 2 - How To Handle Healthcare? ›

Aside from the Disease Control Center and the Health Research Institute, another way to improve the city's healthcare is by unlocking and buying the Medical University. This building is in the Education and Research development tree.

What is the average health in skylines 2? ›

From the healthcare overlay menu, you can also see the average health percentage of citizens in your city. With clinics, this number will hover around 50 to 60 percent.

What do you need for the medical center in Cities: Skylines? ›

Medical Center:

The Medical Center requires the following unique buildings: Lazaret Plaza, Mall of Moderation, Court House, Oppression Office, High Interest Tower, and Sea-and-Sky Scraper.

How to solve not enough customers in Cities: Skylines 2? ›

Citizens in Cities: Skylines 2 feel this way too. A good strategy to provide enough customers for stores and vice versa is to place commercial zones near residential zones. Citizens don't have to travel too far, and the commercial buildings will get enough customers due to their proximity.

Why is my health so low in Cities: Skylines? ›

Citizens get sick from water pollution, ground pollution or noise pollution.

How to fix healthcare in city Skylines 2? ›

The only way to really improve this stat is to invest in hospitals and other buildings that improve the city's health. A single hospital can boost Average Health to around 68%, and other buildings can bring this number up even further.

What is the maximum population in Cities: Skylines 2? ›

"Cities: Skylines 2 doesn't feature hard limits for agents moving about in the city. Overall, the performance of the simulation and pathfinding is vastly improved, which means larger populations are possible." "The only real limits to the simulation are the hardware limitations on the platform running the game."

How to fix high rent in Cities: Skylines 2? ›

Cities: Skylines 2's fix for high rent? Removing landlords. For months, players have struggled to resolve the “high rent” notification popping up inside their cities. But now, developers say they fixed the issue by eliminating “virtual landlords,” who've apparently been driving up prices behind the scenes.

Why am I losing so many people in Cities: Skylines? ›

One of the most simple reasons is death.

If areas of your city are plagued with sewage, pollution, dead bodies, or sickness, then the population will begin to dwindle.

Why are residents unhappy in Cities: Skylines? ›

Unemployment, low health, and lack of safety causes unhappiness in citizens. Happiness is primarily achieved by offering your citizens all the required services, and by developing an efficient and balanced city. Balance and efficiency are quite important. A low-level, low land value city can be quite a happy one.

How do you increase wellbeing in Cities: Skylines 2? ›

Ensure citizens have their essential needs met by establishing hospitals, clinics, and police stations throughout your city. Implement comprehensive education services, and be diligent in upgrading and establishing these facilities across all zones to provide widespread coverage.

Why are so many people getting sick in cities skylines? ›

Contaminated Water

If water pumps draw up brown, polluted water, or if water towers sit on polluted land, then the citizens who drink this water will start to get very sick very quickly. To avoid this, make sure that all sewage pipes and all water treatment plants are located downstream from every water pump.

How do you deal with sick people in cities skylines? ›

Building Medical Facilities

If you have no major problems in your city but notice people getting sick, plop down a few hospitals or clinics. These simple buildings can greatly help your city become healthy again.

What is the highest health in Fallout 2? ›

Fallout and Fallout 2

The maximum HP is capped at 999. In the HP increase per level formula, if the value of Endurance divided by 2 is not an integer, the game will round down.

What is the max health in Candy Box 2? ›

The maximum amount of health you can get from eating candies is 1000, after eating 2 673 845 candies. The heart pendant, found in a chest in the hole, gives you an additional 300 health points, as well as the heart plug found in the cave entrance which gives you an additional 20 percent of your existing health.

What is the death rate in cities skylines? ›

So if you build a city (which is easier than you may think) with a population of 1,040,000 citizens you're probably looking at around 104,000 deaths at least every 52 minutes or 2,000 every minute or 33 deaths every single second of real-time play.

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Author: Terrell Hackett

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Name: Terrell Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.